734 research outputs found

    Figure-8 Tachycardia Confined to the Anterior Wall of the Left Atrium

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    Incisional atrial tachycardias have been described most frequently in patients with previous corrective surgery for congenital heart defects and mitral valve disease. Less information is available on atrial tachycardias appearing late after isolated aortic valve surgery. We report the case of a patient who developed a left figure-8 tachycardia after undergoing aortic valve replacement. During electrophysiologic study the entire cycle length of the tachycardia was mapped within a low voltage area confined to the left anterior atrial wall. However, during ablation a transmural lesion could not be attained. The mapping and ablation strategy along with the mechanism of the tachycardia are discussed

    Duality Bounds in Robustness Analysis

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    "Vi har fått förväntningar på livet och kräver ett annat boende" - Massmediala bilder av 40-talister som omsorgstagare

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    40-talisterna är en generation som har förknippats med flera karaktärsdrag, positiva som negativa, och framställs ofta som en mycket talrik generation. Det går att argumentera för att generationen inte endast utgör en kohort utan även en identitet. Då generationen utmålas som rik, mäktig och frisk finns det ett intresse att se hur denna generation kommer att beskrivas då dess medlemmar börjar ingå i stratumet äldre vilkas medlemmar ofta betecknas som fattiga, beroende och sjuka. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar från Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, Aftonbladet och Expressen publicerade under perioden 1995-2012 var syftet att se hur dessa artiklar som representanter för en större medial bild uttrycker sina förväntningar kring hur äldreomsorgen kommer att förändras då 40-talisterna uppnår vårdkrävande ålder. Resultatet av analysen visar att de studerade tidningsartiklarna målar upp en spretig bild av 40-talisternas äldreomsorg. I denna bild går det emellertid att se vissa mönster. Mötet mellan 40-talisterna och äldreomsorgen beskrivs som en finansiell utmaning. Till skillnad från en internationell kontext går det dock inte i den svenska mediebilden att direkt peka på att det rör sig om en individualisering av äldreomsorgens finanser utan denna utmaning anses även kunna lösas genom offentliga åtaganden. Vidare går det att se att gruppen 40-talister visserligen målas upp som en grupp med karaktärsdrag och en identifikationspunkt men gruppens omnämnande minskar under den studerade tidsperioden och det går därmed att argumentera för att gruppen förlorar betydelse och makt. Detta medför dock inte per automatik att gruppens medlemmar blir mindre mäktiga. Gruppen benämns som omsorgstagare mest frekvent runt millennieskiftet för att inte nämnas i lika många artiklar under periodens senare år. Detta kan tyckas något paradoxalt då gruppen åldersmässigt är närmare vårdkrävande ålder under de senare åren. 40-talisterna tycks även stå motvilliga till att ses som äldre och framför allt omsorgstagare. Det är ytterst sällan som bilden av 40-talisterna problematiseras eller nyanseras. Gruppen framstår, och framställer sig, ofta som en homogen grupp. Gruppens betalningsförmåga rörande äldreomsorg är emellertid en aspekt som problematiseras av vissa artikelförfattare. Rapportens slutdiskussion pekar på farhågorna i att helt och hållet analysera denna typ av material kvalitativt. Vidare ger studien en bild av 40-talisternas makt knuten till en generationsidentitet och ser hur denna makt kan förändras i framtida scenarion. Rapporten avslutas med en förklaring av betydelsen av mediernas beskrivning för den faktiska äldreomsorgen

    Synpunkter pi utrustning för bäddmaterialshantering

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    Natural radiative lifetimes in the 3 sns 1S0 and 3 snd 1D2 sequences of magnesium

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    Natural radiative lifetimes have been determined in the determined in the 3 sns 1S0 (n=4-15) and the 3 snd 1D2 (n=3-15) sequences of Mg I employing a pulsed-laser system. The radiative lifetimes in the 1S0 sequence and of the higher members in the 1D2 sequence are unperturbed and scale as (n*)2.6 (where n* is the effective principal quantum number), while the lifetimes of the lower members in the 1D2 sequence are perturbed by the doubly excited 3p2 configuration. The measured lifetimes are compared with available theoretical calculations, and a very good agreement is obtained

    Inviwo -- A Visualization System with Usage Abstraction Levels

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    The complexity of today's visualization applications demands specific visualization systems tailored for the development of these applications. Frequently, such systems utilize levels of abstraction to improve the application development process, for instance by providing a data flow network editor. Unfortunately, these abstractions result in several issues, which need to be circumvented through an abstraction-centered system design. Often, a high level of abstraction hides low level details, which makes it difficult to directly access the underlying computing platform, which would be important to achieve an optimal performance. Therefore, we propose a layer structure developed for modern and sustainable visualization systems allowing developers to interact with all contained abstraction levels. We refer to this interaction capabilities as usage abstraction levels, since we target application developers with various levels of experience. We formulate the requirements for such a system, derive the desired architecture, and present how the concepts have been exemplary realized within the Inviwo visualization system. Furthermore, we address several specific challenges that arise during the realization of such a layered architecture, such as communication between different computing platforms, performance centered encapsulation, as well as layer-independent development by supporting cross layer documentation and debugging capabilities

    Svenska lärares syn på avvikelser mellan resultat på nationella prov och ämnesbetyg

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    Since 2018, Swedish teachers are expected to pay particular attention to pupils’ results on national tests when grading. There are, however, still large discrepancies between national test results and teachers’ grades, which differ between schools and subjects. The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons behind these differences, from a teacher perspective. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with teachers who teach grade 9, either in physics (n=9) or English (n=12). The interviews have been transcribed and analyzed with thematic content analysis. The most important reason for differences is that the test results are considered misleading by the teachers. Although most reasons for considering the test results as misleading relate to test design, some of the reasons relate to the pupils. The only reason for differences that does not relate to test results being considered misleading, is that some pupils receive instruction at the end of the semester based on their shortcomings identified in the test. Furthermore, since the teachers tend to compare test results and own grades in a 1:1 ratio, they may discard the entire test if it is considered misleading. The fact that test results are presented as a single score or grade, therefore, seems to contribute to teachers not paying particular attention to test results when grading

    Chest Wall Sarcoma: Outcome in 22 Patients After Resection Requiring Thoracic Cage Reconstruction

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    Purpose. To evaluate the outcome after resection of malignant chest wall sarcoma, requiring reconstruction of the chest wall

    Explicit Cache Management for Volume Ray-Casting on Parallel Architectures

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    A major challenge when designing general purpose graphics hardware is to allow efficient access to texture data. Although different rendering paradigms vary with respect to their data access patterns, there is no flexibility when it comes to data caching provided by the graphics architecture. In this paper we focus on volume ray-casting, and show the benefits of algorithm-aware data caching. Our Marching Caches method exploits inter-ray coherence and thus utilizes the memory layout of the highly parallel processors by allowing them to share data through a cache which marches along with the ray front. By exploiting Marching Caches we can apply higher-order reconstruction and enhancement filters to generate more accurate and enriched renderings with an improved rendering performance. We have tested our Marching Caches with seven different filters, e. g., Catmul-Rom, B- spline, ambient occlusion projection, and could show that a speed up of four times can be achieved compared to using the caching implicitly provided by the graphics hardware, and that the memory bandwidth to global memory can be reduced by orders of magnitude. Throughout the paper, we will introduce the Marching Cache concept, provide implementation details and discuss the performance and memory bandwidth impact when using different filters

    An Approach to Catheter Ablation of Cavotricuspid Isthmus Dependent Atrial Flutter

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    Much of our understanding of the mechanisms of macro re-entrant atrial tachycardia comes from study of cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) dependent atrial flutter. In the majority of cases, the diagnosis can be made from simple analysis of the surface ECG. Endocardial mapping during tachycardia allows confirmation of the macro re-entrant circuit within the right atrium while, at the same time, permitting curative catheter ablation targeting the critical isthmus of tissue located between the tricuspid annulus and the inferior vena cava. The procedure is short, safe and by demonstration of an electrophysiological endpoint - bidirectional conduction block across the CTI - is associated with an excellent outcome following ablation. It is now fair to say that catheter ablation should be considered as a first line therapy for patients with documented CTI-dependent atrial flutter