32 research outputs found
Jokowi Membangun Solo: Studi Kasus Atas Gaya Kepemimpinan Walikota Solo dalam Proses Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Monumen '45 Banjarsari, Surakarta
Implementation of relocation of street vendors (PKL) has now become the spotlight of public attention. Frequent clashes in various cities in Indonesia between government officials are generally represented by the Pramong Satuan Polisi Praja (Satpol PP) with street vendors. However, this did not happen in Solo, Central Java during the reign of Governor Joko Widodo in 2006. This study aims to find an answer to how Joko Widodo's leadership style (also known as Jokowi) as Mayor of Surakarta to approach the street vendors In Monument '45 Banjarsari Surakarta so they can move without risk or resistance effectively. To understand the concept of leadership style used in the relocation process done by Jokowi in Solo, the researcher conducted a qualitative analysis to develop typology and found five main interpretations of his leadership style from the point of view of street vendors. Leadership style is: populist, sembodo (consistent), nguwongke (appreciate), ngemong (care) and visionary. The results show that street vendors with a background in Solo need a psychological and cultural approach to conduct relocation without resistance
Reproduction Aspects of the Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares)
Tuna is one of the important fishery commodities in Indonesia, including tuna caught by longliners in Indian Ocean. The most popular of tuna is yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Currently, the production of tuna based on the capture fisheries, therefore, in order to preserve its sustainability, the understanding of the biological and reproduction aspect is required. Research on the biological reproduction of this species was conducted at Gondol Research Institute for Mariculture. Samples of female gonad were collected from Indian Ocean tuna longliners during April to July 2009 from the processing companies within Benoa Port. Result of the histological analysis on 128 female gonads showed that majority of gonads were at the early development level and the only 16 gonads have reached at the mature level. The analysis of the oocyte development showed the asynchronous, indicating that yellowfin tuna is a multiple spawner
Gonadal Development of Domesticated Coral Trout (Plectropomus Leopardus) Reared in Floating Net Cage
Research on Coral trout breeding has been started since 2002 at the Institute of Mariculture Research and Development and currently some hatcheries are being developed around the institute using natural broodstock. To promote the success on this breeding program, it is necessary to study the reproduction development of domesticated coral trout. The fishes were reared in floating net cage. Observation were conducted on 163 fishes in June 2013 with body weight range from 710 -2020 g (average of 1.393 g) and total length with range of 34-49.5 cm. Fishes were dissected and taken out their gonad for histology preparedness. Histology analyses found that there were 156 female, 2 hermaprodite, 2 male, and 3 unidentified fishes. All female fishes were on early gonadal development (stage I and II with gonadal maturation index of observed coral trout ranged from 0.1 to 1.83). Further analyses showed that several different stages of gonad were found in the same gonad and concluded that coral trout was multiple spawnning order (asynchrounous). Based on the data above, it was concluded that gonad maturation of Coral trout is able to develop in domestication system in floating net cage
Elasmobranchs in southern Indonesian fisheries: the fisheries, the status of the stocks and management options
The biology of elasmobranchs makes them very vulnerable to fishing pressure and there is increasing international concern over their exploitation. In northern Australia the stocks of some species may be shared with those in southern Indonesia. Indonesia has the highest landings of elasmobranchs worldwide (> 100,000 t p.a.) and millions of Indonesian artisanal fishers rely heavily on elasmobranchs taken in target fisheries. They are also taken by industrial trawlers and as bycatch in pelagic tuna fisheries. This paper, resulting from a collaborative project between Australia and Indonesia, summarises the elasmobranch fisheries; the characteristics of the fisheries are outlined, the status of the stocks are assessed, and management options described and discussed. The project focussed on representative markets and fish landing sites in southern Indonesia from 2001 to 2005. Data were from market surveys, the records of the Indonesian Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, and from research cruises. Data from the ongoing tuna monitoring programme showed that shark bycatch from the tuna fleets forms about 11% of shark landings in Indonesia. Yield per recruit and related analyses were used to integrate biological information to indicate the productivity of each species to allow for management policy options and constraints. Research cruise data show that catch rates of elasmobranchs in the Java Sea declined by at least one order of magnitude between 1976 and 1997. The results indicate strongly that many of the shark and ray species in Indonesia are overfished and that the most effective management strategy may need to involve capacity control, such as licencing, gear restrictions and catch limits, together with controls on the fin trade
Relationship between fork length and spawning duration (A) and resting duration (B).
<p>90% confidence intervals of the estimate are shown.</p
Estimated batch fecundity estimate relative to a 190 cm southern bluefin tuna.
<p>Estimated batch fecundity estimate relative to a 190 cm southern bluefin tuna.</p