20 research outputs found

    Freight distribution with electric vehicles: A case study in Sicily. RES, infrastructures and vehicle routing

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    Abstract This paper deals with the issue of the production of electricity required for an electric delivery van to carry out its daily mission. In particular, the technical solutions adopted for the generation and management of energy from renewable energy sources will be illustrated. Subsequently a vehicle routing problem with time windows is formulated in order to optimize the freight distribution at urban level completing the exploration of two aspects, infrastructures and management of the service, considered fundamental for dealing with the distribution of freight in a system scenario. The article describes a case study for the delivery of freight within the last mile in which the installation of renewable energy production plants is proposed in the same place where the urban distribution center has been planned. The area dedicated to freight handling is thus proposed in the work as an energy platform as well as logistics. The optimization of a freight delivery service is performed in order to reduce the energy used by the vehicle in its daily travels and some aspects related to the governance (i.e. time windows allowed for the delivery/pick-up operations) are included in the problem constraints. A test application, considering a set of 84 retailers, has been carried out as case study in the Capo d'Orlando municipality (Sicily, Italy)

    Freight distribution with electric vehicles: A case study in Sicily. Delivery van development

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    Abstract A change in the logistics sector in terms of environmental sustainability is necessary to support the achievement of the social challenges associated with freight transport. Unfortunately, the policy responses to solving congestion and emissions issues are mainly dedicated to the movement of people. The most valued opportunities to reduce the negative effects of freight delivery (the goal of EU policy is CO2 free urban logistics by 2030) regards both the use of electric vehicles to perform the distribution and the introduction of distribution centres that encourage the use of light commercial vehicles. However, the combination of zero emission vehicles in logistic and transportation activities requires some additional challenges from the organizational and operational point of view. In order to avoid the delocalization of polluting emissions it is necessary that the production of electricity related to the new needs comes from renewable sources preferably distributed throughout the territory. This paper explores the integration of electric vehicles in logistics operations executed through light commercial vehicles, taking into consideration, during the design phase of a new concept delivery van, the technical connections with the production systems and its possible applications also in areas other than urban. The results of the case study presented encourage the development of a type of vehicle with features not yet covered by the market and which are of particular relevance for sustainable logistics applied to small towns or small islands, which are widespread in Italy


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    La sclerosi multipla è una patologia neurodegenerativa cronica che ha un impatto considerevole sullo stato fisico, psicologico e sociale dei pazienti, influenzando negativamente la loro qualità di vita. Tra i fattori contribuenti ad una ridotta qualità di vita sono inclusi la presenza di dolore, spasmi, sindromi depressive, l’aumento della fatica e la riduzione della forza muscolare, mobilità ed autonomia nella deambulazione. Accanto alla medicina convenzionale, varie forme di medicina complementare ed alternativa, tra cui l’esercizio fisico, sono utilizzate dai soggetti con sclerosi multipla. Tuttavia, poche sono le prove scientifiche a sostegno della loro efficacia nel ridurre i sintomi derivanti dalla patologia e nel migliorare la loro qualità di vita. L’obiettivo del presente studio è stato quello di illustrare i risultati presenti nella letteratura scientifica riguardo l’utilizzo dell’esercizio fisico quale metodo sicuro ed efficace per migliorare la qualità di vita di soggetti con sclerosi multipla. Nel dettaglio, sono stati presi in considerazione studi che hanno valutato gli effetti dell’esercizio in acqua, dell’allenamento aerobico e degli esercizi di forza e di potenziamento muscolare sull’efficienza cardio-respiratoria, deambulazione e riduzione dei sintomi e della fatica in questi soggetti. In questi studi, i pazienti che hanno svolto programmi di esercizio fisico, hanno mostrato miglioramenti della forma fisica ed in particolare della forza muscolare, mobilità, equilibrio, postura e deambulazione. Inoltre, hanno riportato una riduzione significativa del dolore, della stanchezza, della spasticità, degli spasmi e della depressione. In alcuni casi, questi cambiamenti sono stati mantenuti anche dopo l’interruzione dell’attività fisica. Gli effetti della pressione idrostatica, durante l’esercizio in acqua ha portato, in generale, ad ottimi risultati a livello cardiovascolare e respiratorio. Infatti, l’esercizio fisico ha aumentato il fitness cardiovascolare dei soggetti con SM, come dimostrato dagli incrementi del picco di VO2max permettendo loro di svolgere in maniera più energica le attività quotidiane e ricreative, senza affanno. Dagli studi presi in esame è anche emerso che l’esercizio fisico influenza la sfera psicologica ed emotiva di questi pazienti aumentando l’autostima ed il tono dell’umore. Questo lavoro dimostra l’efficacia clinica dell’attività motoria sia dal punto di vista emotivo che della performance motoria proponendo attività gradite e coinvolgenti che soddisfano i pazienti stessi.Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that has a significant impact on the physical, psychological and social situation of patients, adversely affecting their quality of life. Among the factors contributing to a reduced quality of life are included the presence of pain, spasms, depressive syndromes, increased fatigue and reduced muscle strength, mobility and autonomy in walking. In addition to conventional medicine, various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, including exercise, are used by people with multiple sclerosis. However, there is little scientific evidence to support their effectiveness in reducing the symptoms caused by the disease and improving their quality of life. The aim of this study was to illustrate the results from the scientific literature regarding the use of physical exercise as a safe and effective method for improving the quality of life in subjects with multiple sclerosis. In detail, we have been taken into account studies that have evaluated the effects of aquatic, aerobic and strength exercises on cardio-respiratory efficiency, gait and reduced symptoms and fatigue in these subjects. In these studies, patients who performed exercise programs showed improvements in physical form and, in particular, in muscle strength, mobility, balance, posture and gait. In addition, they reported a significant reduction in pain, fatigue, spasticity, spasms and depression. In several cases, these changes were maintained after cessation of exercise. The effects of hydrostatic pressure, during the exercise in water has led, in general, to excellent results in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In fact, exercise has increased the cardiovascular fitness of people with MS, as demonstrated by increases in peak VO2max allowing them to perform daily and recreational activities in a more energetic way. The studies examined also showed that exercise affects the psychological and emotional aspect of these patients by increasing self-esteem and mood. This work demonstrates the clinical efficacy of physical activity both in terms of emotional and motor performance offering appreciated and engaging activities that satisfy the patients themselves

    Effect of Low-Dose Alcohol Consumption on Chronic Liver Disease

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    Although alcohol is one of the most important etiologic agents in the development of chronic liver disease worldwide, also recognized as a promoter of carcinogenesis, several studies have shown a beneficial effect of moderate consumption in terms of reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Whether this benefit is also present in patients with liver disease due to other causes (viral, metabolic, and others) is still debated. Although there is no clear evidence emerging from guidelines and scientific literature, total abstention from drinking is usually prescribed in clinical practice. In this review, we highlight the results of the most recent evidence on this controversial topic, in order to understand the effect of mild alcohol use in this category of individuals. The quantification of alcohol intake, the composition of the tested populations, and the discrepancy between different works in relation to the outcomes represent important limitations emerging from the scientific literature. In patients with NAFLD, a beneficial effect is demonstrated only in a few works. Even if there is limited evidence in patients affected by chronic viral hepatitis, a clear deleterious effect of drinking in determining disease progression in a dose-dependent manner emerges. Poor data are available about more uncommon pathologies such as hemochromatosis. Overall, based on available data, it is not possible to establish a safe threshold for alcohol intake in patients with liver disease

    Energy certification of buildings: A comparative analysis of progress towards implementation in European countries

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    The Energy Performance Building Directive (Directive 2002/91/EC) introduced the compulsory energy certification of buildings in the EU from 2006 and it has played a key role in the common policy to monitor and reduce energy consumption. In order to assess the experience gained in this field in Europe overall, and in particular against the highly diverse settings of the different European nations, this paper examines the extent to which the Directive has been implemented by the 27 EU Member States. This is done via a comparative analysis assisted by two different indicators: of uniformity and of excellence. The measure of uniformity makes it possible to assess the degree of harmony of the individual Member States with regard to the parameters laid down by the European Commission, while the measure of excellence allows the Member States to be appraised and the "best" performers to be identified, i.e. the leaders as regards energy certification of buildings. The analysis conducted reveals how varied the situation regarding energy certification in each country is in terms of implementation and scope of application and it also reveals that most countries are still at a halfway stage towards achieving excellence.EPBD implementation Energy certification Comparative analysis

    Architettura e natura nei centri minori in Sicilia. Esperienze temporanee di progetto: la cascata di San Nicola nella valle di Bolognetta

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    The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of the health issue, not only in terms of healthcare facilities, but also in new ways to get better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthy and revive the economies of Local communities. Action research takes on a leading role of the Recovery Fund, of the Green New Deal in order to identify better opportunities and strategies, increasing administrative capacities and skills in small towns, through a better use of available European, national and regional funds aimed at regenerate places that until yesterday were considered on the margins. The small towns must have territorial projects capable of combining development and sustainability and of creating critical mass; it is in this context that the research-action project of the LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UniPA) Research Group aims to investigate the issue of small towns in Sicily, located along the Sicilian Transversal area, to rethink a new vision in relation to the rural territory

    Evaluating day-night changes in shallow Mediterranean rocky reef fish assemblages by visual census

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    Ecological information on coastal fish distribution patterns and habitat use can be greatly improved by nocturnal samplings and observations. To this purpose, the structure of a Mediterranean fish assemblage inhabiting the shallow rocky littoral of Linosa Island (Sicily Strait, Italy) was examined by using visual census to detect possible diel variations in species composition and abundance. Day–night fish distribution patterns were investigated by multivariate and univariate analyses. Overall, 42 fish taxa belonging to 19 families were recorded: 35 during the day and 24 during the night. Seventeen species were common to both diurnal and nocturnal assemblages. Within the diurnal assemblage, Chromis chromis was the most represented species (37.2%), followed by Thalassoma pavo (23.2%) and Sparisoma cretense (10.8%). Within the nocturnal assemblage, the most abundant taxon was Atherina spp. (33.9%), followed by Apogon imberbis (26.4%) and Boops boops (11.5%). Our results indicated wide variation in the abundance and species composition during the day and during the night. Multi Dimensional Scaling plot showed a clear-cut separation between the two assemblages and analysis of similarities found significant differences as well. SIMPER analysis revealed that ten species individually contributed by more than 2.5% to the dissimilarity between diurnal and nocturnal assemblages, T. pavo, C. chromis and S. cretense being the first three species in order of decreasing percentage. ANOVA performed on species richness and fish abundance detected significant differences between diurnal and nocturnal assemblages, the latter showing far lower average values for both variables

    Double spinal cord tethering and congenital kyphosis in a 4-year-old boy

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    Purpose Congenital kyphosis (CK) is an uncommon condition that develops due to a defect of formation or segmentation of one or more vertebrae during the first weeks of embryonic life and can be frequently associated with abnormalities of the spinal cord. Meningocele manque (MM) is a rare congenital malformation consisting of intradural fibrous bands tethering the spinal cord, oftentimes in combination with a split cord malformation. The aim of this manuscript is to describe combined surgical management of a rare case of CK associated with double spinal cord tethering. Study design Case report. Methods We report the case of a 4-year-old boy presenting with a combination of congenital kyphosis due to L2 fully segmented posterior hemivertebra and double spinal cord tethering, at the level of the filum terminale and at L1-L2 due to an intradural ventral fibrous band. Results Spinal cord detethering and L2 hemivertebra resection with kyphosis correction were achieved with a single stage procedure. Segmental kyphosis was corrected from 45 degrees to 11 degrees post-operatively. Apart from a transitory sensory impairment, no immediate or delayed complications were noted and, at 2 years follow-up, correction and spinal alignment were stable. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case to report the simultaneous occurrence of congenital kyphosis and double spinal cord tethering due to MM and tethering of the filum terminale. Our case report shows that surgical correction of the deformity and spinal cord detethering can be safely and effectively achieved during the same surgical procedure