73 research outputs found

    One strategy does not fit all: determinants of urban adaptation in mammals

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    Urbanisation exposes wildlife to new challenging conditions and environmental pressures. Some mammalian species have adapted to these novel environments, but it remains unclear which characteristics allow them to persist. To address this question, we identified 190 mammals regularly recorded in urban settlements worldwide, and used phylogenetic path analysis to test hypotheses regarding which behavioural, ecological and life history traits favour adaptation to urban environments for different mammalian groups. Our results show that all urban mammals produce larger litters; whereas other traits such as body size, behavioural plasticity and diet diversity were important for some but not all taxonomic groups. This variation highlights the idiosyncrasies of the urban adaptation process and likely reflects the diversity of ecological niches and roles mammals can play. Our study contributes towards a better understanding of mammal association to humans, which will ultimately allow the design of wildlife-friendly urban environments and contribute to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts

    Free-ranging livestock and a diverse landscape structure increase bat foraging in mountainous landscapes

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    Traditional farming, where livestock is seasonally managed as free-ranging and the use of drugs is reduced or absent, may prove beneficial to biodiversity by fostering the occurrence of spatial heterogeneity, and increasing the availability of trophic resources to wildlife. Previous work indicates that the presence of cattle in lowlands leads to an increase in bat foraging activity, yet no study has addressed this topic in mountainous regions, where free-ranging livestock is still common. Here we explore the relationships between landscape structure, farming and bat activity in a mountainous agricultural area, hypothesizing that bat activity will increase in response to the presence of livestock and landscape structure and heterogeneity. We found that traditional cattle farming may have a role in influencing bat activity in mountainous agroecosystems, yet its effects are evident for a limited number of species. Three pipistrelle species favoured foraging in areas subjected to cattle farming by hunting more often over cattle or fresh dung than at control sites. Free-ranging cattle thus provide profitable foraging opportunities for bats in mountainous landscapes, which remarks the importance of traditional farming activities in sustaining biodiversity. Cattle might also benefit from bat foraging activity if this leads to suppression of bloodsucking pests

    Italian red squirrels and introduced parakeets: victims or perpetrators?

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    This paper deals with the first records of interactions between Italian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris italicus) and introduced parakeets. We observed two nest predations exerted by red squirrels upon rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) chicks in Latium, while an adult Barraband's parakeet (Polytelis swainsonii) was responsible for the death of an adult squirrel in Southern Tuscany. To assess the extent of the impact of these alien birds on the conservation of the endemic squirrel populations, further research is needed. These observations highlight the complex interactions that may arise between alien and native species, supporting that active monitoring and management of introduced populations should be a priority

    Mammals of Italy: An annotated checklist

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    Checklists represent a basic tool for conservation and management of regional faunas. However, our knowledge on species composition in a territory changes over time due to species movements across borders, extinctions, introductions, as well as to new taxonomic evidence. We aimed to provide the most updated data on native and non-native species of mammals occurring, or that used to occur until recently, on the Italian political territory and seas. The checklist only includes species whose taxonomic status was explicitly agreed in the most recent peer-reviewed literature and based on the most updated taxonomic approaches. For each species, we provided the following information: scientific and common name, global and Italian range, relevant information for management and conservation (e.g. whether it is endemic, allochthonous, or listed in international regulations and red list assessments), as well as remarks on taxonomy and distribution. This new check list of Italian mammal fauna includes nine marine and 114 terrestrial species, belonging to seven orders (Erinaceomorpha, Soricomorpha, Chiroptera, Carnivora, Cetartiodactyla, Rodentia, Lagomorpha), and 28 families. Vespertilionidae represents the richest family (n=27 species), followed by Cricetidae (n=12) and Soricidae (n=11). The list includes 15–16 allocthonous species. Considering the relative small size of the country, Italy is confirmed as a hotspot of mammal diversity in Europe, hosting the highest species richness in relation to the total area

    Bat responses to climate change: a systematic review

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordUnderstanding how species respond to climate change is key to informing vulnerability assessments and designing effective conservation strategies, yet research efforts on wildlife responses to climate change fail to deliver a representative overview due to inherent biases. Bats are a species-rich, globally distributed group of organisms that are thought to be particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change because of their high surface-to-volume ratios and low reproductive rates. We systematically reviewed the literature on bat responses to climate change to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge, identify research gaps and biases and highlight future research needs. We found that studies are geographically biased towards Europe, North America and Australia, and temperate and Mediterranean biomes, thus missing a substantial proportion of bat diversity and thermal responses. Less than half of the published studies provide concrete evidence for bat responses to climate change. For over a third of studied bat species, response evidence is only based on predictive species distribution models. Consequently, the most frequently reported responses involve range shifts (57% of species) and changes in patterns of species diversity (26%). Bats showed a variety of responses, including both positive (e.g. range expansion and population increase) and negative responses (range contraction and population decrease), although responses to extreme events were always negative or neutral. Spatial responses varied in their outcome and across families, with almost all taxonomic groups featuring both range expansions and contractions, while demographic responses were strongly biased towards negative outcomes, particularly among Pteropodidae and Molossidae. The commonly used correlative modelling approaches can be applied to many species, but do not provide mechanistic insight into behavioural, physiological, phenological or genetic responses. There was a paucity of experimental studies (26%), and only a small proportion of the 396 bat species covered in the examined studies were studied using long-term and/or experimental approaches (11%), even though they are more informative about the effects of climate change. We emphasise the need for more empirical studies to unravel the multifaceted nature of bats' responses to climate change and the need for standardised study designs that will enable synthesis and meta-analysis of the literature. Finally, we stress the importance of overcoming geographic and taxonomic disparities through strengthening research capacity in the Global South to provide a more comprehensive view of terrestrial biodiversity responses to climate change.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)MUR Rita Levi Montalcini programPortuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologySpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesJunta de AndalucíaBulgarian National Science FundKaroll Knowledge Foundatio

    Priority questions for biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean biome: Heterogeneous perspectives across continents and stakeholders

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    The identification of research questions with high relevance for biodiversity conservation is an important step towards designing more effective policies and management actions, and to better allocate funding among alternative conservation options. However, the identification of priority questions may be influenced by regional differences in biodiversity threats and social contexts, and to variations in the perceptions and interests of different stakeholders. Here we describe the results of a prioritization exercise involving six types of stakeholders from the Mediterranean biome, which includes several biodiversity hotspots spread across five regions of the planet (Europe, Africa, North and South America, and Australia). We found great heterogeneity across regions and stakeholder types in the priority topics identified and disagreement among the priorities of research scientists and other stakeholders. However, governance, climate change, and public participation issues were key topics in most regions. We conclude that the identification of research priorities should be targeted in a way that integrates the spectrum of stakeholder interests, potential funding sources and regional needs, and that further development of interdisciplinary studies is required. The key questions identified here provide a basis to identify priorities for research funding aligned with biodiversity conservation needs in this biome

    Presence of humans and domestic cats affects bat behaviour in an urban nursery of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)

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    Proximity to humans is a primary stressor for wildlife, especially in urban habitats where frequent disturbance may occur. Several bat species often roost in buildings but while the effects of disturbance inside the roost are well documented, little is known about those occurring in the proximity of roosts. We tested the effects of anthropogenic stressors on bats by monitoring reactions to disturbance in a colony of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). We assessed disturbance by recording and quantifying the presence of people, domestic cats and noise sources near the roost. Disturbance outside the roost caused the disruption of roosting clusters; when cats entered the roost, bats decreased indoor flight activity. Emergence timing was delayed when people were close to the roost exit, and the delay increased along with the number of people. The occurrence of a cat increased the degree of group clustering during emergence. Cats entered the roost especially when young bats were present, and bat remains occurred in 30% of the cat scats we examined. We show that the occurence of human activities near roosts and free-ranging domestic cats are important albeit overlooked sources of disturbance

    Worldwide distribution of non–native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade

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    Worldwide distribution of non–native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade.— Alien species are the second leading cause of the global biodiversity crisis, after habitat loss and fragmentation. Popular pet species, such as parrots and parakeets (Aves, Psittaciformes), are often introduced outside their native range as a result of the pet trade. On escape from captivity, some such species, such as the ring–necked parakeet and the monk parakeet, are highly invasive and successfully compete with native species. Popula tions of Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) can be found throughout the world, but data on their status, distribu tion and impact are incomplete. We gathered and reviewed the available information concerning global trade, distribution, abundance and ecology of Amazon parrots outside their native range. Our review shows that at least nine species of Amazon parrots have established populations outside their original range of occurrence throughout the world (in Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean islands, Hawaii, and North and South America). Their elusive behaviour and small population size suggest that the number of alien nuclei could be underes timated or at undetected. Despite international trade bans, the large trade of wild–caught Amazon parrots in past decades appears to have contributed to the establishment of alien populations worldwide. Establishment success seems to differ geographically. While European populations are still small and growing slowly, USA populations are large and expanding geographically. This difference is not related to large propagule pressure (trade) but possibly to a better niche match between native and introduced ranges. Amazona aestiva is the most frequently encountered Amazona parrot, with at least eight alien populations reported to date. All these populations, with the exception of those in the USA where the climate is more suitable for their establishment, are composed of a low number of individuals even though they have been established for a long period of time. Further research is required as little information is available on the ecology and potential impact of these alien populations.[ES] Distribución en el mundo de los loros introducidos del género Amazona y tendencias temporales de su comercio a escala mundial.— Las especies exóticas son la segunda causa de la crisis de biodiversidad mundial, precedida por la pérdida y la fragmentación del hábitat. Algunas especies populares como mascotas, como los loros y las cotorras (Aves, Psittaciformes) suelen introducirse fuera de su área de distribución nativa a consecuencia del comercio de animales de compañía. Si escapan de su cautiverio, algunas de estas espe cies, como la cotorra de Kramer y la cotorra argentina, son sumamente invasivas y compiten con las especies autóctonas. Las poblaciones de loros del género Amazona pueden encontrarse en todo el mundo, pero los datos relativos a su estado, distribución y efectos son incompletos. Recopilamos y examinamos la información disponible relativa a la ecología, abundancia, distribución y comercio en el mundo de los loros del género Amazona fuera de su área de distribución nativa. Nuestro examen revela que al menos nueve especies de loros de este género han establecido poblaciones fuera de su área de distribución original en todo el mundo (en Europa, Sudáfrica, las islas del Caribe, Hawaii y América del Norte y del Sur). Su comportamiento esquivo y el reducido tamaño de la población sugieren que se ha infravalorado el número de núcleos introducidos o que no se han detectado todos. Pese a las prohibiciones impuestas al comercio internacional, parece que el gran volumen de loros Amazona capturados en libertad que se ha comerciado en los últimos decenios ha contribuido al establecimiento de poblaciones foráneas en todo el mundo. Parece que éxito del establecimiento varía en función de la zona geográfica. Mientras que las poblaciones europeas siguen siendo de pequeño tamaño y de crecimiento lento, las de los Estados Unidos son numerosas y están en expansión. Esta difer encia no guarda relación con una elevada presión del propágulo (comercio), pero sí lo haga posiblemente con una mejor correspondencia de nichos entre las áreas de distribución originales y las de introducción. Amazona aestiva es la especie del género que se observa con mayor frecuencia y hasta la fecha se han no tificado al menos ocho poblaciones foráneas. Todas estas poblaciones, salvo aquellas que se encuentran en zonas de los Estados Unidos donde el clima les es más propicio, están formadas por unos pocos individuos, a pesar de que lleven establecidas un largo período de tiempo. Es necesario seguir estudiando debido a la escasa información disponible sobre la ecología de estas especies exóticas y sus posibles repercusionesPeer reviewe
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