1,054 research outputs found

    Is Mercosur an optimum currency area?

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    We find that generalized purchasing power parity does not hold for Mercosur, and thus that the South American trade group does not constitute an optimum currency area. We also find that the role of the United States cannot be neglected in the region, and that high short run volatility of real exchange rates is accompanied by slow adjustment processes of between 2 and 16 years (PPP puzzle).generalized purchasing power parity; optimum currency area; Mercosur; PPP puzzle

    Is Mercosur an optimum currency area? An assessment using generalized purchasing power parity

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    We consider the cointegration approach of generalized purchasing power parity to show that a necessary condition for Mercosur to be an optimum currency area is met. Yet there are still large cross-country differences as to cast doubt on the success of either monetary union or official dollarization. The PPP puzzle is also found to occur in Mercosur.

    O lirismo gauche de Afonso Henriques Neto: reflexões sobre a poesia brasileira contemporânea

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    This article intends to analyse the lyrical peculiarities in the poetry of Afonso Henriques Neto, placing them into the current Brazilian literary panorama. In addiction, it discusses the poet's gauche writing as a verbal-visual displacement observed in his formal and thematic imprecisions, in the problematization of his poetic heritage and in his relation with the "marginal" generation, with the beatniks and with the poets of the French modernism

    Algorithm to simulate occupant behavior in mixed-mode office buildings

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    This study investigates the challenges and opportunities of junior high school English teacher professional development in Indonesia. The objectives of the study are to examine the English teachers’ challenges and needs to develop their TPD. This qualitative study employed questionnaire and in-depth interview as the main instruments for data collection. The findings revealed that the challenges of TPD related to, firstly, program timing as the program was carried out during working hours; and, secondly, lack of information about workshop schedule from the government (Education Office) because, geographically, some schools are located in remote areas. The study also explored the teachers’ needs for TPD concerning student assessment, classroom management, knowledge and understanding of English, content of performance standards, giving instruction, ICT skills for teaching, teaching students with special learning needs, and school management and administration. Suggestion for further study concerns with the bottom-up approach of carrying TPD based on the teachers’ real needs as opposed to given programs

    English Teacher Professional Development in Indonesia_The Challenges and Opportunities

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    Tourism is a sector that plays an essential role in efforts to increase income. Indonesia is a country that has natural beauty and cultural diversity, so it is necessary to increase the tourism sector. This study aims to determine the communication strategy the Belu Regency Tourism Office carried out to increase the interest of tourists, especially domestic ones. The research method uses a qualitative approach by collecting data through interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Tourism Office of the Belu Regency Government has two broad ways of promoting tourism, namely offline/direct socialization and online socialization. Offline/direct outreach is a communication strategy in promoting tourism that involves the community regarding the importance of managing tourist destinations because they are each region's most significant revenue assets. Second, socialization online (social media) through social media such as websites, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Efforts that are smoothly carried out are through publicity via social media because it is easier to monitor, evaluate, and persuade the public overall. The objectives of the Belu Regency Tourism Office have been achieved, but they still need help with minimal human resources and tourist transportation.AbstrakPariwisata telah memberikan kontibusi yang besar dalam meningkatkan keuangan negara, sehingga sektor pariwisata perlu mendapat perhatian serius dalam hal penguatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Belu untuk meningkatkan minat wisatawan khususnya domestik. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa Dinas Pariwisata Pemerintah Kabupaten Belu memiliki dua cara promosi wisata secara garis besar yaitu sosialisasi secara offline/langsung dan sosialisasi secara online. Sosialisasi secara offline/langsung adalah strategi komunikasi dalam mempromosikan pariwisata yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan masyarakat mengenai pentingnya mengelola destinasi wisata karena merupakan aset pendapatan terbesar setiap daerah. Kedua, sosialisasi secara online (media social) melalui media sosial seperti website, facebook, youtube, dan Instagram. Upaya yang lancar dilakukan adalah melalui publisitas lewat media sosial karena lebih mudah dimonitoring, dievaluasi dan lebih mudah dalam mempersuasi masyarakat dan secara keseluruahan tujuan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Belu sudah tercapai namun masih mangalami kendala pada SDM dan Transportasi Wisata yang Minim

    Actividades de enfermería en centro de material y esterilización: contribución para el tamaño del personal

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    OBJETIVOS: Identificar e validar as atividades realizadas pela equipe de enfermagem em Centros de Material e Esterilização, como subsídio para definição da carga de trabalho da unidade. MÉTODOS: A identificação das atividades ocorreu, mediante consulta às indicações formuladas pelos órgãos oficiais, bem como levantamento bibliográfico sobre o assunto. Na validação das atividades identificadas, foi utilizado o método da Validade de Conteúdo, aplicando-se a Técnica Delphi. RESULTADOS: Participaram como juízas 11 enfermeiras que atuavam em Centros de Material e Esterilização. Os comentários e sugestões realizados na primeira fase da Técnica Delphi, determinaram alterações no conteúdo do quadro de atividades, que foram submetidas à nova avaliação do grupo, resultando na validação de seis áreas de trabalho, 25 subprocessos, 110 atividades e 25 atividades específicas da enfermeira. CONCLUSÃO: Com esta pesquisa evidenciam-se perspectivas para a realização de novas investigações que contribuam para a determinação de parâmetros que subsidiem o processo de dimensionar pessoal de enfermagem nestas unidades.OBJECTIVES: To identify and validate the activities performed by nursing staff in the Central Supply and Sterilization department, in order to define the workload of nurses on this unit. METHODS: Nursing activities were identified through a review of literature and statements made by official agencies on the subject. To validate these identified activities, we used the Delphi technique to achieve content validation. RESULTS: 11 nurse experts working in Central Supply and Sterilization participated in the study. Comments and suggestions made in the first phase of the Delphi technique led to changes in the content of these activities. These changes were then re-assessed by the experts, resulting in the validation of six areas of work, 25 sub-processes, 110 activities and 25 specific nursing activities. CONCLUSION: This research identified prospects for new investigations that contribute to parameters supporting the process of scaling the nursing staff in these units.OBJETIVOS: Identificar y validar las actividades realizadas por el equipo de enfermería en Centros de Material y Esterilización, como subsidio para la definición de la carga de trabajo de la unidad. MÉTODOS: La identificación de las actividades se llevó a cabo mediante la consulta a las indicaciones formuladas por los órganos oficiales, así como por el levantamiento bibliográfico sobre el asunto. En la validación de las actividades identificadas, se utilizó el método de Validez de Contenido, aplicándose la Técnica Delphi. RESULTADOS: Participaron como jueces 11 enfermeras que trabajaban en Centros de Material y Esterilización. Los comentarios y sugerencias realizadas en la primera fase de la Técnica Delphi, determinaron alteraciones en el contenido del cuadro de actividades, que fueron sometidas a la nueva evaluación del grupo, resultando en la validación de seis áreas de trabajo, 25 sub procesos, 110 actividades y 25 actividades específicas de la enfermera. CONCLUSIÓN: Con esta investigación se evidencian perspectivas para la realización de nuevas investigaciones que contribuyan a la determinación de parámetros que subsidien el proceso de establecer el tamaño del personal de enfermería en estas unidades

    From commercial appeal to action background: the first functions of color in cinema

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    In this article, we will discuss how the idea of sensory appeal boosted the adoption of color by early cinema, especially before the economic pressure caused by the advent of television. The first attempts at colorization (tinting; toning; stencils; two-color systems, such as Kinemacolor) will also be succinctly analyzed, considering the technological dispute between Europe and the United States of America (USA); the resistance of filmmakers to the use of color; the triumph of Technicolor and its ruin; the Eastmancolor dominance. Then, we comment on the narrative "turning" that prompted the function of storytelling in cinema, replacing attractions as the main motto of the productions. Finally, we go through the passage of color from the extrinsic and commercial aspect to the narrative function of action “background.”Neste artigo será discutido como a ideia de apelo sensório impulsionou a adoção da cor nos primeiros cinemas, especialmente em face da pressão econômica forjada pelo advento da televisão. Também serão analisadas, de forma sucinta, as primeiras tentativas de colorização (tintagens; viragens; estêncil; sistemas de duas cores, como o Kinemacolor), em cujo seio se encontrava uma disputa tecnológica entre a Europa e os EUA; a resistência dos cineastas ao emprego da cor; o triunfo do Technicolor e sua ruína; o domínio do Eastmancolor. Em seguida, comenta-se a “virada” narrativa que impeliu a função de contar histórias ao cinema, tomando o lugar das atrações como mote principal das produções. Por fim, a passagem da cor de aspecto extrínseco e comercial para função narrativa de “pano de fundo” da ação