150 research outputs found

    Criminal Liability of Corporations—Comparative Jurisprudence

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    Article published in the Michigan State University School of Law Student Scholarship Collection

    Achieving the Material Element of the Crime of Submission to Ill Treatment from the Perspective of the ECHR Jurisprudence

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    The Criminal Code in force regulates the submission to ill treatment in the chapter dedicated to offenses against the act of justice. The harmonization of the national legislation with the EU legislation, especially with the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 3) and its Protocols is being sought, without forgetting, however the concrete situations that must be decided in Romania. For this reason, in order to establish the material element of this crime, the point at which the suffering caused to a person cannot be considered mere brutality, but serious enough to be regarded as inhuman or degrading treatment or even torture was determined. Moreover, it should be considered that the concept of minimum level of gravity disappears in the case of prisoners, because the obligation of protection is greater in their case. Any act of gratuitous violence, no matter how insignificant, against a prisoner determines the application of Article 3 of the Convention without taking into account the minimum level of severity

    Prediction of preeclampsia developing at term

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    Preterm preeclampsia (PE), occurring at < 37 weeks’ gestation, can be predicted from as early as 11–13 weeks and prevented with the use of aspirin. In contrast, term PE, which is more common than preterm-PE and it can be associated with important maternal morbidity and mortality, cannot be effectively predicted at 11–13 weeks and cannot be prevented by the prophy­lactic use of aspirin. This paper briefly reviews the pathogenesis of term PE and discusses strategies available for its prediction.  

    Case study at the “Ovidiu" pension about tourism and / or agrotourism’s economy and marketing in ”Vârtop-Arieşeni” area in Apuseni Mountains

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    When we talk about the economy we inevitably think about profit. Desideratum is valid for tourism and agrotourism activity. To illustrate this we used a case study that I conducted at the “Ovidiu” pension from Vârtop - Arieşeni area in Apuseni Mountains. “Ovidiu” pension was built in 2007, and in January 2008 began to receive tourists. Construction is built on four levels and comprises 9 rooms with a capacity of 18 places. The pension’s owner chose the Vârtop - Arieşeni because he knew its tourism and agrotourism potential, being born and living near this extremely beautiful area. Vârtop- Arieşeni area has a wide-range of attractions to facilitate tourism and agrotourism development. So, are worth remembering: Groapa Ruginoasă, Cetăţile Ponorului, Vârciorog Fall, Piatra Grăitoare, Sfânta Treime Falls, Vârtop Glacier, Glacier Scărişoara and many others. In terms of geography, settlements in this area are located at altitudes high enough, the Arieşeni village having in center an altitude of 825m, with households at altitudes up to 1250m. Wonderful scenery and numerous tousistical objectives have made that this area to be visited by many tourists in summer and in winter. Following the study, we identified the number of tourists who visited the pension from 2008 to date, the expenses that the pension had in the same period and the incomes realised. Performing their activity based on the latest management principles and assuming the risks inherent in the market economy, the owner has obtained good results so far, resulting in profit in the whole period of operation of the pension

    Alopeciile primar cicatriciale: aspctele clinice, dermatoscopice și histopatologice

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    Background. Primary cicatricial alopecias (PCAs) represent a group of disorders that cause severe damage of hair follicles resulting in scarring and permanent hair loss. PCAs encompass conditions difficult to diagnose and treat. Objective of the study. Evaluation of clinical, dermatoscopical and histopathological features of primary cicatricial alopecias for improvement of the disease diagnosis. Material and Methods. A descriptive study has been done, including patients with clinical diagnosis of primary cicatricial alopecia. All the patients underwent a dermatoscopical examination of the skin lesions with further biopsy and histopathological evaluation. Results. 6 patients with histologybased diagnosis of primary cicatricial alopecia have been included in present study. 3 of them were men, another 3 – women. Cutaneous manifestations in 5 patients encompassed erythema, scalling and atrophy. One patient had painful pustules and hypertrophic scars. Dermoscopy and hystopathological examination revealed specific features of lichen planopilaris in 3 patients, cutaneous lupus erythematosus in 2 and folliculitis decalvans in 1patient respectively. Conclusion. Primary cicatricial alopecias lead to permanent hair loss. Accurate diagnosis is the important step in their management. Clinical manifestations are non-specific, only dermatoscopical and histopathological examinations can provide particular features necessary for diagnosis confirmation. Introducere. Alopeciile primar cicatriciale (APC) reprezintă un grup de maladii cutanate care afectează sever foliculul pilos, rezultând în înlocuirea ireversibilă a acestuia cu țesutul fibros. Diagnosticul și tratamentul dermatozelor, care conduc la APC este unul complicat. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea aspectelor clinice, dermatoscopice și histopatologice ale alopeciilor primar cicatriciale pentru a îmbunătăți managementul acestora. Material și Metode. A fost efectuat un studiu descriptiv care a inclus persoane diagnosticate cu alopecie primar cicatricială. Toți pacienții au fost evaluați dermatoscopic cu prelevarea bioptatului cutanat din erupțiile active și efectuarea examenului histopatologic ulterior. Rezultate. Studiul a inclus 6 pacienți la care diagnosticul de alopecie primar cicatricială a fost confirmat prin examenul histopatologic. 3 din cei 6 pacienți au fost bărbați, și respectiv 3 – femei. Manifestările cutanate la 5 pacienți au inclus eritem, descuamare și atrofie. O pacientă s-a prezentat cu pustule foliculare dureroase și cicatrici hipertrofice. Examenul dermatoscopic și cel histopatologic au relevat semnele specifice pentru lichen planopilar la 3 pacienți, lupus eritematos cutanat la 2 paciente și foliculită decalvantă, respectiv, la 1 pacientă. Concluzii. Alopeciile primar cicatriciale rezultă in pierderea permanentă a firelor de păr. Evidențierea cauzei a APC joacă un rol primordial în managementul acestora. Manifestările clinice sunt nespecifice, doar cu ajutorul metodelor dermatoscopice și histopatologice este posibil de a preciza diagnosticul

    The Involvement of Epigenetic Mechanisms in HPV‐Induced Cervical Cancer

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    High‐risk human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes infection associates with cervical dysplasia and carcinogenesis. hr‐HPV transforming potential is based on E6 and E7 viral oncoproteins actions on cellular proteins. A persistent infection with hr‐HPV leads to progression from precursor lesions to invasive cervical cancer inducing changes in host genome and epigenome. Pathogenesis and development of cancer associated with both genetic and epigenetic defects alter transcriptional program. An important role for malignant transformation in HPV‐induced cervical cancer is played by epigenetic changes that occur in both viral and host genome. Furthermore, there are observations demonstrating that oncogenic viruses, once they integrated into host genome, become susceptible to epigenetic alterations made by host machinery. Epigenetic regulation of viral gene expression is an important factor in HPV‐associated disease. Gene expression control is complex and involves epigenetic changes: DNA methylation, histone modification, and non‐coding RNAs activity. Persistent infection with hr‐HPV can cause viral DNA integration into host genome attracting defense mechanisms such as methylation machinery. In this chapter, we aim to review HPV infection role in chromatin modification/remodeling and the impact of HPV infection on non‐coding RNAs in cervix oncogenesis. The reversible nature of epigenetic alterations provides new opportunities in the development of therapeutic agents targeting epigenetic modification in oncogenesis

    The social and the psychological impact of endometriosis on the Romanian urban population

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    Objectives. Our study assesses the social and psychological impact of the symptoms of endometriosis. Materials and methods. This crosssectional study was conducted from January 2014 to January 2016. The research involved two groups. The study instrument, the EHP-5 questionnaire, was completed by the respondents on the admission date or on the routine gynecological visit day. Results. Endometriosis has a negative social and psychological impact on women’s life, the most affected areas being work, fertility and sexual activity. Moreover, pain and the negative perception of self-image are major sources of distress. Conclusion. The symptoms and effects of endometriosis, especially chronic pelvic pain, mood changes and infertility, are significant negative factors in women’s life. The authors further conclude that the EHP-5 questionnaire can be more widely used to help select women who may need special attention in terms of their quality of life, thus helping gynecologists refer affected women to a health care professional

    Cyclodextrins as Bricks for Tuning Polymer Properties

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    Cyclodextrins are natural cyclic oligosaccharides with a cone shape delimiting a hydrophobic cavity. The rims of cyclodextrins can be functionalized in order to improve their properties. Based on this, cyclodextrins can be linked to polymer chains, which further allows the tuning of the polymer properties. This review describes the methods of polymer functionalization with cyclodextrins and highlights the changes in the physicochemical properties of these materials. This chapter is focused on polymers in solution and in gel states. Cyclodextrin-based polymers are evaluated by various physicochemical methods, such as rheology, calorimetry, and spectroscopy (electron paramagnetic resonance, fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), etc.). Both natural and synthetic polymers are considered in this chapter

    Influence of GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 gene polymorphisms on the appearance of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    [Section: Letter to the Editor] This work was funded by an internal research grant from The University of Medicine and Pharmacy from of Târgu Mures, number 649/14.01.2016