Case study at the “Ovidiu" pension about tourism and / or agrotourism’s economy and marketing in ”Vârtop-Arieşeni” area in Apuseni Mountains


When we talk about the economy we inevitably think about profit. Desideratum is valid for tourism and agrotourism activity. To illustrate this we used a case study that I conducted at the “Ovidiu” pension from Vârtop - Arieşeni area in Apuseni Mountains. “Ovidiu” pension was built in 2007, and in January 2008 began to receive tourists. Construction is built on four levels and comprises 9 rooms with a capacity of 18 places. The pension’s owner chose the Vârtop - Arieşeni because he knew its tourism and agrotourism potential, being born and living near this extremely beautiful area. Vârtop- Arieşeni area has a wide-range of attractions to facilitate tourism and agrotourism development. So, are worth remembering: Groapa Ruginoasă, Cetăţile Ponorului, Vârciorog Fall, Piatra Grăitoare, Sfânta Treime Falls, Vârtop Glacier, Glacier Scărişoara and many others. In terms of geography, settlements in this area are located at altitudes high enough, the Arieşeni village having in center an altitude of 825m, with households at altitudes up to 1250m. Wonderful scenery and numerous tousistical objectives have made that this area to be visited by many tourists in summer and in winter. Following the study, we identified the number of tourists who visited the pension from 2008 to date, the expenses that the pension had in the same period and the incomes realised. Performing their activity based on the latest management principles and assuming the risks inherent in the market economy, the owner has obtained good results so far, resulting in profit in the whole period of operation of the pension

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