346 research outputs found

    Review on the Design of the Isolation Techniques for UWB-MIMO Antennas

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    Ultra wide band - Multiple Input Multiple Output antenna technology provides higher data rates and the combination of the ultra wide band (UWB) and the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technologies provides a solution for the demand of still higher data rates i.e. in excess of 3 Gb/sec in the future.  As the antenna technologies are improving, the size of the MIMO antenna is growing smaller and smaller. Placing the antenna elements in such close proximity increases the coupling between them. Various isolation techniques have to be introduced between the antenna elements to decrease the coupling and to improve the isolation. A study of the various isolation enhancement techniques have been made in this review. It analyses the various isolation enhancement methods such as using orthogonal polarization, parasitic elements, varied decoupling structures, defected ground structures (DGS), neutralization line (NL) and finally by using metamaterials. Metamaterials is a technology to perk up the isolation between the antenna elements. Split ring resonator (SRR) behaves as a metamaterial and it is used as an isolation mechanism in this study. The antennas are simulated and the results are compared. The method using parasitic elements gives the highest isolation of 35 dB and it is 5 dB better than the methods using orthogonal polarization and using the decoupling structure. The performance of all the antennas satisfies the conditions for minimum isolation. The envelope correlation coefficient is nearly zero in all the antennas and it implies good diversity performance. The diversity gain is also calculated for the various antennas and it satisfies good diversity performance. The bandwidth of the antennas is in the UWB frequency range and they have a fractional bandwidth above the required value of 1.09. The capacity loss for all the antennas is very low and the antennas using defected ground structure and the decoupling structure gives very low capacity loss


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    Magnesium is an important macro mineral in the mammalian cells. It is a cofactor for many enzymes involved inlipid metabolism like lipoprotein lipase, pyrophosphatase etc. In magnesium deficiency, these enzymes are defective and leads todyslipidemia in type 2 diabetic patients. Objective: To observe the association between hypomagnesemia and dyslipidemia intype 2 diabetic patients. Methodology: A case control South Indian population study consisted of control group (40 healthyindividuals) and case group (203 patients who were diagnosed as type 2 diabetes). Serum magnesium and lipid profile wasanalyzed in blood samples using standard kits in fully automated analyzer. The data was analyzed using Student’s ‘t’ test andcorrelation coefficient. Result: In the present study, a significant low serum magnesium levels (p<0.01) in case group wasobserved when compared to control group. A significant decreased cholesterol levels (p<0.05) and serum HDL levels (p<0.001)was observed in case group when compared to control group. In case group, we found a significant increased triglycerides(p<0.05) and LDL levels (p<0.001) when compared to control group. A positive correlation was observed between magnesiumand cholesterol (r = 0.195, p<0.01), magnesium and LDL (r = 0.202, p<0.01), magnesium and total cholesterol HDL ratio (r =0.142, p<0.05) in the case group. Conclusion: We observed hypomagnesemia in type 2 diabetes patients with dyslipidem


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    Objective: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common health problem in the world. Free iron may contribute to the pathogenesis and progress of this disease and its complication. Iron causes hyperinsulinemia by decreasing the insulin uptake and metabolism by hepatocytes. Elevated iron stores are commonly found in insulin resistance. Iron in its free form is known to induce oxidation of biomolecules by producing harmful hydroxyl radicals. In this study, we aimed to estimate and compare the serum levels of free iron in diabetes and healthy individuals.Methods: This study included 244 subjects in two groups. Group-I comprised 204 subjects with DM and Group-II comprised 40 healthy subjects. Blood sugar, free iron, and glycated hemoglobin were analyzed in blood samples using standard kits. The results of all the parameters were expressed as mean±standard deviation. Student t-test was done to assess the statistical significance between two groups. The association between the parameters was studied by Pearson correlation.Results: In this study, we found a significant increase in serum free iron in Group-I (p<0.01) when compared with Group-II. A significant correlation between the serum free iron and glycated hemoglobin (r=0.59; p<0.001) and fasting blood sugar (r=0.43; p<0.001).Conclusion: The elevated serum free iron in uncontrolled diabetes may contribute to oxidative stress which may be associated with complications of diabetes.Keywords: Free iron, Glycated hemoglobin, Hyperinsulinemia, Diabetes mellitus

    Studies on ethnomedicinal plants used by the Malayali tribe of Kalrayan Hill, Tamil Nadu state

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    An ethnomedicinal plants survey was carried out to collect the information about themedicinal plants found in kalrayan hill and used by the native malayali tribe of SouthernEastern Ghats of India. 80 plant species, belonging to 41 families, which are used intraditional health care system are described under this study. The studies also attempted tofind out the medicines prepared out of these medicinal plants, forms of medicine and theircorresponding ailments. In this communication, the information obtained from the tribalswas compared with the already existing literatures on ethnobotany of India. The documentedethnomedicinal plants were mostly used to cure skin diseases, wounds and rheumatism. Themedicinal plants used by the tribals are arranged alphabetically, and followed by theirbotanical name, family name, common names, vernacular name(s), part(s) used, mode ofpreparation and their corresponding diseases

    Traditional Phytotherapy for Diabetes Used by the People of Perambalur District, Tamilnadu, South India

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    Diabetes is caused due to deficiency in production of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. It is a global problem and the numbers of people affected are increasing day by day. Plants provide a potential source of antidiabetic drugs. In India, most of the people, especially in rural areas use traditional medicine of plants to treat many diseases including diabetes. The aim of the present study was to document medicinal plants, traditionally used to treat diabetes by the people of Perambalur district. Traditional health practitioners were interviewed with standardized questionnaires in order to obtain information on medicinal plants traditionally used for the management of diabetes. Thirty species of 29 genera and 22 families were encountered during this study

    Isozyme studies of resistant and susceptible clones of Saccharum officinarum L. to fungal diseases

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    Sugarcane is one of the important commercial crops of India and it plays an important role in maintaining the economy of the nation. Many diseases of sugarcane lead to loss of net productivity of sugar and by growing resistant varieties the loss can be reduced to considerable amount. Hence, in this study an attempt has been made to identify a resistant clone through isoenzyme analysis. Three resistant (Bo-91, Co-86249, Co-93009) and three susceptible (CoC-671, CoC-86032, CoC-92061) clones of Saccharum officianarum L. were selected for the study. In native-PAGE analysis (for peroxidase) distinct bands with Rf value 0.537 and 0.694 were observed in resistant clones, and the susceptible clones lack these bands.  An increase in peroxidase activity is also observed in clones that possessed the distinct Rf values 0.537 and 0.694. From this, it can be concluded that the clones possessing distinct Rf values are resistants when compared to other clones as they are having high peroxidase action

    Comparative study on the antimicrobial activities of three Indian medicinal plants

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    Aqueous, methanol and chloroform extracts from the leaves of Ficus religiosa, Thespesia populnea and Hibiscus tiliaceus were completely screened for antibacterial and antifungal activity. The chloroform extract of F. religiosa possessed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity with a zone of inhibition of 10 to 21 mm at very low MIC values. The methanolicextracts possessed moderate antibacterial activity against a few bacterial strains. There was less antibacterial activity or none at all using aqueous extracts. The extracts of F. religiosa were found to be active against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum. The extracts from theleaves exhibited considerable and variable inhibitory effects against most of the microorganisms tested

    Agrobacterium mediated Transformation of rice, var. Pusa Basmati-1

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    The present study was aimed at the Agrobacterium mediated transformation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety Pusa Basmati-1 .Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 harboring the binary vector (pIG121) that carries the genes for ß-glucuronidase and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) was used for transformation. Co-cultured calli were undergone for GUS histochemical analysis of transformed calli and followed by molecular analysis by using PCR to confirm the presence of transgenes


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    Critical review on polyurethane hybrid nano composite paper gives knowledge on its techniques and their applications. In addition to the scientific framework for the advancement in the polymer matrix hybrid nano composite research, the critical review provides an ample discussion on technology, characterization, processing and its applications on polyurethane hybrid nano composites
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