96 research outputs found


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    This study aims to explore the problems faced by Batik Sekar Putri and offer the ideas to develop the business as one of the leading products in Cimahi City. Based on the interview, it can be identified several main problems faced, include: limited human resources creativity due to the difficulty of getting employees with some required expertise; lack of capital to purchase production equipment such as batikā€™s stamp and quality management that have not been fully implemented; there is no separation between corporate and personal finances; the limitations in the use of information technology as a promotional medium cause financial problems, especially when there is little or no demand or sales; efforts to develop heritage tourism through mini museums that cannot be developed due to limited funds; and organizational management which is still very simple. Efforts to develop business partners as one of the regional superior products are more focused on aspects of SMEs empowerment including mentoring and development. Assistance is carried out by providing knowledge transfer in the form of theory and training related to efforts to overcome the problems faced, while development is related to business transformation in digital form which is currently of minimal use. Through this empowerment, it is expected that the performance and competitiveness of partners can be improved so that they can be made as one of the regional superior products based on local wisdom.


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    In an environment where change often comes through crises, disruptions and discontinuities, strategic decision making cannot be based on simple extrapolations of current situation. A firm can respond to crisis in variety of ways through strategy implementation, such as turnaround strategy, liquidation strategy, and end-games strategy which have different attributes. This initial study, focusing on Magister Management students as respondents, seeks to examine what strategy attributes and combination of strategy attributes are important to consider strategy implementation in crisis. To produce the combination of strategy attributes that effect respondentā€™s decision making to choose a strategy in crisis, conjoint analysis is used in this study. The result shows the combination of strategy attributes such as risk, benefit, and policy are importants in affecting respondentā€™s decision to implement strategy in crisis. Based on the statistical analysis, turnaround strategy which is reprenseted as reorganizational policy is the most preffered strategy to respon organizational crisis.


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    Peningkatan kompetisi global, perubahan pasar dan teknologi yang cepat, peningkatan kompleksitas dan ketidakpastian menciptakan lingkungan persaingan baru. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut menyebabkan perusahaan manufaktur secara hati-hati melakukan perubahan dari sistem industri yang berbasis efisiensi menjadi sistem industri baru yang keberhasi lannya tergantung pada tanggapan yang cepat terhadap permintaan konsumen akan produk yang berkual itas dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Untuk menanggapi kondisi tersebut dan untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan dalam situasi persaingan bisnis saat ini, perusahaan manufaktur harus mengadopsi dan mengimplementasikan strategi manufaktur jika ingin tetap kompetitif. Dalam proses menyusun strategi manufaktur, pertimbangan l ingkungan berperan signifikan dalam menentukan strategi manufaktur. Penel itian ini di lakukan untuk menginvestigasi dampak dari l ingkungan bisnis pada pemilihan strategi manufaktur. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang terdaftar di Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) digunakan sebagai kerangka penentuan sampel dalam studi ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui i kuesioner yang dikirim melalui pos (ada 525 kuesioner) dan survei secara langsung ke 25 perusahaan. Total kuesioner dikirim ke 550 pimpinan (CEO) perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia. Sebanyak 106 kuesioner dikirim kembal i dan memberikan tingkat respon sebesar 19,27%. Studi menghasi lkan temuan ada hubungan antara faktor lingkungan seperti biaya bisnis, ketersediaan tenaga kerja, persaingan tidak sehat, dan dinamisasi pasar dengan pemi l ihan strategi manufaktur yang mempertimbangan prioritas kompetisi. Strategi yang pal ing banyak diadopsi oleh perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia berdasarkan urutan dari yang tertinggi ke terendah adalah strategi biaya, strategi kual itas, strategi fleksibel, dan strategi pengiriman. Hubungan yang signifikan antara lingkungan bisnis dan strategi manufaktur mengimplementasikan fakta bahwa lingkungan bisnis dipertimbangan sebagai variabel dasar (precursor) yang berhubungan sebab akibat dengan pemilihan strategi manufaktur yang mempertimbangkan prioritas kompetisi

    Manajemen Modal Intelektual: Strategi Memaksimalkan Nilai Modal Intelekstual Dalam Technology Driven Business

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    To date, there is a great deal changing in the way firm to compete. Over last decade, several driving force have emerge such as globalization of business and International competition sophisticated customers, competitor, and supplier increased technological capability, and shortening of production life cycle. Among the changes, knowledge management and intellectual capital management have probably made the most outstanding impact, the advent of the knowledge economy. Several characteristics define the knowledge economy are its focused on intangible resources rather than tangible resources, it’s has a hypercompetitive business environment, it’s digital, it’s virtual, and it’s networked. In the new knowledge economy, intellectual capital has has become the one and only competitive advantage of a firm. It’s include three dimension that is human capital, structural capital and customer capital. To implement strategy for managing intellectual capital successfully need to integrate the intellectual capital management strategies with the business strategy and to adapt internal and external changes

    Kolaborasi Universitas_industri: Tinjauan Konseptual Mekanisme Transfer Pengetahuan Dari Universitas Ke Industri

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    University-industry collaboration (UIC) has become an essential element of the research endeavours both in academic institutions and industrial sectors. UIC contribute significant resources not only financial resources but also intellectual resources to scientist and firms related. By managing UIC, we expected to invest the development of university research and business research capabilities on current research strength, and to link the research strength to the solution of industry problem which lead to the improvement of business performance and finally will effect the improvement of economic growth. These relationships also play an important role in bringing beneficial and innovative product to the public. This paper discussed what UIC is, the important of UIC in knowledge economy era, UIC characteristics from university and industry perspective, the mechanism of knowledge transfer through UIC and some example of the implementation of UIC in Indonesia

    Peran Teknologi dalam Implementasi Strategi Manufaktur pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia: Studi dengan Pendekatan Kontingensi

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    Expanding global competition, rapidly changing market and technology, increasingcomplexity and uncertainty are creating a new competitive environment. To be successful in this globally competitive and rapidly changing environment, organization must formulate strategic plan that is consistent with their investment and technology. This research was conducted to investigate the relationship among manufacturing strategy, technology adoption, and firm performance. Data were collected through mailed questionnaires (525 questionnaires) and direct survey in 25 firms. The questionnaires were sent to 550 CEOs of manufacturing firm in Indonesia. A hundred and six responses returned and made a response rate of 19.27%. The study finds different results for hard and soft technology. Hard technology moderates the relationship between manufacturing strategy and operational performance, as a quasi moderator variable. On the other hand, soft technology has an impact on the manufacturing strategy-performance relationship as an independent predictor variable, but it does not moderate the relationship between manufacturing strategy and operational performance

    Meraih Keunggulan Kompetitif Berkelanjutan Melalui Pengintegrasian Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Strategi Bisnis

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    To date, the business environment is more and more dynamic, turbulence, and increasingly competitive. Enterprises as business performer require the role of high quality and competence human resource or employee to response the development of business environment. The implementation of management and investment in human resource as one of competitive advantage sources are crucial. It may be due to human resource is subject or performer in the enterprise operational activity that use and manage other resources. Through human resource, entreprise can make business strategy and implement it to survive and to win the business competition. The business performer capability in managing and applying the competence based human resource is the key of enterprise success in winning the business competition

    Innovation as Core Competency: the Role of Knowlegde and Organizational Learning in Knowledge Based Competition Era

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    Munculnya tipe organisasi baru ditandai dengan adanya gejala-gejala Perubahan organisasi yang tidak asing lagi seperti devolusi atau pendelegasian tanggung jawab manajerial, tanggung jawab karyawan yang makin fleksibel, peningkatan kebijakan outsourcing, dan meningkatnya kerjasama dalam suatu jejaring bisnis baik di dalam maupun diluar organisasi untuk mengubah pengetahuan dalam nilai-nilai bisnis. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat lebih dari pengetahuan sebagai sumber keunggulan kompetitif organisasi, pengetahuan harus dikelola melalui manajemen pengetahuan yang didefinisikan sebagai proses mengelola pengetahuan. Manajemen pengetahuan menitikberatkan pada akuisisi dan komunikasi pengetahuan yang menjadi fondasi proses pembelajaran dalam organisasi. Organizational learning (organisasi pembelajar) adalah suatu proses yang melibatkan semua level baik individu, kelompok, organisasional, dan inter-organizational yang memusatkan pada tiga tahapan yaitu akuisisi, komunikasi, dan pengetahuan. Melalui proses pembelajaran, pengetahuan dapat memberikan potensi inovasi yang kreatif yang kita sebut dengan kompetensi inti


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    Social media has been used as a marketing tool by architecture firms to generate purchase inĀ­tenĀ­tion. However, inspiration as a motivating internal response is needed to achieve the marketing obĀ­jecĀ­tive. This study aims to examine the effect of utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness as anteĀ­cedents of customer inspiration, the effect of customer inspiration on purchase intention, and the meĀ­diating role of customer inspiration between antecedents and purchase intention. A total of 395 resĀ­pondents were taken as samples using simple random sampling, and the data was then analyzed with SmartPLS. Results show that utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness positively affect cusĀ­tomer inspiration, and customer inspiration positively affects purchase intentions. Additionally, cusĀ­tomer inspiration also mediates the effect of utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness on purĀ­chase intentions. This study contributes to the literature on customer inspiration from a customer-firm relationship perspective. Moreover, this study can give insight for architectural firms to effectively pracĀ­tice social media marketing by focusing on creating customer inspiration through the content provided and targeting the right potential customers in order to generate architectural design service purchase intention
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