128 research outputs found

    Vitamin D: beyond bone.

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    In recent years, vitamin D has been received increased attention due to the resurgence of vitamin D deficiency and rickets in developed countries and the identification of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D, suggesting unexpected benefits of vitamin D in health and disease, beyond bone health. The possibility of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D was first noted with the discovery of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in tissues and cells that are not involved in maintaining mineral homeostasis and bone health, including skin, placenta, pancreas, breast, prostate and colon cancer cells, and activated T cells. However, the biological significance of the expression of the VDR in different tissues is not fully understood, and the role of vitamin D in extraskeletal health has been a matter of debate. This report summarizes recent research on the roles for vitamin D in cancer, immunity and autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory health, pregnancy, obesity, erythropoiesis, diabetes, muscle function, and aging

    Modelling effects of incentives for industry competitiveness using a system dynamics approach

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    Investment in state of the art machinery and tooling and in R&D is widely seen as a prerequisite for achieving industry competitiveness in the long term. Investment-based incentives that countries provide for these inputs are perceived as a way of supporting industry competitiveness. Despite this being a global phenomenon, there is no formal process to guide the offer of these incentives. The process of designing such incentives is often based on internalized judgment rather than on formal models making it difficult to assess such interventions objectively and to improve on them. Specific to South Africa, the offer of incentives to the automotive industry to support its competitiveness has had mixed results. In particular, investment in R&D has remained minimal. The paper presents a system dynamics model as a proposed instrument in formalizing the offer of incentives, applied to the South African government's offer of incentives to the automotive manufacturing sector. The model was developed from qualitative and quantitative information on how the incentives had been structured. Simulations of the model reveal that the incentives model, as a stand-alone intervention, had a significant and positive effect on industry investment, but had no specific policy lever to direct investment into R&D and subsequent innovative activities. By this measure, the incentives model has not been a strong policy framework for supporting long-term industry competitiveness.http://www.worldscinet.com/ijitm/hb201

    Seaborne Petrochemical Spill Analysis Within the United States, 1992–1999

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42404/1/30310532.pd

    Molecular constituents of neuronal AMPA receptors

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    Dynamic regulation of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs) underlies aspects of synaptic plasticity. Although numerous AMPAR-interacting proteins have been identified, their quantitative and relative contributions to native AMPAR complexes remain unclear. Here, we quantitated protein interactions with neuronal AMPARs by immunoprecipitation from brain extracts. We found that stargazin-like transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs) copurified with neuronal AMPARs, but we found negligible binding to GRIP, PICK1, NSF, or SAP-97. To facilitate purification of neuronal AMPAR complexes, we generated a transgenic mouse expressing an epitope-tagged GluR2 subunit of AMPARs. Taking advantage of this powerful new tool, we isolated two populations of GluR2 containing AMPARs: an immature complex with the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone immunoglobulin-binding protein and a mature complex containing GluR1, TARPs, and PSD-95. These studies establish TARPs as the auxiliary components of neuronal AMPARs

    Benchmark Evaluation of True Single Molecular Sequencing to Determine Cystic Fibrosis Airway Microbiome Diversity

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease associated with recurrent lung infections that can lead to morbidity and mortality. The impact of antibiotics for treatment of acute pulmonary exacerbations on the CF airway microbiome remains unclear with prior studies giving conflicting results and being limited by their use of 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing. Our primary objective was to validate the use of true single molecular sequencing (tSMS) and PathoScope in the analysis of the CF airway microbiome. Three control samples were created with differing amounts of Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Prevotella melaninogenica, three common bacteria found in cystic fibrosis lungs. Paired sputa were also obtained from three study participants with CF before and \u3e6 days after initiation of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistant B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa were identified in concurrently obtained respiratory cultures. Direct sequencing was performed using tSMS, and filtered reads were aligned to reference genomes from NCBI using PathoScope and Kraken and unique clade-specific marker genes using MetaPhlAn. A total of 180-518K of 6-12 million filtered reads were aligned for each sample. Detection of known pathogens in control samples was most successful using PathoScope. In the CF sputa, alpha diversity measures varied based on the alignment method used, but similar trends were found between pre- and post-antibiotic samples. PathoScope outperformed Kraken and MetaPhlAn in our validation study of artificial bacterial community controls and also has advantages over Kraken and MetaPhlAn of being able to determine bacterial strains and the presence of fungal organisms. PathoScope can be confidently used when evaluating metagenomic data to determine CF airway microbiome diversity

    The effect of general anaesthetics on brain lactate release

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    The effects of anaesthetic agents on brain energy metabolism may explain their shared neurophysiological actions but remain poorly understood. The brain lactate shuttle hypothesis proposes that lactate, provided by astrocytes, is an important neuronal energy substrate. Here we tested the hypothesis that anaesthetic agents impair the brain lactate shuttle by interfering with astrocytic glycolysis. Lactate biosensors were used to record changes in lactate release by adult rat brainstem and cortical slices in response to thiopental, propofol and etomidate. Changes in cytosolic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced (NADH) and oxidized (NAD+) ratio as a measure of glycolytic rate were recorded in cultured astrocytes. It was found that in brainstem slices thiopental, propofol and etomidate reduced lactate release by 7.4 ± 3.6% (P < 0.001), 9.7 ± 6.6% (P < 0.001) and 8.0 ± 7.8% (P = 0.04), respectively. In cortical slices, thiopental reduced lactate release by 8.2 ± 5.6% (P = 0.002) and propofol by 6.0 ± 4.5% (P = 0.009). Lactate release in cortical slices measured during the light phase (period of sleep/low activity) was ~25% lower than that measured during the dark phase (period of wakefulness) (326 ± 83 μM vs 430 ± 118 μM, n = 10; P = 0.04). Thiopental and etomidate induced proportionally similar decreases in cytosolic [NADH]:[NAD+] ratio in astrocytes, indicative of a reduction in glycolytic rate. These data suggest that anaesthetic agents inhibit astrocytic glycolysis and reduce the level of extracellular lactate in the brain. Similar reductions in brain lactate release occur during natural state of sleep, suggesting that general anaesthesia may recapitulate some of the effects of sleep on brain energy metabolism

    Moderate performance of serum S100A12, in distinguishing inflammatory bowel disease from irritable bowel syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>S100A12, a calcium-binding proinflammatory protein secreted by granulocytes, has been associated with different diseases of inflammatory origin, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, the utility of serum S100A12, in discriminating IBD from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), was tested.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>S100A12 serum levels were determined in 64 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), 64 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 73 with IBS, by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. S100A12 serum levels were evaluated with respect to the levels of known inflammatory markers and patients' characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median values of serum S100A12 levels were 68.2 ng/mL (range: 43.4-147.4) in UC, 70 ng/mL (41.4-169.8) in CD and 43.4 ng/mL (34.4-74.4) in IBS patients. UC and CD patients had significantly higher serum S100A12 levels compared to IBS patients (<it>P </it>= 0.001 for both comparisons). Moreover, a cut-off for serum S100A12 levels of 54.4 ng/mL could predict both UC and CD with a 66.7% sensitivity and a 64.4% specificity. The area under curve was estimated at 0.67 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.60-0.75 (<it>P </it>< 0.001). Considering standard activity indices, higher serum S100A12 levels in active compared to inactive IBD were observed, although the recorded difference did not reach statistical significance. C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) levels, showed a statistically significant positive correlation with S100A12 (r = 0.39, <it>P </it>= 0.001 and r = 0.23, <it>P </it>= 0.02 respectively).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Increased levels of circulating S100A12 are found in IBD, compared to IBS. When used to distinguish IBD from IBS adult patients, serum S100A12 levels exhibit moderate performance. On the other hand, serum S100A12 may serve as an inflammatory marker in IBD, since it is well correlated with CRP and SAA.</p

    The experience of brace treatment in children/adolescents with scoliosis

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic scoliosis is a chronic illness with several different braces used for its treatment. Brace treatment during childhood/adolescence can produce stress. There are studies supporting that it can decrease body-image perception while other studies support that it has no such effect. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of brace treatment in children/adolescents with scoliosis. The aim was to investigate which feelings are created by the bracing experience in children/adolescents with scoliosis and what are the children/adolescents' with scoliosis opinions of the support provided to them by health-care professionals and by their families. METHODS: We conducted interviews with the help of a semi-structured interview guide in order to address the topic of the experience of brace treatment. A convenient sample of twelve children and adolescents with scoliosis was selected from patients attending follow-up appointments at the Outpatient Scoliosis Clinics of two Greek hospitals. The data was analysed using the method of content analysis. RESULTS: Patients in the sample were 10–16 years old and they were mainly females (71%). Almost all of the participants reported having to deal with stress, denial, fear, anger, and shame. They were satisfied with the information they received regarding their condition and therapy. However, the information was not accompanied by support from the health care professionals. They reported that they were receiving support mainly from their families, friends, and classmates. CONCLUSION: The present study is contributing to the development of a better understanding of significant issues related to the experience of bracing therapy. It is clear that scoliosis children/adolescents have to be provided with support during the long period of bracing. It is apparent that those children/adolescents have unmet needs for care and health professionals and policy makers should try to find a way to address those needs

    Ratio of flavour non-singlet and singlet scalar density renormalisation parameters in Nf=3N_\mathrm{f}=3 QCD with Wilson quarks

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    We determine non-perturbatively the normalisation factor rmZS/ZS0r_\mathrm{m}\equiv Z_{\rm S}/Z_{\rm S}^{0}, where ZSZ_{\rm S} and ZS0Z_{\rm S}^{0} are the renormalisation parameters of the flavour non-singlet and singlet scalar densities, respectively. This quantity is required in the computation of quark masses with Wilson fermions and for instance the renormalisation of nucleon matrix elements of scalar densities. Our calculation involves simulations of finite-volume lattice QCD with the tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action, Nf=3N_\mathrm{f} = 3 mass-degenerate O(a)\mathrm{O}(a) improved Wilson fermions and Schr\"odinger functional boundary conditions. The slope of the current quark mass, as a function of the subtracted Wilson quark mass is extracted both in a unitary setup (where nearly chiral valence and sea quark masses are degenerate) and in a non-unitary setup (where all valence flavours are chiral and the sea quark masses are small). These slopes are then combined with ZZP/(ZSZA)Z \equiv Z_{\rm P}/(Z_{\rm S}Z_{\rm A}) in order to obtain rmr_\mathrm{m}. A novel chiral Ward identity is employed for the calculation of the normalisation factor ZZ. Our results cover the range of gauge couplings corresponding to lattice spacings below 0.10.1\,fm, for which Nf=2+1N_\mathrm{f} = 2+1 QCD simulations in large volumes with the same lattice action are typically performed.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure