365 research outputs found

    Unoriented D-brane instantons

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to D-brane instanton effects in vacuum configurations with open and unoriented strings. We focus on quiver gauge theories for unoriented D-branes at orbifold singularities and describe in some detail the Z_3 case, where both `gauge' and `exotic' instantons can generate non-perturbative super potentials, and the Z_5 case, where supersymmetry breaking may arise from the combined effect of `gauge' instantons and a FI D-term.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the "XVII European Workshop on String Theory 2011", Padova, Italy, 5-9 September 201

    Detecting and Punishing Unconscious Bias

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    We present experimental results demonstrating how ideology shapes evaluations of technology aimed at detecting unconscious biases: (1) liberals supported use of the technology to detect unconscious racism but not unconscious anti-Americanism, whereas conservatives showed the reverse pattern, (2) liberals and conservatives opposed punishing individuals for unconscious bias but supported punishing organizations failing to use the technology to root out, respectively, racism or anti-Americanism, (3) concerns about researcher bias and false accusations mediated the effects of ideology on support for the technology, and (4) participants taking strong initial stands were likelier than moderates to reconsider their positions. Our findings demonstrate that there is substantial concern about penalizing unconscious bias at the individual level and that it will be difficult to generate broad support for regulation of unconscious bias at even the organizational level unless the technology is a reliable detector of unconscious biases that lead to frequent or serious antisocial behaviors

    Phenomenological analysis of D-brane Pati-Salam vacua

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    In the present work we perform a phenomenological analysis of the effective low energy models with Pati-Salam (PS) gauge symmetry derived in the context of D-branes. A main issue in these models arises from the fact that the right-handed fermions and the PS-symmetry breaking Higgs field transform identically under the PS symmetry, causing unnatural matter-Higgs mixing effects. We argue that this problem could be solved in particular D-brane setups where these fields arise in different intersections. We further observe that whenever a large Higgs mass term is generated in a particular class of mass spectra, a splitting mechanism -reminiscent of the doublet triplet splitting- may protect the neutral Higgs components from a heavy mass term. We analyze the implications of each individual representation which in principle is available in these models in order to specify the minimal spectrum required to build up a consistent PS model which reconciles the low energy data. A short discussion is devoted on the effects of stringy instanton corrections, particularly those generating missing Yukawa couplings and contributing to the fermion mass textures. We discuss the correlations of the intersecting D-brane spectra with those obtained from Gepner constructions and analyze the superpotential, the resulting mass textures and the low energy implications of some examples of the latter along the lines proposed above.Comment: 50 pages, 3 figures (v2 - Minor corrections

    Centrifuge modeling of rocking-isolated inelastic RC bridge piers

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    Experimental proof is provided of an unconventional seismic design concept, which is based on deliberately underdesigning shallow foundations to promote intense rocking oscillations and thereby to dramatically improve the seismic resilience of structures. Termed rocking isolation, this new seismic design philosophy is investigated through a series of dynamic centrifuge experiments on properly scaled models of a modern reinforced concrete (RC) bridge pier. The experimental method reproduces the nonlinear and inelastic response of both the soil-footing interface and the structure. To this end, a novel scale model RC (1:50 scale) that simulates reasonably well the elastic response and the failure of prototype RC elements is utilized, along with realistic representation of the soil behavior in a geotechnical centrifuge. A variety of seismic ground motions are considered as excitations. They result in consistent demonstrably beneficial performance of the rocking-isolated pier in comparison with the one designed conventionally. Seismic demand is reduced in terms of both inertial load and deck drift. Furthermore, foundation uplifting has a self-centering potential, whereas soil yielding is shown to provide a particularly effective energy dissipation mechanism, exhibiting significant resistance to cumulative damage. Thanks to such mechanisms, the rocking pier survived, with no signs of structural distress, a deleterious sequence of seismic motions that caused collapse of the conventionally designed pier. © 2014 The Authors Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    D-brane Instantons on the T^6/Z_3 orientifold

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    We give a detailed microscopic derivation of gauge and stringy instanton generated superpotentials for gauge theories living on D3-branes at Z_3-orientifold singularities. Gauge instantons are generated by D(-1)-branes and lead to Affleck, Dine and Seiberg (ADS) like superpotentials in the effective N=1 gauge theories with three generations of bifundamental and anti/symmetric matter. Stringy instanton effects are generated by Euclidean ED3-branes wrapping four-cycles on T^6/\Z_3. They give rise to Majorana masses in one case and non-renormalizable superpotentials for the other cases. Finally we determine the conditions under which ADS like superpotentials are generated in N=1 gauge theories with adjoints, fundamentals, symmetric and antisymmetric chiral matter.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    SU(5) D-brane realizations, Yukawa couplings and proton stability

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    We discuss SU(5) Grand Unified Theories in the context of orientifold compactifications. Specifically, we investigate two and three D-brane stack realizations of the Georgi-Glashow and the flipped SU(5) model and analyze them with respect to their Yukawa couplings. As pointed out in arXiv:0909.0271 the most economical Georgi-Glashow realization based on two stacks generically suffers from a disastrous large proton decay rate. We show that allowing for an additional U(1) D-brane stack this as well as other phenomenological problems can be resolved. We exemplify with globally consistent Georgi-Glashow models based on RCFT that these D-brane quivers can be indeed embedded in a global setting. These globally consistent realizations admit rigid O(1) instantons inducing the perturbatively missing coupling 10105^H. Finally we show that flipped SU(5) D-brane realizations even with multiple U(1) D-brane stacks are plagued by severe phenomenological drawbacks which generically cannot be overcome.Comment: 34 pages v2 minor correction

    A bicarotid trunk in association with an aberrant right subclavian artery. Report of two cases, clinical impact, and review of the literature

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    A combination of an aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) and a bicarotid trunk (BCT) appears in up to 2.5% of the population. The aim of this study is to report the higher total and male incidence of this variation in the literature and to summarise its clinical impact, providing useful knowledge to anatomists, radiologists, cardiologists, and vascular and thoracic surgeons in order to avoid diagnostic pitfalls and therapeutic complications. A total of 72 (43 female and 29 male) Greek Caucasian formalin-embalmed cadavers were studied. The international literature was reviewed along with the dissection archives of the Department of Anatomy from 1986 to 2009. Two male cadavers were found to have an ARSA combined with a BCT (incidence: total 2.78%, males 6.9%, females 0%). Both aortic arches consisted of three branches: (1) the BCT, (2) the left subclavian artery, and (3) the ARSA. The common carotids followed a normal route to the neck; the ARSA passed between the trachea and the oesophagus in the first case and behind the oesophagus in the second case, and was accompanied by a non-recurrent laryngeal nerve. In the second cadaver the ARSA formed a sharp angle (kinking/buckling) on its route to the right arm. The ARSA is associated with several congenital cardiovascular anomalies and some chromosomal and other syndromes. It is occasionaly responsible for causing dysphagia, dyspnoea, or acute ischaemia to the right upper limb, and it may present as a superior mediastinal mass in cases of aneurysm formation. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 2: 68–73