22 research outputs found

    Open charm measurements in NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS

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    The measurements of open charm production was proposed as an important tool to investigate the properties of the hot and dense matter formed in nucleus-nucleus collisions as well as to provide the means for model independent interpretation of the existing data on J/ψ suppression. Recently, the experimental setup of the NA61/SHINE experiment was supplemented with a Vertex Detector which was motivated by the importance and the possibility of the first direct measurements of open charm meson production in heavy ion collisions at SPS energies. First test data taken in December 2016 on Pb+Pb collisions at 150A GeV/c allowed to validate the general concept of D0 meson detection via its D0 → π+ + K− decay channel and delivered a first indication of open charm production. The physics motivation of open charm measurements at SPS energies, pilot results on open charm production, and finally, the future plans of open charm measurements in the NA61/SHINE experiment after LS2 are presented

    Two-particle correlations in azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity in inelastic p + p interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron

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    Results on two-particle ΔηΔϕ correlations in inelastic p + p interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80, and 158 GeV/c are presented. The measurements were performed using the large acceptance NA61/SHINE hadron spectrometer at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. The data show structures which can be attributed mainly to effects of resonance decays, momentum conservation, and quantum statistics. The results are compared with the Epos and UrQMD models.ISSN:1434-6044ISSN:1434-605

    Evaluation of government portal on the basis of public value concept

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    The paper presents the original based on the concept of public value methodology of government portals estimation. The public value concept is a new approach to the analysis and estimation of governance quality. From the middle of 90th this concept takes root into public administration practice as a basis for monitoring efficiency of administrative reforms and development of the public services quality standards. One of the modern applications of this concept is the analysis of various tools of governance quality improvement. For today one of the most effective tools of government quality improvements is development of electronic government. The methodology has been approved on sample of eleven regional government portals of the Russian Federation. In the paper the results of the conducted survey are discussed, the main problems of portals from the point of view of their potential in governance quality improvement are discovered, and also the directions of further utilization of the developed methodology are defined.

    Policy Initiatives on Healthy Ageing in Russia From 2010–2020

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    Abstract Background: A number of various policy strategies has been adopted in the last decade in response to population ageing in Russia. Governmental actions have yet to be evaluated in terms of their efficacy. By making a detailed overview of policy actions and relevant research, we are able to define successes and failures on the way to having a thriving and healthy older population. Aims: To analyse policy initiatives targeting healthy ageing in terms of both the entire population and the individuals thereof, and provide the overview for the most recent years of 2010–2020. Methods: The study has a theoretical nature. We undertake an analysis of available research litera ture and policy documents. In Section 2.2.1, we used a systematic literature review approach. Regarding the segment of the collection of literature discussed in the paper, a mixed approach was used retrieving online indexing services and additional searching in the Russian electronic library eLibrary.ru. Results: Main demographic documents and primary structural changes focus on the population decline, ageing, retirement, and overall population health. Research on healthy and active ageing in the Russian academic literature, and elaboration of the new strategies and programs designed specifically for the benefit of older people and their health, have been discussed, with special attention given to the mental health of older people. Conclusions: The initiatives mainly prioritise further increases in life expectancy, the quality of life of older persons, stimulating old-age productivity and active ageing. Many aspects require further improvement such as clear definitions, focused attention to geriatric care, better coordination of managing authorities, sustainable funding, and realistic expectations toward implementation indicators

    Local community practices to improve healthy aging in the North

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    Environmental adaptability of architectural objects

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    Changes in various spheres of human activity, including the architectural environment, give rise to problems associated with the inability of architectural objects to adapt to new conditions. The article overviews various theoretical studies involving classifications of architectural adaptation, which is a solution to the problem of obsolescence of architecture through changing its parameters in accordance with the requirements of operation. These classifications, based on modern design experiences, are supplemented with a new element - interactivity. Consideration is also given to levels of adaptation and techniques of adaptive architectural design, which have potential for increasing the life of the object and enhancing the rationality of its use. A unified classification of dynamic adaptive architecture is proposed, and its main directions of development are highlighted

    Innovation in the public sector: Introduction to the issue

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    In this paper we review directions and approaches to the analysis of innovation in the public sector to show the complexity and diversity of the studied phenomenon. Determination of the instruments of state policy, promoting the comprehensive development of public sector innovations, should be carried out only on the basis of strict methodology. The first two parts of the paper are devoted to the definition of the borders of the public sector and public sector innovation. The paper emphasizes the complexity of studied phenomenon through presentation of different typologies of innovations and innovators in the public sector. The paper also discusses factors, influencing emergence and development of public sector innovations as well as contemporary areas of research in the field. Executive Summary is available at pp. 41.innovation, public sector innovation, public sector reform,