82 research outputs found


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    Tidal swamp land is a potential area for rice cultivation. However, tidal swamp is fragile ecosystems, so that when this area is used for rice cultivation, it has to be done carefully. To reduce a risk of environmental pollution in the tidal swamp area due to rice cultivation, the area should be managed properly and wisely especially when using agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. In relation to this, the use of bio-fertilizer such as Azotobacter or/and Azospirillum, an atmospheric nitrogen fixing bacterium, might be an important thing for this area. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the number of NFB (i.e. Azotobacter and Azospirillum spp.) found in tidalswamp rice fields of South Kalimantan, and their ability in fixing atmospheric nitrogen and supplying this fixed nitrogen to rice, and in increasing rice yields. There were three research stages performed in this study. The first, collecting, isolating and purifying the NFB on the selective media of nitrogen free media. The second, a hydroponic experiment in the greenhouse using Yoshida nutrition solution (Yoshida et al., 1976 in IRRI, 2003) as culture media and selected Azotobacter and Azospirillum. The third experiment was to study the effect of selected Azotobacter isolates to increase growth and yield of IR64 and Margasari rice cultivars, and two Azotobacter isolates were combined with six inoculation methods for Siam Unus rice cultivar as treatments. The result showed that the number of NFB strains found in rhizospere rice cultivars were varied widely. Then, Azotobacter and Azospirillum spp selected from rice fields in the tidal land of South Kalimantan when associated with IR64 and Siam Unus rice cultivars have ability in fixing atmospheric N2 and in supplying N on the initial rice growth. Azotobacter T.B.PDST.2b and T.HM.BPMT.2b were significantly supplying N for early growth of IR64 rice cultivars (2.34 and 2.13 %N). The ability of these isolates to fix atmospheric N2 was similar to N fertilizer (urea) in supplying N (2.2% N). Only Azotobacter T.B.PDST.2b was relatively significant to supply N (1.36% N) for Siam Unus rice cultivar early growth, even though this strain has less ability than N fertilizer (1.94% N) in supplying N. Azotobacter isolates grow in media containing no urea were higher IAA produced than in media containing Urea. Furthermore, yield of IR64, Margasari and Siam Unus inoculated with Azotobacter isolates were 3.87–4.93; 4.63-5.36 and 5.44-6.42 ton/ha respectively. In conclusion, the utilization of Azotobacter and Azorpirillum spp to substitute N fertilizer would be able to increase effeciency of N nutritions and to avoid environment pollutions risks from agrochemical N fertilizer other than to increase rice yields on tidal land of South Kalimantan.Keywords: Azotobacter, Azospirillum, rice cultivars, tidal lands and rice yields

    Soil Biology Contribution on Agricultural Land Suitability Evaluation of Wet Tropical Megabiodiversity Regions

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    Indonesia is in the region "wet tropical megabiodiversity" it would need to complete the system  for agricultural land suitability evaluation in accordance with real conditions, thus increasing the value-added resources optimally and sustainable and accountable production investment. Soil organisms as a component of production support can act as an agent of energy and nutrient cycling in the soil, improving soil physical properties, and controlling pests and disease. For that soil, biological parameters that need to be considered in evaluating the suitability of land that already exist include: N-fixing or P-solubilizing bacteria groups that live symbiosis and free-living, the fungi solubilizing P and soil organic matter decomposition groups, BGA fixing and free-living N symbiotic groups, fauna groups are able to conserve soil organic matter and improve soil physical properties. Important steps that need to be done in the evaluation of land cover inventory of soil biological populations and its role on the growth of crops, and evaluate the suitability of the soil biological parameters of the functional value of commodity options

    The Influence of Consumer Perceptions and Attitudes towards Online Purchasing Decisions through Motivation on the Bukalapak Marketplace during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on Bukalapak Marketplace Consumers in Yogyakarta)

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    This study was made to examine the influence of consumer perceptions and attitudes towards online purchasing decisions through motivation on the Bukalapak marketplace during the covid 19 pandemic, this research was applied to Bukalapak consumers in Yogyakarta.  Based on the population and the selected sample, the sampling technique in this study uses the Non-Probability Sampling method, which is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities or opportunities for each element or member of the population to be selected as samples. The considerations in taking the sample selected in this study were: having made a purchase at the Bukalapak marketplace during the Covid-19 pandemic, being in Yogyakarta when making a purchase and being at least 17 years old when making a purchase. The sample size that will be taken in this study is 100 respondents. The data taken is then processed using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. And the results of this study are all independent variables have a significant positive effect on repurchase decisions

    Tanggap Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Asam Indol Asetat (IAA) pada Ultisol Darmaga

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    Some of rhizobacteria have been known to stimulate the growth of some crops through their fitohormon (IAA = indole acetic acid). Those rhizobacteria can stimulate the development of epidermis cells formation at root hair site and increase the infection sites to increase the nodulation and N2 fixation. The aims of this study were to study the effect of Rhizobium strains inoculation and indole acetic acid (IAA) application on crop growth, root nodulation. and N, P uptake of soybean on the Ultisols. The greenhouse experiment used Completely Randomize Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments were: I) Without inoculation (blank), 2) 100 ppm N application, 3) 0.4 ppm IAA application, 4) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (106), 5) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (I05) + IAA, 6) Inoculation of Rhizobium RD-20 (104), 7) Inoculation of Rhizobium RD-20 (106), 8) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 (106). 9) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 106 + IAA. Result of the experiment indicated that inoculation of Rhizobium and IAA application increased crop growth, nodulation, and nutrient uptake of soybean. Inoculation of Rhizobium I004(106). RD-20(104)R, D-20(I06),S NI-2(I06), and IAA 0.4 ppm increased dry weight of crop by 33.5%,37.8,17.3%,35.1%,and 3.8% respectively compared to blank. Application of IAA at Rhizobium inoculation treatment of SNI-2(106) and 1004(106i)n creased dry nodule weight on soybean 40.9%, and 55.7 % respectively compared to without IAA application

    The Potency of Azotobacter spp.Isolated from Tidal Land of South Kalimantan to Produce Indole Acetic Acids (IAA)

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    Tidal land area is considered as the most frigile ecosystems. To open this area as agricultural land has to be donecarefully. To reduce the risk of declining the environmental quality of tidal swa,,!p area due to the agricultural activity, lhearea should be managed properly and Wisely especially when using agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Inrelation to this, the use of biofertilizer such as Azotobacter spp, a nitrogen fIXing bacterium and IAA producer, might beimportant thingfor this area.The aims of this experiments was to study the ability of Azotobacter isolated from rice' rhizophere grown in tidalswamp area of South Kalimantan, in producing IAA to stimulate the growth of roots of rice cultivar I R-64. The parametersused to evaluate the effect of Azotobacter inoculation were the increase of the surface area of root, length of roots, totallength of roots, fresh, dry weight of rice IR-64 roots and the growth of root hairs.The results showed that Azotobacter produced less IAA in the media containing Urea (18.28-35.54 ppm IAA) comparedto Azotobacter grown in media without Urea (33.89 - 42.01 ppm IAA). Azotobacter T.M. UNST.3 produced the highest IAA(42.01 ppm), therefore they were able to increase the surface of roots, increase the length and weight of roots of rice cultivarIR-64 compared to other Azotobacter strains. In media containing Urea, Azotobacter RG 3.62 produced the least IAA (/8.29 ppm IAA) compared to other Azotobacter strains. However, this particular Azotobacter strain was able to increase the surface area of root, increased the number of root hairs compared to other strains

    Fine Root Production and Decomposition in Lowland Rainforest and Oil Palm Plantations in Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Transformation of tropical rainforest into oil palm plantation not only has impacts on biodiversity but also affects ecosystem functions such as production and decomposition of fine roots as a nutrient source for plant. The objective of the research was to evaluate the production and decomposition rate of fine roots in natural forest (NF) at Bukit 12 National Park and oil palm plantation (OP) in Jambi, Sumatra. The soil core and litter bag methods were used to obtain fine root production and decomposition data. The results showed that generally, there was the same pattern in fine root production between NF and OP. The annual fine root productivity was found to be higher in NF than that of OP. Rainfall in NF and air temperature in NF and OP were the most significant climate factors affecting fine root production. The remaining fine root biomass decreased as the incubation time increased. The decomposition rate constant (k value) was significantly higher in NF than in OP. Our data showed that the nutrient turn-over of NF fine roots was faster than of OP fine roots. Nitrogen, carbon content, and C/N ratio were the main factors that influenced fine root decomposition


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    Urine umumnya mengandung unsur hara, terutama nitrogen (N) yang tinggi, mudah larut dan tersedia bagi tanaman, tetapi mudah hilang dalam bentuk gas amonia. Nitrogen merupakan unsur hara yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Zeolit merupakan mineral yang memiliki mempunyai afinitas yang tinggi terhadap ion amonium. Zeolit yang mengandung amonium dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk lambat tersedia. Tujuan percobaan ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara ukuran zeolit dengan kemampuannya menjerap nitrogen yang terkandung dalam urine sapi, dan mengamati pengaruh ukuran dan takaran zeolit yang telah dicampur dengan urine sapi terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan percobaan pot di rumah kaca yang disusun secara acak lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah empat taraf takaran zeolit: 1000, 2000, 4000, dan 8000 ppm dengan dua taraf ukuran zeolit, yaitu kurang dari 60 mesh dan 32-60 mesh. Parameter tanaman dan tanah yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, bobot kering bagian atas dan akar tanaman, serapan N bagian atas dan akar tanaman, serta KTK tanah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jerapan N-urine semakin besar dengan semakin halus ukuran zeolit. Tetapi pengaruh pemberian zeolit-urine dengan ukuran 60 mesh terhadap tinggi tanaman, bobot kering bagian atas dan akar tanaman jagung umur 21 hari, serapan N akar serta KTK tanah nyata lebih tinggi daripada pemberian zeolit-urine dengan ukuran yang lebih halus (< 32 mesh). Zeolit-urine dengan takaran 2000 ppm nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, bobot kering bagian atas tanaman, serapan N akar, dan KTK tanah, tetapi interaksi antara ukuran dan takaran zeolit-urine tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter yang diamati. Pada takaran zeolit-urine lebih dari 2000 ppm, semua parameter pertumbuhan tanaman cenderung menurun

    Photosynthesis and Transpiration Rates of Rice Cultivated Under the System of Rice Intensification and the Effects on Growth and Yield

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    The system of rice intensification (SRI) crop management method has been reported by many authors to significantly increase rice yield with lower inputs, but physiological bases of yielding improvement has not been studied. In this research we assessed some physiological parameters and the mechanism of rice yield improvement of rice plants under SRI cultivation method during both vegetative and generative phases compared to conventional rice cultivation methods. We measured photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, leaf temperature, chlorophyll content, N and P uptake, plant growth parameters and yield for those comparison. SRI methods significantly increased both vegetative and reproductive (generative) parameters of rice plants compared to conventional cultivation methods. Photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, N and P uptake under SRI cultivation were significantly higher compared to those of the conventional rice cultivation, but no differences were found in transpiration rate and leaf temperature. With SRI method, plants in their generative phase (especially in the grain-filling phase) had the highest photosynthetic and the lowest transpiration rates. Grain yield under SRI method was significantly higher (ca. 24%) than that of conventional method

    Tanggap Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Asam Indol Asetat (IAA) pada Ultisol Darmaga

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    Some of rhizobacteria have been known to stimulate the growth of some crops through their fitohormon (IAA = indole acetic acid). Those rhizobacteria can stimulate the development of epidermis cells formation at root hair  site and increase the infection sites to increase the nodulation and N2 fixation. The aims of this study were to study the effect of Rhizobium strains inoculation and indole acetic acid (IAA) application on crop growth, root nodulation. and N, P uptake of soybean on the Ultisols. The greenhouse experiment used Completely Randomize Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments were: I) Without inoculation (blank), 2) 100 ppm N application, 3) 0.4 ppm IAA application, 4) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (106), 5) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (I05) + IAA, 6) Inoculation of  Rhizobium RD-20 (104), 7) Inoculation of Rhizobium RD-20 (106), 8) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 (106). 9) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 106 + IAA. Result of the experiment indicated that inoculation of Rhizobium and IAA application increased crop growth, nodulation, and nutrient uptake of soybean. Inoculation of Rhizobium I004(106). RD-20(104)R, D-20(I06),S NI-2(I06), and IAA 0.4 ppm increased dry weight of crop by 33.5%,37.8,17.3%,35.1%,and 3.8% respectively compared to blank. Application of IAA at Rhizobium inoculation treatment of SNI-2(106) and 1004(106i)n creased dry nodule weight on soybean 40.9%, and 55.7 % respectively compared to without IAA application

    Soil Biology Contribution on Agricultural Land Suitability Evaluation of Wet Tropical Megabiodiversity Regions

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    Indonesia is in the region "wet tropical megabiodiversity" it would need to complete the system for agricultural land suitability evaluation in accordance with real conditions, thus increasing the value-added resources optimally and sustainable and accountable production investment. Soil organisms as a component of production support can act as an agent of energy and nutrient cycling in the soil, improving soil physical properties, and controlling pests and disease. For that soil, biological parameters that need to be considered in evaluating the suitability of land that already exist include: N-fixing or P-solubilizing bacteria groups that live symbiosis and free-living, the fungi solubilizing P and soil organic matter decomposition groups, BGA fixing and free-living N symbiotic groups, fauna groups are able to conserve soil organic matter and improve soil physical properties. Important steps that need to be done in the evaluation of land cover inventory of soil biological populations and its role on the growth of crops, and evaluate the suitability of the soil biological parameters of the functional value of commodity options
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