63 research outputs found

    Comparative study of 220 kV overhead transmission lines models subjected to lightning strike simulation by using electromagnetic and alternative transients program

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    Introduction. In high voltage networks intended for the transport of electrical energy, lightning can strike an electric line striking either a phase conductor, a pylon or a ground wire, causing significant overvoltage on the transmission lines classified as stresses the most dangerous for transformer stations and electro-energy systems in general. Modeling transmission lines becomes more complicated, if the frequency dependence of resistance and serial inductance due to the effect of lightning strike in the conductors and in the earth is considered. The difficulty increases the fact that the parameters of the line can be defined and calculated only in the frequency domain, while the simulation of transients is wanted to be in the time domain. Problem. Several models (J.R. Marti, Bergeron, nominal PI, Semlyen and Noda) exist for the modeling of transmission lines, the Electromagnetic Transients Program/Alternative Transient Program software (EMTP/ATPDraw) gives the possibility to choose between these models which is delicate due to the fact that we do not have experimental results to validate and justify the choice among the models available in the software. In this context, practical value: the overhead transport line OAT-El Hassi (220 kV) of the city of Sétif located in the north east of Algeria is used for the modeling of lightning strike by using the EMTP/ATPDraw software. Originality. A comparative study of the investigation of a lightning strike on an existing high voltage transmission line by different models of existing lines in the EMTP/ATPDraw software library of this software. Results. It was concluded that the choice of the model of the line is very important given the accuracy and quality of the curves of the voltage presented at the different calculation points. Вступ. У високовольтних мережах, призначених для передачі електроенергії, блискавка може вдарити по лінії електропередач, уразивши або фазний провід, опору, або заземлюючий провід, викликаючи значні перенапруги на лініях електропередач, визначені як загрози, найбільш небезпечні для трансформаторних підстанцій та електроенергетичних систем загалом. Моделювання ліній електропередач ускладнюється, якщо враховувати частотну залежність опору та послідовної індуктивності внаслідок дії удару блискавки у провідниках та землі. Складність підвищується тим, що параметри лінії можуть бути визначені і розраховані тільки в частотній області, в той час як моделювання перехідних процесів бажано проводити в часовій області. Проблема. Існує кілька моделей (J.R. Marti, Bergeron, номінальна П-подібна схема заміщення, Semlyen і Noda) для моделювання ліній електропередач, комп‘ютерна  програма електромагнітних перехідних процесів/альтернативна програма перехідних процесів EMTP/ATPDraw дає можливість вибирати між цими моделями, що є «тонким питанням» через те, що ми не маємо експериментальних результатів для перевірки та обґрунтування вибору серед моделей, доступних у програмному забезпеченні. У цьому контексті, практична цінність: для моделювання удару блискавки за допомогою програмного забезпечення EMTP/ATPDraw використана повітряна лінія електропередачі ОАТ-Ель-Хассі (220 кВ) міста Сетіф, розташованого на північному сході Алжиру. Оригінальність. Порівняльне дослідження вивчення удару блискавки на існуючій високовольтній лінії електропередач за різними моделями існуючих ліній у бібліотеці програм  EMTP/ATPDraw цього програмного забезпечення. Результати. Зроблено висновок, що вибір моделі лінії дуже важливий з урахуванням точності та якості кривих напруг, представлених у різних розрахункових точках.

    Noise Probe of the Dynamic Phase Separation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3

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    Giant Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) in the resistance fluctuation of a macroscopic film of perovskite-type manganese oxide La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 has been observed at various temperatures ranging from 4K to 170K, well below the Curie temperature (TC = 210K). The amplitudes of the two-level-fluctuations (TLF) vary from 0.01% to 0.2%. We use a statistical analysis of the life-times of the TLF to gain insight into the microscopic electronic and magnetic state of this manganite. At low temperature (below 30K) The TLF is well described by a thermally activated two-level model. An estimate of the energy difference between the two states is inferred. At higher temperature (between 60K and 170K) we observed critical effects of the temperature on the life-times of the TLF. We discuss this peculiar temperature dependence in terms of a sharp change in the free energy functional of the fluctuators. We attribute the origin of the RTN to be a dynamic mixed-phase percolative conduction process, where manganese clusters switch back and forth between two phases that differ in their conductivity and magnetization.Comment: 15 pages, PDF only, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Phase Separation and the Low-Field Bulk Magnetic Properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3

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    We present a detailed magnetic study of the perovskite manganite Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 at low temperatures including magnetization and a.c. susceptibility measurements. The data appear to exclude a conventional spin glass phase at low fields, suggesting instead the presence of correlated ferromagnetic clusters embedded in a charge-ordered matrix. We examine the growth of the ferromagnetic clusters with increasing magnetic field as they expand to occupy almost the entire sample at H ~ 0.5 T. Since this is well below the field required to induce a metallic state, our results point to the existence of a field-induced ferromagnetic insulating state in this material.Comment: 15 pages with figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Soft spin waves in the low temperature thermodynamics of Pr_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}

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    We present a detailed magnetothermal study of Pr(0.7)Ca(0.3)MnO(3), a perovskite manganite in which an insulator-metal transition can be driven by magnetic field, but also by pressure, visible light, x-rays, or high currents. We find that the field-induced transition is associated with an enormous release of energy which accounts for its strong irreversibility. In the ferromagnetic metallic state, specific heat and magnetization measurements indicate a much smaller spin wave stiffness than that seen in any other manganite, which we attribute to spin waves among the ferromagnetically ordered Pr moments. The coupling between the Pr and Mn spins may also provide a basis for understanding the low temperature phase diagram of this most unusual manganite.Comment: 10 pages, LATEX, 5 PDF figures, corrected typo

    Non-linear electrical response in a non-charge-ordered manganite: Pr0.8Ca0.2MnO3

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    Up to now, electric field induced non-linear conduction in the Pr(1-x)CaxMnO3 system has been ascribed to a current-induced destabilization of the charge ordered phase. However, for x<0.25, a ferromagnetic insulator state is observed and charge-ordering is absent whatever the temperature. A systematic investigation of the non-linear transport in the ferromagnetic insulator Pr0.8Ca0.2MnO3 shows rather similar results to those obtained in charge ordered systems. However, the experimental features observed in Pr0.8Ca0.2MnO3 are distinct in that the collapse of the CO energy gap can not be invoked as usually done in the other members of the PCMO system. We propose interpretations in which the effectiveness of the DE is restored upon application of electric field.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Lipidna peroksidacija i aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima radnika profesionalno izloženih aluminiju

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    Current research indicates that lipid peroxidation could have a role in aluminium toxicity. The aim of this study was to asses lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzyme activity in erythrocytes of workers occupationally exposed to aluminium. We investigated a group of 59 workers (Al group) exposed to aluminium fumes (contamination factor F=8.07 to 13.47, national maximal allowed concentration value is 2 mg m-3). The control group (C group) consisted of 75 subjects employed in lime production who had not been occupationally exposed to aluminium or any known toxic substance. Erythrocyte aluminium concentrations were significantly higher in the exposed group than controls [Al group (8.41±3.66) µg L-1, C group (5.60±0.86) µg L-1, p<0.001]. In the Al group, erythrocyte malondialdehyde concentration was also significantly higher [Al group (189.59±81.27) µmol L-1, C group (105.21±49.62) µmol L-1, p<0.001] and antioxidative enzyme activity reduced for glucoso-6-phosphatedehydrogenase [Al group (5.05±1.70) IU g-1 Hb, C group (12.53±4.12) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], glutathione reductase [Al group (1.41±0.56) IU g-1 Hb, C group (1.89±0.57) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], glutathione peroxidase [Al group (12.37±5.76) IU g-1 Hb, C group (15.54±4.85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001], catalase [Al group (116.76±26.60) IU g-1 Hb, C group (158.81±71.85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0.001] and superoxide dismutase [Al group (1175.8±149.9) IU mg-1 Hb, C group (1377.9±207.5) IU mg-1 Hb, p<0.001].Rezultati suvremenih istraživanja pokazuju da lipidna peroksidacija može imati važnu ulogu u toksičnosti aluminija. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita lipidna peroksidacija i aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima kod radnika profesionalno izloženih aluminiju. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćena skupina od 59 radnika (Al skupina) profesionalno izloženih aluminiju (faktor onečišćenja F=8,07 do 13,47, nacionalna maksimalno dopuštena koncentracija je 2 mg m-3). Kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 75 osoba zaposlenih u proizvodnji vapna koje nikada nisu bile profesionalno izložene aluminiju ni drugim toksičnim tvarima. U skupini izloženoj aluminiju utvrđene su statistički signifikantno više koncentracije aluminija u eritrocitima nego u kontrolnoj skupini [Al skupina (8,41±3,66) µg L-1, kontrolna skupina (5,60±0,86) µg L-1, p<0,001]. U Al skupini utvrđene su statistički značajno više koncentracije malondialdehida u eritrocitima [Al skupina (189,59±81,27) µmol L-1, kontrolna skupina (105,21±49,62) µmol L-1, p<0,001]. Također, u Al skupini utvrđene su i statistički značajno niže aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima: glukozo- 6-fosfatdehidrogenaza [Al skupina (5,05±1,70) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (12,53±4,12) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], glutationreduktaza [Al skupina (1,41±0,56) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (1,89±0,57) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], glutationperoksidaza [Al skupina (12,37±5,76) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (15,54±4,85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001], katalaza [Al skupina (116,76±26,60) IU g-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (158,81±71,85) IU g-1 Hb, p<0,001] i superoksiddizmutaza [Al skupina (1175,8±149,9) IU mg-1 Hb, kontrolna skupina (1377,9±207,5) IU mg-1 Hb, p<0,001]

    Anomaly in the dielectric response at the charge orbital ordering transition of crystalline Pr0.67Ca0.33MnO3

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    The complex impedance of a Pr0.67Ca0.33MnO3 crystal has been measured. The frequency dependence is studied for a wide range of temperatures (50K-403K) and is found to be characteristic of relaxation process with a single Debye time relaxation constant, which is interpreted as a dielectric constant of the material. A strong peak is observed in this dielectric constant (up to two millions) at the charge ordering transition suggesting an interpretation in terms of ordering of electric dipoles at TCO or in term of phase separation. Comparison with Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3 - in which the phase separation is much smaller and the peak in the dielectric constant is absent - suggests an interpretation in term of phase separation between insulating and metallic states.Comment: pdf fil

    Spectroscopic evidence for a charge-density-wave condensate in a charge-ordered manganite: Observation of collective excitation mode in Pr0.7_{\text{0.7}}Ca0.3_{\text{0.3}}MnO3_{\text{3}} by using THz time-domain spectroscopy

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    THz time-domain spectroscopy was used to directly probe the low-energy (0.5--5 meV) electrodynamics of the charge-ordered manganite Pr0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3. We revealed the existence of a finite peak structure around 2--3 meV well below the charge gap 300\sim300 meV. In analogy to the low-energy optical properties of the well-studied low-dimensional materials, we attributed this observed structure to the collective excitation mode arising from the charge-density-wave condensate. This finding provides the importance role of the quasi-one dimensional nature of the charge and orbital ordering in Pr0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3.Comment: REVTeX4, 8 pages including 7 figures and 2 table

    Ammonia-Nitrogen Recovery from Synthetic Solution using Agricultural Waste Fibers

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    In this study, modification of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) fibers as a means to recover ammonianitrogen from a synthetic solution was investigated. Methods: The EFB fiber was modified using sodium hydroxide.Adsorption-desorption studies of ammonia nitrogen into the modified EFB fiber were investigated Findings: Theincrease in adsorption capacity was found to be proportional with the increase of pH up to 7, temperature and ammoniaconcentration. The maximum adsorption capacity is 0.53-10.89 mg/g. The attachment of ammonia nitrogen involves ionexchange-chemisorption. The maximum desorption capacity of 0.0999 mg/g. Applications: This study can be used as abaseline for designing a low cost adsorbent system for ammonia nitrogen recovery drainage and industrial wastewater aswell as EFBs-palm oil mill effluent composting