28 research outputs found

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. di Hutan Pantai Petanahan Kebumen

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    Vegetasi yang tumbuh di hutan pantai memiliki potensi ekonomi yang tinggi, salah satunya disebabkan oleh tingginya zat bioaktif yang memiliki sifat farmakologis. Salah satu spesies yang memiliki potensi tinggi sebagai sumber obat alam yaitu Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi pemanfaatan I. pes-caprae di habitat alaminya yaitu di hutan pantai Kecamatan Petanahan, Kabupaten Kebumen. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode kuadrat ukuran 1 x 1 meter yang ditempatkan secara sistematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan yang paling dekat dengan pantai memiliki biomassa I. pes-caprae yang paling tinggi, yaitu dengan rata-rata sebesar 235,01 gr/m2. Sebaran spesies tersebut dibatasi oleh kompetisi dan naungan. Dalam bidang farmakologis kandungan fitokimia dalam ekstrak Ipomoea pes-caprae memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat. Namun ketersediaannya di hutan pantai Kecamatan Petanahan masih terbatas sehingga belum dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi bahan baku obat alam. Potential Utilization of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. in the Coastal Forest Petanahan Kebumen DistrictAbstractVegetation that grows in coastal forests has high economic potential, one of which is caused by the high bioactive substances that have pharmacological properties. One species that has high potential as a source of natural medicine is Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. This study aims to examine the potential use of I. pes-caprae in its natural habitat in the coastal forest of Petanahan District, Kebumen Regency. Observations were made using the 1 x 1 meter quadratic method which was placed systematically. The results showed that the area closest to the coast had the highest biomass I. pes-caprae, with an average of 235.01 gr/m2. The distribution of these species is limited by competition and shade. In the pharmacological field, the phytochemical content in Ipomoea pes-caprae extract has high potential to be developed as a drug raw material. But its availability in the coastal forests of Petanahan District is still limited so it cannot be developed to become raw material for natural medicine

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Daun Tapak Kuda (Ipomoea Pes Caprae (L) R. Br. ) Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Ipomoea pes caprae (L) R. Br are commonly used by the Indonesian's people to treat wounds, ulcers and as antioxidant. Based on previous research it was contains terpenoids, saponins, alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids. The aim of this study is to determine inhibition capacity of I. pes caprae (L) R. Br leaf extract toward Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients infected wounds at a concentration of 100 % , 50 % , 25 % , 12.5 % , 6.25 % , 3.125 % and 1.56 %. This research was conducted with post-test design with a control only. Erythromycin is used as a control. One gram of extract dissolved in 10 ml of chloroform. Inhibition zone is measured by paper disc diffusion method on Mueller Hinton agar. Bivariat analysis showed that there is statistically significant differences of diameters of inhibition zone from each concentration (p=0,00) including control (p=0,00). Conclusion of this study are I. pes caprae (L) R. Br leaf chloroform extract have capacity to inhibit S. aureus growth and the inhibition respond increase with concentration


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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome adalah gangguan yang disebabkan oleh jeratan saraf medianus dalam terowongan karpal di pergelangan tangan dan memberikan banyak gejala  yang menyakitkan,  mati  rasa,  hyperesthesia  di  medianus  saraf  daerah dan merupakan salah satu jenis cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) yang paling cepat menimbulkan kelainan pada pekerja, berupa kecacatan selain menyebabkan nyeri, dapat pula membatasi fungsi-fungsi pergelangan tangan sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pekerjaan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui factor resiko Carpal Tunnel Sydrome pada pembuat pempek di Kecamatan seberang Ulu I Kota Palembang tahun 2015. Penelitian  ini  merupakan  penelitian  kuantitatif  dengan  menggunakan  desain cross  sectional.  Sampel  pada  penelitian  ini  adalah  pembuat  pempek  di  kecamatan Seberang  Ulu  I  yang  memenuhi  kriteria  Inklusi  yang  telah  ditetapkan yaitu sebanyak 47 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square untuk melihat adanya hubungan usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja dan lama kerja. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan factor usia, masa kerja dan lama kerja berhubungan  dengan  CTS,  sedangkan  jenis  kelamin  tidak berhubungan dengan CTS. Pada  penelitian  ini  disarankan  melakukan  pola  perubahan  pekerjaan  dengan penggunaan  tangan  dan  pergelangan  tangan  secara  berulang  yakni  waktu  istirahat  dan aktivitas juga menghindari penggunaan tangan secara berlebih sehingga rasa nyeri dapat diminimalkan

    Identifikasi Spesies Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Spp.) Berdasarkan Daya Silang dan Karakter Morfologi

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    The chili consists of several species, five of which have been cultivated, namely C. annuum, C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. baccatum, and C. pubescens. The classifications of these species are based on: 1) morphological characters, especially floral morphology, 2) crossability between species, and 3) fertile hybrids between species. Species C. baccatum and C. pubescens can be easily identified and distinguished from one another, because there are obvious differences in the two species. However the species C. annuum, C. chinense, and C. frutescens has many common characteristics, so it is difficult to distinguish morphologically. The purpose of this study was to identify capsicum species based on crossability and morphological characters. The crossability experiment was done in housing area TDP 2 Ciampea Bogor from January to December 2013 and the morphological characteristics at Leuwikopo experimental station, IPB. The morphological characters experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data were collected on successful crosses, seed viability of successful crosses and morphological characters based on descriptor for capsicum IPGRI. The percentage of successful crosses involving IPBC10 and IPBC145 (C. annuum) as female parents and 20 genotypes as male parents ranged between 0-90%; and using IPBC295 (C. frutescens) as female parent was 40%. Genotypes which had successful results equals 40% were alleged as C. frutescens species (IPBC61, IPBC139, IPBC63, IPBC163, IPBC289, IPBC288, IPBC294 and IPBC285). Principal component and of clusters analysis suggests that there are two species groups, i.e. C. annuum and C. frutescens

    Management of temporomandibular joint dislocations in the emergency department - a case series

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    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or TMJ is a type of ginglymoarthrodial joint and its articulation involves both sliding and hinge type movements. Dislocation of this joint is a very painful condition and needs acute emergency care. Most of these acute dislocations can be managed by emergency physicians. However, chronic dislocations can be managed with the conservative approach. TMJ disorders are the rare complications in those patients, which are under antiretroviral therapy and until now, there are only few cases reports in the literature. We report three cases of TMJ dislocations that were managed successfully in an emergency room. No conclusive cause-effect relationship has been found linking the TMJ disorders to the human immunodeficiency virus-antiviral treatment

    Genetic Study of Resistance to Begomovirus on Chili Pepper by Hayman’s Diallel Analysis

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    Genetic study of resistance to  Begomovirus  is required in plant breeding program to obtain  a resistance cultivar. Diallel analysis was used to evaluate the genetic parameters in early generation for Begomovirus resistance and agronomic characters. Fourty two  hybrids and 7 selfed families generated from a full diallel cross of seven parental lines varying in Begomovirus resistance and yield potential were allotted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Virus infection was made by inoculating ‘Segunung’ isolate from infected plant using Bemisia tabaci as the vector.  Results showed that disease intensity, types of symptoms and fruit number were controlled by genes interaction.  Fruit weight was controlled by additive gene actions, whereas incubation period were controlled by dominant gene actions.   Disease intensity, types of symptoms and incubation period showed over-dominant gene actions towards lower intensity and longer incubation period respectively. The broad sense and narrow sense heritability for all characteristics are classified as moderate to high


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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a discrete-time controller for a DC-DC Buck converter in the complex delta domain. Whenever any continuous-time system is sampled to get a corresponding discrete-time system with a very high sampling rate, the shift operator parameterized discrete-time system fails to provide meaningful information. There is another discrete-time operator called delta operator. In the delta operator parameterized discrete-time system, the discrete-time results and continuous-time results can be obtained hand to hand, rather than in two special cases at a very high sampling rate. The superior property of the delta operator is capitalized in this paper to design the proposed controller in the discrete domain. The Proportional plus Integral (PI) controller designed in the delta domain is used to maintain the output voltage of the Buck converter at the load end for varying load and varying supply voltage conditions. The controller is designed and implemented using the DS1202 dSPACE board. The output voltage of the Buck converter is scaled to feed to the onboard analogue to digital converter of DS1202. Under the different disturbances, the error between the desired output voltage and the actual output voltage is measured and the delta PI controller is used to manipulate the duty cycle of the converter. The duty cycle of this pulse width modulation (PWM) signal is generated using a DS1202 board and is applied to the gate of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) via a suitable driver such that the output voltage of the Buck converter remains at its desired value

    Phenotyping of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes against salt stress and assessment of variability for yield and yield attributing traits

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    Salt tolerance is a complex polygenic trait that is genotype specific and tolerance can depend upon a plants developmental stage. To evaluate reproductive stage specific salt tolerance as well as investigate the inherent variability of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes with respect to seed yields and yield-related traits, a pot culture experiment was conducted using 26 mungbean genotypes and exposure to salt stress (EC = 8.0 dS/m) applied at the reproductive stage, just before the opening of the first flowers. The experiment involved maintaining 100% field capacity for three weeks and used a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Data were collected, included days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of pod-bearing branches per plant, number of pods per plant, pod length (cm), number of seeds per pod, 100-seed weight (g) and seed yield per plant (g). Salt stress led to a significant (p<0.001) decrease in seed yield per plant, with yields of the genotypes BMX 11116, BMX 11176, BMX 11140, BMX 11111 and BMX 11163 being the least impacted by exposure to salt. Principal component analysis revealed that the first two components explained 63.5% of the total variation among the mungbean genotypes. Seed yield per plant showed a significant positive correlation with days to maturity, number of pod-bearing branches per plant, number of pods per plant, pod length (cm), number of seeds per pod, and 100-seed weight (g). Cluster analysis grouped the 26 genotypes into five distinct clusters, where the tolerant genotypes placed in cluster I. Based on their stress tolerance indices BARI Mung-6, BMX 11176, BMX 11116, and BMX 11140 were categorized as tolerant genotypes, were selected for further study under direct field conditions and are recommended for the genetic improvement of salt stress tolerance in mungbean

    UJI DAYA HAMBAT EKSTRAK DAUN TAPAK KUDA (Ipomoea pes caprae (L) R. Br. ) TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus

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    Ipomoea pes caprae (L) R. Br are commonly used by the Indonesian’s people to treat wounds, ulcers and as antioxidant.  Based  on  previous  research  it  was  contains  terpenoids,  saponins, alkaloids,  tannins  and flavonoids. The aim of this study is to determine inhibition capacity of I. pes caprae (L) R. Br leaf extract toward Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients infected wounds at a concentration of 100 % , 50 % , 25 % , 12.5 %  ,  6.25  %  ,  3.125  %  and  1.56  %. This  research  was  conducted  with  post-test  design  with  a  control  only. Erythromycin is  used as a control. One gram of  extract dissolved  in  10  ml  of  chloroform. Inhibition  zone  is measured  by  paper  disc  diffusion  method  on  Mueller  Hinton agar. Bivariat  analysis  showed  that there  is statistically significant differences of diameters of inhibition zone from each concentration (p=0,00) including control (p=0,00). Conclusion of this study are I. pes caprae (L) R. Br leaf chloroform extract have capacity to inhibit S. aureus growth and the inhibition respond increase with concentration. Keywords : Ipomoea pes caprae (L) R. Br, Inhibition test, Erythromycin, Staphylococcus aureu

    The transmembrane inner ear (tmie) gene contributes to vestibular and lateral line development and function in the zebrafish ( Danio rerio )

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    The inner ear is a complex organ containing sensory tissue, including hair cells, the development of which is not well understood. Our long-term goal is to discover genes critical for the correct formation and function of the inner ear and its sensory tissue. A novel gene, transmembrane inner ear ( Tmie ), was found to cause hearing-related disorders when defective in mice and humans. A homologous tmie gene in zebrafish was cloned and its expression characterized between 24 and 51 hours post-fertilization. Embryos injected with morpholinos (MO) directed against tmie exhibited circling swimming behavior (∼37%), phenocopying mice with Tmie mutations; semicircular canal formation was disrupted, hair cell numbers were reduced, and maturation of electrically active lateral line neuromasts was delayed. As in the mouse, tmie appears to be required for inner ear development and function in the zebrafish and for hair cell maturation in the vestibular and lateral line systems as well. Developmental Dynamics 237:941–952, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58082/1/21486_ftp.pd