72 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa

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    Civics concept is a doctrine fulfilled with relationship between citizens and state. The relation set a citizen as a member of political community. Civics education is needed to create good citizens whose have nation character. Nation character is needed for unified Indonesian which consist of various differentiation. This article analyze civics education, character education, beside strategy of teaching value in building the nation character. It becomes urgent because civics education had been focusing to cognitive aspects and gave less focuse to affective and psychomotoric sides

    Business Development Strategy Songket Nagari Pandai Sikek X Koto Sub-District

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    This study seeks to examine the strategy of developing songket craft business in increasing income in Nagari Pandai Sisek, X Koto District. This type of research is descriptive, which aims to find out the value of the independent variable without connecting or making comparisons with other variables. The data used in this study is qualitative data in the form of answers through interviews and literature studies. In analyzing data using SWOT analysis techniques. The results of this study show that there is still a need for a market development strategy by expanding cooperation with travel and tourism buses that will take visitors to the songket crafts center. Including improving access and widening roads to facilitate vehicles coming both at home and abroad. In addition, it also needs to expand marketing through social media

    The Crisis of Religious Identity in the Young Generation

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    This research aims to determine the impact of identity crisis on adolescents due to online games in Simberuna Village, Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe District, Pakpak Bharat Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive type of research that describes and explains in the form of an in-depth description and analysis of a real situation and situation, namely regarding "Identity Crisis in Adolescents Due to Online Games in Simberuna Village, Sitellu District, Tali Urang Jehe, Pakpak Bharat Regency". This type of descriptive research is more concerned with explaining the relationship between the symptoms and targets studied. The results obtained from this study are (1) Adolescents experience an identity crisis because they have problems with their ability to control emotions, have problems placing themselves with their peers, have problems with their appearance, and do not get the right figure to achieve a good self-identity because it is fun to play games online. (2) The impact caused by online games is being unable to make important decisions about themselves, reduced interest in learning from teenagers who are already addicted, often procrastinating work, and not socializing with the surrounding environment because they are engrossed in playing online games

    Agrotourism Development Strategy Parak Kafe Orange Orchard DT. Timbijo in Nagari Koto Laweh, X Koto District, Tanah Datar Regency

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    The purpose of  this study is to study the development strategy of the Orange Garden CafĂ© Parak Dt. Timbijo in Nagari Koto Laweh,  Tanah Datar Regency.   This research method uses SWOT analysis, namely by developing conditions and evaluating a problem and projecting it into an applicable business concept. Researchers also conduct comprehensive and focused research to obtain complete and detailed data about those studied through observation and direct fieldwork.  Parak Orange Garden CafĂ© is located in the middle of Koto Laweh Nagari whose position is not difficult to access.   Parak Tourism Cafe Kebun Jeruk dt.   Timbijo can generate income for its owner.   To enter Parak Agrotourism Cafe Kebun Jeruk Dt.   Timbijo tourists do not need to pay for entrance tickets, it's just that they are required to order the existing menu.   If tourists want to bring home citrus fruits can buy directly at the orange plantation at a price of Rp 2 5,000 per kilo can be picked alone or assisted by employees at Parak CafĂ©.   Agrotourism Parak Kafe Kebun Jeruk Dt. Timbijo in its development has not been able to fully cooperate with the Nagari government and the local community so in its control assisted by the presence of competent human resources.   From Parak cafĂ©, it can be found that there are 13 strategies that need to be developed in Parak Agrotourism, Orange Garden Cafe, Dt. Timbijo,  then it is also necessary that promotional activities can be done through social networks to spread the news of other passengers and can be added to the existing facilities and infrastructure in Parak Agrotourism, Orange Garden Cafe, Dt. Timbijo. &nbsp

    Evaluation of the Utilization of Electronic Filing System as Information Retrieval Medium at the Records Centre Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

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    The Electronic Filing System is a form of concrete application of information technology in archival institutions. This system is used to facilitate and speed up the work of archivists. In practice, this system needs to be evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the utilization of the Electronic Filing System as an information retrieval information medium at the Records Center Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and to provide solutions on how to overcome various existing obstacles. This type of research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. Sampling using a non-probability technique with saturated sampling. The sample used was 31 respondents or the entire population. Data analysis uses a Likert scale, and the calculation uses an interval scale. Evaluation of the utilization of this Electronic Filing System uses the effectiveness standard of Ron Weber in his book entitled Evaluating Control and Audit , with a focus on evaluating system quality variables. The results showed that the level of effectiveness of the Electronic Filing System in information retrieval was relatively high. It can be seen from the results of eight indicators on the evaluating system quality variable studied. The results are as follows: Response time indicator is very high (3.54), turnaround time is very high (3.58), system reliability/stability is high (3.25), ease of interaction with the system is very high (3.3), functional usability provided by the system is very high (3.51), ease of learning is very high (3.35), quality of documentation and assistance facilities is very high (3.36), and level of integration with other systems is relatively low (2.35). All these indicators obtained an average score of 3.27, which was included in the reasonably high category. Only indicators of the level of integration with other systems need to be developed further in the future. The results of this study are beneficial for the records centre unit in evaluating the Electronic Filing System according to the standards and guidelines for the effectiveness of an information retrieval system so that it is more optimal in facilitating staff work and providing services to users

    EXO OLO - Task Learning Model: An Introduction To Hots-Oriented Learning Model Based On Lesson Study

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    This article was written to explain the role of EXO OLO Task Learning Model in developing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for learners. The learning model which is developed with the "ADDIE" development model has four pillars: effective learning activities (individual activities, paired activities, and group activities), multilevel questions and tasks, collaboration and sustained development of teacher competence. Learning steps in this model are strengthening of concepts, the EXO Task work, the EXO Task discussions, the OLO task work, in-depth discussions and learning reflections. In relation to the implementation of the 2013 curriculum that adopts the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) learning oriented, the model of EXO OLO Task can be applied by the teacher in learning, both in learning Geography and other subjects. The result of the learning model implementation shows that the EXO OLO Task can improve students' learning activities (individual, pairs and groups), foster collaboration in learning, and improve students’ learning outcomes significantly. Keywords: EXO OLO Task Learning Model, Higher Order Thinking Skill/ HOTS, Lesson Stud

    Studi Fenomenologi : Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Peranan Orang Tua Dalam Pendampingan Pembelajaran Daring Anak Sekolah Dasar Pada Masa Pandemi Covid -19 Di Nagari Sungai Sariak Kab Padang Pariaman

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    Tujuan penelitian 1) untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam mendampingi belajar anak selama masa pandemic Covid-19 di desa sungai sariak kabupaten padang pariaman. 2) untuk mengetahui factor apa saja yang menjadi penghambat orang tua dalam mendampingi belajar anak pada masa pandemic Covid-19 di Nagari Sungai Sariak, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian di Nagari Sungai Sariak, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada “ Peran orang tua dalam membantu belajar anak selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian pertama: banyak orang tua yang belum memahami perannya sebagai pendamping belajar bagi anak dirumah, dua : kurangnya pemahaman materi oleh orang tua sehingga mencari media pembelajaran lain di jaringan internet; kesulitan orang tua mengalokasikan waktu dalam mendampingi anak karena orang tua harus bekerja sehingga sulit membagi waktu; sulitnya orang tua dalam menumbuhkan minat belajar anak mempengaruhi semangat belajar anak sehingga anak mudah bosan

    Classroom Management Strategies in English Language Teaching: A Perspective of English Teacher

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    The essence of classroom management is the creation of more conducive student learning conditions. The conducive learning conditions are the most important prerequisite for the smooth implementation of student learning activities, so that the smooth learning process influences the learning outcomes more optimally. Good class management is one that can serve and help students' needs in learning. Therefore, the characteristics and needs of students are the first things that need to be known and taken into account by the teacher as well as possible. To collect the data, the researchers used semi-structure interview and the obtained data were analyzed with descriptive-qualitative method.The result showed that there are three dominant aspects of classroom management system, namely; curriculum and instructional management’s (i.e. curriculum planning, making the lesson plan, scheduling, method implementation learning and assessment), management behavior (i.e. teacher sets and enforces the rules and the procedure, teacher starts the lesson, teacher builds relationships with students, teachers apply discipline and consequences and teacher is involved in the process learning), and management of the environment (i.e. class settings namely structuring furniture and determining the number of students)
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