14,411 research outputs found

    A new version of Brakke's local regularity theorem

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    Consider an integral Brakke flow (μt)(\mu_t), t[0,T]t\in [0,T], inside some ball in Euclidean space. If μ0\mu_{0} has small height, its measure does not deviate too much from that of a plane and if μT\mu_{T} is non-empty, then Brakke's local regularity theorem yields that (μt)(\mu_t) is actually smooth and graphical inside a smaller ball for times t(C,TC)t\in (C,T-C) for some constant CC. Here we extend this result to times t(C,T)t\in (C,T). The main idea is to prove that a Brakke flow that is initially locally graphical with small gradient will remain graphical for some time. Moreover we use the new local regularity theorem to generalise White's regularity theorem to Brakke flows.Comment: 40 pages, corrected an error in the former Lemma 4.4 (now Lemma 5.4), added a section about curvature estimates (used for the mentioned correction

    Almost graphical hypersurfaces become graphical under mean curvature flow

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    Consider a mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, that is initially graphical inside a cylinder. There exists a period of time during which the flow is graphical inside the cylinder of half the radius. Here we prove a lower bound on this period depending on the Lipschitz-constant of the initial graphical representation. This is used to deal with a mean curvature flow that lies inside a slab and is initially graphical inside a cylinder except for a small set. We show that such a flow will become graphical inside the cylinder of half the radius. The proofs are mainly based on White's regularity theorem.Comment: 33 page

    Civil aircraft advanced avionics architectures - an insight into saras avionics, present and future perspective

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    Traditionally, the avionics architectures being implemented are of federated nature, which means that each avionics function has its own independent, dedicated fault-tolerant computing resources. Federated architecture has great advantage of inherent fault containment and at the same time envelops a potential risk of massive use of resources resulting in increase in weight, looming, cost and maintenance as well. With the drastic advancement in the computer and software technologies, the aviation industry is gradually moving towards the use of Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) for civil transport aircraft, potentially leading to multiple avionics functions housed in each hardware platform. Integrated Modular Avionics is the most important concept of avionics architecture for next generation aircrafts. SARAS avionics suite is purely federated with almost glass cockpit architecture complying to FAR25. The Avionics activities from the inception to execution are governed by the regulations and procedures under the review of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Every phase of avionics activity has got its own technically involvement to make the system perfect. In addition the flight data handling, monitoring and analysis is again a thrust area in the civil aviation industry leading to safety and reliability of the machine and the personnel involved. NAL has been in this area for more than two decades and continues to excel in these technologies

    Tribal-led People\u27s Resistance in Transition: 1765-1800

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    The year 1799 A.D. is marked in the annals of Midnapore as the year of the great Chuar Rebellion when all the Adivasis, Sirdars and paiks broke out in a rebellion. They wanted the restoration of their Jagir lands which the British had forcibly resumed earlier. It was a formidable resistance of the Adivasis against the colonial regime. The lawless tribes of the jungle mehal made common cause with the paiks and peasants and carried slaughter and flame to the very doors of the Magistrate\u27s cutcherry. The plundered booty on some occasions was distributed among the ryots. The threat to burn the town and to plunder revenue was no doubt a form of anti-colonial resistance against the East India Company


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    Hak Cipta adalah hak eksklusif pencipta yang timbul otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah suatu ciptaan diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata. Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta pasal 16 ayat (3) disebutkan “Hak Cipta dapat dijadikan sebagai objek jaminan fidusia”. Hak ekonomi sebagai objek jaminan pelaksanaannya disesuaikan dengan Undang- Undang Jaminan Fidusia. Pada perjanjian fidusia terjadi pertukaran data mengenai hak cipta, pasal 7 UU Hak Cipta menyebutkan bahwa untuk melindungi hak moral, pencipta memiliki informasi elektronik maka pengalihannya juga dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pelaksanaan Hak Cipta sebagai objek jaminan fidusia yang terkait tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik serta menganalisis problematika yang akan timbul dalam Hak Cipta yang dijadikan sebagai objek jaminan fidusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Spesifikasi penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitis dengan jenis data berupa data sekunder serta teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa hak cipta dapat menjadi objek jaminan fidusia dengan syarat harus memiliki nilai ekonomis, telah terdaftar dalam daftar umum ciptaan sehingga memiliki sertipikat hak cipta dan kepemilikannya dapat dialihkan. Hak cipta sebagai jaminan fidusia harus dituangkan dalam Akta Jaminan Fidusia yang didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia sehingga lahir sertifikat jaminan fidusia. Debitor dan kreditor dalam melaksanakan pertukaran informasi elektronik hak moral wajib berlandaskan asas-asas sesuai dengan pasal 3 UU ITE. Problematika hak cipta sebagai objek jaminan fidusia adalah kreditor kesulitan menilai hak ekonomi dan saat debitor wanprestasi hak cipta sebagai jaminan fidusia tidak dapat disita karena hak eksklusif yang dimiliki. Disarankan adanya pihak ketiga sebagai lembaga penilai penjaminan Hak Cipta kemudian dibuat suatu Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur bagaimana pelaksanaan Hak Cipta sebagai objek jaminan fidusia serta peraturan perbankan sebaiknya menyebutkan secara jelas bahwa hak cipta adalah salah satu objek jaminan


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    The purposes of this final project is to study about book review of The Bourne Betrayal novel book. The Bourne Betrayal is the fifth book of Jason Bourne novel series who is the original author Robert Ludlum and continued by Eric Van Lustbader. The genre of this book is thriller-action and adventure. In this final project I will discuss about the profile of the author of The Bourne Betrayal novel book, the summary of the book, the strengths and the weaknesses. This book review may help for people who is have a big interest of Jason Bourne story

    Navstar/Global Positioning System

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    The Global Positioning System (GPS) was developed to provide highly precise position, velocity, and time information to users anywhere in the area of the Earth and at any time. The GPS, when fully operational, will consist of 18 satellites in six orbital planes. Any GPS user, by receiving and processing the radio signals from the satellite network can instantaneously determine navigation information to an accuracy of about 15 m in position and 0.1 m/s in velocity. The GPS is compared with other systems such as Loran-C, Omega, TACAN and Transit

    Charge response of the Majorana toric code

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    At zero temperature, a two dimensional lattice of Majorana zero modes on mesoscopic superconducting islands has a topologically ordered toric code phase. Recently, a Landau field theory has been proposed for the system that captures its different phases and the associated phase-transitions. It was shown that with the increase of Josephson tunneling between the islands, a continuous symmetry-breaking 3D-XY transition gets transformed into a discrete symmetry-breaking 3D-Ising transition through a couple of tricritical points and first order transitions. Using the proposed field theory, we analyze the charge-response of the system at the different continuous phase-transitions. We calculate the universal conductivity at the 3D-XY transitions and the change in the superconducting density at the Ising transition using 1/N expansion. Furthermore, by computing a one-loop correction to the field theory, we show that an additional tricritical point is likely to be present in the phase-diagram. Finally, we provide a mean-field calculation that supports the earlier proposed field theory.Comment: Published versio