706 research outputs found

    Comparative study between Direction of arrival for wide band & narrow band Signal using Music Algorithm

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    Direction of arrival is a key parameter in array signal processing. It is one of the important problem in field such as sonar, radar and wireless communication. Traditional DOA estimation algorithm consists of large no of snapshot and are not reliable in application such as underwater array processing. There are many sources such as seismic wave ,acoustic signals, speech and signal processing which is wide band signal and estimation parameters such as snapshot ,side lobes, resolution is an important task. In the recent advancement of technology wide band signal are more favoured over narrow band signals. Wide band signal are able to estimate  DoAs efficiently with less side lobes and snapshots. In this paper a comparative analysis of direction of arrival for wide band and narrow band by analysing angular spectrum of MUSIC algorithm. We will   estimate the position of spectral with different scanning grid size. We will search the spectral peak position and estimates final DOA Therefore it become important to study and analyzed wide band signal specially application such as 5G m-MIMO systems

    Comparative study between Direction of arrival for wide band & narrow band Signal using Music Algorithm

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    Direction of arrival is a key parameter in array signal processing. It is one of the important problem in field such as sonar, radar and wireless communication. Traditional DOA estimation algorithm consists of large no of snapshot and are not reliable in application such as underwater array processing. There are many sources such as seismic wave ,acoustic signals, speech and signal processing which is wide band signal and estimation parameters such as snapshot ,side lobes, resolution is an important task. In the recent advancement of technology wide band signal are more favoured over narrow band signals. Wide band signal are able to estimate  DoAs efficiently with less side lobes and snapshots. In this paper a comparative analysis of direction of arrival for wide band and narrow band by analysing angular spectrum of MUSIC algorithm. We will   estimate the position of spectral with different scanning grid size. We will search the spectral peak position and estimates final DOA Therefore it become important to study and analyzed wide band signal specially application such as 5G m-MIMO systems

    A study on epidemiology of foot injuries in South Indian population at a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Knowledge of the epidemiology of foot injuries might be useful for implementing injury prevention programmes and for academic research purpose.Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted on patients presenting with foot injuries to our emergency medical service department from May 2018 to April 2019.Results: Total 604 foot injuries were available for final evaluation. There were 461 male and 131 female patients. The mean age was 32.09 years.  The commonest mode of injury was road traffic accident. Total 192 feet had only soft tissue injuries while 412 had bony injuries. Total 140 of 323 cases of forefoot injuries were due to metatarsal fractures followed by 63 cases of proximal phalanx fractures. Among the midfoot injuries, Lisfranc fracture dislocation was more common accounting for 12 out of 38 cases. Calcaneal fractures were more common among hindfoot injuries accounting for 27 out of 45 cases.Conclusions: To conclude, foot injuries account for 13.4% of all musculoskeletal injuries. 68.2% accounts for bony injuries. Among foot bony injuries, forefoot injuries (78.4%) are more common

    A Research Framework for Business Sustainability using Information Exchange – A Firm Centric Perspective

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    The information systems research literature associated with sustainability has focused, by and large, on the ecological effects of computer manufacturing, components, toxicity of materials, energy usage in the manufacturing of computers, energy usage by deployed computers, and safe disposal of old machines. There has been scant or no attention paid to the effective use of information by firms for making the firm sustainable while also paying attention to the triple bottom line (3BL). In this paper, we identify the research gaps, which when filled can influence and affect information deployment practices in business settings, to proactively assist firms in becoming sustainable and competitive within their business environments, while meeting their 3BL goals. We recognize the need for an entity or enterprise, designated the Information Enterprise (IE) that is the repository and sole distributor of relevant information that participant firms will need for achieving sustainability without sacrificing their 3BL goals

    Ayurvedic perspective on Age Related Macular Degeneration w.s.r. to Vataja Timira

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    The deterioration of vision in elderly people is a major health problem. Aging of the eye affects all structures of the eye. By the age of fifty, one in every three has some vision impairing eye disease. Currently, the rates of eye disease such as cataract, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are highest in the older group. End stage (blinding) i.e. Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) occurs in about 1.7% of all individual aged over 50 years and in about 18% over 85 years. Even though numbers of treatement modalities are available in modern medicine, unfortunately the results of most of these have been disappointing. Clinical features of ARMD imitate Vataja Timira. Ayurveda has significant role to play in the treatment of ARMD in both dry and wet types. Ayurvedic herbal medicines prevent a deterioration of the retina as well as the optic nerve, and provide micronutrients to the macula which transmits the sensation of vision to the brain

    So What Do I Get? The Bank’s View of Lending Relationships

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    While a number of empirical studies have documented benefits of lending relationships to borrowers (lower loan rates, better credit availability, etc.), not much is known about benefits of such relationships for lenders. For a relationship lender, its comparative advantage in information gathering/processing yields two potential benefits. First, a relationship lender would have a higher probability of selling future information-sensitive products (e.g. loans, security underwriting, etc.) to its borrowers compared to a non-relationship lender. We refer to this as higher volume benefit of relationship lending. Second, if borrower-specific information is only available to relationship lender, it can use this information monopoly to charge higher rates on future loans. We refer to this as increased pricing benefit of relationship lending. Our results show that, on average, a lender with a past relationship with a borrower has a 42% probability of providing it with future loans, while a lender lacking a past relationship with a borrower has only a 3% probability of providing it with a future loan. Consistent with theory, we find that borrowers with greater information asymmetries (e.g. small borrowers, or non-rated borrowers) are significantly more likely to use their relationship banks for future loans. Although the association between past lending relationship and probability of being chosen to provide debt and equity underwriting services in the future is statistically significant, the economic impact is much smaller compared to loan markets. However, our findings do not provide strong support for an increased pricing benefit for relationship lenders. On average, the rate of interest for similar borrowers is 6-10 basis points lower if the loan is provided by a relationship lender. Underwriting fee for initial public offerings (IPO) with relationship lender(s) as lead underwriter(s) is 26 basis points lower. This suggests that lenders are prepared to share some of the benefits of relationship lending with borrowers

    Maintaining Approximate Maximum Weighted Matching in Fully Dynamic Graphs

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    We present a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining approximate maximum weight matching in general weighted graphs. The algorithm maintains a matching M{\cal M} whose weight is at least 1/8M1/8 M^{*} where MM^{*} is the weight of the maximum weight matching. The algorithm achieves an expected amortized O(lognlogC)O(\log n \log \mathcal C) time per edge insertion or deletion, where C\mathcal C is the ratio of the weights of the highest weight edge to the smallest weight edge in the given graph. Using a simple randomized scaling technique, we are able to obtain a matching whith expected approximation ratio 4.9108