Comparative study between Direction of arrival for wide band & narrow band Signal using Music Algorithm


Direction of arrival is a key parameter in array signal processing. It is one of the important problem in field such as sonar, radar and wireless communication. Traditional DOA estimation algorithm consists of large no of snapshot and are not reliable in application such as underwater array processing. There are many sources such as seismic wave ,acoustic signals, speech and signal processing which is wide band signal and estimation parameters such as snapshot ,side lobes, resolution is an important task. In the recent advancement of technology wide band signal are more favoured over narrow band signals. Wide band signal are able to estimate  DoAs efficiently with less side lobes and snapshots. In this paper a comparative analysis of direction of arrival for wide band and narrow band by analysing angular spectrum of MUSIC algorithm. We will   estimate the position of spectral with different scanning grid size. We will search the spectral peak position and estimates final DOA Therefore it become important to study and analyzed wide band signal specially application such as 5G m-MIMO systems

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