10 research outputs found
Effects of caffeine at oxidative damage and crystallization in cellular model of oxalate urolithiasis of proximal renal tubules (MDCK type I)
Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi toksiÄni uÄinak kalcijevog oksalata u razliÄitom razdoblju izloženosti na epitelnim stanicama proksimalnih bubrežnih tubula staniÄnog tipa MDCK tip I. Nadalje, procijeniti uÄinkovitost kofeina u sprjeÄavanju nastanka kristalizacije kalcijevog okslata u staniÄnom modelu urolitijaze te izmjeriti koncentraciju glutationa u epitelnim stanicama proksimalnih bubrežnih tubula staniÄnog tipa MDCK tip I nakon tretmana kalcijevim oksalatom i kofeinom. Nacrt studije: StruÄna istraživaÄka studija. Materijali i metode: Od kemikalija koriÅ”ten je kalcijev oksalat (Sigma - Aldrich) te kofein (Sigma). KoriÅ”tena staniÄna kultura je Madin - Darby canine kidney cells podtipa I (MDCK tip I). Stanice uzgojene u jednosloju u ploÄici sa Å”est jažica te inkubirane do pune konfluentnosti su tretirane kalcijevim oksalatom i kofeinom u odgovarajuÄim koncentracijama. Svjetlosnom mikroskopijom praÄen je nastanak kristalizacije nakon 1 sata, 3 sata te nakon 24 sata. Koncentracija ukupnog glutationa izmjerena je spektrofotometrijski pomoÄu komercijalno dostupnog kita prema protokolu proizvoÄaÄa. Preživljenje stanica odreÄeno je ekskluzijskim testom Trypan Blue bojom u suspenziji uz pomoÄ Neubauerovog hemocitometra pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati: Nakon inkubiranja stanica s kristalima kalcijevog oksalata u razliÄitim koncentracijama kofeina pokazano je kako kofein uzrokuje znaÄajno smanjenje broja kristala kalcijevog oksalata te znaÄajno poveÄanje vijabilnosti stanica proporcionalno s poveÄanjem njegove koncentracije. Nadalje, izmjerene koncentracije ukupnog glutationa pokazale su smanjenje oksidativnog optereÄenja stanica tretiranih s kofeinom i kalcijevim oksalatom u odnosu na stanice tretirane samo kalcijevim oksalatom. ZakljuÄak: Dokazan je protektivni uÄinak kofeina na MDCK tip I stanice izložene toksiÄnom djelovanju kristala kalcijevog oksalata. TakoÄer, rezultati sugeriraju da je kofein potencijalni antioksidans u sprijeÄavnju oksidativnog oÅ”teÄenja stanica.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of calcium oxalate at different periods of exposure to epithelial cells of proximal renal cell types MDCK type I. Furthermore, to evaluate the effectiveness of caffeine in the formation of calcium oxide crystallization in the urolithiasis cellular model and measure the glutathione concentration in epithelial cells of proximal MDCK type I cell carcinoma tubes after treatment with calcium oxalate and caffeine. Study design: Laboratory research study. Materials and methods: Chemicals used included calcium oxalate (Sigma - Aldrich) and caffeine (Sigma). The cell culture used in the study was Madin - Darby's canine kidney cells subtype I (MDCK type I). Cells incubated to full confluence were treated with calcium oxalate and caffeine at appropriate concentrations and incubated at 37Ā°C at 5% CO2 and light microscopy followed the formation of crystallization after 1 hour, 3 hours, and after 24 hours. The concentration of total glutathione (tGSH) was measured by spectrophotometry using a commercially available kit (Glutathione Assay Kit, Sigma - Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA), according to the manufacturerās protocol. Cell survival was determined by the exclusive Trypan Blue (Sigma - Aldrich, St. Louis, USA) suspension dye using Neubauer's hemocytometer under a light microscope. Results: After incubating cells with calcium oxalate crystals at various caffeine concentrations, caffeine has been shown to cause a significant reduction in the number of crystalline calcium oxalate and significantly increase cell viability proportionally to increased concentrations. Furthermore, measured total glutathione concentrations showed a decrease in the oxidative load of the treated cells with caffeine and calcium oxalate compared to the cells treated only with calcium oxalate. Conclusion: The protective effect of caffeine on MDCK type I cells has been shown to be toxic to the action of calcium oxalate crystals. Caffeine represents potential therapy in the treatment of urolithiasis, i.e. a preventative substance for the production of kidney stones. Also, the results suggest that caffeine is a potential antioxidant in the prevention of oxidative cell damage
Influence of Caffeine on Crystallization and Amelioration of Oxidative Stress on in vitro Model of Urolithiasis
Urolithiasis is a disease characterized by formation of solid crystals within the urinary tract. Kidney stone formation is still not clear but it is mostly composed of calcium oxalate which can produce free radicals that are toxic to renal tubular cells. Oxidative stress is an important contributory mechanism in cell damage and is associated with a number of disorders. Several studies have shown antioxidative effects of caffeine, proposing its possible role in stopping the formation of calcium oxalate stones in urinary tract. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic effects of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals (COM) on renal epithelial cell line; Madin-Darby canine kidney cells subtype I (MDCK I) and Epithelial-like pig kidney cell line (LLC-PK1), and to determine possible inhibition of COM that caused oxidative stress by antioxidant treatment with caffeine in different concentrations in a cell culture model of urolithiasis
Nicotine dependence and clinical expression of schizophrenia in a Croatian population
Cilj: Studije koje su istražile povezanost izmeÄu kliniÄkih znaÄajki shizofrenije i ovisnosti o nikotinu rezultirale su proturjeÄnim rezultatima, a velik je broj istraživanja ukljuÄio samo muÅ”ke pacijente u analizu. S obzirom na to da sliÄne studije nisu provedene u naÅ”oj populaciji, ispitali smo pridonosi li i u kojoj mjeri ovisnost o nikotinu u pacijenata sa shizofrenijom u hrvatskoj populaciji dobi nastupa bolesti i težini kliniÄkih simptoma ocjenske ljestvice PANSS-a (engl. Positive and Negative Symptom Scale). Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 265 pacijenata (muÅ”karci/žene: 140/125). Dob prve hospitalizacije u sklopu koje je postavljena dijagnoza shizofrenije uzeta je kao približna dob poÄetka bolesti, a evaluacija PANSS psihopatologije provedena je u akutnoj fazi bolesti tijekom posljednje hospitalizacije. Pacijenti su podijeljeni u skupinu puÅ”aÄa, koji puÅ”e najmanje jednu cigaretu dnevno u periodu duljem od godine dana, i skupinu nepuÅ”aÄa, koji nikada tijekom života nisu puÅ”ili. Rezultati: Ovisnost o nikotinu, pronaÄena u otprilike dvije treÄine pacijenata (muÅ”karci: 70,7 %, žene: 62,4 %) dvostruko je ÄeÅ”Äe zastupljena u odnosu na opÄu hrvatsku populaciju. Vrijednosti simptoma PANSS psihopatologije nisu se znatnije razlikovale izmeÄu puÅ”aÄa i nepuÅ”aÄa, niti kod pacijenata, niti kod pacijentica (P > 0,05), dok je dob prve hospitalizacije pokazala znaÄajnu povezanost s ovisnosti o nikotinu iskljuÄivo u pacijenata. UoÄeno je da muÅ”karci koji puÅ”e obolijevaju znaÄajno ranije u odnosu na muÅ”karce nepuÅ”aÄe (25,3 Ā± 6,8 vs. 28,8 Ā± 9,3; F = 5,15, P = 0,025). PuÅ”enje pridonosi dobi prve hospitalizacije u muÅ”kih pacijenata s približno 4 % (Ī² = -0,21; promjena multiplog R2 = 0,04; P = 0,024). ZakljuÄak: Ovisnost o nikotinu pridonosi u manjoj mjeri ranijoj pojavi bolesti u muÅ”karaca, ali nije povezana s težinom simptoma ocjenske ljestvice PANSS-a niti u pacijenata niti u pacijentica.Aim: Studies investigating the association between clinical features of schizophrenia and nicotine dependence have yielded contradictory results, and the majority of them included only male patients in the analysis. Since similar studies have not been performed in our population, we investigated whether, and to what extent, the nicotine dependence might contribute to age of onset and data of Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) psychopathology, among schizophrenia patients in the Croatian population. Patients and methods: The study comprised 265 patients (males/females: 140/125). Age at first hospital admission, at which the diagnosis of schizophrenia was used, was determined as the age of onset, while evaluation of PANSS psychopathology was performed during an acute illness state at the time of last hospital admission. Smokers were defined as persons who smoked more than one cigarette daily for more than one year, and nonsmokers were defined as persons who never smoked in their life. Results: Nicotine dependence, revealed among approximately two-third of patients (males: 70.7%, females: 62.4%), is twice as frequent as in the general Croatian population. PANSS psychopathology scores did not differ significantly between smokers and nonsmokers, neither among males, nor among females (P > 0.05), while nicotine dependence was significantly associated with the age at first hospital admission only among male patients. It has been detected that male smokers had a significantly earlier onset when compared to male nonsmokers (25.3 Ā± 6.8 vs. 28.8 Ā± 9.3, F = 5.15, P = 0.025). The nicotine dependence contributed to the age at first hospitalization among male patients by approximately 4% (Ī² = -0.21; multiple R2 change = 0.04; P = 0.024). Conclusion: Nicotine dependence may contribute, to a smaller extent, to an earlier onset among males, while it is not associated with severity of PANSS psychopathology neither among male, nor among female patients
Selektivni je turizam ekoloÅ”ki svjestan, socijalno odgovoran, kulturno izvoran, etiÄki vrijednosan, tržiÅ”no konkurentan i ekonomski profitabilan. Motiv je kljuÄni Äinitelj odreÄivanja selektivnih vrsta turizma. Temeljem navedenog svaka regija, destinacija, podruÄje ima svoju neku prednost u odnosu na druge destinacije te temeljem svojih potencijala treba razvijati selektivne oblike turizma.
U ovom radu bit Äe objaÅ”njeni selektivni oblici turizma, te potencijali Å ibensko-kninske županije koji bi se mogli u buduÄnosti razvijati.Selective tourism is environmentally conscious, socially responsible, culturally authentic, ethical, market-competitive and economically profitable. The motive is a key factor in determining selective types of tourism. Based on each of these regions, destinations, the area has its own advantage over other destinations and based on its potential it is necessary to develop selective forms of tourism.
This paper will discuss the selective forms of tourism and the potentials of the Å ibenik-Knin County, which could be developed in the future
Vitamin D
Vitamin D pripada skupini vitamina topljivih u mastima. U organizam se unosi putem
malobrojnih namirnica koje sadrže vitamin D, dodacima prehrani ili putem sunÄevih zraka koje
pokreÄu endogenu sintezu u jetri i bubregu. Nalazimo ga u dva važna oblika: vitamin D2
(ergokalciferol) i D3 (kolekalciferol). Vitamin D je u organizmu inertan dok ne proÄe dvije
hidroksilacije u jetri i bubregu te postane bioloÅ”ki aktivan. Vitamin D najÄeÅ”Äe povezujemo sa
zdravljem kostiju i sprjeÄavanjem razvitka osteomalacije i rahitisa. Važna spoznaja je da je gen
za vitamin D eksprimiran u živim stanicama, a oko 3% ljudskog genoma je pod njegovom
kontrolom. Stoga novija istraživanja ukazuju na povoljan utjecaj vitamina D na imunoloŔki i
kardiovaskularni sustav te prevenciju autoimunih i zloÄudnih bolesti. PoveÄana javna svijest o
zdravstvenim blagodatima vezanim za vitamin D može poveÄati rizik od toksiÄnih uÄinaka
uslijed samostalne primjene vitamina u dozama veÄim od preporuÄenih za dob i tjelesnu težinu.
Meso masne ribe poput tune, skuÅ”e i lososa te ulja riblje jetre su meÄu najbogatijim izvorima
vitamina D. Male koliÄine se nalaze u siru, goveÄoj jetri i žumanjku. Neke gljive takoÄer
osiguravaju vitamin D u raznim koliÄinama. TakoÄer, komercijalno je dostupan u razliÄitim
oblicima ukljuÄujuÄi kapsule topljive u vodi i ulju, koncentrate, tablete, gume za žvakanje,
sprejeve, injekcije te oralne kapi koje su jedini prihvatljivi oblik doziranja za dojenÄad. Za djecu
stariju od 1 godine i odrasle osobe do 70 godina preporuÄen je dnevni unos 600 IU vitamina D
dnevno, a za osobe starije od 70 godina preporuÄa se dnevni unos od 800 IU na dan. Za dojenÄad
je preporuÄen dnevni unos od 400 IU na dan.Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It is taken into the body through a few
foods that contain vitamin D, dietary supplements or through the sun's rays that trigger
endogenous synthesis in the liver and kidneys. It may be found in two important forms: vitamin
D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (colecalciferol). Vitamin D is inert in the body until it undergoes two
hydroxylations in the liver and kidney and becomes biologically active. Vitamin D is most
commonly associated with bone health and preventing the development of osteomalacia and
rickets. An important finding is that the vitamin D gene is expressed in all living cells, and
about 3% of the human genome is under its control. Therefore, recent research indicates a
beneficial effect of vitamin D on the immune and cardiovascular systems and the prevention of
autoimmune and malignant diseases. Increased public awareness of the health benefits
associated with vitamin D may increase the risk of toxic effects due to self-administration of
the vitamin in doses higher than those recommended for age and body weight. Fatty fish meats
such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, and fish liver oil are among the richest sources of vitamin
D. Small amounts are found in cheese, beef liver, and egg yolk. Some mushrooms also provide
vitamin D in various amounts. It is also commercially available in a variety of forms including
water and oil soluble capsules, concentrates, tablets, chewing gums, sprays, injections, and oral
drops that are the only acceptable dosage form for infants. For children older than 1 year and
adults up to 70 years, a daily intake of 600 IU of vitamin D per day is recommended, and for
people older than 70 years, a daily intake of 800 IU per day is recommended. A daily intake of
400 IU per day is recommended for infants
Effects of caffeine at oxidative damage and crystallization in cellular model of oxalate urolithiasis of proximal renal tubules (MDCK type I)
Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi toksiÄni uÄinak kalcijevog oksalata u razliÄitom razdoblju izloženosti na epitelnim stanicama proksimalnih bubrežnih tubula staniÄnog tipa MDCK tip I. Nadalje, procijeniti uÄinkovitost kofeina u sprjeÄavanju nastanka kristalizacije kalcijevog okslata u staniÄnom modelu urolitijaze te izmjeriti koncentraciju glutationa u epitelnim stanicama proksimalnih bubrežnih tubula staniÄnog tipa MDCK tip I nakon tretmana kalcijevim oksalatom i kofeinom. Nacrt studije: StruÄna istraživaÄka studija. Materijali i metode: Od kemikalija koriÅ”ten je kalcijev oksalat (Sigma - Aldrich) te kofein (Sigma). KoriÅ”tena staniÄna kultura je Madin - Darby canine kidney cells podtipa I (MDCK tip I). Stanice uzgojene u jednosloju u ploÄici sa Å”est jažica te inkubirane do pune konfluentnosti su tretirane kalcijevim oksalatom i kofeinom u odgovarajuÄim koncentracijama. Svjetlosnom mikroskopijom praÄen je nastanak kristalizacije nakon 1 sata, 3 sata te nakon 24 sata. Koncentracija ukupnog glutationa izmjerena je spektrofotometrijski pomoÄu komercijalno dostupnog kita prema protokolu proizvoÄaÄa. Preživljenje stanica odreÄeno je ekskluzijskim testom Trypan Blue bojom u suspenziji uz pomoÄ Neubauerovog hemocitometra pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati: Nakon inkubiranja stanica s kristalima kalcijevog oksalata u razliÄitim koncentracijama kofeina pokazano je kako kofein uzrokuje znaÄajno smanjenje broja kristala kalcijevog oksalata te znaÄajno poveÄanje vijabilnosti stanica proporcionalno s poveÄanjem njegove koncentracije. Nadalje, izmjerene koncentracije ukupnog glutationa pokazale su smanjenje oksidativnog optereÄenja stanica tretiranih s kofeinom i kalcijevim oksalatom u odnosu na stanice tretirane samo kalcijevim oksalatom. ZakljuÄak: Dokazan je protektivni uÄinak kofeina na MDCK tip I stanice izložene toksiÄnom djelovanju kristala kalcijevog oksalata. TakoÄer, rezultati sugeriraju da je kofein potencijalni antioksidans u sprijeÄavnju oksidativnog oÅ”teÄenja stanica.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of calcium oxalate at different periods of exposure to epithelial cells of proximal renal cell types MDCK type I. Furthermore, to evaluate the effectiveness of caffeine in the formation of calcium oxide crystallization in the urolithiasis cellular model and measure the glutathione concentration in epithelial cells of proximal MDCK type I cell carcinoma tubes after treatment with calcium oxalate and caffeine. Study design: Laboratory research study. Materials and methods: Chemicals used included calcium oxalate (Sigma - Aldrich) and caffeine (Sigma). The cell culture used in the study was Madin - Darby's canine kidney cells subtype I (MDCK type I). Cells incubated to full confluence were treated with calcium oxalate and caffeine at appropriate concentrations and incubated at 37Ā°C at 5% CO2 and light microscopy followed the formation of crystallization after 1 hour, 3 hours, and after 24 hours. The concentration of total glutathione (tGSH) was measured by spectrophotometry using a commercially available kit (Glutathione Assay Kit, Sigma - Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA), according to the manufacturerās protocol. Cell survival was determined by the exclusive Trypan Blue (Sigma - Aldrich, St. Louis, USA) suspension dye using Neubauer's hemocytometer under a light microscope. Results: After incubating cells with calcium oxalate crystals at various caffeine concentrations, caffeine has been shown to cause a significant reduction in the number of crystalline calcium oxalate and significantly increase cell viability proportionally to increased concentrations. Furthermore, measured total glutathione concentrations showed a decrease in the oxidative load of the treated cells with caffeine and calcium oxalate compared to the cells treated only with calcium oxalate. Conclusion: The protective effect of caffeine on MDCK type I cells has been shown to be toxic to the action of calcium oxalate crystals. Caffeine represents potential therapy in the treatment of urolithiasis, i.e. a preventative substance for the production of kidney stones. Also, the results suggest that caffeine is a potential antioxidant in the prevention of oxidative cell damage
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je pojasniti pojam strategijskog marketinga. Da bi objasnili taj pojam potrebno je znati Å”to je strategija, a Å”to marketing. Financije, poslovanje, raÄunovodstvo i druge poslovne funkcije zaista neÄe biti znaÄajne bez dovoljne potražnje za proizvodima i uslugama, tako da tvrtka može donositi profit. Drugim rijeÄima, mora postojati gornja linija da bi postojala donja linija. Dakle, financijski uspjeh Äesto ovisi o marketinÅ”kim sposobnostima. UspjeÅ”an marketing gradi potražnju za proizvodima i uslugama, Å”to zauzvrat stvara radna mjesta. Strategija je naÄin kako se trebaju koristiti pojedini resursi da bi se iskoristile prednosti okolnosti za stvaranje željenih uÄinaka.Jednostavno reÄeno, strategija je naÄin ostvarenja ciljeva.The aim of this thesis is to clarify the concept of strategic marketing. To explain this concept, one needs to know what is strategy Thus and what is marketing. Finance, business, accounting and other business functions will not really be significant without sufficient production and service costs, so the company can make a profit. In other words, there must be an upper line in order for there to be a lower line. So, financial success often depends on market capability. Successful marketing degree of demand for products and services, which in turn create jobs. The strategy is to somehow leverage individual resources to take advantage of the environment to achieve the desired effects. Uniquely obtained, strategy is a way of achieving goal
Vitamin D
Vitamin D pripada skupini vitamina topljivih u mastima. U organizam se unosi putem
malobrojnih namirnica koje sadrže vitamin D, dodacima prehrani ili putem sunÄevih zraka koje
pokreÄu endogenu sintezu u jetri i bubregu. Nalazimo ga u dva važna oblika: vitamin D2
(ergokalciferol) i D3 (kolekalciferol). Vitamin D je u organizmu inertan dok ne proÄe dvije
hidroksilacije u jetri i bubregu te postane bioloÅ”ki aktivan. Vitamin D najÄeÅ”Äe povezujemo sa
zdravljem kostiju i sprjeÄavanjem razvitka osteomalacije i rahitisa. Važna spoznaja je da je gen
za vitamin D eksprimiran u živim stanicama, a oko 3% ljudskog genoma je pod njegovom
kontrolom. Stoga novija istraživanja ukazuju na povoljan utjecaj vitamina D na imunoloŔki i
kardiovaskularni sustav te prevenciju autoimunih i zloÄudnih bolesti. PoveÄana javna svijest o
zdravstvenim blagodatima vezanim za vitamin D može poveÄati rizik od toksiÄnih uÄinaka
uslijed samostalne primjene vitamina u dozama veÄim od preporuÄenih za dob i tjelesnu težinu.
Meso masne ribe poput tune, skuÅ”e i lososa te ulja riblje jetre su meÄu najbogatijim izvorima
vitamina D. Male koliÄine se nalaze u siru, goveÄoj jetri i žumanjku. Neke gljive takoÄer
osiguravaju vitamin D u raznim koliÄinama. TakoÄer, komercijalno je dostupan u razliÄitim
oblicima ukljuÄujuÄi kapsule topljive u vodi i ulju, koncentrate, tablete, gume za žvakanje,
sprejeve, injekcije te oralne kapi koje su jedini prihvatljivi oblik doziranja za dojenÄad. Za djecu
stariju od 1 godine i odrasle osobe do 70 godina preporuÄen je dnevni unos 600 IU vitamina D
dnevno, a za osobe starije od 70 godina preporuÄa se dnevni unos od 800 IU na dan. Za dojenÄad
je preporuÄen dnevni unos od 400 IU na dan.Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It is taken into the body through a few
foods that contain vitamin D, dietary supplements or through the sun's rays that trigger
endogenous synthesis in the liver and kidneys. It may be found in two important forms: vitamin
D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (colecalciferol). Vitamin D is inert in the body until it undergoes two
hydroxylations in the liver and kidney and becomes biologically active. Vitamin D is most
commonly associated with bone health and preventing the development of osteomalacia and
rickets. An important finding is that the vitamin D gene is expressed in all living cells, and
about 3% of the human genome is under its control. Therefore, recent research indicates a
beneficial effect of vitamin D on the immune and cardiovascular systems and the prevention of
autoimmune and malignant diseases. Increased public awareness of the health benefits
associated with vitamin D may increase the risk of toxic effects due to self-administration of
the vitamin in doses higher than those recommended for age and body weight. Fatty fish meats
such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, and fish liver oil are among the richest sources of vitamin
D. Small amounts are found in cheese, beef liver, and egg yolk. Some mushrooms also provide
vitamin D in various amounts. It is also commercially available in a variety of forms including
water and oil soluble capsules, concentrates, tablets, chewing gums, sprays, injections, and oral
drops that are the only acceptable dosage form for infants. For children older than 1 year and
adults up to 70 years, a daily intake of 600 IU of vitamin D per day is recommended, and for
people older than 70 years, a daily intake of 800 IU per day is recommended. A daily intake of
400 IU per day is recommended for infants
Vitamin D
Vitamin D pripada skupini vitamina topljivih u mastima. U organizam se unosi putem
malobrojnih namirnica koje sadrže vitamin D, dodacima prehrani ili putem sunÄevih zraka koje
pokreÄu endogenu sintezu u jetri i bubregu. Nalazimo ga u dva važna oblika: vitamin D2
(ergokalciferol) i D3 (kolekalciferol). Vitamin D je u organizmu inertan dok ne proÄe dvije
hidroksilacije u jetri i bubregu te postane bioloÅ”ki aktivan. Vitamin D najÄeÅ”Äe povezujemo sa
zdravljem kostiju i sprjeÄavanjem razvitka osteomalacije i rahitisa. Važna spoznaja je da je gen
za vitamin D eksprimiran u živim stanicama, a oko 3% ljudskog genoma je pod njegovom
kontrolom. Stoga novija istraživanja ukazuju na povoljan utjecaj vitamina D na imunoloŔki i
kardiovaskularni sustav te prevenciju autoimunih i zloÄudnih bolesti. PoveÄana javna svijest o
zdravstvenim blagodatima vezanim za vitamin D može poveÄati rizik od toksiÄnih uÄinaka
uslijed samostalne primjene vitamina u dozama veÄim od preporuÄenih za dob i tjelesnu težinu.
Meso masne ribe poput tune, skuÅ”e i lososa te ulja riblje jetre su meÄu najbogatijim izvorima
vitamina D. Male koliÄine se nalaze u siru, goveÄoj jetri i žumanjku. Neke gljive takoÄer
osiguravaju vitamin D u raznim koliÄinama. TakoÄer, komercijalno je dostupan u razliÄitim
oblicima ukljuÄujuÄi kapsule topljive u vodi i ulju, koncentrate, tablete, gume za žvakanje,
sprejeve, injekcije te oralne kapi koje su jedini prihvatljivi oblik doziranja za dojenÄad. Za djecu
stariju od 1 godine i odrasle osobe do 70 godina preporuÄen je dnevni unos 600 IU vitamina D
dnevno, a za osobe starije od 70 godina preporuÄa se dnevni unos od 800 IU na dan. Za dojenÄad
je preporuÄen dnevni unos od 400 IU na dan.Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It is taken into the body through a few
foods that contain vitamin D, dietary supplements or through the sun's rays that trigger
endogenous synthesis in the liver and kidneys. It may be found in two important forms: vitamin
D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (colecalciferol). Vitamin D is inert in the body until it undergoes two
hydroxylations in the liver and kidney and becomes biologically active. Vitamin D is most
commonly associated with bone health and preventing the development of osteomalacia and
rickets. An important finding is that the vitamin D gene is expressed in all living cells, and
about 3% of the human genome is under its control. Therefore, recent research indicates a
beneficial effect of vitamin D on the immune and cardiovascular systems and the prevention of
autoimmune and malignant diseases. Increased public awareness of the health benefits
associated with vitamin D may increase the risk of toxic effects due to self-administration of
the vitamin in doses higher than those recommended for age and body weight. Fatty fish meats
such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, and fish liver oil are among the richest sources of vitamin
D. Small amounts are found in cheese, beef liver, and egg yolk. Some mushrooms also provide
vitamin D in various amounts. It is also commercially available in a variety of forms including
water and oil soluble capsules, concentrates, tablets, chewing gums, sprays, injections, and oral
drops that are the only acceptable dosage form for infants. For children older than 1 year and
adults up to 70 years, a daily intake of 600 IU of vitamin D per day is recommended, and for
people older than 70 years, a daily intake of 800 IU per day is recommended. A daily intake of
400 IU per day is recommended for infants
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je pojasniti pojam strategijskog marketinga. Da bi objasnili taj pojam potrebno je znati Å”to je strategija, a Å”to marketing. Financije, poslovanje, raÄunovodstvo i druge poslovne funkcije zaista neÄe biti znaÄajne bez dovoljne potražnje za proizvodima i uslugama, tako da tvrtka može donositi profit. Drugim rijeÄima, mora postojati gornja linija da bi postojala donja linija. Dakle, financijski uspjeh Äesto ovisi o marketinÅ”kim sposobnostima. UspjeÅ”an marketing gradi potražnju za proizvodima i uslugama, Å”to zauzvrat stvara radna mjesta. Strategija je naÄin kako se trebaju koristiti pojedini resursi da bi se iskoristile prednosti okolnosti za stvaranje željenih uÄinaka.Jednostavno reÄeno, strategija je naÄin ostvarenja ciljeva.The aim of this thesis is to clarify the concept of strategic marketing. To explain this concept, one needs to know what is strategy Thus and what is marketing. Finance, business, accounting and other business functions will not really be significant without sufficient production and service costs, so the company can make a profit. In other words, there must be an upper line in order for there to be a lower line. So, financial success often depends on market capability. Successful marketing degree of demand for products and services, which in turn create jobs. The strategy is to somehow leverage individual resources to take advantage of the environment to achieve the desired effects. Uniquely obtained, strategy is a way of achieving goal