176 research outputs found

    Analisis Respons Netizen terhadap Berita Politik di Media Online

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    Partisipasi politik yang dilakukan oleh netizen di Indonesia saat ini sudah berkembang. Dengan adanya media online yang menyediakan berita politik, netizen bisa mengeluarkan pendapatnya dengan memberikan komentar terhadap berita politik yang disajikan oleh portal web berita. Dalam memberikan komentar, ada beberapa netizen yang berkomentar negatif maupun positif bahkan beberapa dari mereka berkomentar tidak relevan dengan berita yang disajikan. Penelitian ini menganalisis respon netizen terhadap berita politik yang disediakan media online seperti portal web berita. Analisa yang dilakukan menggunakan frame analysis (analisis bingkai), dengan menggunakan analisis ini komentar-komentar netizen dimasukan sesuai dengan frame yang telah ditentukan. Ada sembilan frame yang ditentukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dukungan, saran, metafora, perbandingan, tantangan, tidak relevan, sindiran, harapan, dan SARA

    Pengaruh Rasio Arus Kas Terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Manufaktur Kelompok Basic Industry and Chemicals

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    This research purpose are to know the influence of cash flow ratio to stock return every windows periods. Cash flow ratio that used are OCFR,TDR, and CFROA that get from comparing between operational cash flow with current liabilities, total liabilities and total assets on 2008 th-2009 th. Stock return that used are stock return before, on, after, and around annual reports publication that devided become 16 window periods that are five days before publication, on publication, five days after publication, and five days around publication.Sample of this research are 22 of Basic Industry and Chemicals Manufacturing Companies financial statements on 2008th-2009th with purposive sampling tech. The data analyze that use is multiple linear regression. The results of this research are OCFR influence to stock return at the first day around publication, TDR influence to stock return on publication, CFROA influence to stock return at fifth day, fourth day, third day before publication and third day, fourth day and fifth day around publication. The cash flow ratio influence to stock return simultaneous at fourth day before publication with adjusted R square 14,4%, on publication (t0) with adjusted R square 20,9%, the first day after publication with adjusted R square 21,1% and around publication (first day with adjusted R square 23,3% and fourth day with adjusted R square 10,5%

    Implementasi Model Four-d (4d) untuk Pembelajaran Aplikasi Multiplatform Penggolongan Hewan Berdasarkan Makanannya

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    Permasalahan yang sering terjadi dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar adalah minimnya media pembelajaran, memiliki keterbatasan waktu, tempat, dan cara pengajaran materi yang belum tepat. Untuk meminimum kendala tersebut dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi media pembelajaran E-Learning yang bisa digunakan dalam pemahaman materi yang tidak hanya dilakukan disekolah. Pembelajaran aplikasi multiplatform ini bertujuan untuk memberikan keterampilan pelatihan yang berkualitas tinggi yang dapat membantu siswa dalam menggolongkan hewan berdasarkan makananya. Aplikasi media pembelajaran ini bersifat multiplatform, yaitu aplikasi ini tidak hanya dalam satu sistem operasi saja melainkan bisa digunakan dalam sistem operasi windows, android, linux, dan lain-lain. Dan juga aplikasi yang dikembangkan ini menggunakan model Four-D (4D) yang memiliki beberapa tahap, tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Yang berguna mengetahui kelayakan dari aplikasi media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Dari hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan penelitian menggunakan model Four-D, respon siswa dan guru terhadap aplikasi pembelajaran ini sangat baik. Dari guru SMP Negeri 1 Bluto 85,93% dan mendapat kriteria sangat baik dari siswa SMP Negeri 1 Bluto 93,33%

    Studi karakteristik asap cair oli bekas melalui proses steam reforming menggunakan katalis KOH

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    Waste oil has a high hydrogen content and can be used as renewable energy. The hydrocarbon chains in used oil can decompose and produce liquid fuel products through evaporation at a certain temperature. The purpose of this study was to obtain the characteristics of used oil waste liquid smoke using steam reforming with the addition of a KOH catalyst. The research was conducted by experiment, where the concentration of the solution used included 1.25; 1.66, and 2.5 Mol. The steam reforming process was carried out for 2 hours using a temperature variation of 250 and 300 oC. The steamer tube is connected to the condensing pipe in a separate unit to obtain liquid smoke products from a wide variety of applied solutions. Product analysis includes volume capacity and flame characteristics of each product variation obtained using the ImageJ application. The results showed that the role of KOH catalyst was able to increase the effectiveness of liquid smoke production from waste oil. The highest product volume was obtained at a concentration of 1.25 Mol of 115 ml. While the characteristics of the flame tend towards temperature and color dominance that is different for each product produced

    Survei Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan

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    The problem in this research is "How Does The Condition of Learning Media in Physical Education and Health at Senior High School Academic year 2016 in Pontianak?" With sub-problems 1. What is the condition of physical education instructional media at Senior High School Academic in Pontianak? 2. Does the number of instructional media in Senior High School in Pontianak has adequate? 3. Does the learning process in Senior High School in Pontianak has gone well? This study was conducted by using the form of qualitative descriptive study. The research technique used is the technique of observation and documentation technique with a data collection in the form of guidelines for observation. Based on the have been done research, in general, can be concluded that: The use of media in physical education and health lesson in senior high school have been enough with the combination between usual media and the modify media made by the teacher according to the needs of learning materials

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Blended Learning Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Siswa Kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar Tentang Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Background The program to prevent and get rid of DHF in Indonesia has been applied for approximately 43 years, but still haven't succeeded in reducing the number of casualties. Providing health education through socialization, especially lecturing-like-socialization, is often chosen by most people, but there are tons of flaws in this method. A novel method known as blended learning is potential to improve students' learning quality.Aim To prove the effect of blended-learning-approach towards the knowledge and attitude of elementary 5th graders' regarding prevention of DHF.Method This research is a quasi-experiment with none-quivalent and pretest-posttest control group design. The subject of this research is 227 students who were divided into 6 classes; 3 classes as the controlled group and 3 classes as the experimental group.Results Experimental and controlled group shows improving knowledge and attitude (pretest and posttest) after being given blended-learning-approach and lectures seen from p=0,000. In the posttest of knowledge, there is a significant difference between blended learning approach and lecturing-method, seen from p=0,014 but the median of the controlled group is higher than the experimental group (76.67>75.00). In the posttest of attitude, there is a significant difference between blended learning approach and lecturing-method seen from p=0,006, with the median of the controlled group is smaller than the experimental group (90.20<92.80).Conclusion There are some effects of blended learning approach towards the knowledge and attitude of elementary fifth graders regarding DHF


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    In this paper, the influence of contact time, initial pH and metal ion concentrations on the adsorption properties of a freshwater green alga (Spirogyra sp.) biomass was studied. Several model solutions of selected heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb) were put into contact with the green algae-based sorbent for different time periods. After the treatment, the concentrations of heavy metals in model solutions were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to reveal which functional groups were responsible for the green algae biosorption properties. Adsorption capacities were found to be 22.52, 38.19, 35.59 and 94.34 mg/g for Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb, respectively, at contact times of 15-50 minutes and initial metal ion concentrations of 500-700 µg/g. The optimum pH for biosorption of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb were 5.5, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.0, respectively. The biosorption process followed second order kinetics and fittedthe Langmuir isotherm model. Biomonitoring studies suggested the possible use of this freshwater green algaas a bioindicator, with mean concentration factors for the selected elements in the range of 367-7154. BIOSORPCIJA ODABRANIH TEŠKIH METALA POMOĆU BIOMASE ZELENE ALGE SPIROGYRA sp.   U ovom radu je proučavan uticaj kontaktnog vremena, početnog pH i početne koncentracije metalnih jona na sorpcione karakteristike slatkovodne zelene alge Spirogyra sp. Nekoliko model-rastvora odabranih teških metala (Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb) je tretirano, u različitim vremenskim intervalima, sorbentom pripremljenim od zelenihalgi. Plamena atomska apsorpciona spektrometrija (FAAS) i induktivno kuplovana plazma sa optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom(ICP-OES) su korišćene za određivanje sadržaja teških metala u model-rastvorima Nakon tretmana. Furijeova transformacion ainfracrvena spektroskopija (FTIR) je pokazala koje funkcionalne grupe su nosioci biosorpcionih osobina zelenih algi. Pri kontaktnim vremenima u opsegu 15-50 minuta i polaznoj koncentraciji metala 500-700 µg/ml, sorpcioni kapacitet je iznosio 22,52, 38,19, 35,59 i 94,34 mg/g za Cd, Cr, Cu i Pb. Optimalni pH za biosorpciju Cd, Cr, Cu i Pb je bio 5,5, 5,8, 5,9 i 5,0. Proces biosorpcije prati kinetiku drugog reda i zakonitosti Lengmirovog izotermalnog modela. Rezultati biomonitoringa ukazuju da zelene alge imaju veliki potencijal kao bioindikatori; srednji koncentracioni fakori za proučavane metale su bili u opsegu 367-7154.