315 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Feb

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    Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan emosional, komitmen organisasi, dan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) terhadap kinerjan pegawai Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel jenuh, dimana seluruh populasi penelitian akan dipilih menjadi sampel yaitu sebanyak 47 orang karyawan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini teknik analisis linier berganda dengan bantuan Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan kecerdasan emosional, komitmen organisasi, dan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pegawai yang memiliki kecerdasan yang tinggi akan lebih optimal dalam menunjukkan kinerja mereka. Pegawai yang memiliki komitmen organisasi yang tinggi terhadap tempat ia berkerja akan menunjukkan kinerja yang mengalami peningkatan. Keadaan ini juga dibarengi dengan sikap pegawai yang memiliki organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) yang tinggi terhadap tempat ia berkerja maupun pada pegawai lainnya akan menunjukkan kinerja yang meningkat serta sikap yang lebih mudah bergaul, ramah, dan lebih dapat menerima pekerjaan yang ia dapatkan tanpa banyak mengeluh dan membantah

    Arrangement of Kendran Village, Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency From Study Model Towards Tourism Village

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    An area/village rearranging model is a series of initiatives to revitalize the village by enhancing strategic and substantial values from regions that still have promise. Kendran Village is one of the villages in Tegelalang District, Gianyar Regency, that has been inhabited by people since the 4th century BC. This settlement was frequently battled for by many kingdoms in Bali throughout the royal period. The natural potential, broadness of rice fields, and presence of two rivers around the settlement give it a distinct topography. Kendran Village is frequently visited by visitors due to the presence of relatively original village structures as well as many interesting relics from the past. Taking into consideration the development and influence of not properly planned tourism development around the Kendran Village area, which has a negative impact on the environment and local cultural heritage, it is deemed necessary to carry out an arrangement as a guiding model for the revitalization of the Kendran Village area. The descriptive qualitative research approach was utilized, depending on theoretical discussion and based on the collection of physical observational data, non-physical interview findings, and references to existing literature. The outcomes, in the form of a structural model for a tourist town, might be oriented at beneficial changes and advancements for the local community's socio-cultural, environmental, and economic situations

    Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika Serikat, Harga Impor, Harga Domestik, Jumlah Produksi terhadap Volume Impor Daging Sapi di Indonesia Tahun 1998- 2013

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    Commodity beef is a commodity with enthusiasts the highest compared to other meat commodities such as meat goat, buffalo and pigs. High protein content in beef is the consumer's choice to increase the consumption of beef. This study aims to determine the exchange rate of the US dollar, the price of imports, domestic prices and production quantities of the volume of imports of beef in Indonesia in 1998 - 2013 by using multiple linear regression analysis tenknik. The results showed that the US dollar exchange rate, the price of imports, domestic prices and production quantities simultaneous effect on the volume of imports of beef in Indonesia in 1998 - 2013 while partially obtained that the US dollar exchange rate, the price of imports, domestic prices have no significant effect the volume of imports of beef in Indonesia in 1998 - 2013 and the number of production significantly influence the volume of imports of beef in Indonesia 1998 - 2013.Berkaitan with the results of the research, the authors suggest increasing the quantity of national beef production so as to meet domestic consumption and ultimately reduce the amount of imports and resulting in the production of beef is equivalent to beef imports, so that it can satisfy people's consumption. Improving the quality of beef production in a manner free from foot and month disease infectious diseases (FMD) so that consumers do not hesitate to choose beef imports

    Classification of breast cancer grades using physical parameters and K-nearest neighbor method

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    Breast cancer is a health problem in the world. To overcome this problem requires early detection of breast cancer. The purpose of this study is to classify early breast cancer grades. Combination of physical parameters with k-nearest neighbor Method is proposed to detect early breast cancer grades. The experiments were performed on 87 mammograms consisting of 12 mammograms of grade 1,41 mammograms of grade 2 and 34 mammogram of grade 3. The proposed method was effective to classify the grades of breast cancer by an accuracy of 64.36%, 50% sensitivity and 73,5% specitifity. Physical parameters can be used to classify grades of breast cancer. The results of this study can be used to complement the diagnosis of breast mammography examination

    Form of Conservation and spatial planning of House Betang, Suku Dayak Central Kalimantan

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    The development of the Betang house of the Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan from a long house model inhabited by several families into a private house with a much changed shape and spatial pattern. Factors that cause changes that occur in general, include: changes in residents' needs; Changes in local customs and traditions, with the loss of gathering habits such as traditional feasts and tiwah rituals; and changes in the form of building elements, both in form and in the materials used. Changes in the form of houses and spatial patterns that occur are caused by changes in the functions and demands of residents as well as cultural acculturation. There needs to be conservation efforts as a tangible form of conservation in this Betang house to preserve the shape of the Betang house as before
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