45 research outputs found

    Models of Hepatotoxicity for the Study of Chronic Liver Disease

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    Chronic liver disease affects globally and has a high morbidity and mortality rate. It is histopathologically characterized by the presence of inflammation, and the progressive destruction and regeneration of the hepatic parenchyma, which can lead to the development of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Most liver diseases tend to become chronic and can be therefore studied in animal models, as it is possible to quickly develop pathological processes in animals with a high degree of reproducibility and obtain predictive data regarding the different hepatopathies. The development of animal models in the field of hepatology has been geared toward the search for new knowledge meant to favor human well-being and proved useful in translational medicine focused on liver disease. Like any other methodological tool, animal models provide valuable. Obviously, a single model cannot reproduce the complexity and spectrum of all liver diseases, which is why a wide variety are currently employed: they include chemically, immune, diet, surgically, and genetically modified damage in animals and involve biological agents or the use of humanized livers in rodents. This chapter surveys some of the main animal models used in the study of chronic liver disease and the disease characteristics they mimic

    Evaluación inmunológica de un antígeno parasitario (Cooperia Curticei) en ovinos.

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    The gastrointestinal parasitism in sheep represent productive and economic losses in sheep production in Ecuador, among the most important parasites is Cooperia curticei, that is a nematode that causes gastrointestinal disorders, anemia and even death. The objective of this research is evaluating the parasite load and the immune response of the inoculated sheep with the parasite antigen for Cooperia curticei by means of stool examination, serological tests (complete blood count and immunoglobulins A and E), and fleece quality. The research was carried out in the Cusualó neighborhood, Pujilí Canton, Cotopaxi Province, with 30 creole sheep between 8 months and 3 years of age, males and females. Based on the aforementioned, it was proceeded to perform coproparasitary, hematological and immunological analyzes pre and post inoculation of the animals. The pre-inoculation sheep presented Cooperia curticei eggs in their stool. After 48 days, stool tests were performed again, thus obtaining a significant difference <0.05, confirming the reduction of parasites in 22 sheep, while 8 were free of parasites. In IgA, was observed a decrease in 17 sheep post inoculation, however, there was no significant difference. The post-inoculation IgA results showed that 70% remained within normal parameters, with slight alterations within the ranges, however there was no significant difference. Regarding the hematological examination, a significant difference (p-value <0.05) was determined in all parameters except hematocrit and platelets; in the red line 6.67% of the sheep presented anemia prior to inoculation and after inoculation it was reduced to 50%, in the white line before inoculation 100% of the animals presented chronic inflammation and then after the inoculation 3.33% of the animals presented acute inflammation. The analysis of the fleece showed a significant difference (p-value<0.05) in fineness, undulations and inch average, parameters taken into account for fleece quality and industrialization, however, the other parameters did not show a significant difference.Las parasitosis gastrointestinales en ovinos representan pérdidas productivas y económicas en las producciones ovinas del Ecuador, entre los parásitos más importantes se encuentra Cooperia curticei, un nemátodo que produce afecciones gastrointestinales, anemia e incluso muerte. El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como objetivo evaluar la carga parasitaria y la respuesta inmunitaria de los ovinos inoculados con el antígeno parasitario para Cooperia curticei mediante examen coprológico, pruebas serológicas (hemograma e inmunoglobulinas A y E), y calidad del vellón. La investigación se llevó a cabo en el barrio Cusualó, cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi, con 30 ovinos de la raza criolla entre 8 meses a 3 años de edad, hembras y machos. Con base en lo anteriormente mencionado se procedió a realizar análisis coproparasitario, hematológicos e inmunológicos pre y post inoculación de cada uno de los animales. Los ovinos pre-inoculación presentaron huevos de Cooperia curticei en heces, a los 48 días se realizó nuevamente los exámenes coprológicos obteniendo así una diferencia significativa <0,05 que confirma la reducción de parásitos en 22 ovinos mientras que 8 quedaron libres de parásitos. En la IgE se observó una disminución en 17 ovinos post inoculación, sin embargo, no existió diferencia significativa. Los resultados de la IgA post-inoculación mostraron que el 70% se mantuvo dentro de los parámetros normales, con un ligeras alteraciones dentro de los rangos sin embargo no hubo diferencia significativa. Respecto al examen de hematológico se determinó una diferencia significativa (p-value <0,05) en todos los parámetros a excepción del hematocrito y plaquetas; en la línea roja 6,67% de los ovinos presentaron anemia previo a la inoculación y posterior a la inoculación se redujo al 50% de animales con anemia, en la línea blanca pre inoculación el 100% de los animales presentaron una inflamación crónica y luego de la inoculación el 3,33% de los animales presentaron una inflamación aguda. El análisis del vellón mostró una diferencia significativa de (p-value<0,05) en finura, ondulaciones y promedio en pulgada, parámetros tomados en cuenta para la calidad de vellón e industrialización, sin embargo, los otros parámetros no mostraron diferencia significativa

    Interaction of Nanoparticles with Blood Components and Associated Pathophysiological Effects

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    Nanotechnology currently plays a pivotal role in several fields and has enabled substantial advances in a relatively short time. In biomedicine, nanomaterials can be potentially employed as a tool for early diagnosis and an innovative mode of drug delivery. Novel nanomaterials are currently widely manipulated without a full assessment of their potential health risks. It is commonly thought that nanomaterials’ first contact with the organism is through the different components of the immune system. However, if the entry route is intravenous, the first contact will be with the blood’s components (erythrocytes, platelets, white cells, plasma and complement proteins). The presence of nanomaterials within a dynamic environment such as the bloodstream can produce potential harmful effects following interaction with several blood components. The design of innovative strategies leading to the development of more hemocompatible nanomaterials is also necessary

    Aprovechamiento de la ceniza de cáscara de arroz para la elaboración de hormigones

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    Este trabajo se encuadra en el marco del proyecto conjunto de investigación “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento”, que se está desarrollando entre el Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgáo Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) y el LEMIT-CIC, como parte del Programa PROSUL (Programa Sul-Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagáo em Ciencia e Tecnología). En este artículo se describe la relevancia del problema, los objetivos y etapas del proyecto y se presentan los primeros resultados experimentales obtenidos en LEMIT destinados al ajuste de mezclas. Se incluyen resultados de resistencia sobre hormigones con diferentes relaciones agua/ligante elaborados con contenidos variables de cenizas de cáscara de arroz. Se comparan cenizas empleadas en estado natural (sin moler) con las mismas cenizas previamente molidas, que es el procedimiento tradicionalmente utilizado para incrementar su actividad puzolánica.This work is part of a research project “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento” that is being developed between the Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgao Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) and LEMIT-CIC, as part of the program PROSUL (Programa Sul- Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagao em Ciéncia e Tecnología). This article presents the relevance of the problem, the different steps to be developed and the objectives of the project, together with the first experimental results obtained in the LEMIT regarding mixture adjustments. The results of compressive strength of concretes made with different water/binder ratios and variable contents of rice husk ash are included. There is also a comparison between ashes used in their natural state (without mill) with the same ashes previously milled, which is the traditional procedure used to increase their pozzolanic activity

    Autotransplante dental. Reporte de un caso clínico.

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    Es común que pacientes jóvenes y adultos les falte alguna pieza dental por causa congénita o debido a una pérdida prematura por caries o trauma. La autotransplantación es otra opción que consiste en el movimiento quirúrgico de un diente de un lugar a otro en la boca del mismo paciente

    Aprovechamiento de la ceniza de cáscara de arroz para la elaboración de hormigones

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    Este trabajo se encuadra en el marco del proyecto conjunto de investigación “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento”, que se está desarrollando entre el Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgáo Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) y el LEMIT-CIC, como parte del Programa PROSUL (Programa Sul-Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagáo em Ciencia e Tecnología). En este artículo se describe la relevancia del problema, los objetivos y etapas del proyecto y se presentan los primeros resultados experimentales obtenidos en LEMIT destinados al ajuste de mezclas. Se incluyen resultados de resistencia sobre hormigones con diferentes relaciones agua/ligante elaborados con contenidos variables de cenizas de cáscara de arroz. Se comparan cenizas empleadas en estado natural (sin moler) con las mismas cenizas previamente molidas, que es el procedimiento tradicionalmente utilizado para incrementar su actividad puzolánica.This work is part of a research project “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento” that is being developed between the Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgao Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) and LEMIT-CIC, as part of the program PROSUL (Programa Sul- Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagao em Ciéncia e Tecnología). This article presents the relevance of the problem, the different steps to be developed and the objectives of the project, together with the first experimental results obtained in the LEMIT regarding mixture adjustments. The results of compressive strength of concretes made with different water/binder ratios and variable contents of rice husk ash are included. There is also a comparison between ashes used in their natural state (without mill) with the same ashes previously milled, which is the traditional procedure used to increase their pozzolanic activity.Facultad de IngenieríaLaboratorio de Entrenamiento Multidisciplinario para la Investigación Tecnológic

    Aprovechamiento de la ceniza de cáscara de arroz para la elaboración de hormigones

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    Este trabajo se encuadra en el marco del proyecto conjunto de investigación “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento”, que se está desarrollando entre el Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgáo Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) y el LEMIT-CIC, como parte del Programa PROSUL (Programa Sul-Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagáo em Ciencia e Tecnología). En este artículo se describe la relevancia del problema, los objetivos y etapas del proyecto y se presentan los primeros resultados experimentales obtenidos en LEMIT destinados al ajuste de mezclas. Se incluyen resultados de resistencia sobre hormigones con diferentes relaciones agua/ligante elaborados con contenidos variables de cenizas de cáscara de arroz. Se comparan cenizas empleadas en estado natural (sin moler) con las mismas cenizas previamente molidas, que es el procedimiento tradicionalmente utilizado para incrementar su actividad puzolánica.This work is part of a research project “Produgáo de concreto estrutural com cinza de casca de arroz “in natura”, sem beneficiamento” that is being developed between the Centro de Tecnología, Departamento de Estruturas e Construgao Civil (GEPECON/UFSM Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil), Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay) and LEMIT-CIC, as part of the program PROSUL (Programa Sul- Americano de Apoio ás Atividades de Cooperagao em Ciéncia e Tecnología). This article presents the relevance of the problem, the different steps to be developed and the objectives of the project, together with the first experimental results obtained in the LEMIT regarding mixture adjustments. The results of compressive strength of concretes made with different water/binder ratios and variable contents of rice husk ash are included. There is also a comparison between ashes used in their natural state (without mill) with the same ashes previously milled, which is the traditional procedure used to increase their pozzolanic activity.Facultad de IngenieríaLaboratorio de Entrenamiento Multidisciplinario para la Investigación Tecnológic

    Establishment of reference intervals for complete blood count in times of COVID-19 and vaccination

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    IntroductionCOVID-19 and vaccination may affect some parameters of the complete blood count (CBC). The aim of this study was to determine reference intervals (RI) of CBC in healthy population with different COVID-19 and vaccination backgrounds and compare them with those established previously. Materials and methodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in donors who attended the Traumatology Hospital “Dr. Victorio de la Fuente Narváez” (HTVFN) from June to September 2021. Reference intervals were established using the non-parametric method on Sysmex XN-1000. For differences between groups with different COVID-19 and vaccination backgrounds, non-parametric tests were used. ResultsThe RI were established in 156 men and 128 women. Haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (Hct), red blood cells (RBC), platelets (Plt), mean platelets volume (MPV), monocytes and relative neutrophils were higher in men than women (P < 0.001). The percentiles of Hb, Hct, RBC, MPV and relative monocytes showed higher values; Plt, white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and absolute basophils, the 2.5th was higher and the 97.5th was lower; for lymphocytes and relative neutrophils, both percentiles had a trend toward lower values, compared to previous RI. Differences between groups with different COVID-19 and vaccination backgrounds, in lymphocytes (P = 0.038), neutrophils (P = 0.017) and eosinophils (P = 0.018) in men; Hct (P = 0.014), RDW (P = 0.023) in women and MPV (P = 0.001) in both, were not considered pathological. ConclusionsThe RI for the CBC were established in a Mestizo-Mexican population with different COVID-19 and vaccination backgrounds, so should be updated and validated in different hospitals close to the HTVFN that use the same analyser

    ROS-Induced JNK and p38 Signaling Is Required for Unpaired Cytokine Activation during Drosophila Regeneration

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    Upon apoptotic stimuli, epithelial cells compensate the gaps left by dead cells by activating proliferation. This has led to the proposal that dying cells signal to surrounding living cells to maintain homeostasis. Although the nature of these signals is not clear, reactive oxygen species (ROS) could act as a signaling mechanism as they can trigger pro-inflammatory responses to protect epithelia from environmental insults. Whether ROS emerge from dead cells and what is the genetic response triggered by ROS is pivotal to understand regeneration of Drosophila imaginal discs. We genetically induced cell death in wing imaginal discs, monitored the production of ROS and analyzed the signals required for repair. We found that cell death generates a burst of ROS that propagate to the nearby surviving cells. Propagated ROS activate p38 and induce tolerable levels of JNK. The activation of JNK and p38 results in the expression of the cytokines Unpaired (Upd), which triggers the JAK/STAT signaling pathway required for regeneration. Our findings demonstrate that this ROS/JNK/p38/Upd stress responsive module restores tissue homeostasis. This module is not only activated after cell death induction but also after physical damage and reveals one of the earliest responses for imaginal disc regeneration