11 research outputs found

    Prophetic Entrepreneurship To Improve Entrepreneurial Mental Readiness

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     Entrepreneurial mental readiness is an important thing that students need to have before starting a business. The results of the initial assessment show that students have low entrepreneurial mental readiness. Given the importance of mental readiness in entrepreneurship, the researchers arranged training in prophetic entrepreneurship to improve the students' mental readiness for entrepreneurship at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. There were 82 research subjects, then divided into experimental and control groups each consisting of 41 people. The design used in this study was an untreated control group design with pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out using Paired Sample T-Test to determine the effect of training prophetic entrepreneurship on the experimental and control groups before and after the training. The results of the analysis show that training prophetic entrepreneurship can improve student entrepreneurship mental readiness with an effectiveness of 57%.Keywords: Prophetic Entrepreneurship, Mental Readiness, Entrepreneurshi

    Peran Ekonomi Islam dalam Dakwah Nabi Muhammad SAW

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    Islamic economics is economics that is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Islamic economics has been practiced since the prophet Adam and growing rapidly at the time of the prophet Muhammad, forwarded by friends and then continue to grow in people's lives today. The days of the Prophet, Islamic economic practices began to attract attention from the prophet Muhammad practice trading using a system of cooperation for the results (mudaraba) with the financiers (shahibul maal) and one of his partners is Siti Khadijah ra. Once the Prophet was appointed as the Prophet, in the process of preaching, Islamic economy to grow very rapidly, moral improvement of society a lot done, especially in terms of trade and the economic system of government and it demonstrates the important role of Islamic economics in building the economy of the time.Ekonomi Islam merupakan ilmu ekonomi yang berlandaskan kepada al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW. Ekonomi Islam telah dipraktikkan sejak nabi Adam as dan semakin berkembang pesat pada zaman nabi Muhammad SAW, diteruskan oleh para sahabat dan kemudian terus berkembang dalam kehidupan masyarakat hingga saat ini. Dimasa Rasulullah, praktik ekonomi Islam mulai menjadi perhatian sejak nabi Muhammad SAW mempraktikkan perdagangan dengan menggunakan sistem kerjasama bagi hasil (mudharabah) dengan para pemodal (shahibul maal) dan salah satu mitra beliau adalah Siti Khadijah ra. Setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW diangkat menjadi Nabi, dalam proses kegiatan dakwahnya, ekonomi Islam menjadi berkembang sangat pesat, perbaikan moral masyarakat banyak dilakukan khususnya dalam hal perdagangan dan dalam sistem ekonomi pemerintahan dan hal ini menunjukkan peran penting ekonomi Islam dalam membangun perekonomian saat itu


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    Indonesia is a country whose majority is the largest Muslim in the world, making Muslim clothing the choice of most Muslim women in dress. This makes Muslim clothing in Indonesia continue to grow rapidly following the development of tren and fashions. In a business perspective, there are great opportunities that can be achieved by entrepreneurs in the field of domestic fashion to contribute to this development. Because of the fact, Muslim clothing is currently not only a fashion choice to cover aurat, but has become a life style for some Muslim women. With the many Muslim fashion fashions that are now being produced by domestic and foreign businessmen, this tren is increasingly in demand. Appearing in an Islamic and fashionable style makes Muslim women increasingly choose Muslim clothing. This closed clothing is not only worn by adult women but extends to teenagers and children. In line with this tren, in the perspective of da'wah, one of the aims of da'wah in upholding the amar ma'ruf nahi munkar can be helped as long as Muslim clothing is used in accordance with Islamic law, because basically the clothes that must be worn by Muslim women are clothes that cover their nakedness the limits specified in Islam

    Keutamaan Bekerja (Berproduksi) dalam Islam

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    Work is the main pillar in production. Working as a production factor has a great meaning. Since all the natural wealth is useless if it is not exploited by humans and processed by workers. Nature has provided untold wealth, but without human effort will all be retained. Islam encourages Muslims to produce and play a role in various forms of economic activity in the form of agriculture, plantation, fishery, industry, and trade. By working person will be able to produce goods and services, and by the way as it did the workers will earn money so that they can meet their needs and their families. In addition, the work (production) someone will be spared of action beg.Bekerja merupakan sendi utama dalam produksi. Bekerja sebagai faktor produksi mempunyai arti yang besar. Karena semua kekayaan alam tidak berguna bila tidak dieksploitasi oleh manusia dan diolah oleh buruh (pekerja). Alam telah memberikan kekayaan yang tidak terhitung, tetapi tanpa usaha manusia semua akan tetap tersimpan. Islam menganjurkan umatnya untuk memproduksi dan berperan dalam berbagai bentuk aktifitas ekonomi baik berupa pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, perindustrian, dan perdagangan. Dengan bekerja seseorang akan mampu menghasilkan barang dan jasa, dan dengan jalan seperti itu pula para pekerja akan mendapatkan penghasilan sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya serta keluarganya. Selain itu, dengan bekerja (berproduksi) seseorang akan terhindar dari tindakan meminta-minta

    Peran Pengawasan Konsumen dalam Transaksi Bisnis Online

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    Convenience offered by online business transactions or more commonly called e-commerce, the customer does not escape the risks that will be borne by both parties, the risk can be technical and non technical. Problematic in online transactions that often happens transactions are fraud in transactions and mismatch of goods with specifications. In addition, the risk of hidden defects of goods traded is also the largest mode of online business actor either intentionally or unintentionally. To avoid such losses, the consumer must be smart to recognize the type of transaction, the seller / merchant, and the product will be purchased. This action is done as a form of consumer supervision of online business transactions. In order for consumers not always harmed, the government has issued Law No. 8 of 1999 on consumer protection. In addition to the law, consumers are also protected by the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI). YLKI is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that aims to increase consumer's critical awareness of rights and responsibilities so as to protect itself and its environment. Meanwhile, from the supervision of consumers as transactors, can apply preliminary supervision, supervision conducted in conjunction with the implementation of activities and supervision of feedback

    Kegiatan Keagamaan Majelis Taklim Al-Husna Tuan Guru H Muhammad Rasyid Ridho dan Dampaknya Terhadap UMKM di Komplek Lutfia Kecamatan Gambut

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of the religious activities of the Al-Husna Taklim Assembly Tuan Guru H Muhammad Rasyid Ridho and their impact on MSMEs in the Lutfia complex, Gambut District. This research is a field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by observation and interview techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of MSME activities in the Religious Activities of the Al-Husna Taklim Assembly is carried out on the basis of interaction and motivation which are managed individually and in groups. The implementation of the Taklim Assembly has had a positive impact on MSMEs both for MSME actors and congregations such as: making it easier for congregations to get their daily needs and increasing the income of MSME players because the number of congregations continues to grow


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    Abstract: Poverty is a multidimensional problem that can be caused by several reasons, generally causedby economic problems. From the survey results of BPS South Kalimantan per September 2014 wasrecorded that poverty in South Kalimantan Province is 4.68% (62.509 people) of South Kalimantanpopulation, 3.790.071 people. From these, especially the poor in the city of Banjarmasin recorded 28.59million people (11.66%). In addition to government programs to reduce poverty, one of the solutionsthat can be utilized in the perspective of Islam is zakat leverage, particularly productive zakat. Tomove this productive charity needs to be synergy and synchronization of the various parties, in this caseare: the Government, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), and theOrganization of the Islamic Religious including more specific ie BAZNAS. With the synergy and syn-chronization of the various parties, it is certain the collection and distribution of zakat, especiallyproductive zakat, would be more efficient and effective to support the prevention and alleviation ofpoverty and to achieve welfare for the people


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    Poverty is a multidimensional problem that is faced by many developing countries. Poverty in Indonesia is caused by many factors such as limitation of physical, psychological resources,and  economic access. According to Yusuf Qaradawi, to overcome poverty, charity  is the first goal and become the main purpose of zakat. This study tried to assess the impact of zakat in alleviating poverty  and making zakat as a productive source  for the development of micro-enterprises that are expected to realize the main purpose of the charity which is the welfare of society. This research is a case study using a sample of “Ovi” Laundry business as one of the businesses that are considered capable of evolving with ZIS funds provided by BAZNAS city of Banjarmasin. These results indicate that internal factors (accuracy in planning, careful in spending, consequence of developing the business, intention to be independent, and regular cash flow) and external factors (capital loan of BAZNAS) greatly affects the performance of the business and business continuity of Ovi Laundry. The success of this effort demonstrated by the indicators is perceived and  recognized by the owner who is  able to pay for everyday household, the education of her children and save for the future

    Green Economy Financing According to Fiqh Al-Biah as Part of Maqashid Sharia

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    Economic development in the 20th century had a huge impact on the sustainable development of mankind. On the other hand, however, it has a negative impact on living ecosystems. In many aspects such as the orientation of the interests of sustainable development, the economy and the environment are considered as two opposing aspects. Sustainable Development Based on this, a relatively new concept emerged, namely the green economy. The green economy is a concept that supports human well-being and cares about environmental and ecosystem sustainability in economic development. But on the negative side, economic development can also have an impact on the reduction of natural resources through over-exploitation, industrial pollution, oil, water, and air pollution due to flooding, and the impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are fundamental rules for supporting sustainable development, namely the implementation of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in the economy. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are basic rules to support sustainable development, namely the application of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid Sharia law to manage Islamic resources in the economy