894 research outputs found

    Comportamentos de risco na Internet por parte de jovens portugueses : um estudo exploratório

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    A presença na Internet é uma constante no quotidiano de muitos dos nossos alunos, quer em casa quer na escola. O acesso à Internet por parte de crianças e jovens coloca uma série de questões que urge analisar. De facto, se novos horizontes, desafios, oportunidades e perspectivas se podem abrir aos jovens no seu contacto com o mundo da Web, também novos riscos e problemas podem surgir. Como tal, é necessário que as crianças e jovens adquiram uma literacia digital que ultrapasse as competências de uso técnico e inclua dimensões associadas à adopção de comportamentos adequados no ciberespaço, nomeadamente no sentido de evitarem práticas potencialmente fonte de perigos da diversa natureza. Na convicção de que o acesso à informação, ao conhecimento, às novas formas de comunicar e de exercício da cidadania e intervenção social são valores associados à existência digital na Web, importa maximizar as vantagens e potencialidades e reduzir os riscos e desvantagens que dai podem advir. Partindo desta ideia, torna-se importante que as escolas, os professores, os pais e outros educadores cumpram a sua função educativa também neste campo: educar com a Web e para a Web. No sentido de contribuir para este objectivo, desenvolveu-se um estudo centrado na caracterização do tipo de utilização que crianças e jovens portugueses fazem da internet, na caracterização de potenciais comportamentos de risco e na identificação da percepção que estes possuem relativamente a esses comportamentos. Nesta comunicação serão apresentados alguns dos dados decorrentes de um levantamento, através de um inquérito por questionário, realizado a nível nacional, junto de crianças e jovens que frequentam escolas portuguesas.Universidade do Minho. Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd

    Implementation of mystery shopping in hotel management: practical overview in F&B

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    The dynamic of the present ever-changing market makes service quality management increasingly demanding, compelling organizations to monitor constantly the rapid changes that are often unexpected. It is in this context that quality management value becomes essential for organizations. Mystery Shopping has become an accepted method of performance measurement in many industries. Therefore, the goal of this research is to present the development and implementation of mystery shopping tool carried out by a Portuguese hotel chain with the final purpose of analyzing its efficiency. This paper shows the methodology towards the construction of the questionnaires that analyze the compliance with the standards, and also describes the technical training throughout the project to which the employees of the Food and Beverage (F&B) department were submitted as well as a comprehensive mystery shopper training program to ensure consistency of quality in the assessment process. After collecting the information of the mystery shopper audits, the information is processed and presented as reports containing the interpretation of the results. The results indicate that an ongoing process of mystery shopping visits can contribute for a short-term improvement in quality service results. This study contributes to the Mystery Shopping research stream by empirically testing if the tool effectively produces an improvement in compliance with the standards in a practical context. Further, this study proposes future research directions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Začlenenie žiakov so zrakovým postihnutím do systému verejných škôl v Portugalsku

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    The Portuguese public education system provides two types of settings for students with visual impairment: reference schools and regular inclusive schools. This article addresses the current legal framework underlying the inclusion of students with disability in Portugal and describes the features each one of these settings holds regarding (i) the available resources, (ii) their location, (iii) eligibility criteria, and (iv) the curriculum provided to students with visual impairment. Data was obtained from a government agency responsible for collecting and statistically analyze all national data related to education. The findings illustrate that, in the first schooling years, less than half of the students with visual impairment have attended a reference school, mostly in the Northern and Lisbon regions. These data stress the need for more studies that lead to better understanding of the reasons that underlie the choices of families regarding the educational context attended by their visually impaired children, and their conclusions should serve the competent authorities as a guiding tool for a possible reformulation or reorientation of inclusive policies.Portugalský systém verejného vzdelávania poskytuje študentom so zrakovým postihnutím dva typy prostredí: referenčné školy a bežné inkluzívne školy. Tento článok sa zaoberá súčasným právnym rámcom, ktorý je základom inklúzie študentov so zdravotným postihnutím v Portugalsku, a opisuje vlastnosti, ktoré má každé z týchto nastavení, pokiaľ ide o dostupné zdroje, ich umiestnenie, kritériá oprávnenosti a učivo poskytované žiakom so zrakovým postihnutím. Údaje boli získané od vládnej agentúry zodpovednej za zber a štatistickú analýzu všetkých národných údajov týkajúcich sa vzdelávania. Zistenia ukazujú, že v prvých školských rokoch menej ako polovica žiakov so zrakovým postihnutím navštevovala referenčnú školu, väčšinou v severných a lisabonských regiónoch. Tieto údaje zdôrazňujú potrebu viacerých štúdií, ktoré povedú k lepšiemu pochopeniu dôvodov, ktoré sú základom výberu rodín, pokiaľ ide o vzdelávací kontext, v ktorom ich deti so zrakovým postihnutím navštevujú, a ich závery by mali slúžiť kompetentným orgánom ako vodiaci nástroj pre možné preformulovanie alebo preorientovanie inkluzívnych politík.This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Fonudation for Science and Technology within the framework of the CIEC(Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) projects under the references UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/202

    Physicians and nurses professional relationship with criminal investigation in dealing with survivors of sexual abuse: a scoping review

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    Survivors of sexual abuse and their families seek help from criminal law enforcement agencies and health professionals to obtain justice and health care. Many communities have implemented multi-professional collaborative models so that the victim’s well-being is assured and the truth is established. However, there is a general lack of evidence on how to best articulate these teams with the healthcare professionals caring for the survivors. Therefore, this Scoping Review was conducted in order to analyze and to map the barriers and facilitators of the relationship between health professionals and the criminal investigation team in the care of survivors of sexual abuse. The methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute for Scoping Reviews was used, and the Bronstein five dimension model of interprofessional collaboration served as the basis for the analysis of barriers and facilitators. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies, primary and secondary sources, text and opinion documents were included. Content analysis was performed on the main findings of the collected studies. Twelve articles were identified and analyzed. Collaboration, communication, hierarchy, skills, confidentiality, and leadership emerged as key themes. Multidisciplinary Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) were implemented to coordinate care, but conflicting goals and values among professionals posed challenges. Communication failures and inadequate information sharing hindered collaboration. Neutral leaders who coordinate teams, minimize groupthink, and improve decision-making were found to be valuable. Engaging across disciplinary boundaries and addressing power dynamics were challenging but could be addressed through facilitation and conflict resolution. This review highlights the importance of effective collaboration and interaction within teams and with other professionals in the care of sexual abuse survivors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reasons for dropout in swimmers, differences between gender and age and intentions to return to competition

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    BACKGROUND: This study’s main purpose was to analyze reasons for dropout in competitive swimmers and differences between gender and age groups. The influence of dropout on swimmers intentions to return to competition, invariance across gender and validation of Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition were also analyzed. METHODS: Study 1 – 366 athletes participated (N.=366; mean age 15.96, SD 5.99) and the data gathered was used for the exploratory analysis, and data gathered on 1008 athletes were used for the confirmatory analysis and the structural equations (N.=1008; mean age 16.26, SD 6.12); Study 2: 1008 athletes participated (N.=1008; mean age 16.26, SD 6.12) on the descriptive and inferential analysis of the reasons behind the practice dropout. The Questionnaire of Reasons Attrition was used in both studies to assess the reasons associated with the practice dropout. RESULTS: In study 1, the results showed an acceptable fit of the measurement model and invariance across gender and also predictive validity regarding swimmers intentions to return to competition (e.g., demands/pressure” negatively predict intentions). In study 2, the main results showed that the most significant reason for dropout in both genders and all age groups was “dissatisfaction/other priorities”; the study also showed there to be differences between gender and age groups (e.g., female and younger athletes valued “demands/ pressure “more). CONCLUSIONS: This study offers useful guidelines for the training process and to support decisions on sports politics to be implemented to overcome the dropout rate. However, it is important to broaden the evidence to other sports and implement programs on identified priority areas based on longitudinal perspectives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of the FANTASTIC Lifestyle Questionnaire in the Academic Context

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    Studying citizens’ lifestyles is extremely important for understanding society and the social conditions of the personal lifestyle. Understanding the lifestyles of university students is especially important because they will be the future citizens and professionals who will shape society’s future. The aim of this study was a systematic review of the scientific literature about the use of the FANTASTIC Lifestyle questionnaire in an academic context. The reflective systematic literature review was carried out on PubMed, MEDLINE, Science Direct, and SCIELO databases with the keywords (“FANTASTIC Lifestyle questionnaire” OR “FANTASTICO questionnaire” OR “FANTASTIC questionnaire” OR “FANTASTIC survey” OR “FANTASTIC checklist”) AND (“university students”). The PRISMA criteria for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses were applied. The inclusion criteria were the use of the “FANTASTIC Lifestyle questionnaire” instrument for measuring lifestyles, the presentation of quantitative or qualitative results, and psychometric studies. The exclusion criteria were no use of FANTASTIC Lifestyle Questionnaire; other population, no quantitative or qualitative analysis, incomplete articles. The 15 scientific articles included in the study were analyzed. This literature review allowed us to conclude the importance and usefulness/actuality of this questionnaire. Furthermore, the importance of diagnosis should be emphasized, as should the development of strategies and intervention programs for the maintenance or creation of healthy societies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A national study on distance learning applied to students with hearing impairment and visual impairment in the face of COVID-19

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    [Excerpt] Theoretical background: Among the students most affected by the covid-19 pandemic are those with special needs (UNESCO, 2021). In Portugal, the first lockdown of schools was on March 2020, when a set of measures establishing an exceptional distance learning modality was defined. Concerning students with sensory impairments, data revealed increased rates of acess to a diverse set of devices and internet connectivity (Saraiva & Cruz-Santos, 2021)

    Behavioral Regulation Sport Questionnaire: Gender and Sport Invariance in Portuguese Athletes

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    Versão depositada: post-printThis study aimed to analyze measurement invariance of the Behavioral Regulation Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ) across the gender and four different sports. In addition, we examined nomological validity via basic psychological needs satisfaction. Participants totaled 1,812 Portuguese athletes (1,220 males and 592 females; aged 15–59 years, Mage ¼ 17.72, SD ¼ 5.51) from football (n ¼ 596), basketball (n ¼ 273), swimming (n ¼ 800), and parasport (n ¼ 143). The BRSQ measurement model was invariant across the gender and these four sports. The scale confirmed nomological validity in that satisfaction of the basic psychological needs positively predicted autonomous forms of motivation and negatively predicted more controlled motivation and amotivation as suggested by self-determination theory. In light of this evidence for BRSQ construct validity, composite reliability, nomological validity, and invariance across the gender and four different sports, this scale is a useful tool for the coaches of the aforementioned sports in their efforts to evaluate their athletes’ motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio