108 research outputs found

    Marketing territorial: Um instrumento necessário para a competitividade das regiões rurais e periféricas

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    Nos últimos anos a coesão territorial tem sido uma das preocupações crescentes de governos nacionais e supranacionais. Esta preocupação resulta dos crescentes desequilíbrios espaciais que têm conduzido, a uma concentração excessiva em certas zonas mais urbanas e ao abandono da grande parte do território rural. Este facto é particularmente evidente em Portugal. Pretende-se nesta comunicação evidenciar como os instrumentos e filosofia de marketing poderão contribuir para a inversão (ou pelo menos, abrandamento) deste processo, reforçando a competitividade das regiões rurais. Com este objectivo aplicam-se conceitos de marketing numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento territorial.Territórios, marketing, competitividade

    Coastal tourism versus inland Portuguese tourism. The Serra da Estrela tourist destination

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    This article looks at the Serra da Estrela mountain range as a tourist destination in the context of the inland Portuguese tourist destinations, identifying its direct competitors as well those that complement its tourism offer. We note the changes in national tourist dynamics, with the inland regions growing at a faster rate than the coastal ones. As a tourist destination the Serra da Estrela could benefit from having the Douro (whose growth is greater) and the Central Alentejo regions (the more established inland destination) as allies. Furthermore, the Serra da Estrela needs to increase its competitive profile to compete with the Trás-os-Montes region, which presents similar competitive arguments (rural and mountain destination).Coastal tourist destinations; inland tourist destinations; comparative advantages; competitive advantages; territorial marketing

    Implementation of mystery shopping in hotel management: practical overview in F&B

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    The dynamic of the present ever-changing market makes service quality management increasingly demanding, compelling organizations to monitor constantly the rapid changes that are often unexpected. It is in this context that quality management value becomes essential for organizations. Mystery Shopping has become an accepted method of performance measurement in many industries. Therefore, the goal of this research is to present the development and implementation of mystery shopping tool carried out by a Portuguese hotel chain with the final purpose of analyzing its efficiency. This paper shows the methodology towards the construction of the questionnaires that analyze the compliance with the standards, and also describes the technical training throughout the project to which the employees of the Food and Beverage (F&B) department were submitted as well as a comprehensive mystery shopper training program to ensure consistency of quality in the assessment process. After collecting the information of the mystery shopper audits, the information is processed and presented as reports containing the interpretation of the results. The results indicate that an ongoing process of mystery shopping visits can contribute for a short-term improvement in quality service results. This study contributes to the Mystery Shopping research stream by empirically testing if the tool effectively produces an improvement in compliance with the standards in a practical context. Further, this study proposes future research directions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tradição e futuro: um novo paradigma de competitividade para as regiões rurais e menos desenvolvidas

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    Quando se pensa em desenvolvimento económico o futuro é normalmente perspectivado como sendo protagonizado por empresas com tecnologias de ponta, com altos níveis de produtividade e zero defeitos. A análise destes desenvolvimentos tecnológicos é frequentemente feita com base nos pressupostos da economia industrial. Todavia, os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos  revolucionaram também as regras do jogo económico, criando novas oportunidades para o desenvolvimento das regiões rurais e/ou mais desfavorecidas. Possuindo estas regiões um conjunto de activos cada vez mais valorizados pela sociedade moderna, tais como a forte ligação à natureza e os saberes tradicionais, as novas tecnologias podem constituir, mais do que uma ameaça, uma nova esperança para o seu desenvolvimento, permitindo elevar o nível de vida das suas populações e, ao mesmo tempo, evitar os malefícios das grandes sociedades industrializadas. Pretende-se com esta comunicação, alertar para as novas oportunidades que a "nova era" económica apresenta para a criação e desenvolvimento de empresas nestas regiões, bem como evidenciar as suas limitações e problemas e sugerir algumas formas de as ultrapassar. As  considerações teóricas são acompanhadas por alguns estudos de casos bem-sucedidos em Portugal

    New rurality, traditional music and tourist experience

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    Fernando Lopes-Graça, a prolific Portuguese composer, joined the French musicologist Michel Giacometti (1929-1990) in the effort of collecting and cataloguing popular songs, culminating in a collection of recordings, unique in Europe, which covered all Portugal. In the context of this paper we intend to show how the work of Lopes-Graça, challenging the traditional music, can allow a touring through traditions, while allowing design a cultural environment for the most demanding tourists. The purpose of this research is to develop a tourism product in the near future based on Lopes-Graça and Giacometti’s (musical and spatial) journey through Portuguese traditional music, which portray a rural Portugal in all its dimensions including beliefs, uses and activities

    Threats and opportunities for workplace ergonomics in lean environments

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    Lean Management Systems (LMS) have become very popular among the manufacturing industry, services and large commercial areas. A LMS must develop and consider a set of work energizers to bring compatibility with workplace ergonomics, namely at a muscular, cognitive, and emotional demands level. The goal of this study is the identification of the most relevant impacts of a LMS adoption from the ergonomic point of view and cited in the literature and the synthesis of some possible drawbacks in workplace ergonomics due to a flawed application of the LMS. A final discussion about the most important, positive and negative, impacts are present at the end of the paper

    A duration analysis of on-farm agrobiodiversity conservation: Evidence from portuguese fruit growers

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    We investigate the factors that influence farmers’ adoption of agrobiodiversity measures using survey data collected at a geographically relevant scale. The current economic theory of technology adoption is used to guide our thinking. While, to date, studies in this area have frequently employed standard probit/logit techniques, we adopt an econometric technique that addresses simultaneously the issue of sample censoring, temporal dependence and the joint determination of the occurrence and timing of adoptions. The use of more appropriate techniques to the analysis of adoption data uncover a sizably higher effect of information on farmers’ decisions than that obtained by standard discrete-choice approaches. The result is an affirmation that good extension services providing reliable and accessible information, as well as technical guidance adapted to local conditions, are fundamental components to effect the adoption of resource-conserving measures.agrobiodiversity, duration analysis, adoption models

    O impacto dos incentivos fiscais regionais na taxa de criação de empresas: estudo aplicado às regiões portuguesas do interior

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    O empreendedorismo é frequentemente apontado como uma estratégia viável para o desenvolvimento das regiões. Por isso, a sua promoção tem sido uma preocupação central de governos nacionais e regionais. Para este fim, os governos dispõem de vários instrumentos, dos quais destacamos os benefícios fiscais. Estes são considerados por muitos autores como importantes instrumentos para a atracção de investimento, particularmente em regiões economicamente menos desenvolvidas. Todavia existem autores que contestam a eficácia destas medidas, alegando que este tipo de benefícios aumenta os desperdícios e as ineficiências. Assim, pretende-se com o presente trabalho analisar o impacto dos incentivos fiscais na taxa de empreendedorismo das regiões mais desfavorecidas. Para tal, após uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática, procede-se a um estudo empírico com base em dados secundários do INE, nomeadamente, imposto sobre o rendimento, resultados líquidos, nascimentos, mortes e número de empresas. Comparamos estas variáveis entre dois grupos: regiões urbanas com tributação normal vs regiões de interior com benefícios fiscais à interioridade, para o período de 2004 a 2007. Contrariamente ao esperado, os resultados não evidenciam efeitos positivos na taxa de empreendedorismo e reflectem uma maior carga fiscal agregada para as empresas do interior, pelo que se questiona a eficácia de tais medidas, pelo menos a médio-curto prazo, e se propõe a adopção de outras, alternativas ou complementares

    Lean production promotes thinkers, not "androids"

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    This paper presents the role of the Lean Production paradigm as promoter of the workers’ human potential. In the literature it is possible to find out many authors who have a negative opinion about Lean Production and consider this organizational model as an extension of Taylorist/Fordist model where the worker is seen as a gear in the “big machine”. Based on literature review and on the Toyota Production System (TPS) principles and history (later coined as “Lean Production”), and by comparing this with other systems, it will be attested that Lean Production is a work organizational model where the worker assumes a position of thinker, continuously looking for improvement. These workers-thinkers are the base for the Learning Organization