27 research outputs found

    The impact of diet on gastric carcinoma development

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    Aproximación al análisis cualitativo de redes sociales. Experiencias en el estudio de redes personales mediante Ego. Net. QF

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    El texto realiza una aproximación a la práctica de la investigación sobre redes sociales desde una perspectiva cualitativa. Dentro de este contexto destaca el uso del modelo de círculos concéntricos o tarjetas de red como principal herramienta para la visualización de las redes sociales de una persona. El presente artículo gira en torno a la aplicación e interpretación de un modelo particular de círculos concéntricos denominado Ego.Net.QF. El propósito de la discusión es analizar y reflexionar sobre los potenciales y las limitaciones de este instrumento a partir de distintas experiencias prácticas de aplicación.The contribution seeks to make an approach to the praxis of qualitative network research. Within this context, the article focuses on the application of network cards. Network cards are based on the model of concentric circles and represent the main tool to visualize the social networks of a single person. The present article pays special attention to the application and interpretation of a particular model of concentric circles called Ego.Net.QF. The purpose of the discussion is to analyze and reflect on the potentials and limitations of this instrument considering different experiences of practical application

    Fat mass to fat- free mass ratio and body composition in participants with chronic leg problems

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    Background & aim: Low fat-free mass (FFM) or high fat mass (FM) in older adults are abnormal body composition phenotypes associated with morbidity. The dual burden of excessive FM and low FFM may lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular and other diseases and disability and lower physical performance compared with individuals with normal body composition or low FFM or high FM alone. Both conditions lead to poorer health and can be identified by a high FM/FFM ratio. Because few studies have examined the effects of abnormal body composition using the FM/FFM ratio, the aim of this study is to determine the FM/FFM values by gender in patients with knee and hip pathologies and compare them with body composition parameters. This condition is important when surgery is required because abnormal body composition leads to an increase in infections and other postoperative complications. Methods: A total of 93 participants aged 64.71 ± 7.71 years in women and 65.9 ± 9.9 years in men with a body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m2 were recruited from the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital (Ankaran, Slovenia). The waist circumference (WC) and anthropometric data (BMI), as well as body composition data (FM, FFM, % of body water, estimated by bioelectrical impedance - BIA) were measured. In addition, the body composition phenotypes (FM/FFM ratio) were calculated. Results: The FM/FFM index was higher in females. The female group with FM/FFM (0.68) and those with a higher FM/FFM (0.92) correlated positively with WC. Male participants were excluded for further analysis because only two males had FM/FFM > 0.80. The FM/FFM of the remaining male participants was 0.53 ± 0.09. Conclusions: FM/FFM provide information on patient body composition and identify individuals at risk of body composition abnormalities in women only

    Animal Welfare Attitudes: Effects of Gender and Diet in University Samples from 22 Countries

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    Animal Welfare Attitudes (AWA) are defined as human attitudes towards the welfare of animals in different dimensions and settings. Demographic factors, such as age and gender are associated with AWA. The aim of this study was to assess gender differences among university students in a large convenience sample from twenty-two nations in AWA. A total of 7914 people participated in the study (5155 women, 2711 men, 48 diverse). Participants completed a questionnaire that collected demographic data, typical diet and responses to the Composite Respect for Animals Scale Short version (CRAS-S). In addition, we used a measure of gender empowerment from the Human Development Report. The largest variance in AWA was explained by diet, followed by country and gender. In terms of diet, 6385 participants reported to be omnivores, 296 as pescatarian, 637 ate a vegetarian diet and 434 were vegans (n = 162 without answer). Diet was related with CRAS-S scores; people with a vegan diet scored higher in AWA than omnivores. Women scored significantly higher on AWA than men. Furthermore, gender differences in AWA increased as gender inequality decreased

    Mobile Teacher\u27s Burnout at Work for Additional Professional Assistance

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    Poklicna izgorelost je psihološki sindrom, ki se kaže kot odgovor na neustrezne psihološke okoliščine dela. Znaki izgorelosti se lahko pojavijo na več različnih področjih posameznikovega delovanja: na čustvenem, vedenjskem, kognitivnem in socialnem. Na nastanek izgorelosti vplivajo tako družbene okoliščine kot psihološke okoliščine življenja in dela ter osebnostne lastnosti posameznika, zato sta tudi pri preprečevanju nastajanja izgorelosti pomembni pomoč in podpora tako na ravni posameznika kot na ravni delovne organizacije. Učinkovita metoda za preprečevanje izgorelosti je supervizija. K izgorelosti so najbolj nagnjeni poklici, ki se ukvarjajo s pomočjo ljudem, med katere spada tudi poklic mobilnega učitelja za dodatno strokovno pomoč. Mobilni učitelj za dodatno strokovno pomoč izvaja vzgojno-izobraževalni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo v šolah in vrtcih. V raziskovalni nalogi smo se osredotočili na raziskovanje izgorelosti med mobilnimi učitelji za dodatno strokovno pomoč. Zanimalo nas je, ali mobilni učitelji za DSP doživljajo izgorelost ter kako dejavniki, kot so število učencev, število lokacij dela, število ur delovne obveznosti, število let delovne dobe ter ocena prostorskih in materialnih pogojev, vplivajo na doživljanje izgorelosti. Uporabili smo deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja s kvantitativnim pristopom. Vzorec je zajemal 69 mobilnih učiteljev za DSP. S statistično obdelavo podatkov smo ugotovili, da mobilni učitelji za DSP ne doživljajo izgorelosti. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da nobeden izmed dejavnikov, kot so število učencev, število lokacij dela, število ur delovne obveznosti, število let delovne dobe in ocena prostorskih in materialnih pogojev, ne vpliva na večje doživljanje izgorelosti.Professional burnout is a psychological syndrome that manifests as a response to inadequate psychological circumstances of work. Signs of burnout can appear in different areas of an individual\u27s functioning: emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and social. The occurrence of burnout is influenced by social circumstances and the psychological circumstances of life and work, as well as the individual\u27s personality traits, so help and support are important both at the level of the individual and at the level of the work organization in preventing the occurrence of burnout. An effective method to prevent burnout is supervision. Proffesions that deal with helping people are the most prone to burnout, which also includes the proffesion of mobile teacher for additional proffesional assistance. A mobile teacher for additional professional assistance implements an educational program with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance in schools and kindergartens. In the research paper, we focused on the investigation of burnout among mobile teachers for additional professional assistance. We were interested in whether mobile teachers for additional professional assistance experience burnout and how factors such as the number of students, the number of work locations, the number of hours of work obligations, the number of years of service and the assessment of spatial and material conditions affect the experience of burnout. We used a descriptive and causal non-experimental research method with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 69 mobile teachers for additional professional assistance. Through statistical data processing, we found that mobile teachers for additional professional assistance do not experience burnout. We also found that none of the factors, such as the number of students, the number of work locations, the number of hours of work obligations, the number of years of service and the assessment of spatial and material conditions, affects the greater experience of burnout