71 research outputs found

    Optical coherence tomography in patients undergoing cataract surgery

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    ABSTRACTPurpose:To assess the ability of spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) to diagnose macular changes pre- and post-cataract surgery and to identify changes in central foveal thickness (CFT) relative to age, sex, and presence of concomitant ophthalmic pathologies, for a period of 6 months post-surgery.Methods:A prospective study of patients evaluated by SD-OCT within 5 h before surgery at 7, 30, 60, 90, and 180 days post-op, with respect to CFT and presence of maculopathy.Results:Ninety-eight eyes of 98 patients were evaluated, with the following mean results: age = 71.4 years, pre-op VA = 0.27 logMAR, and final VA = 0.73 logMAR. There were 21 eyes in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 10 eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), three with epiretinal membrane, and four with glaucoma. Sixty eyes had no other ophthalmic-related pathologies (NOO), and had a mean pre-op CFT of 222 μm, which progressively increased up to the 60thday post-op, reaching a mean of 227.2 μm. No pseudophakic cystoid macular edema was observed. The mean CFT was statistically significantly different (p<0.001) between NOO and diabetic patients from 30 days post-op. Four eyes presented with preoperative diagnosis of AMD as measured by ophthalmoscopy. After completion of the OCT, which was performed within 5 h before surgery, six additional patients were found to have AMD. Of the 98 total eyes, 10 were diagnosed with maculopathy only by OCT exam. Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) was unable to detect such changes.Conclusion:OCT diagnosed preoperative maculopathies in 21.4% of the patients, and was more effective than BIO (11.2%). OCT showed a progressive increase in CFT in diabetics up to 180 days post-operatively, as well as greater CFT in male patients and patients older than 70 years

    Corneal Posterior Curvature Changes After Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery with 2.75 mm Corneal Incision

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the corneal posterior curvature changes after phacoemulsification cataract surgery, with intraocular lens implantation, with a temporal limbal self-sealing 2.75 millimeters (mm) corneal incision, using a Placido-dual rotating Scheimpflug device. In this prospective intervention study, corneal posterior curvature changes were evaluated in fifty-six patients (56 eyes). All patients underwent corneal tomography using the Galilei G2 (Ziemer Ophthalmic System AG, Port, Switzerland) preoperatively (PRE) and with two weeks (RP15), one month (RP30), and three months (RP90) after phacoemulsification cataract surgery with a temporal limbal self-sealing 2.75 mm incision. Tomographic parameters analyzed in the posterior cornea were the steep curvature (K2), flat curvature (K1), mean curvature (average K), and posterior corneal astigmatism. We did not observe any statistically significant change in the K2, K1, average K, and posterior corneal astigmatism in any postoperative follow-up measurements (RP15, RP30, RP90), showing that the postoperative values tend to be the same as the preoperative ones when measured with the Galilei G2 tomography.  In conclusion, the 2.75 mm temporal limbal self-sealing corneal incision in phacoemulsification cataract surgery does not induce significant changes in the posterior corneal curvature parameters of K2, K1, average K, and astigmatism

    An MLSA-based online scheme for the rapid identification of Stenotrophomonas isolates

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    An online scheme to assign Stenotrophomonas isolates to genomic groups was developed using the multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), which is based on the DNA sequencing of selected fragments of the housekeeping genes ATP synthase alpha subunit (atpA), the recombination repair protein (recA), the RNA polymerase alpha subunit (rpoA) and the excision repair beta subunit (uvrB). This MLSA-based scheme was validated using eight of the 10 Stenotrophomonas species that have been previously described. The environmental and nosocomial Stenotrophomonas strains were characterised using MLSA, 16S rRNA sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridisation (DDH) analyses. Strains of the same species were found to have greater than 95% concatenated sequence similarity and specific strains formed cohesive readily recognisable phylogenetic groups. Therefore, MLSA appeared to be an effective alternative methodology to amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint and DDH techniques. Strains of Stenotrophomonas can be readily assigned through the open database resource that was developed in the current study (www.steno.lncc.br/)

    Corneal Posterior Curvature Changes After Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery with 2.75 mm Corneal Incision

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the corneal posterior curvature changes after phacoemulsification cataract surgery, with intraocular lens implantation, with a temporal limbal self-sealing 2.75 millimeters (mm) corneal incision, using a Placido-dual rotating Scheimpflug device. In this prospective intervention study, corneal posterior curvature changes were evaluated in fifty-six patients (56 eyes). All patients underwent corneal tomography using the Galilei G2 (Ziemer Ophthalmic System AG, Port, Switzerland) preoperatively (PRE) and with two weeks (RP15), one month (RP30), and three months (RP90) after phacoemulsification cataract surgery with a temporal limbal self-sealing 2.75 mm incision. Tomographic parameters analyzed in the posterior cornea were the steep curvature (K2), flat curvature (K1), mean curvature (average K), and posterior corneal astigmatism. We did not observe any statistically significant change in the K2, K1, average K, and posterior corneal astigmatism in any postoperative follow-up measurements (RP15, RP30, RP90), showing that the postoperative values tend to be the same as the preoperative ones when measured with the Galilei G2 tomography.  In conclusion, the 2.75 mm temporal limbal self-sealing corneal incision in phacoemulsification cataract surgery does not induce significant changes in the posterior corneal curvature parameters of K2, K1, average K, and astigmatism

    A comparison study of corneal topographic changes following 20-, 23-, and 25-G pars plana vitrectomy

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    ABSTRACTPurpose:To evaluate and compare corneal topographic changes following pars plana vitrectomy with the 23-gauge (G) and 25-G transconjuntival sutureless vitrectomy system as well as the standard 20-G vitrectomy system.Methods:We prospectively evaluated corneal topographic changes in 45 eyes of 45 patients divided into three groups according to vitrectomy system used (20-, 23-, and 25-G). All patients underwent computer-assisted videokeratography using an EyeSys System 3000 topographer preoperatively and at one week, one month, and three months postoperatively.Results:In the 20-G vitrectomy group, we found statistically significant postoperative changes in corneal curvature parameters with an average steepening of 0.98 ± 0.18 D (P<0.001) and 0.93 ± 0.21 D (P<0.001) at one week and one month, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed at the three-month follow-up visit. In the 23- and 25-G groups, no statistically significant changes in corneal curvature parameters were observed at any postoperative follow-up visit.Conclusion:Twenty-three-gauge and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy did not induce topographic corneal changes following surgery, whereas 20-G vitrectomy was found to induce transient topographic corneal changes that had returned to preoperative levels at three months postoperatively

    Prática docente quilombola: desafios e possibilidades em tempos de pandemia

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    ABSTRACT. We seek to investigate the challenges and possibilities of quilombola teaching practice and, in a more restricted way, reflect on the initial and continuing education of teachers, and identify advances in quilombola teaching practice in times of pandemic. Therefore, we adopted a qualitative and explanatory approach from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Theory to understand the reality and engender discussions on continuing education, use of technologies and mediation of the teaching and learning process. The information was collected through an online questionnaire using the Google Forms application, applied to 55 teachers from the Kalunga quilombola region in the state of Goiás. Our study showed the lack of investment in quilombola teacher training; the importance of teacher/student interaction; the collaborative teaching work enriches the pedagogical practice by providing the exchange of experiences and that the use of technological resources in education was essential, in order to ensure the continuity of the process, however, it was one of the factors responsible for the marginalization of teachers and students during teaching remote emergency.ABSTRACT. We seek to investigate the challenges and possibilities of quilombola teaching practice and, in a more restricted way, reflect on the initial and continuing education of teachers, and identify advances in quilombola teaching practice in times of pandemic. Therefore, we adopted a qualitative and explanatory approach from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Theory to understand the reality and engender discussions on continuing education, use of technologies and mediation of the teaching and learning process. The information was collected through an online questionnaire using the Google Forms application, applied to 55 teachers from the Kalunga quilombola region in the state of Goiás. Our study showed the lack of investment in quilombola teacher training; the importance of teacher/student interaction; the collaborative teaching work enriches the pedagogical practice by providing the exchange of experiences and that the use of technological resources in education was essential, in order to ensure the continuity of the process, however, it was one of the factors responsible for the marginalization of teachers and students during teaching remote emergency.RESUMEN. Buscamos investigar los desafíos y posibilidades de la práctica docente quilombola y, de manera más restringida, reflexionar sobre la formación inicial y continua de los docentes, e identificar avances en la práctica docente quilombola en tiempos de pandemia. Por ello, adoptamos un enfoque cualitativo y explicativo desde la perspectiva de la Teoría Histórico-Cultural para comprender la realidad y generar discusiones sobre la educación continua, el uso de tecnologías y la mediación del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La información fue recolectada a través de un cuestionario en línea utilizando la aplicación Google Forms, aplicado a 55 docentes de la región quilombola de Kalunga en el estado de Goiás, nuestro estudio mostró la falta de inversión en la formación de docentes quilombolas; la importancia de la interacción profesor/alumno; La labor docente colaborativa enriquece la práctica pedagógica al brindar el intercambio de experiencias y que el uso de los recursos tecnológicos en la educación fue fundamental, para asegurar la continuidad del proceso, sin embargo, fue uno de los factores responsables de la marginación de los docentes y estudiantes durante la enseñanza de emergencia remota.ABSTRACT. We seek to investigate the challenges and possibilities of quilombola teaching practice and, in a more restricted way, reflect on the initial and continuing education of teachers, and identify advances in quilombola teaching practice in times of pandemic. Therefore, we adopted a qualitative and explanatory approach from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Theory to understand the reality and engender discussions on continuing education, use of technologies and mediation of the teaching and learning process. The information was collected through an online questionnaire using the Google Forms application, applied to 55 teachers from the Kalunga quilombola region in the state of Goiás. Our study showed the lack of investment in quilombola teacher training; the importance of teacher/student interaction; the collaborative teaching work enriches the pedagogical practice by providing the exchange of experiences and that the use of technological resources in education was essential, in order to ensure the continuity of the process, however, it was one of the factors responsible for the marginalization of teachers and students during teaching remote emergency.Buscamos investigar os desafios e as possibilidades da prática docente quilombola e, de forma mais restrita, refletir sobre a formação inicial e continuada de professores, e identificar os avanços na prática docente quilombola em tempos de pandemia. Para tanto, adotamos a abordagem qualitativa e explicativa na perspectiva da Teoria Histórico-Cultural para compreender a realidade e engendrar as discussões sobre formação continuada, uso de tecnologias e mediação do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. As informações foram coletadas por meio de questionário on-line utilizando o aplicativo Google Forms, aplicado a 55 professores da região quilombola Kalunga, no estado de Goiás. O estudo evidenciou a falta de investimentos na formação docente quilombola; a importância da interação entre professor/aluno; o trabalho colaborativo docente enriquece a prática pedagógica propiciando a troca de experiências e que o uso de recursos tecnológicos na educação foi fundamental, no sentido de garantir a continuidade do processo, entretanto, este foi um dos fatores responsáveis pela marginalização de professores e estudantes durante o ensino remoto emergencial. Palavras-chave: ensino remoto emergencial, formação continuada, prática docente quilombola, pandemia. &nbsp; Quilombola teaching practice: challenges and possibilities in times of pandemic ABSTRACT. We seek to investigate the challenges and possibilities of quilombola teaching practice and, in a more restricted way, reflect on the initial and continuing education of teachers, and identify advances in quilombola teaching practice in times of pandemic. Therefore, we adopted a qualitative and explanatory approach from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Theory to understand the reality and engender discussions on continuing education, use of technologies and mediation of the teaching and learning process. The information was collected through an online questionnaire using the Google Forms application, applied to 55 teachers from the Kalunga quilombola region in the state of Goiás. Our study showed the lack of investment in quilombola teacher training; the importance of teacher/student interaction; the collaborative teaching work enriches the pedagogical practice by providing the exchange of experiences and that the use of technological resources in education was essential, in order to ensure the continuity of the process, however, it was one of the factors responsible for the marginalization of teachers and students during teaching remote emergency. Keywords: emergency remote learning, continuing education, quilombola teaching practice, pandemic. &nbsp; Práctica docente de quilombola: desafíos y posibilidades en tiempos de pandemia RESUMEN. Buscamos investigar los desafíos y posibilidades de la práctica docente quilombola y, de manera más restringida, reflexionar sobre la formación inicial y continua de los docentes, e identificar avances en la práctica docente quilombola en tiempos de pandemia. Por ello, adoptamos un enfoque cualitativo y explicativo desde la perspectiva de la Teoría Histórico-Cultural para comprender la realidad y generar discusiones sobre la educación continua, el uso de tecnologías y la mediación del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La información fue recolectada a través de un cuestionario en línea utilizando la aplicación Google Forms, aplicado a 55 docentes de la región quilombola de Kalunga en el estado de Goiás, nuestro estudio mostró la falta de inversión en la formación de docentes quilombolas; la importancia de la interacción profesor/alumno; La labor docente colaborativa enriquece la práctica pedagógica al brindar el intercambio de experiencias y que el uso de los recursos tecnológicos en la educación fue fundamental, para asegurar la continuidad del proceso, sin embargo, fue uno de los factores responsables de la marginación de los docentes y estudiantes durante la enseñanza de emergencia remota. Palabras clave: aprendizaje remoto de emergencia, educación continua, práctica docente quilombola, pandemia

    Comparative study of visual functions in premature pre-school children with and without retinopathy of prematurity

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    Purpose: Observe whether there are differences in visual functions among premature infants with treated retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in relation to preterm infants with ROP and spontaneous regression; and among these two groups with ROP and the control group without ROP. Methods: Crosssectional observational no blind study. Premature infants were born between 06/199206/2006 and were exam between 06/200912/2010; registered in data of Hospital de Olhos Sandalla Amin Ghanem; with gestational age less than or equal to 32 weeks and 1,599 g born weigh; without ROP and ROP stages II or III, in one of the eyes, with spontaneous regression or with treatment; at least three visits during the selection period at maximum 6 months in the first exam and minimum 4 years of age in reassessment (chronological age) were include. Premature that did not respond or were not located for reassessment and those that did not have conditions to do the exams were exclude. Study's groups: G1 ROP posttreatment; G2ROP postspontaneous regression; G3 without ROP (control). Visual function evaluated with visual acuity (VA), contrast sensitivity test (CST), color test (CT), eye movement, stereopsis. Results: Overall, there were 24 premature infants and 48 eyes. Normal VA: 64.28% (G1), 87.5% (G2) and 100% (G3); Normal CST: 66.67% (G1), 100% (G2) and 55.56% (G3); Normal Ishihara CT: 100% (G1 and G2) and 86% (G3); Normal Farnsworth CT: 20% (G1), 75% (G2) and 50% (G3). Normal stereoacuity: 0.00% (G1); 25% (G2) and 3.5% (G3). Strabismus: 37% (G2), 0.00% (G1 and G3). The prevalent tendency for lower response in CST and CT between the premature children in group G3 and Farnsworth color test in G1 is a curious result of this work and more study is necessary about these visual functions in older premature children. Conclusion: The visual functions showed no statistically significant difference among the groups studied