38 research outputs found

    Stepwise mitigation of the Macesnik landslide, N Slovenia

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    The paper gives an overview of the history of evolution and mitigation of the Macesnik landslide in N Slovenia. It was triggered in 1989 above the Solcava village, but it enlarged with time. In 2005, the landslide has been threatening a few residential and farm houses, as well as the panoramic road, and it is only 1000 m away from the Savinja River and the village of Solcava. It is 2500 m long and up to more than 100 m wide with an estimated volume in excess of 2 million m(3). Its depth is not constant: on average it is 10 to 15 m deep, but in the area of the toe, which is retained by a rock outcrop, it reaches the depth of 30 m. The unstable mass consists of water-saturated highly-weathered carboniferous formations. The presently active landslide lies within the fossil landslide which is up to 350 m wide and 50 m deep with the total volume estimated at 8 to 10 million m3. Since 2000, the landslide has been investigated by 36 boreholes, and 28 of them were equipped with inclinometer casings, which also serve as piezometers. Surface movements have been monitored geodetically in 20 cross sections. This helped to understand the causes and mechanics of the landslide. Therefore, landslide mitigation works were planned rather to reduce the landslide movement so that the resulting damages could be minimized. The construction of mitigation works was made difficult in the 1990s due to intensive landslide movements that could reach up to 50cm/day with an average of 25 cm/day. Since 2001, surface drainage works in the form of open surface drains have mainly been completed around the circumference of the landslide as the first phase of the mitigation works and they are regularly maintained. As a final mitigation solution, plans have been made to build a combination of subsurface drainage works in the form of deep drains with retaining works in the form of concrete vertical shafts functioning as deep water wells to drain the landslide, and as dowels to stop the landslide movement starting from the slide plane towards its surface. Due to the length of the landslide and its longitudinal geometry it will be divided into several sections, and the mitigation works will be executed consecutively in phases. Such an approach proved effective in the 800 m long uppermost section of the landslide, where 3 parallel deep drain trenches (250 m long, 8 to 12 m deep) were executed in the autumn of 2003. The reduction of the movements in 2004 enabled the construction of two 5 in wide and 22 m deep reinforced concrete shafts, finished in early 2005. In Slovenia, this sort of support construction, known from road construction, was used for the first time for landslide mitigation. The monitoring results show that the landslide displacements have been drastically reduced to less than I cm/day. As a part of the stepwise mitigation of the Macesnik landslide, further reinforced concrete shafts are to be constructed in the middle section of the landslide to support the road crossing the landslide. At the landslide toe, a support construction is planned to prevent further landslide advancement, and its type is still to be defined during the procedure of adopting a detailed plan of national importance for the Macesnik landslide

    Liquefaction potential of sands at the Krško-Brežice field, Slovenia

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    The Krško-Brežice field is one of the most seismically active areas in Slovenia. The most damaging recorded earthquake with an intensity of VIII (EMS) occurred on 29th January 1917. It caused damage and claimed two lives. In the last 100 years, 9 earthquakes with intensity higher than VI (EMS) have been recorded. At the investigated area, a top layer up to 5 m thick, consisting of recent deposit of very loose silts and sands (ML, SM, SP), covers the medium dense to dense Quaternary gravel, beneath which there are over-consolidated, uncemented Miocene silts and marls. The top layer could be prone to liquefaction, as reported for the close surroundings of Brežice, where the liquefaction phenomenon was observed during the Zagreb earthquake in 1880 and during the Kupa Valley earthquake in 1909. The paper presents the results of laboratory index tests, cyclic simple shear tests and field investigations (SPT, CPT, (S)DMT, vs measurements), which were carried out to assess the liquefaction potential of the top layer at the location of the Brežice Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). All results show that the top layer is prone to liquefaction for an earthquake with a 475 year return period. Cyclic simple shear test results show that the liquefaction potential of horizontal ground for an earthquake with a 475 year return period can be reduced by the densification of the top layer to at least 95% of maximum Proctor density.</p

    Mutual relationship between country brand and corporate brand: The case of Slovenia and Gorenje

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    V sodobnem globaliziranem svetu se tako države kot multinacionalna podjetja borijo za svoj delež z vse bolj celostnimi in inovativnimi pristopi. Multinacionalna podjetja vedno bolj uporabljajo korporativno znamčenje, kjer vsako označevanje z znamko temelji na celotnem podjetju in zahteva drugačen pristop kot tipično produktno znamčenje. Pomena izgradnje znamke pa se vedno bolj zavedajo tudi države, čeprav je znamčenje držav še vedno relativno mlad pojav. Magistrsko delo analizira vzajemnost odnosa med znamko države in korporativno znamko in koristi, ki jih vzajemni odnos prinaša obema mednarodnima akterjema. V magistrskem delu z interpretacijo relevantnih sekundarnih virov analiziram ključne teoretične koncepte, ki jih preverjam s študijo primera. V študiji primera analiziram možne povezave med znamko Slovenije in korporativno znamko Gorenje, ki je eno najuspešnejših slovenskih multinacionalnih podjetij. Ugotavljam, da lahko močna znamka države svojim korporativnim znamkam nudi edinstveno kombinacijo vrednot, ki izboljšuje njihov položaj na mednarodnem trgu, korporativne znamke pa s svojo prepoznavnostjo dodajo vrednost znamki države. Takšen vzajemen odnos krepi konkurenčne prednosti obeh mednarodnih akterjev. Cilj naloge je osvetliti in povezati relevantne teoretične koncepte in prispevati k tematiki, ki v praksi za oba akterja ponuja še veliko neizkoriščenih prednosti.In today\u27s modern globalized world, both countries and multinational corporations fight for their share with increasingly integrated and innovative approaches. Multinational corporations are increasingly leaning towards corporate branding, where brand represents the entire company and not just its products or services. Countries are also becoming more and more aware of the importance of brand building, although country branding is still a relatively young phenomenon. The master thesis analyzes the reciprocity of the relationship between country brand and corporate brand and the benefits that mutual relationship brings to both international actors. With the method of interpreting relevant secondary sources key theoretical concepts are analyzed and applied in the case study. In the case study we analyze possible connections between country brand Slovenia and corporate brand Gorenje that represents one of the most successful Slovenian multinational corporations. The research shows that a strong country brand can offer a unique combination of values to its corporate brands to improve their position in the international market. On the other hand, when corporate brands are globally recognized, they add value to the country brands. This mutual relationship strengthens the competitive advantages of both international actors. The purpose of the thesis is to shed light on relevant theoretical concepts and to contribute to a topic which in practice offers both actors plenty of still unexploited advantages

    Reološke lastnosti morskih sedimentov iz Luke Koper

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    Subaqueous, fine-grained, cohesive sediments are continuously fluidized by waves and other disturbances that cause their movement, which can be described with numerical models incorporating rheological parameters. The rheological behaviour depends on the soil (solid) type, the volume concentration, the salinity and the testing methods. In this study, rheological investigations of marine sediments from the Port of Koper were carried out by using two coaxial cylinder rheometers (DV3T HB, Brookfield and ConTec Viscometer 5). The influence of the specimen volume, the size of the gap and the type of measuring spindles were analysed and compared. The measured data were evaluated using the Bingham model. For each data set, the boundary between the sheared (“fluid”) and the un-sheared (“solid”) material was calculated and then the calculated boundary was used instead of the outer radius of the cylinder for the evaluation of the rheological parameters, where necessary. A good comparison of the results was found when using this approach. The results are also in agreement with the literature data. The ConTec Viscometer 5, primarily designed for mortars and concrete, was shown to be also suitable for the investigation of sediments.Sedimenti na morskem dnu so nenehno izpostavljeni valovanju in drugim motnjam, ki povzročajo njihovo premikanje. Premikanje lahko opišemo z numeričnimi modeli, ki vključujejo reološke parametre, odvisne od vrste zemljine (trdnine), volumske koncentracije, slanosti in preiskovalnih metod. Ta članek opisuje preiskave reoloških lastnosti morskega sedimenta iz Luke Koper. Raziskave so bile izvedene z uporabo dveh koaksialnih valjastih reometrov (DV3T HB, Brookfield in ConTec Viscometer 5). Analiziran je vpliv volumna vzorca, razdalje med notranjim in zunanjim valjem in vrste uporabljenih vreten. Meritve so analizirane z uporabo Bingham-ovega modela. Za vsako meritev je bila izvrednotena meja med materialom, ki teče in tistim, ki ne teče. Kjer je bilo potrebno, je bila za vrednotenje reoloških parametrov, namesto radija zunanjega cilindra uporabljena izračunana meja. Z uporabo te metode je bilo ugotovljeno dobro ujemanje rezultatov. Rezultati so primerljivi s podatki iz literature za podobne zemljine. ConTec Viscometer 5, ki je prvenstveno razvit za preiskave malt in betonov, je bil prepoznan, kot primeren tudi za preiskave sedimentov

    Laboratorijska karakterizacija zemljin in kamnin, ki vsebujejo glino, s preiskavo adsorpcije vode po Enslin - Neffu

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    The application of the Enslin-Neff water-adsorption test for the determination of soil-index properties has been investigated on commercially available reference minerals and on real soils. The Enslin-Neff test is a simple and reliable laboratory method, which can provide important information about the behavior of soils, clay-bearing rocks and aggregate fines that are in contact with water. Although the test has been frequently used for bentonite testing, practically no results have been published about the physical meaning of the Enslin-Neff water-adsorption values for real soils. The results of this study indicate that the Enslin-Neff water-adsorption test can be used to obtain accurate values of some soil-index properties, such as the liquid limit, the plasticity index, the methylene-blue value, and the soil-water characteristic curve.Postopek za merjenje adsorpcije vode na fina zrna zemljin in drugih praškastih materialov je razvil Enslin leta 1933. Postopek so kasneje dopolnjevali različni nemški raziskovalci. Danes je postopek znan kot Enslin – Neff postopek in je vključen v nemške standarde. Kljub temu, da je postopek enostaven, hiter in daje pomembne informacije o obnašanju drobno zrnatih materialov v stiku z vodo, je v ne nemško govorečih deželah praktično nepoznan. V prispevku so opisani rezultati raziskav adsorpcije vode po Enslin-Neffu na značilnih slovenskih zemljinah in kamninah ter na referenčnih čistih, monomimeralnih vzorcih. Izmerjene vrednosti adsorpcije vode so primerjane z Atterbergovimi mejami plastičnosti, Metilen modro vrednostjo in vsebnostjo vode na značilnih točkah retencijske krivulje in pri značilnih sukcijah. Rezultati kažejo na direktno zvezo med mejo židkosti in adsorpcijo vode po Enslin – Neffu, ki jo je možno zapisati z enostavno enačbo. Ugotovljeno je tudi, da vrednost adsorpcije vode ustreza prvi točki na deviški retencijski krivulji pri nični sukciji. Zveze med adsorpcijo vode in metilen modrim ni možno zapisati z enotno, splošno veljavno enačbo, ker je v meritvi po Enslin – Neff vključena kapilarna in adsorpcijska voda, metilen modro pa zaznava le adsorpcijski potencial zrn za organsko barvilo metilen modro. Pridobljeni rezultati kažejo, da obstaja zveza med vrednostjo Metilen modro in adsorpcijo vode, vendar bo potrebno za matematični opis te zveze opraviti še dodatne raziskave. Raziskave kažejo, da je Enslin – Neff postopek odlično dopolnilo obstoječim postopkom za karakterizacijo zemljin, kamnin in finih zrn v kamenem agregatu. Prednost postopka pred Atterbergovimi mejami plastičnostmi je zlasti v hitrejši in enostavnejši izvedbi ter predvsem v majhni količini vzorca, potrebni za raziskavo


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    V diplomskem delu smo na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč želeli predstaviti pomen, ki ga imata sodelovanje ter vključevanje staršev v proces izobraževanja glasbeno-plesno talentiranih otrok. Glasba in ples imata pri vzgoji otrok neprecenljivo vlogo, saj prispevata k uresničevanju široke palete vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Glasbene in plesne izkušnje spodbujajo otrokovo izražanje čustev ter izostrijo zavedanje in opažanje čustev drugih. Družina je tista, ki prva ustreže otrokovi želji po plesnem in glasbenem izražanju, zato smo se v nalogi najprej osredotočili na pomen družine, ki je nepogrešljiv dejavnik otrokovega razvoja. Pojasnili smo naloge družine, oblike družin ter družinska vzgojna sredstva. Nato smo opredelili pojem glasbene in plesne talentiranosti, kdo so talentirani otroci, kako jih prepoznamo, kakšne so njihove značilnosti in potrebe ter kakšno vlogo imajo starši pri razvoju otrokove talentiranosti. Predstavili smo tudi Glasbeno šolo Gornja Radgona kot institucijo, ki izobražuje glasbeno in plesno talentirane otroke. Delo z umetniško nadarjenimi otroki zahteva posebne didaktične pristope, ključna pa je vloga staršev kot soudeležencev v izobraževalnem procesu. Otrok potrebuje čustveno podporo staršev, na katero se lahko zanese ne glede na svoje uspehe in neuspehe. Staršem in učiteljem je skupni cilj uspeh otroka, zato je pomembno, da se vzpostavi kakovostni sodelovalni odnos in komunikacija med domom in šolo – starši in učitelji. V nalogi smo predstavili formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja med šolo in domom in kako se te konkretno uresničujejo na Glasbeni šoli v Gornji Radgoni.Our aim in this diploma was to introduce the meaning that cooperation and integration of the parents in the educational process of music-dance gifted children. Music and dance play an important role, because they contribute to the realization of a wide range of educational aims. Musical and dance experiences encourage childrens\u27 expression of feelings and sharpen the awareness and observation of the feelings of the others. Family is the first one which satisfies the child\u27s wish for dance and musical expression. In the diploma we put our focus on the meaning of the family which is an indispensable factor of the child\u27s growth. We explained the tasks of the families, their forms and means of education. Later we defined the concept of musical and dance talent, who talented children are, how we recognize them, what their characteristics and needs are and what role the parents play in the development of the childrens\u27 talent. We presented Musical School Gornja Radgona (Glasbena šola Gornja Radgona) as an institution that educates musically and dance gifted children. Working with artistically gifted children demands special didactical approaches, but of crucial importance is the participation of the parents in the eduacational process. A child needs the emotional parents\u27 support on which he can rely, regardless of the success or failure. Parents and teachers strive to children\u27s success. It is important that a qualitative cooperational relationship and communication between home and school – parents and teachers is established. In the diploma we introduced formal and informal forms of cooperation between school and home and also how these take place at the Musical School Gornja Radgona

    Stepwise mitigation of the Macesnik landslide, N Slovenia

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    The paper gives an overview of the history of evolution and mitigation of the Macesnik landslide in N Slovenia. It was triggered in 1989 above the Solcava village, but it enlarged with time. In 2005, the landslide has been threatening a few residential and farm houses, as well as the panoramic road, and it is only 1000 m away from the Savinja River and the village of Solcava. It is 2500 m long and up to more than 100 m wide with an estimated volume in excess of 2 million m(3). Its depth is not constant: on average it is 10 to 15 m deep, but in the area of the toe, which is retained by a rock outcrop, it reaches the depth of 30 m. The unstable mass consists of water-saturated highly-weathered carboniferous formations. The presently active landslide lies within the fossil landslide which is up to 350 m wide and 50 m deep with the total volume estimated at 8 to 10 million m3. Since 2000, the landslide has been investigated by 36 boreholes, and 28 of them were equipped with inclinometer casings, which also serve as piezometers. Surface movements have been monitored geodetically in 20 cross sections. This helped to understand the causes and mechanics of the landslide. Therefore, landslide mitigation works were planned rather to reduce the landslide movement so that the resulting damages could be minimized. The construction of mitigation works was made difficult in the 1990s due to intensive landslide movements that could reach up to 50cm/day with an average of 25 cm/day. Since 2001, surface drainage works in the form of open surface drains have mainly been completed around the circumference of the landslide as the first phase of the mitigation works and they are regularly maintained. As a final mitigation solution, plans have been made to build a combination of subsurface drainage works in the form of deep drains with retaining works in the form of concrete vertical shafts functioning as deep water wells to drain the landslide, and as dowels to stop the landslide movement starting from the slide plane towards its surface. Due to the length of the landslide and its longitudinal geometry it will be divided into several sections, and the mitigation works will be executed consecutively in phases. Such an approach proved effective in the 800 m long uppermost section of the landslide, where 3 parallel deep drain trenches (250 m long, 8 to 12 m deep) were executed in the autumn of 2003. The reduction of the movements in 2004 enabled the construction of two 5 in wide and 22 m deep reinforced concrete shafts, finished in early 2005. In Slovenia, this sort of support construction, known from road construction, was used for the first time for landslide mitigation. The monitoring results show that the landslide displacements have been drastically reduced to less than I cm/day. As a part of the stepwise mitigation of the Macesnik landslide, further reinforced concrete shafts are to be constructed in the middle section of the landslide to support the road crossing the landslide. At the landslide toe, a support construction is planned to prevent further landslide advancement, and its type is still to be defined during the procedure of adopting a detailed plan of national importance for the Macesnik landslide

    The comparisson of material properties of debris flows from Stože, Slano blato

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    The three large landslides that occured in Slovenia in past few years and threaten the population and infrastructure were relatively well investigated geologically and geomechanically.One of common characteristics of all three landslides is the occurence of fast debris flows. One part of laboratory investigations was therefore focused into the study of materials that under given circumstances transform into debris flow. In addition to standard geomechanical investigations their behaviour was tested also in rheometer.In the paper the results of all laboratory tests are compared for the mentioned threelandslides. The results of rheometer tests showed a consistency between test results andmaterial behaviour on site for two tested materials

    Soil classifiation for engineering purposes in Slovenia – how to proceed?

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    Principles of engineering soil classifiation used in Slovenia since 1948 are analysed and compared with the newly accepted European soil classifiation principles. The main differences in terminology, symbols and index properties are emphasised. New Slovenian classifiation symbols and terminology are proposed and supported by practical examples of its use