201 research outputs found

    Political disaffection and disengagement in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the extent of political disaffection and disengagement of Serbian citizens from a comparative European perspective, as well as to explore the relationships between two phenomena and determine the effects of several potential predictors (structural inequalities, gender, generational differences, urban environment, political awareness and competences, national and European identification, and political discontent) on different aspects of political disaffection and disengagement. In order to do so, we have used European Social Survey data (9th round, 2018), and singled out four different subdimensions of political disaffection and disengagement: assessment of responsiveness of the political system (external political efficacy), institutional trust, assessment of individual interest in politics and capabilities to engage in political processes (internal political efficacy), and the level of actual political engagement (political participation). The aim of the paper is to shed light on different systemic, structural and conjunctural factors that may contribute to shaping political attitudes and patterns of actions in contemporary Serbia and pose several theoretical and research questions that need further investigation

    Linguistic Constructions in the Speeches of the Presidential Candidates

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    Prisutnost metafore unutar jezika specifične kultura na prvi pogled ne skriva nikakvu dublju razinu, a joÅ” manje potencijalni manipulativni predznak. Za mnoge, ona je stilsko sredstvo koje se koristi u pjesničkoj formi ili figurativnom govoru. Međutim, brojna istraživanja koja su prisutna joÅ” od helenističkog razdoblja i grčke Antike, pokazuju kako je jezična konstrukcija uvelike povezana s formom miÅ”ljenja, i često svjesno ili nesvjesno utječe na naÅ”e odluke bile one dio svakodnevice ili ključnih ideoloÅ”kih promiÅ”ljanja. Kako jezična konstrukcija utječe na naÅ”e stavove i u kolikoj mjeri može formirati pojedinčeva stajaliÅ”ta - pitanje je na koje su se u posljednje vrijeme usmjerile i kognitivne znanosti u kojima prednjači kognitivna lingvistika. Cilj mojeg rada jest analizom dvaju govora ideoloÅ”ko suprostavljenih predsjedničkih kandidata pokazati mogući utjecaj emocionalne povezanosti i empatije na racionalne odluke birača. Prvenstveno ću čitatelju pružiti kratak uvid u povijest jezika i njegovih prvih istraživanja kroz radove Ranka Matasovića, Dorothee Frede i Brada Inwooda te Ferdinanda de Saussurea. Zatim ću povezati jezik i miÅ”ljenje teorijama Burrhusa Frederica Skinnera i Noama Chomskyog. Kao logičan nastavak pokuÅ”ati ću sumirati ključne postavke kognitivne lingvistike uz radove Geeraertsa i Cuyckensa te Evans i Green. Nakon zaključka kako jezično znanje nije definirano samo znanjem o jeziku, već i znanjem o svijetu koje je posredovano njime, predstavit ću koncepte metafore, metonimije i personifikacije koristeći se primarno teorijom Georga Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona. Nakon toga ću specificirati teoriju metafore na području emocija i politike kroz rad Zoltana Kƶvecsesa i Jonathana Charteris ā€“ Blacka

    Reproduction of the Caramote prawn, Melicertus kerathurus (ForskƄl, 1775) (Decapoda, Penaeidae) in Boka Kotorska bay, Montenegro (South-eastern Adriatic)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate for the first time some aspects of the reproductive activity of the Caramote prawn, Melicertus kerathurus, in Montenegrin waters. This species is considered a target species in the small-scale fishery in Boka Kotorska Bay, being a species of high commercial value. Sampling was carried out on a monthly basis from April 2019 to December 2019 by trammel nets. The spawning season was estimated based on monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index, condition factor and gonadal maturity stages. The main spawning season for females extends from April-May to September, with a clear peak in June. The total sex ratio (males/females) was 1:1. Sexual differences related to the length-weight relationship were noted

    Frameworks of the Debate about Abortion in Croatia

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    Ovaj radi bavi se tematikama kognitivne lingvistike, metafora i uokviravanja specifičnih stavova prema pobačaju i kao takav pruža deskriptivan uvid u dva najčeŔća oprečna stajaliÅ”ta prema istom. Temeljni pristup kojim se povodim jest Lakoffova interpretacija dvaju modela obitelji; Strogog Oca i Skrbnog Roditelja koja formiraju svojevrsnu bazu dva oprečna načina shvaćanja morala i vrijednosti karakteristična za konzervativna i progresivna stajaliÅ”ta. Kako će se pokazati, ta su dva modela temelj u uokviravanju specifičnih druÅ”tvenih, religijskih i političkih tema, a time i koncepta abortusa koji postaje sve aktualnija tema hrvatskog diskursa. Kroz projekciju ova dva načina razmiÅ”ljanja na lijevu i desnu ideoloÅ”ku sferu hrvatske javnosti, zaključujem kako su konzervativnija stajaliÅ”ta puno viÅ”e medijski zastupljenija i efektnija u uokviravanju vlastitih moralnih stajaliÅ”ta

    Association between chronic periodontitis and serum lipid levels

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    Background/Aim. Periodontitis is a local inflammatory process mediating destruction of periodontal tissues triggered by bacterial insult. However, this disease is also characterized by systemic inflammatory host responses that may contrbute, in part, to the recently reported increased risk for systemic diseases, including an altered lipid metabolism. On the other hand, many people in the world are affected by hyperlipidemia, which is a known risk faktor for atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between periodontal disease and blood lipid levels. Methods. A total of 50 patients with periodontitis included in this study had no documented history of recent acute coronary events. The healthy, non-periodontal subjects (comparison group) comprised 25 subjects. All the patients were periodontology examined and completed a medical history. Dental plaque index, probing depth, gingival index bleeding on probing and clinical attechment levels were recorded. Blood samples were taken on admission for measurements of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, hight density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol). Results. The obtained results showed that mean levels of cholesterol (6.09 Ā± 1.61 mmol/L), triglycerdes (2.19+1.67mmol/l) and LDL cholesterol (4.09 Ā± 1.40 mmol/L) in individuals with periodontitis were higer, and levels od HDL (1.43 Ā± 0.51 mmol/L) was lower than those of individuals without periodontitis (4.86 Ā± 1.37; 1.14 Ā± 0.71; 3.18 Ā± 0.64; 1.53 Ā± 0.32 mmol/L, respectively). Conclusion. This study confirms a significant relationship between periodontal disease, regardless its intensity, and blood lipid levels in the studied population. The results imply that periodontitis may be a risk factor and may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, future prospective randomized studies have to determine whether periodontal disease is a risk factor for the occurrence of CVD

    Prvi nalaz novorođene jedinke morskog psa prasca Oxynotus centrina u istočnom Jadranskom moru

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    Many biological aspects of deep-water sharks are poorly known due to their rarity and difficulties in conducting detailed research on them. The angular roughshark (Oxynotus centrina) is a rare species, critically endangered in the Mediterranean Sea, of which records are scarce across this region. Here we present a record of a female neonate O. centrina from the south-eastern Adriatic Sea, caught by a Montenegrin commercial trawler. Scientific observers were present on-board and collected the specimen, which was subsequently analysed in the laboratory. The specimen was 225 mm long (TL), weighed 59.6 g and had an unhealed umbilical scar. To date, records of this species in the Adriatic Sea have comprised of both adult and older juvenile individuals, but no records of neonates were found in the published literature. In this work, the basic biological observations of the specimen are reported.Mnogi bioloÅ”ki aspekti dubokomorskih morskih pasa slabo su poznati zbog rijetkih nalaza te nedostatka detaljnijih istraživanja. Morski pas prasac (Oxynotus centrina) je rijetka i kritično ugrožena vrsta u Sredozemnom moru, a nalazi ove vrste na tom području su oskudni. U ovom radu se prikazuje nalaz novorođene ženke O. centrina iz jugoistočnog područja Jadranskog mora, uhvaćene od strane crnogorskog komercijalnog ribarskog broda. Jedinka je prikupljena od strane znanstvenih promatrača koji su bili na brodu u trenutku ulova, te je naknadno analizirana u laboratoriju. Jedinka je bila duga 225 mm (TL), težila je 59,6 g i imala je vidljiv nezarasli pupčani ožiljak. DosadaÅ”nji nalazi ove vrste u Jadranskom moru uključivali su samo odrasle i starije juvenilne jedinke, dok nalazi novorođenih jedinki do sada nisu dokumentirani. U ovom radu su prikazana osnovna bioloÅ”ka zapažanja o analiziranoj jedinci

    Morfometrijske mjere mlađi psa modrulja Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) i karakteristike potencijalnih lokaliteta za njegov mrijest u obalnim vodama Crne Gore (jugoistočni Jadran)

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    The blue shark belongs to the group of the most widespread pelagic sharks in the world. It inhabits the pelagic zone of almost all warm and temperate seas and oceans. As it is one of the most abundant shark species, it is frequently caught in different types of fishing gear operated in the pelagic zone. This study provides the first data on the reproduction of this species in Montenegrin waters (in the Southeastern Adriatic Sea). Six newborn blue sharks were found during our field excursions. For three of them, detailed morphometric measurements are presented. Alongside the newborns, a gravid female was also recorded. The data was collected in the period from April to October 2017. According to the published literature and the data presented in this paper, species reproduction is likely to be seasonal. A review of the areas where the specimens were recorded was carried out in order to infer if the adult females choose them specifically as their parturition grounds.Pas modrulj pripada grupi najviÅ”e rasprostranjenih pelagičnih morskih pasa na svijetu. Obitava u pelagičnoj zoni gotovo svih umjerenih i toplih mora i oceana. Premda je jedan od najčeŔćih morskih pasa, često se lovi različitim ribolovnim alatima koji se koriste u pelagijalu. Ovim istraživanjem sakupljeni su prvi podaci o reprodukciji ove vrste u Crnoj Gori (Jugoistočni Jadran). Tijekom terenskih istraživanja, evidentirano je Å”est tek rođenih jedinki. Za tri jedinke, prikazane su detaljne morfo-metrijske mjere. Pored spomenutih jedinki, zabilježena je i gravidna ženka ove vrste. Svi podaci su sakupljeni u razdoblju od travnja do listopada 2017. Prema do sada objavljenoj literaturi i ovdje prikazanim podacima, moguće je da je reprodukcija ove vrste sezonska. IzvrÅ”en je i pregled lokaliteta na kojima su jedinke pronađene, kako bi se utvrdilo biraju li ih ženke kao mjesta za rađanje mladih

    Case of intestinal obstruction by gravel in red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) solved with medicamentous therapy

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    Red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) are often kept as pets, even though their sale is prohibited in many countries due the invasiveness of this species. This report describes a case of a 4-year-old red-eared slider that presented with a month-long history of lethargy and unwillingness to go into the water and was unsuccessfully treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids. Upon clinical and radiological examination, it was discovered that the patient was suffering from intestinal obstruction caused presumably by gravel stones. Medicamentous therapy consisting of meloxicam, lactulose and Ringerā€™s solution for reptiles was then started and the turtle managed to pass all the ingested stones via the alimentary tract. Control radiological examination has shown no signs of highdensity structures in the lumen of the intestines, and the turtle has made a full recovery. With enterotomy often being considered indicated in chelonians suffering from intestinal obstruction caused by gravel, this is, to the best of the authorsā€™ knowledge, the first reported case of this kind resolved solely with medicamentous therapy in a red-eared slider
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