13 research outputs found

    D3.8 Lexical-semantic analytics for NLP

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020The present document illustrates the work carried out in task 3.3 (work package 3) of ELEXIS project focused on lexical-semantic analytics for Natural Language Processing (NLP). This task aims at computing analytics for lexical-semantic information such as words, senses and domains in the available resources, investigating their role in NLP applications. Specifically, this task concentrates on three research directions, namely i) sense clustering, in which grouping senses based on their semantic similarity improves the performance of NLP tasks such as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), ii) domain labeling of text, in which the lexicographic resources made available by the ELEXIS project for research purposes allow better performances to be achieved, and finally iii) analysing the diachronic distribution of senses, for which a software package is made available.publishersversionpublishe

    Depression and anxiety in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil oceniti incidenco depresivne in anksiozne simptomatike pri nosečnicah z nosečnostno sladkorno boleznijo (NSB) v 2. in 3. trimesečju nosečnosti ter jo primerjati s kontrolno skupino zdravih nosečnic. Želeli smo preveriti tudi odnos depresivnosti in anksioznosti s socialno oporo in mestom nadzora za zdravje ter ugotoviti povezanost omenjenih konstruktov z urejenostjo glikemije pri nosečnicah z NSB. Raziskava je bila zasnovana vzdolžno, vendar smo zaradi selektivnega osipa vzorca opravili dve ločeni analizi – za vse sodelujoče nosečnice v 2. trimesečju nosečnosti in za sodelujoče v 2. in v 3. trimesečju nosečnosti. V 2. trimesečju nosečnosti je v raziskavi sodelovalo 180 nosečnic, od tega 77 nosečnic z NSB. Kritično mejo pomembne izraženosti depresivne simptomatike je preseglo več nosečnic z NSB (23,4 %) kot zdravih nosečnic (10,7 %). V pomembni izraženosti anksiozne simptomatike med skupinama ni bilo pomembnih razlik. Na vzdolžnem vzorcu 92 nosečnic, od tega 42 nosečnic z NSB, nismo odkrili pomembnih razlik med skupinama v izraženosti depresivnosti ali anksioznosti. Incidenca depresivnosti je bila v 2. in 3. trimesečju nosečnosti podobna znotraj obeh skupin. Nosečnice z višje izraženim zunanjim mestom nadzora za zdravje – pomembni drugi – so imele slabše urejeno glikemijo in so poročale o višje izraženi anksioznosti kot stanju. Zaznana socialna opora se ni pomembno povezovala z urejenostjo glikemije, je pa bila pomembno povezana z občutkom kompetentnosti za obvladovanje NSB. Magistrsko delo predstavlja doslej prvo raziskavo duševnega zdravja nosečnic z NSB v Sloveniji, poleg tega gre za eno redkih vzdolžnih raziskav nosečnic z NSB v svetovnem merilu. Rezultati opozarjajo na potrebo po zgodnjem odkrivanju in zdravljenju duševnih motenj pri nosečnicah z NSB. Zdravljenje in nudenje psihološke pomoči bi lahko pomembno prispevalo k urejenosti NSB in s tem k izboljšanju izidov nosečnosti ter h kvalitetnejšemu življenju nosečnice - ženske in celotne družine.The main aim of master thesis was to assess the incidence of depression and anxiety in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and to compare this group to the control group of healthy pregnant women. We also wanted to verify if the anxiety, depression, social support and health locus of control are to be connected with the level of glycemic control in pregnant women with GDM. The research was designed longitudinally, however, because of the selective dropout of the samplewe had to perform two separate analyses – for all participating pregnant women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, and for all participating women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. 180 women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy participated, 77 of them had GDM. The results show that the symptoms of depression are significantly more frequent among women with GDM (23,4 %) than among healthy pregnant women (10,7 %). No significant differences of high state and trait anxiety were established between pregnant women with GDM and healthy pregnant women. We didn’t find any significant differences in the occurrence of anxiety or depression in the longitudinal sample of 92 pregnant women with 42 pregnant women with GDM included. The incidence of depression in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy was similar within both groups. Pregnant women with higher external health locus of control – significant others – had worse glycemic control and reported of higher levels of state anxiety. Social support was not significantly related to glycemic control, however, women with higher perception of social support felt more competent for GDM management. The master thesis represents the first mental health research in pregnant women with GDM in Slovenia until nowfurthermore it is one of the few longitudinal studies of pregnant women with GDM on a global scale. The results of the study warn us of the need to detect and treat mental illnesses in pregnant women with GDM early on during the pregnancy. The treatment and provision of psychological assistance could significantly contribute to the improvement of GDM management, preventing negative pregnancy outcomes and providing better quality of life for (pregnant) women and the whole family

    Functional traits of transient plant species in species rich grassland communities

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    Da bi lahko razumeli, kakšne so posledice izgube vrst v ekosistemu, moramo poznati kakšna je vloga posamezne vrste znotraj ekosistema. Eden izmed pristopov pri ugotavljanju vloge vrste v okolju je tudi model DST klasifikacije, ki smo ga uporabili v naši raziskavi. Temelji na razvrstitvi rastlinskih vrst v vegetaciji med dominantne, podrejene ali prehodne vrste, in sicer glede na njihovo relativno celokupno pokrovnost in stalnost. Prednostne vrste predstavljajo zelo majhen delež biomase v določenem habitatu, hkrati pa s poznavanjem njihovih morfološko funkcionalni potez (MFP) lahko napovedujemo, katere med njimi bodo v vegetaciji postale podrejene ali celo dominantne, v primeru, da pride do sprememb določenega okoljskega dejavnika, intenzitete motnje in/ali stresa ipd. Namen naše raziskave je bil analizirati in primerjati prehodne vrste v dveh asociacijah polnaravnih ekstenzivnih travišč: asociacije Onobrychido viciifolia-Brometeum in asociacije Scabioso hladnikianae-Caricetum humilis. Prehodnim rastlinskim vrstam smo določili prednosti habitat, indikatorske vrednosti po Ellenbergu in 13 MFP. Podatke smo analizirali z različnimi uni- in multivariatnimi metodami. Ugotovili smo, da se prehodne vrste obeh asociacij razlikujejo v naslednjih MFP: življenjski obliki, obliki rasti, višini rastlin, tipih vegetativnega razmnoževanja, vrednostih LDMC, SLA ter CSR strategijah. Razlike v lastnostnih prehodnih vrst asociacij lahko razložimo z razlikami v stičnih habitatih travišč asociacije, od koder te vrste izvirajo. Prehodne vrste obeh asociacij imajo najbolj poudarjeno kompeticijsko (C) strategijo, razlikujejo pa se v kombinaciji vpliva stresa in motnje. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da bi se v obeh asociacijah ob spremembah, ki bi izboljšale rastne razmere (zmanjšanje motnje in/ali stresa), povečala številnost in pokrovnost tistim vrstam, ki imajo poudarjeno C – strategijo. Rezultati naše raziskave predstavljajo pomembno osnovo za morebitne prihodnje raziskave, v katerih bi povezovali specifične spremembe okolja s spremembami floristične in funkcionalne sestave obravnavanih tipov traviščne vegetacije.To understand the consequences of species loss in an ecosystem, we need to know the role of each species within the ecosystem. One of the approaches to determine the role of a species in the environment is the DST classification model that we used in our study. The model is based on the classification of plant species in vegetation as dominant, subordinate or transient species, according to their cumulative relative abundance and frequency. Transient species represent a very small part of the biomass in a given habitat. But by knowing their morphological-functional traits (MFT) we can predict which of the transient species will become a subordinate or even dominant species in the vegetation, in case of changes in a particular environmental factor, intensity of disturbance and/or stress. The main aim of our study was to analyse and compare transient species in two associations of semi-natural extensive grasslands: the Onobrychido viciifolia-Brometeum association and the Scabioso hladnikianae-Caricetum humilis association. We collected the following data for the transient species: habitat preference, Ellenberg’s indicator values and 13 MFTs. Data were analyzed using various univariate and multivariate methods. Transient species of the two associations differed in the following MFTs: life form, growth form, plant height, types of vegetative propagation, LDMC values, SLA values, and CSR strategies. Differences in the traits of transient species between the associations can be explained by differences in the contact habitats of the association from which these species originate. The transient species of both associations have the most pronounced competition (C) strategy, and differ in a combination of stress and disturbance influence. Thus, we can conclude that in both associations, changes that would improve growth conditions (reduction of disturbance and /or stress) would increase the number and coverage of species with strong C - strategy. The results of our study provide an important basis for possible future research in which we would link specific changes in the environment to changes in the floristic and functional composition of the grassland vegetation types considered

    Carbohydrate Intake and Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System during Two Subsequent Pregnancies in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Carbohydrate intake is one of the main determinants of glycemic control. In pregnancy, achievement of tight glycemic control is of utmost importance; however, data on the role of hybrid closed-loop systems (HCLs) in pregnancy are scarce. Therefore, we aimed to assess glycemic control achieved through the use of HCLs, and its association with carbohydrate intake in type 1 diabetes pregnancy. We included data from women with a sensor-augmented pump (SAP) during their first pregnancy and HCL use during the subsequent pregnancy. Student’s paired t-test was used to compare data between both pregnancies. Six women were identified, with age 30.2 ± 3.6 vs. 33.0 ± 3.6 years, diabetes duration 23 ± 5 vs. 26 ± 5 years, and baseline HbA1c 6.7 ± 0.7% (50.1 ± 7.7 mmol/mol) vs. 6.3 ± 0.6% (45.2 ± 6.5 mmol/moll) in the first and second pregnancies, respectively. Time with glucose in the range 3.5–7.8 mmol/L was 69.1 ± 6.7 vs. 78.6 ± 7.4%, p = 0.045, with the HCLs compared to SAP. Higher meal frequency, but not the amount of carbohydrate consumption, was associated with more time spent in the target range and lower glycemic variability. HCLs and meal frequency were associated with better glycemic control in a small series of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. Whether this translates to better perinatal outcomes remains to be seen

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes during the COVID-19 epidemic in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes (GDM) is one of the most common complications in pregnancy, with a prevalence that continues to rise. At the time of the COVID-19 epidemic, immediate reorganisation and adjustment of the system was needed. Telemedicine support was offered in order to provide high-quality treatment to pregnant women. However, the success of the treatment is unknown. We therefore aimed to evaluate COVID-19 epidemic effects on pregnancy outcomes in GDM

    Open Slovene WordNet OSWN 1.0

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    Open Slovene WordNet (OSWN) is derived from Open English WordNet (https://en-word.net/), which itself is derived from Princeton WordNet by the Open English WordNet Community. OSWN 1.0 contains 95,262 synsets and a total of 164,904 literals. Not all synsets from Open English WordNet were included in this version; approximately 25.000 very terminological synsets (such as those related to specific animal and plant species) require additional analysis and specific expertise. These will be included in later versions. OSWN 1.0 was constructed by using several relevant existing datasets (sloWNet - http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1026; bilingual dictionaries, thesauri etc.) and methodologies (co-occurrence graphs, machine translation, ChatGPT). Finally, all synsets were manually checked by translators and lexicographers in order to remove inadequate literals. Each synset was checked by one annotator. The English definitions of synsets were translated automatically using ChatGPT. OSWN 1.0 includes both the English originals as well as their machine translations into Slovene. For additional information on the content and the format of OSWN, please consult the README file

    Parallel sense-annotated corpus ELEXIS-WSD 1.0

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    ELEXIS-WSD is a parallel sense-annotated corpus in which content words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs) have been assigned senses. Version 1.0 contains sentences for 10 languages: Bulgarian, Danish, English, Spanish, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Slovene. The corpus was compiled by automatically extracting a set of sentences from WikiMatrix (Schwenk et al., 2019), a large open-access collection of parallel sentences derived from Wikipedia, using an automatic approach based on multilingual sentence embeddings. The sentences were manually validated according to specific formal, lexical and semantic criteria (e.g. by removing incorrect punctuation, morphological errors, notes in square brackets and etymological information typically provided in Wikipedia pages). To obtain a satisfying semantic coverage, we filtered out sentences with less than 5 words and less than 2 polysemous words were filtered out. Subsequently, in order to obtain datasets in the other nine target languages, for each selected sentence in English, the corresponding WikiMatrix translation into each of the other languages was retrieved. If no translation was available, the English sentence was translated manually. The resulting corpus is comprised of 2,024 sentences for each language. The sentences were tokenized, lemmatized, and tagged with POS tags using UDPipe v2.6 (https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/services/udpipe/). Senses were annotated using LexTag (https://elexis.babelscape.com/): each content word (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) was assigned a sense from among the available senses from the sense inventory selected for the language (see below) or BabelNet. Sense inventories were also updated with new senses during annotation. List of sense inventories BG: Dictionary of Bulgarian DA: DanNet – The Danish WordNet EN: Open English WordNet ES: Spanish Wiktionary ET: The EKI Combined Dictionary of Estonian HU: The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language IT: PSC + Italian WordNet NL: Open Dutch WordNet PT: Portuguese Academy Dictionary (DACL) SL: Digital Dictionary Database of Slovene The corpus is available in a CONLL-like tab-separated format. In order, the columns contain the token ID, its form, its lemma, its UPOS-tag, its whitespace information (whether the token is followed by a whitespace or not), the ID of the sense assigned to the token, and the index of the multiword expression (if the token is part of an annotated multiword expression). Each language has a separate sense inventory containing all the senses (and their definitions) used for annotation in the corpus. Not all the senses from the sense inventory are necessarily included in the corpus annotations: for instance, all occurrences of the English noun "bank" in the corpus might be annotated with the sense of "financial institution", but the sense inventory also contains the sense "edge of a river" as well as all other possible senses to disambiguate between. For more information, please refer to 00README.txt