34 research outputs found

    Centaurea rupestris L.: Cytogenetics, Essential Oil Chemistry and Biological Activity

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    Centaurea species are used in eastern Mediterranean ethnopharmacology due to variety of bioactive compounds they comprise. Aim of this work was to characterize the Centaurea rupestris L. hydrodistilled essential oil chemical composition and test its biological activity: antimicrobial effect, antioxidant potential and inhibition of cholinesterases. Plant material authentication was by chromosome number counting and genome size assessment with the flow cytometry. Hydrodistilled essential oils were characterized using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique GC-MS and GC-FID. The antimicrobial effect was tested using disk diffusion and microdilution methods, antioxidant potential was tested with DPPH and FRAP methods and cholinesterases inhibition was tested with Ellman method. Genome size for C. rupestris species: sample A presented 2C=3.60 (0.10) pg and sample B 2C=3.62 (0.08) pg. The chromosome number was 2n=20 for both samples. The main essential oil constituents in isolated sample A oil, detected with GC-MS and GC-FID were: germacrene D (24.3 %), heptacosane (14.4 %), phytol (6.7 %), Ī²-caryophyllene (5.0 %) and pentacosane (4.5 %). Sample B essential oil had the main constituents: hexadecanoic acid (18.7 %), heptacosane (13.8 %), Ī±-linolenic acid (11.8 %), nonacosane (7.8 %) and germacrene D (5.4 %). Both samples of oil showed broad spectrum antimicrobial effect with good activity against emerging Gram-positive and Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens and pathogenic fungi which indicates the pharmaceutical potential of the C. rupestris essential oil. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Obuzeto-prisilni poremećaj

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    U radu su prikazane najnovije spoznaje o epidemiologiji, dijagnostici i liječenje obuzeto-prisilnog poremećaja (OPP). Prikazani rezultati pokazuju da je OPP znatno čeŔći no Å”to se ranije mislilo, a dijagnostika je obogaćena nizom novih neuroslikovnih istraživanja Å”to pobuđuju nadu u bolje poznavanje etiologije poremećaja. Dat je pregled genetskih istraživanja, kao i načini liječenja poremećaja, kako psihofarmakoloÅ”ki, psihoterapijski tako i transkranijskom magnetskom stimulacijom, dubokom stimulacijom mozga i neurokirurÅ”kim metodama

    Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Serbia: Nationally representative sample study

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    Although NSSI has been drawing the attention of researchers intensely for the last 30 years, to date there is no published study about rates of NSSI behaviors in countries of south-eastern Europe. The study aimed to explore NSSI in the Republic of Serbia. Data were collected using multistage random sampling. The final sample consisted of 2792 participants (57.4% female) while the NSSI subsample consisted of 405 participants (54.3% males). Results showed the NSSI rate in Serbia is 4.3% based on a percentage of people who answered affirmatively to lifetime NSSI engagement. However, when the percentage of people who reported at least one positive answer through the NSSI behaviors checklist, the rate rises to 14.5%. The most frequent NSSI behavior is wound picking. NSSI rate drops to 8.8% when wound picking is excluded. Those engaged in NSSI were more likely to report suicide attempts and seek professional help than those who did not report NSSI. Gender differences in NSSI frequency are found only in cases of headbanging and burning oneself. This study showed the scope of NSSI-related problems is similar in Serbia compared to other countries. It also raised questions about the lack of preventive programs and treatment strategies for dealing with NSSI in Serbia.[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772598722000320]Corresponding author. Institute for Educational Research, Dobrinjska 11/3, 11 000, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Radanović)

    Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from coastal area of the KaŔtela Bay

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    U cilju razumijevanja uloge onečiŔćenog mora u Å”irenju humanih potencijalnih patogena rezistentnih na antibiotike, istražena je učestalost i mehanizmi rezistencije u bakterijskim zajednicama priobalnog područja KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva. U razdoblju 2008.-2010. godine ukupno 2,569 bakterijskih izolata iz morske vode i faune je identificirano, te je utvrđena njihova fenotipska osjetljivost na antibiotike. Karakterizacija gena rezistencije, s posebnim naglaskom na Ī²-laktamaze proÅ”irenog spektra, je provedena primjenom metoda PCR, sekvenciranja DNK, konjugacije i Southern blot ibridizacije. Genetička srodnost izolata iz mora i kliničkih izolata je ispitana RAPD i PFGE metodama genotipizacije. Značajna učestalost TEM, SHV i CTX-M Ī²-laktamaza (4.7%) je utvrđena u vrstama iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae, te rodova Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas i Vibrio. Molekularne analize ukazuju da Enterobacteriaceae kao komenzali probavnog sustava imaju značajnu ulogu u prijenosu gena, osobito CTX-M Ī²-laktamaza na humane patogene, Å”to je od velikog značaja za razumijevanje epidemiologije gena rezistencije a time i mogućih posljedica onečiŔćenja na zdravlje ljudi.To understand the role of polluted marine environment in dissemination of human pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics, we explored the incidence and mechanisms of resistance in bacterial communities from coastal area of the KaÅ”tela Bay. From 2008 to 2010 2,569 isolates were isolated from seawater and fauna, identified and determined their phenotypic susceptibility to antibiotics. Characterization of resistance genes, with focus on extended spectrum-Ī²-lactamases, were performed by PCR, sequencing, conjugation and Southern blot hybridization, while genetic relationship of marine isolates and isolates from Split University Hospital were examined using RAPD and PFGE genotyping. TEM, SHV and CTX-M Ī²-lactamases were identified in a significant percent (4.7%) of Enterobacteriaceae, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas and Vibrio isolates. Molecular analyses indicated that enterobacteriaceae as human commensals play a significant role in the transmission of genes, specifically CTX-M Ī²-lactamases, from marine isolates to human pathogens, which is of great importance in understanding the epidemiology of resistance genes and, thus, the potential consequences of faecal pollution on human health

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    Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from coastal area of the KaŔtela Bay

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    U cilju razumijevanja uloge onečiŔćenog mora u Å”irenju humanih potencijalnih patogena rezistentnih na antibiotike, istražena je učestalost i mehanizmi rezistencije u bakterijskim zajednicama priobalnog područja KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva. U razdoblju 2008.-2010. godine ukupno 2,569 bakterijskih izolata iz morske vode i faune je identificirano, te je utvrđena njihova fenotipska osjetljivost na antibiotike. Karakterizacija gena rezistencije, s posebnim naglaskom na Ī²-laktamaze proÅ”irenog spektra, je provedena primjenom metoda PCR, sekvenciranja DNK, konjugacije i Southern blot ibridizacije. Genetička srodnost izolata iz mora i kliničkih izolata je ispitana RAPD i PFGE metodama genotipizacije. Značajna učestalost TEM, SHV i CTX-M Ī²-laktamaza (4.7%) je utvrđena u vrstama iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae, te rodova Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas i Vibrio. Molekularne analize ukazuju da Enterobacteriaceae kao komenzali probavnog sustava imaju značajnu ulogu u prijenosu gena, osobito CTX-M Ī²-laktamaza na humane patogene, Å”to je od velikog značaja za razumijevanje epidemiologije gena rezistencije a time i mogućih posljedica onečiŔćenja na zdravlje ljudi.To understand the role of polluted marine environment in dissemination of human pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics, we explored the incidence and mechanisms of resistance in bacterial communities from coastal area of the KaÅ”tela Bay. From 2008 to 2010 2,569 isolates were isolated from seawater and fauna, identified and determined their phenotypic susceptibility to antibiotics. Characterization of resistance genes, with focus on extended spectrum-Ī²-lactamases, were performed by PCR, sequencing, conjugation and Southern blot hybridization, while genetic relationship of marine isolates and isolates from Split University Hospital were examined using RAPD and PFGE genotyping. TEM, SHV and CTX-M Ī²-lactamases were identified in a significant percent (4.7%) of Enterobacteriaceae, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas and Vibrio isolates. Molecular analyses indicated that enterobacteriaceae as human commensals play a significant role in the transmission of genes, specifically CTX-M Ī²-lactamases, from marine isolates to human pathogens, which is of great importance in understanding the epidemiology of resistance genes and, thus, the potential consequences of faecal pollution on human health

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    Izložbena cjelina "Sjećanja" sačinjena je od tri dijela: Konzervacija misli, Dijete u meni i Kino sjećanja. Svaki od njih ima zasebnu priču, no tvore jedinstvenu cjelinu koja se nadopunjuje, ispreplićući ReadyMade,likove iz maÅ”te te uplićući stvarne osobe pomoću videa i fotografije. Osobni predmeti velike sentimentalne vrijednosti, koje čine instalaciju Sjećanja, gledatelju izravno omogućuju zaviriti u život umjetnice. Uvlačeći ga u svijet nostalgije, no s velikom prisutnoŔću zaigranosti, instalacija govori o fluidnosti, fragilnosti te nestabilnosti naÅ”ih sjećanja, a samim time stavlja u upit i naÅ”e postojanje kao takvo.The exhibition unit Memories consists of three parts: Conservation of Thoughts, The Child in Me and the Cinema of Memories. Each of them tells a different story but still complement each other into a unique whole, intertwining ReadyMade, imaginary characters and involving real people through videos and photos. Personal objects of great sentimental value, which make up the installation of Memories, allow the viewer to peek directly into the life of the artist. Drawing him into the world of nostalgia, but with a great presence of playfulness, the installation speaks of the fluidity, fragility and instability of our memories, and at the same time calls into question our existence as such

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