84 research outputs found

    Monitoring the phenolic ripening of red grapes using a multisensor system based on metal-oxide nanoparticles

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    Producción CientíficaThe maturity of grapes is usually monitored by means of the sugar concentration. However, the assessment of other parameters such as the phenolic content is also important because the phenolic maturity has an important impact on the organoleptic characteristics of wines. In this work, voltammetric sensors able to detect phenols in red grapes have been developed. They are based on metal oxide nanoparticles (CeO2, NiO, and TiO2,) whose excellent electrocatalytic properties toward phenols allows obtaining sensors with detection limits in the range of 10−8 M and coefficients of variation lower than 7%. An electronic tongue constructed using a combination of the nanoparticle-based sensors is capable to monitor the phenolic maturity of red grapes from véraison to maturity. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be successfully used to discriminate samples according to the ripeness. Regression models performed using Partial Least Squares (PLS-1) have established good correlations between voltammetric data obtained with the electrochemical sensors and the Total Polyphenolic Index, the Brix degree and the Total Acidity, with correlation coefficients close to 1 and low number of latent variables. An advantage of this system is that the electronic tongue can be used for the simultaneous assessment of these three parameters which are the main factors used to monitor the maturity of grapes. Thus the electronic tongue based on metal oxide nanoparticles can be a valuable tool to monitor ripeness. These results demonstrate the exciting possible applications of metal oxide nanoparticles in the field of electronic tongues.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-67482- R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA011U16)Junta de Castilla y León (grant BOCYL-D-24112015-9

    An Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Multisensor System Based on Phthalocyanine Nanostructured Films: Discrimination of Musts

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    Producción CientíficaAn array of electrochemical quartz crystal electrodes (EQCM) modified with nanostructured films based on phthalocyanines was developed and used to discriminate musts prepared from different varieties of grapes. Nanostructured films of iron, nickel and copper phthalocyanines were deposited on Pt/quartz crystals through the Layer by Layer technique by alternating layers of the corresponding phthalocyanine and poly-allylamine hydrochloride. Simultaneous electrochemical and mass measurements were used to study the mass changes accompanying the oxidation of electroactive species present in must samples obtained from six Spanish varieties of grapes (Juan García, Prieto Picudo, Mencía Regadío, Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha and Tempranillo). The mass and voltammetric outputs were processed using three-way models. Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) was successfully used to discriminate the must samples according to their variety. Multi-way partial least squares (N-PLS) evidenced the correlations existing between the voltammetric data and the polyphenolic content measured by chemical methods. Similarly, N-PLS showed a correlation between mass outputs and parameters related to the sugar content. These results demonstrated that electronic tongues based on arrays of EQCM sensors can offer advantages over arrays of mass or voltammetric sensors used separately.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – FEDER (Grant CICYT AGL2012-33535)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA-032U13)University of Valladolid (PIF-UVa

    Role of long non-coding RNAs in adipose tissue metabolism and associated pathologies

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    The incidence of obesity and its related disorders has increased dramatically in recent years and has become a pandemic. Adipose tissue is a crucial regulator of these diseases due to its endocrine capacity. Thus, understanding adipose tissue metabolism is essential to finding new effective therapeutic approaches. The 'omic' revolution has identified new concepts about the complexity of the signaling pathways involved in the pathophysiology of adipose tissue-associated disorders. Specifically, advances in transcriptomics have allowed its application in clinical practice and primary or secondary prevention. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as critical regulators of adipose tissue since they can modulate gene expression at the epigenetic, transcriptional, and post-transcriptional levels. They interact with DNA, RNA, protein complexes, other non-coding RNAs, and microRNAs to regulate a wide range of physiological and pathological processes. Here, we review the emerging field of lncRNAs, including how they regulate adipose tissue biology, and discuss circulating lncRNAs, which may represent a turning point in the diagnosis and treatment of adipose tissue-associated disorders. We also highlight potential biomarkers of obesity and diabetes that could be considered as therapeutic targets. Keywords: Adipose tissue; Biomarkers; Diabetes; Obesity; Therapeutics; lncRNA

    Electronic Noses and Tongues in Wine Industry

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    Producción CientíficaThe quality of wines is usually evaluated by a sensory panel formed of trained experts or traditional chemical analysis. Over the last few decades, electronic noses (e-noses) and electronic tongues have been developed to determine the quality of foods and beverages. They consist of arrays of sensors with cross-sensitivity, combined with pattern recognition software, which provide a fingerprint of the samples that can be used to discriminate or classify the samples. This holistic approach is inspired by the method used in mammals to recognize food through their senses. They have been widely applied to the analysis of wines, including quality control, aging control, or the detection of fraudulence, among others. In this paper, the current status of research and development in the field of e-noses and tongues applied to the analysis of wines is reviewed. Their potential applications in the wine industry are described. The review ends with a final comment about expected future developments.CM-P agradece a la Universidad de Valladolid por su beca PIF-UVa y CG-H por su contrato pre-doctoral JCYL (BOCYL-D-24112015-9).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – FEDER (Grant AGL2015-67482-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA-032U13

    Programa de acogida, apoyo y orientación a los nuevos estudiantes de las titulaciones de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología

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    Diseño y Planificación de un Programa para acoger en la Facultad a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en primer curso que básicamente pretende informar de qué es la Universidad, cómo es la Complutense, cómo es la Facultad y todo acerca de los recursos de todo tipo que se brindan a cada titulación de esta su Facultad a partir de ahora

    Análise crítica da dietoterapia anti-obesidade: caminho a uma posição SAN

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    Un aspecto controvertido del abordaje terapéutico de la obesidad es la selección del plan dietoterápico más efectivo. Existe consenso acerca de la necesidad de que éste sea hipocalórico, como aspecto fundamental del tratamiento. Sin embargo, la comunidad científica experimenta un intenso debate respecto de qué tipo de dieta resulta más eficaz, ya sea en términos de proporción de macronutrientes como de valor calórico total, para alcanzar y mantener un descenso de peso significativo. Aunque el estilo de vida es universalmente aceptado como eje del abordaje del sobrepeso, aún no existen estrategias efectivas para mejorar la escasa adherencia a las dietas en el mediano y largo plazo. Esto genera la proliferación de dietas heterodoxas que prometen resultados mágicos y no están sustentadas en la evidencia científica. El plan alimentario ideal debería ser balanceado, placentero, sostenible en el tiempo y generar consecuencias positivas, más allá del peso corporal. El Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad de la Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición se propuso llevar adelante una revisión crítica de la bibliografía disponible respecto de los beneficios, riesgos y evidencias de las dietas más difundidas en la actualidad. Esta revisión tiene como meta servir como marco teórico para la generación de una toma de posición al respecto por parte de la Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición.One controversial aspect of the therapeutic approach to obesity is the selection of the most effective dietotherapic plan. There is consensus that it should be hypocaloric as a basic feature. However, there is strong debate in the scientific community about which type of diet is more effective (in terms of macronutrients proportion or total caloric value) to reach and maintain a significant weight loss. Although lifestyle is universally accepted as the main pillar of obesity treatment, there is still no optimal strategy that helps improving mid- and long-term adherence to diets. This leads to a proliferation of heterodox diets that promote magic results and are not based on scientific evidence. The ideal dietary plan should be balanced, pleasant, sustainable and also able to produce positive consequences beyond body weight. The Obesity Workgroup of the Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición (Argentinian Society for Nutrition, SAN) decided to carry out a critical revision of the available bibliography on the benefits, risks and evidences of today's most widespread diets. The aim of this revision was to serve as a theoretical framework for the conception of SAN's official position on this matter.Um aspecto controvertido da abordagem terapêutica da obesidade é a escolha do plano dietoterápico mais efetivo. Existe um consenso sobre a necessidade de que o mesmo seja hipocalórico, como aspecto fundamental do tratamento. No entanto, a comunidade científica experimenta um intenso debate em relação ao tipo de dieta que resulta mais eficaz, seja em termos de proporção de macronutrientes ou de valor calórico total, para alcançar e manter uma perda de peso significativa. Ainda que o estilo de vida seja universalmente aceito como eixe da abordagem do sobrepeso, ainda não existem estratégias efetivas para melhorar a escassa adesão às dietas a médio e longo prazo. Isto gera a proliferação de dietas heterodoxas que prometem resultados mágicos e não estão sustentadas na evidência científica. O plano alimentício ideal deveria ser balanceado, prazeroso, sustentável no tempo e gerar consequências positivas, independente do peso corporal. O Grupo de Trabalho de Obesidade da Sociedade Argentina de Nutrição se propôs levar adiante uma revisão científica da bibliografia disponível em relação aos benefícios, riscos e evidências das dietas mais difundidas atualmente. Esta revisão tem como objetivo servir como marco teórico para a geração de uma toma de posição a respeito por parte da Sociedade Argentina de Nutrição.Fil: Katz, Mónica. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Cappelletti, Ana María. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Viñuales, Martín. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: de la Plaza, Marcela. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Langellotti, Alicia. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Lerotich, Vesna. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre Ackerman, Marianela. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Anger, Vanesa. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Armeno, Marisa. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Bertoloti, Daniela. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Cortegoso, Inés. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Giannini, Martín. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Harwicz, Paola. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Kawior, Inés. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; ArgentinaFil: Mayer, Marcos Alejandro. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pentreath, Carolina. Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición. Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad; Argentin

    The advantages of disposable screen-printed biosensors in a bioelectronic tongue for the analysis of grapes

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    Producción CientíficaDisposable screen-printed sensors have been modified with enzymes and used to form a bioelectronic tongue dedicated to the discrimination between different grape varieties. The multisensory system combined serigraphied electrodes modified with carbon, platinum, gold, graphene, Prussian blue and nickel oxide nanoparticles (M-SPE) covered with glucose oxidase (M-GOX-SPE) or tyrosinase (M-Tyr-SPE). The M-GOX-SPE and M-Tyr-SPE sensors produced a variety of responses due to the different behavior of the electron mediators of the six screen-printed materials used for the electro-catalysis of the glucose and phenols by means of glucose oxidase and tyrosinase. This variety of responses, together with the capability of the sensors to detect glucose or phenols, allowed the bioelectronic tongue developed here to discriminate between the juices obtained from different varieties of grape. Partial least-squares (PLS-1) multivariate calibration of electrochemical data has been successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of glucose and polyphenols in musts. The discrimination capability shown by this array of cheap and single-use sensors was similar to that found in other complex bioelectronic tongues. The lower price, ease of use and portability of the modified screen-printed electrode system makes the bioelectronic tongue developed here an alternative tool that can be used in situ in the vineyard block.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – FEDER (Grant CICYT AGL2012-33535)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA-032U13)University of Valladolid (PIF-UVa

    In vivo PET Imaging of Gliogenesis After Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

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    In vivopositron emission tomography of neuroinflammation has mainly focused on the evaluation of glial cell activation using radiolabeled ligands. However, the non-invasive imaging of neuroinflammatory cell proliferation has been scarcely evaluated so far.In vivoandex vivoassessment of gliogenesis after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats was carried out using PET imaging with the marker of cell proliferation 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-[18F] fluorothymidine ([F-18]FLT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescence immunohistochemistry. MRI-T2W studies showed the presence of the brain infarction at 24 h after MCAO affecting cerebral cortex and striatum.In vivoPET imaging showed a significant increase in [F-18]FLT uptake in the ischemic territory at day 7 followed by a progressive decline from day 14 to day 28 after ischemia onset. In addition, immunohistochemistry studies using Ki67, CD11b, and GFAP to evaluate proliferation of microglia and astrocytes confirmed the PET findings showing the increase of glial proliferation at day 7 after ischemia followed by decrease later on. Hence, these results show that [F-18]FLT provides accurate quantitative information on the time course of glial proliferation in experimental stroke. Finally, this novel brain imaging method might guide on the imaging evaluation of the role of gliogenesis after stroke.The authors would like to thank A. Leukona, X. Rios-Anglada, and V. Salinas for technical support in the radiosynthesis. This study was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER RYC-2017-22412, SAF2016-75292-R, PID2019-107989RB-I00, the Basque Government (IT1203/19, BIO18/IC/006) and CIBERNED. Maria Ardaya holds a fellowship from the University of Pais Vasco. Ana Joya acknowledges funding from Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (17/C/2017). Part of the work has been performed under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (Grant No. MDM-2017-0720)

    INSTrumento de Apoyo infoGRAFico (InstaGRAF)

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    El "INSTrumento de Apoyo infoGRAFico (InstaGRAF)" es una actividad docente basada en la creación de un recurso educativo innovador en abierto y virtual que utiliza infografías y redes sociales para motivar, apoyar e incentivar el aprendizaje activo de los estudiantes aplicando de forma integradora los diferentes conocimientos teóricos impartidos en clases teóricas de los Grados de Farmacia y Nutrición Humana y Dietética durante el curso academico 2020/2021. Los resultados de la implantación de InstaGRAF durante el curso académico ponen de manifiesto que La elaboración de infografías y su difusión a través de redes sociales constituyen un método didáctico original y creativo bien aceptado y valorado por los estudiantes que les ha permitido comprender mejor los conceptos explicados en clase y ha contribuido a obtener un mejor rendimiento académico de los estudiantes participantes. La plataforma InstaGRAF podría ser una herramienta útil y sencilla con gran versatilidad que podría ser utilizada en cualquier asignatura y grado académico

    In vivo multimodal imaging of adenosine A1 receptors in neuroinflammation after experimental stroke

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    Adenosine A(l) receptors (A(l)ARs) are promising imaging biomarkers and targets for the treatment of stroke. Nevertheless, the role of A(l)ARs on ischemic damage and its subsequent neuroinflammatory response has been scarcely explored so far. Methods: In this study, the expression of A(1)ARs after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) was evaluated by positron emission tomography (PET) with [F-18]CPFPX and immunohistochemistry (IHC). In addition, the role of AIARs on stroke inflammation using pharmacological modulation was assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), PET imaging with [F-18]DPA-714 (TSPO) and [F-18]FLT (cellular proliferation), as well as IHC and neurofunctional studies. Results: In the ischemic territory, [F-18]CPFPX signal and IHC showed the overexpression of A(l)ARs in microglia and infiltrated leukocytes after cerebral ischemia. Ischemic rats treated with the AAR agonist ENBA showed a significant decrease in both [F-18]DPA-714 and [F-18]FLT signal intensities at day 7 after cerebral ischemia, a feature that was confirmed by IHC results. Besides, the activation of A(l)AR promoted the reduction of the brain lesion, as measured with T2W-MRI, and the improvement of neurological outcome including motor, sensory and reflex responses. These results show for the first time the in vivo PET imaging of A(l)AR expression after cerebral ischemia in rats and the application of [F-18]FLT to evaluate glial proliferation in response to treatment. Conclusion: Notably, these data provide evidence for A(l)AR playing a key role in the control of both the activation of resident glia and the de novo proliferation of microglia and macrophages after experimental stroke in rats.The authors would like to thank A. Leukona and V. Salinas for technical support in the radiosynthesis. This study was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER RYC-201722412, SAF2016-75292-R, SAF2017-87670-R and PID2019-107989RB-I00, the Basque Government (IT1203/19, BIO18/IC/006) and CIBERNED. Maria Ardaya holds a fellowship from the University of Pais Vasco. Ana Joya acknowledges funding from Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (17/C/2017). Juan Jose Gutierrez acknowledges funding from Euskampus Fundazioa. Jordi Llop also acknowledges The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant CTQ2017-87637-R). Part of the work has been performed under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (Grant No. MDM-2017-0720)