12,763 research outputs found

    Modelling Dependency Structures Produced by the Introduction of a Flipped Classroom

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    Teaching processes have been changing in the lasts few decades from a traditional lecture-example-homework format to more active strategies to engage the students in the learning process. One of the most popular methodologies is the flipped classroom, where traditional structure of the course is turned over by moving out of the classroom, most basic knowledge acquisition. However, due to the workload involved in this kind of methodology, an objective analysis of the results should be carried out to assess whether the lecturer’s workload is worth the effort or not. In this paper, we compare the results obtained from two different methodologies: traditional lecturing and flipped classroom methodology, in terms of some performance indicators and an attitudinal survey, in an introductory statistics course for engineering students. Finally, we analysed the changes in the relationships among variables of interest when the traditional teaching was moved to a flipped classroom by using Bayesian networks

    Floral morphology and anatomy of Schinopsis balansae (Anacardiaceae)

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    Se realizó el análisis morfo-anatómico de Schinopsis balansae Engl. con microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido a fin de obtener datos de las flores de esta especie, definida como polígamo-dioica. Los resultados muestran que las flores estructuralmente perfectas son funcionalmente pistiladas, si bien presentan cinco estaminodios, los mismos carecen de tejido esporógeno; mientras que en las flores estaminadas la estructura denominada pistilo vestigial no es más que la excrecencia del ápice del receptáculo, cubierta por tejido nectarífero. De este modo, lo correcto es describir S. balansae como especie dioica. El estudio de la vascularización de las flores estaminadas muestra que el proceso de reducción es completo, ya que ni siquiera persisten los haces vasculares del pistilo. El gineceo de las flores pistiladas es pseudomonómero, con un carpelo funcional, un estilo/estigma dorsal y un óvulo; además posee dos carpelos vestigiales representados por sendos estilo/estigma laterales. Ambos tipos de flores presentan un disco nectarífero intraestaminal, con nectarostomatas para la salida del néctar. El análisis de la estructura anatómica de S. balansae brinda datos que concuerdan con los encontrados en otros géneros estudiados de la subfamila Anacardioideae de la familia Anacardiaceae.A morphological and anatomical analysis of Schinopsis balansae Engl. was performed, using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The main objective was to obtain data from the flowers of this species, usually described as polygamous-dioecious. The results shows that the flowers described as functionally perfect are structurally pistillate; although have five staminoids, they are smaller and lack sporogenous tissue. In the staminate flowers, the structure described as vestigial pistil is the excrescence of the apex of the receptacle, covered by nectariferous tissue. Thus, it is right to describe S. balansae as dioecious species. The study of the vascularization of male flowers shows that the reduction process is complete, since not even the vascular traces for the pistil persists. The gynoecium of pistillate flowers is pseudomonomerous with one functional carpel, one ovule and one dorsal style and stigmata, and two vestigial carpels, represented only by individual lateral style/stigma. Both types of flowers present an intrastaminal nectary disc, with nectarostomatas for nectar release. The analysis of the anatomic structure of S. balansae provides data that are consistent with those found in other studied genus of Anacardioideae group in the Anacardiaceae family.Fil: González, Ana María. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agraria

    Assessment of heritage rammed-earth buildings. The Alcázar of King Don Pedro I (Spain).

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    The conservation and maintenance of earthen buildings is crucial, especially when dealing with heritage sites. This normally involves considerable effort in preliminary studies, which must be well planned in order to efficiently manage any restoration. This case study proposes a methodology to briefly assess the current state of a historical rammed-earth wall, to bring to light specific information regarding approaches for subsequent studies or decisions. This methodology is based on the study of damage and risk as a tool to swiftly discern critical areas or issues needing immediate attention. The procedure is illustrated on an outstanding heritage building: the Alcázar of King Don Pedro I in Carmona (Seville, Spain). Our conclusions confirm that this methodology constitutes an efficient and straightforward means to obtain not only a preliminary assessment of rammed-earth walls, but also objective and useful criteria for decision-makers

    Homenatge a Cristóbal Rodríguez Alonso (Oviedo, 1999)

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    The Kitāb al-Tajribatayn ‘alā adwiyat Ibn Wāfid of Ibn Bājja and Sufyān al- Andalusī. Arabic edition and Spanish translation of jīm, ḥā’ and khā’

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    El Kitāb al-Taŷribatayn ‘alà adwiyat Ibn Wāfid, cuyos autores son Ibn Bāŷŷa y Sufyān al-Andalusī, es una obra farmacológica escrita en el siglo XII y de la que, hasta ahora, no se ha encontrado copia manuscrita alguna. Se trata de una recopilación de medicamentos simples, ordenada alfabéticamente, en la que se describen las propiedades farmacológicas de plantas, animales y minerales. Estre trabajo propone la reconstrucción de una parte de lo que debió de ser el conjunto de la obra, a través de las citas que Ibn al-Bayṭār recopiló en el Kitāb al-Ŷāmi‘, concretamente se presentan la edición árabe y su traducción al español de las letras ŷīm, ḥā’ y jā’.The Kitāb al-Tajribatayn ‘alā adwiyat Ibn Wāfid is a pharmocological work written by Ibn Bājja and Sufyān al-Andalusī in the 12th century, of which no handwritten copy has so far been found. It consists of an alphabetized compilation of simple drugs that describes the parmacological properties of several plants, animals and minerals. This paper proposes to reconstruct what must have been the whole work by means of the quotes that Ibn al-Bayṭār collected in the Kitāb al-Jāmi‘, and specifically presents the Arabic edition with the Spanish translation for the letters jīm, ḥā’ and khā’

    Projectes d'investigació a Astúries

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