230 research outputs found

    Sondagens arqueológicas no Monte da Ola, Vila Fria, Viana do Castelo (Norte de Portugal)

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    Este trabalho dá a conhecer os resultados das prospecções e das sondagens arqueológicas realizadas no Monte da Ola, Vila Fria, Viana do Castelo. Foi possível identificar a existência de uma necrópole de cistas no local atribuível, provavelmente, aos inícios do Bronze Final.This article draws upon the recent archaeological excavations at the site of Monte da Ola (Viana do Castelo). This site was disturbed by urban development from 1920’s. Then earthworks uncovered important archaeological finds, which are kept in the Museu Municipal de Viana do Castelo. The excavations, integrated in the project The Entre-Douro-e-Minho landscape since middle of III to the end of II millenium BC, corroborated the existence of a cemetery dating to the Bronze Age

    A arte atlântica do Crastoeiro (Norte de Portugal) : contextos e significados

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    Basados en los resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en los complejos I y II del arte atlántico de Crastoeiro, localizados en el Monte de la Senhora da Graça y partiendo del supuesto de que los individuos no sólo viven en un espacio sino que también están inmersos o incorporados en el, este trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer algunas interpretaciones no sólo sobre la biografía de cada uno de estos loci, sino también, entender los diferentes procesos de interacción de las comunidades locales con el Monte da Senhora da Graça, especialmente aquellos que se relacionan con la elección, la construcción, la frecuencia y las acciones inherentes al uso de estos lugares que designamos arte rupestre

    Contributions to the biography of a place : the tomb 1 of the Campo de Caparinho in the microregional context:

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    Publicam-se os resultados dos trabalhos de escavação, realizados em Setembro de 2003, numa estrutura tumular neolítica de Campo de Caparinho, freguesia de Vilar de Perdizes, concelho de Montalegre. A escavação deste monumento tornou-se particularmente importante, quer pelas suas especificidades arquitectónicas que traduzem integração de elementos geomorfológicos pré-existentes, quer pelo facto de ter permitido comprovar a existência de estruturas tumulares em área de importantes gravuras rupestres. Partindo do princípio de que estas construções e as acções que lhe são inerentes são actuantes na criação e na manutenção da identidade grupal e da memória, discute-se o seu papel social no contexto de Campo de Caparinho, um lugar de grande significação símbólica desde o Neolítico até à Idade do Bronze.This article discusses the results of the diggings of a pre-historic tomb surveyed in September 2003. They lie within the archaeological group at Campo de Caparinho in the parish of Vilar de Perdizes, municipality of Montalegre. This tomb is located in an area containing important archaeological remains, in which there are also rock engravings and several places where ceramic and stone artefacts have been found, all of which can generally be dated between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. The importance of this tomb is related with the geomorphology context, its architectonic particularities and with the evidence of human actions related with fire, with different rocks and, eventually, with water. Assuming that these buildings and the actions that are inherent are working in the development and maintenance of group identity and memory, it discusses its social role in the context of Caparinho, a place of great symbolic significance since the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.Núcleo de Arqueologia da Universidade do Minho (NARQ) financiado no âmbito do Contrato Plurianual com a FCT;Câmara Municipal de Montalegre

    O povoado da Idade do Bronze de Santa Catarina, Guimarães (Norte de Portugal). Resultado dos trabalhos arqueológicos de 2002

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    Com este texto, pretende-se relatar os trabalhos de escavação arqueológica realizados, durante o mês de Julho de 2002, na estação arqueológica de Santa Catarina, no âmbito do projecto "The Entre-Douro-e-Minho landscape since middle of III to the end of II millenium BC" . Este local, bastante destruído, desde os finais do séc. XIX , forneceu importante espólio arqueológico, depositado no Museu da Sociedade Martins Sarmento, em Guimarães, e indevidamente estudado. As escavações recentes, apesar das vicissitudes, permitiram identificar um nível de ocupação da Idade do Bronze, conectável, genericamente, com grande parte do espólio depositado no referido museu e com algumas referências bibliográficas. Tal, contribuirá para uma melhor contextualização cronológico-cultural do sítio, assim como para a sua reconstituição paleoambiental.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A estação arqueológica de Nossa Senhora da Penha, Guimarães (Norte de Portugal): notícia preliminar das escavações de 2002

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    Com este texto, pretende-se relatar os trabalhos de escavação arqueológica, realizados durante o mês de Julho d e 2002, na estação arqueológica d a Senhora da Penha, no âmbito do projecto "The Entre-Douro-e -Minho landscape since middle of III to the end of II millenium BC". Este local, profundamente destruído, desde, pelo menos, os inícios do séc. XX. Forneceu inúmero e importante espólio arqueológico, hoje depositado nos Museus da Sociedade Martins Sarmento, em Guimarães, e Nacional de Arqueologia, em Lisboa. As escavações actuais, apesar de não terem fornecido os resultados esperados, permitiram, pelos menos, identificar um nível de ocupação calcolítica, conectável, genericamente, com grande parte do espólio depositado nos referidos museus. Tal, contribuirá para uma melhor contextualização cronológico-cultural do sítio, assim como para a sua reconstituição paleoambiental.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Youth victims of community violence: developmental outcomes and prevention challenges

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    This work was financed by National Funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project LookCrim - Looking at Crime: Communities and Physical Spaces - PTDC/DIR-DCP/28120/2017 and within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) project under the reference UID/CED/00317/2019.Community violence (CV) is recognized as a complex problem, with multiple origins and expressed in variable ways, encompassing different types of violence and crimes (e.g., assault, rape, robbery), as a result of circumstances that are related to the characteristics of the environment. Due to socialization and independence processes that are part of youth developmental pathways, young people tend to spend more time away from home and on the street, becoming more exposed to violence and thus also contributing to repeated victimization processes. Different studies have shown that distinct situations may promote numerous victimization processes, with a particular impact on the developmental outcomes of youth and causing great suffering. It has been reported that exposure to violence in the community is associated with mental health issues, i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, poor academic performance, aggressive and antisocial behaviours, alcohol and substance abuse, along with multiple adverse health risk behaviours, suicidal ideation, and also resulting in subsequent homelessness in adulthood. With this review chapter, it is intended to analyse and discuss the impact that CV exposure has on youth, accompanied with practical proposals to prevent it. The concept of CV and the different types of violence and crimes that could be involved are examined, mapping the prevalence of youth affected by this form of violence, analysing the effects of exposure to CV, and concluding with initiatives aimed to contribute to the prevention against this sort of violence, and to minimize the consequences and suffering involved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrated platform resorting to ionic liquids comprising the extraction, purification and preservation of DNA

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    The large-scale production of therapeutically targeted-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has passed through several challenges, postponing the tangible implementation of an effective, economic and sustainable manufacturing system. Such challenges comprise the need to develop an integrative downstream process able to extract, purify and long-term preserve DNA, whilst reducing the risk of degradation by endonucleases that would compromise their effectiveness as therapeutic products. In this work, three-phase partitioning (TPP) systems formed by the application of aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of several biocompatible cholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs), are proposed for the separation of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) from the endonuclease deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I). By taking advantage of the tailor-made properties of ILs, dsDNA can be completely extracted to the IL-rich phase, whereas DNase I is precipitated at the ABS interphase. The ABS/TPP formed by IL cholinium glycolate ([N 111(2OH) ][Gly]) fulfills the aim of this work, i.e. at ensuring the technical viability of IL-based ABS/ TPP for the “one-pot” extraction, purification and long-term preservation of dsDNA. The results reveal the potential of this system to be applied in the bioprocessing of DNA, particularly relevant when envisioning DNA- based therapeutic products.publishe

    A importância do Povoado do Pego no Bronze Final do Noroeste de Portugal

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    Publicado em "Férvedes : Revista de Investigación", n.º 5 (2008)Este trabalho visa dar a conhecer a estação arqueológica do Pego, situada no Noroeste de Portugal, na freguesia de Cunha, distrito de Braga, em plena bacia do Ave. Trata-se de um sítio de pequenas dimensões, delimitado por uma paliçada, que inclui, para além de uma área de presumíveis estruturas de carácter habitacional, uma necrópole de sepulturas planas. Além das particularidades enunciadas, foi possível reconhecer, ainda, deposições de artefactos cerâmicos ao longo da vala de fundação da referida paliçada, que interpretámos como materialidades associadas a fenómenos de ritualização da vida diária. No contexto do povoamento do Bronze Final do Noroeste de Portugal, em geral, e da bacia do Ave, em particular, as especificidades do povoado do Pego tornam-no uma estação paradigmática, cujo significado na rede de povoamento local urge conhecer e compreender.This paper is focused on the settlement of Pego, located at the Northwest of Portugal, in the parish of Cunha, county of Braga, in the Ave basin. This is a small site, delimited by a wood palisade, which includes, in addition to a residential area, a necropolis of flat graves. Beyond the contingencies observed, it was possible to recognize, yet, some depositions of ceramic vessels along the foundation of the palisade, which we have interpreted as materialities associated with the ritualization of the daily life. In the context of the Late Bronze Age settlement of the Northwest of Portugal, in general, and the Ave’s basin, in particular, the specificities of Pego make it a paradigmatic site, whose significance in the system of local settlement is important to know and understand

    A estação Arqueológica da Tapada da Venda, Pedroso, Celorico de Basto (Norte de Portugal): primeiras impressões das escavações de 2001

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    Este trabalho dá a conhecer os resultados obtidos no decurso das escavações arqueológicas realizadas na Tapada da Venda, freguesia de Pedroso, Celorico de Basto. O local foi interpretado como um povoado de fossas, de grandes dimensões, ocupado durante o Bronze Médio e Final, associado a solos bem irrigados e com potencialidades agro-pastoris no seio do planalto da Lameira.This article draws upon the recent archaeological excavations at the site of Tapado da Venda (Celorico de Basto). This site was excavated in the seventies, being the results yet unpublished to date. This is an open settlement site dating to the 2nd millennium BC. This site, which appear to have had short live, was occupied by a farming community

    Modelling the Contribution of 40K, 232Th and 226Ra to Radiation Dose and Risk from Airborne Discharges of Coal-Fired Power Plants

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    Coal contains trace elements and naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th, 238U. When coal is burned, minerals, including most of the radionuclides, do not burn and concentrate in the ash several times in comparison with their content in coal. Usually, a small fraction of the fly ash produced (2-5%) is released into the atmosphere. The activities released depend on many factors (concentration in coal, ash content and inorganic matter of the coal, combustion temperature, ratio between bottom and fly ash, filtering system). Therefore, marked differences should be expected between the by-products produced and the amount of activity discharged (per unit of energy produced) from different coal-fired power plants. In fact, the effects of these releases on the environment due to ground deposition have been received some attention but the results from these studies are not unanimous and cannot be understood as a generic conclusion for all coal-fired power plants. In this study, the dispersion modelling of natural radionuclides was carried out to assess the impact of continuous atmospheric releases from a selected coal plant. The natural radioactivity of the coal and the fly ash were measured and the dispersion was modelled by a Gaussian plume estimating the activity concentration at different heights up to a distance of 20 km in several wind directions. External and internal doses (inhalation and ingestion) and the resulting risk were calculated for the population living within 20 km from the coal plant. In average, the effective dose is lower than the ICRP’s limit and the risk is lower than the U.S. EPA’s limit. Therefore, in this situation, the considered exposure does not pose any risk. However, when considering the dispersion in the prevailing wind direction, these values are significant due to an increase of 232Th and 226Ra concentrations in 75% and 44%, respectively