623 research outputs found

    Do risco no alpinismo de alta montanha

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    This paper emerges after the lost of one Portuguese climber, who died in his descent from Shishapangma, one of the 14 mountains in Himalayas. Taking into account this climber’s death and all the others that are not reported, the issue of risk in sport and physical activities, like climbing, is noteworthy. This paper attempts to redress this imbalance through an approach to voluntary risk-taking in high-altitude climbing, where risk can be seen as part of the activity or even as an end. For this intent it is crucial to consider what does this activity signifies to its adherents, analysing the ways in which this activity is invested with and how these meanings may change. After a brief characterization of high-altitude climbing as a risky activity, our paper it is divided in the following sections: i) Control of risk vs. control of life; ii) Risk-taking as a form of transgression; iii) Adventure in high-altitude climbing; iv) Risk as an aestheticization of the experience; v) High-altitude climbing as a form of transcendence and self-overcoming and vi) Social recognition and distinction. This enumeration did not have the goal to isolate meanings; however our re?ection allowed perceiving that they are all linke

    Portuguese media discourse on nuclear energy before and after Fukushima: prepared for the EFDA Workprogramme 2012 WP12-SER-ACIF-1

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    This report presents the results of the analysis of nuclear related content in Portuguese print media. The report is submitted to the first step of the research task untitled Public Discourse about Nuclear Fusion before and after the Fukushima accident, as part of the Socio-Economic Research on Fusion under the general coordination of EFDA Workprogramme 2012

    Comparative Analysis of the public discourse about fusion and nuclear energy before and after Fukushima: WP12-SER-ACIF-1 Final Report

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    This report presents a comparative analysis of media coverage of fusion and fission energy before and after the accident in the nuclear reactors of Fukushima, Japan. The analysis is based on research conducted under the EFDA Workprogramme 2012, addressing three national-based print media – Germany, Spain and Portugal as well as English-language print media addressing transnational elite

    Study of gastrointestinal parasites in the iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

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    Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus), is the largest carnivore in Iberian Peninsula and is threatened with extinction. The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of helminthic and protozoa fauna, in the wolf populations from the North of Spain, with the perspective to evaluate the health and surveillance of the diseases of these packs. One hundred and seventy seven samples of faeces of Canis lupus signatus, were collected from the environment in the North of Spain, between 2013 and 2014 and submitted to coprological methods. Helminth eggs were detected on 101 (57.0 %), and simple infections were more frequent with a prevalence of 53.4 % comparing with multiple infections. In the overall samples, eggs from Capillaria spp. (41.5 %) were the most frequently detected, followed by Toxocara spp. (40.5 %), Ancylostomatidae (29.7 %), Taeniidae (26.7 %) and Trichuris spp. (25.7 %). Results are discussed and compared with earlier published studies, especially to check the present status of helminthic infections in the wolf populations in that region. Additionally a subsample was analysed using a immunofluorescent assay (IFA) to identify the presence of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. Fifty faecal samples were analysed, of which ten (20 %) were positive. Simple infections were more frequent, with seven (14 %) samples positive for Giardia spp. and two (4 %) positive for Cryptosporidium spp. Multiple infections with both protozoan species were found in just one (2 %) sample. Faecal samples, even frozen, revealed to be a valuable tool, to detect and identify helminthic and protozoa infections from wolves in the scope of surveillance programs.O Lobo Ibérico (Canis lupus signatus) é o maior carnívoro da Península Ibérica e encontra-se ameaçado de extinção. O presente estudo, tem como objetivo, contribuir para o estudo e conhecimento da fauna helmíntica e protozoária (nomeadamente Giardia spp. e Criptosporidium spp.) nas populações de lobos do Norte de Espanha, com a perspetiva de avaliar o estado sanitário destas populações. Cento e setenta e sete amostras fecais de Canis lupus signatus foram recolhidas do meio ambiente entre os anos de 2013 e 2014 e foram analisadas usando métodos de coprologia. Foi detetada a presença de ovos de helmintes em 101 (57,0 %), e foi mais frequente a presença de infeções simples (53,4 %) comparativamente com infeções múltiplas. No total de animais infetados, incluindo infeções múltiplas, os ovos de Capillaria spp. (41,5 %) foram os mais frequentes, seguidos por Toxocara spp. (40,5 %), Ancylostomatidae (29,7 %), Taeniidae (26,7 %) e Trichuris spp. (25, 7%). Os resultados foram comparados e discutidos com estudos anteriores. Adicionalmente uma subamostra foi analisada para determinar a presença de Giardia spp. e Cryptosporidium spp., usando um teste comercial de imunofluorescência (IFA). Cinquenta amostras foram analisadas e dez (20 %) foram positivas ao teste. Foi mais frequente a presença de infeções simples causadas por Giardia spp., sete (10 %) e duas (4 %) positivas para Cryptosporidium spp. e infeções múltiplas em apenas umas das amostras (2 %). A utilização de amostras fecais congeladas, revelou-se uma ferramenta útil, para deteção e identificação de infeções por helmintes gastrointestinais e protozoários, em lobos selvagens “in- vivo” e em risco de extinção, no âmbito da vigilância epidemiológica

    Analysis of the claims data of a life insurance portfolio

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    Mestrado em Ciências ActuariaisA graduação de mortalidade é um problema há muito estudado nas ciências atuariais, utilizando muitas abordagens diferentes. Para este estudo, vamos focar-nos em alguns exemplos específicos de graduação: a lei de Gompertz's; uma abordagem empírica em que as taxas de mortalidade são ajustadas a uma exponencial; graduação por tábua de mercado; modelos lineares generalizados; três tipos diferentes de árvores de regressão - árvores de classificação e regressão, árvores de inferência condicional e florestas aleatórias. Além disso, seguindo (Guo et al., 2002), serão propostos métodos híbridos, alguns dos quais ainda não existiam na literatura, combinando árvores de regressão e as outras técnicas. Todos estes modelos serão aplicados tanto ao conceito tradicional de taxa de mortalidade como a uma sua versão ponderada por capital seguro. De acordo com o esperado e a literatura, a mortalidade será mais baixa para apólices com capital seguro maior, o que vai de encontro à ideia de que pessoas com maior capital seguro estarão numa situação económica mais favorável e conseguirão viver mais tempo. Para este estudo, idade, género, estado civil e local de residência foram utilizados como como variáveis explicativas. Estas variáveis explicativas revelaram-se importantes quando aplicados modelos de árvores de regressão. Conclui-se que para qualquer uma das taxas de mortalidade estudadas o melhor modelo correspondeu a um modelo híbrido que combina uma árvore de regressão com a abordagem empírica aplicada às suas folhas. Como métrica de comparação foi utilizado o RMSE (raiz quadrada do erro quadrático médio).Mortality graduation is a problem that has long been studied in actuarial science using many different approaches. In this thesis, we will focus on a number of specific examples of techniques for graduation: Gompertz's law; an empirical approach where mortality rates are fit to an exponential; graduation by standard table; generalised linear models (GLM); three different types of regression trees - classification and regression trees, conditional inference trees and random forests. Furthermore, following (Guo et al., 2002), hybrid methods will be created, some of which unseen before in the literature, combining regression trees with some of the other approaches. These techniques will be applied to the traditional concept of mortality rate but also to a version of it weighted by sum assured. As expected and previously observed in literature, mortality will generally be lighter for policies with higher sum assured, which is in line with the idea that people with higher sums assured are wealthier and hence healthier, living longer. For this study, age, gender, civil status and place of residence were used as explanatory variables. These explanatory variables proved relevant when applying the tree generating algorithms. In the end, we will find that both for the traditional and the weighted mortality rates, a hybrid method (of a regression tree with the empirical approach applied to its leafs) yielded the best results for the portfolio in study. The RMSE (root mean square error) was the evaluation metric used