1,452 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Successful Hispanic Students in Higher Education

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    The Hispanic population in the United States already constitutes the fastest growing minority group in the United States and by the year 2050 this group will constitute 24% of the total population and one fourth of the national workforce. Because this is a very young population whose median age is 27.2 years old, the education of this group is pivotal to the future of this nation. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived importance of personal and external factors found in the literature as significant in Hispanic college success for a sample of 137 Hispanic college seniors from four public higher education institutions in Florida. This mixed method study used an instrument containing 13 demographic variables, 61 quantitative items, and 5 qualitative questions. The information gathered from the demographic items revealed a relevant data characterizing the participants as first, second, and third generation immigrants or Hispanic Americans with a diverse Hispanic background. They also belonged to middle and upper income households with at least one college educated parent. The results from the descriptive analysis of the quantitative data from the survey indicated the students in the study had a strong desire to succeed, perceived a strong parental support and a supportive campus environment, and had a strong academic preparation to attend college. All these factors were corroborated by the qualitative results. The recommendations for future studies and practices should include a greater understanding of the important role a supportive family and institution play in the academic success of Hispanic students. More research is recommended on the family-student relationship and its effect on students. Reaching out to Hispanic parents and families and ensuring their participation in campus events, as well as increasing institutional support with the outreach and hiring of Hispanic faculty are two specific recommendations worthy of consideration in the effort to ensure greater success for Hispanic students

    Aplicacion del Proceso de Enfermería en caso de Alzheimer en Atención Primaria de Salud

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    La enfermedad de Alzheimer es una enfermedad crónica, discapacitante y progresiva y en la actualidad incurable. Lo que nos hace recapacitar acerca de la importancia de la intervención sanitaria temprana y eficiente con el objetivo de ejemplificar como mantener o mejorar la calidad de la vida del enfermo y disminuir la posibilidad de complicaciones futuras. Se confiere protagonismo a los problemas (reales y potenciales) del sujeto, así como al entorno del mismo (cuidador, vivienda y recursos incluidos) para establecer un cuidado integral de la persona bio-psico-sociocultural. El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado es describir un caso clínico real de enfermedad de Alzheimer y su abordaje en el área de Atención Primaria. Se realiza una valoración integral del sujeto A.M. residente en Albox, estructurada por patrones funcionales de salud de M. Gordon. Se incluye la valoración de la vivienda y del cuidador principal. Se identifican los problemas que posee la paciente: disfagia a los líquidos, episodios de caídas anteriores, úlceras por presión, incontinencia doble, problemas en el descanso y a su vez los de su cuidadora formal: estrés, intranquilidad por el cuidado de su madre y sedentarismo; en base a éstos se proponen objetivos e intervenciones y se realiza una evaluación y seguimiento

    Strategic risk management in water utilities: development of a holistic approach linking risks and futures

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    Risk management plays a key role in water utilities. Although tools are well established at operational and tactical levels of management, existing methods at strategic level lack a holistic treatment and a long-term perspective. In fact, risks are analysed per se, despite being interconnected; and long-term scenarios are commonly used for strategic planning, rather than for risk management, most of the time being related to one single issue (for example: climate change). In order to overcome the limitations identified in the existing methodologies, a novel approach for water utilities to manage risk at strategic level was developed and tested in EPAL - the largest and oldest water utility in Portugal. It consists of (i) setting a baseline risks comparison founded on a systemic model developed ‗bottom-up‘ through the business; (ii) the construction of future scenarios and an observation of how baseline risks may change with time. Major contributions of this research are the linkage between operational and strategic risks, capturing the interdependencies between strategic risks; the ability to look at long term risk, allowing the visualizing of the way strategic risks may change under a possible future scenario; and the novel coupling of risks and futures research. For the water sector, this approach constitutes a useful tool for strategic planning, which may be presented to the Board of Directors in a simple and intuitive way, despite the solid foundations of the underlying analysis. It also builds on in-house expertise, promoting the dissemination and pervasiveness of risk management within the companies and, on the other hand, allowing unveiling of existing knowledge, making it explicit and more useful for the organization


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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Barcelona 2013. Anatomical Record, Volume 296, Special Feature — 1: P-076.The study of extracutaneous cells producing and storing melanin is of interest because it may provide valuable information about the presence of neural crest elements in internal organs and tissues. Here we report, for the first time, the presence and distribution of melanophores in the heart of a chondrichthyan species, the rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa. Pigment cells were found in all of 20 hearts examined. Pigment cells occur mainly in the cardiac outflow tract, which consists of two anatomical components, the proximal, myocardial conus arteriosus and the distal, non-myocardial bulbus arteriosus. A few groups of dark pigmented cells were found in the apex of the ventricle of one specimen and in the atrium of two specimens. In all instances, the melanophores were located in the subepicardial space, where they could be well recognized in both unstained and stained histological sections. The distribution and intensity of the pigmentation in the cardiac outflow tract varies markedly between individuals. In all cases, however, the pigmented area is larger on the dorsal than on the ventral surface. Dorsally, the size of the pigmented area ranges from a fringe that includes the bulbus and the distal part of the conus to the whole surface of the outflow tract. Ventrally, the pigmented area does not cover the entire conus arteriosus. The intensity of the pigmentation also varies widely; in general, it is highest at the distal portion of the conus. There is no relationship between the distribution and intensity of the pigmentation and the sex and age of the animals. The functional role of the pigmented cells is unknown. If the melanophores in the heart of C. monstrosa are indeed of neural crest origin, it would suggest a notable contribution of the neural crest cells to the cardiac outflow tract in holocephalans.Proyecto CGL2010-16417/BOS; Fondos FEDER BES-2011-04690

    The bulbus arteriosus of the holocephalan heart

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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Barcelona 2013.Anatomical Record, Volume 296, Special Feature — 1: P-074.Previous work has shown that the outflow tract of the elasmobranch heart, namely the cardiac portion intercalated between the ventricle and the ventral aorta, does not consist of a single component, the conus arteriosus, as has classically been assumed, but two, the myocardial conus arteriosus and the non-myocardial bulbus arteriosus. From the evolutionary perspective, knowledge of the anatomy of the cardiac outflow tract of the holocephali is important, as they are the sister group of elasmobranchs. Our aim is to describe the cardiac outflow tract of four holocephalan species, two of them, Chimaera monstrosa and Hydrolagus affinis of the family Chimaeridae, and the other two, Harriotta raleighana and Rhinochimaera atlantica, of the family Rhinochimaeridae. The cardiac outflow tract of the four species consisted of a myocardial conus arteriosus, furnished with valves, and a bulbus arteriosus devoid of cardiac muscle. Both the bulbus and conus are tubular in shape. The length of the bulbus relative to the total length of the outflow tract is somewhat smaller in the rhinochimaerids (15%-19%) than in the chimaerids (19%-23%). The bulbus is covered by epicardium and is crossed by the main coronary artery trunks. Histologically, the bulbus is mainly composed of elastin and collagen, and, to a lesser extent, by smooth muscle. This suggests that in holocephalans, the bulbus actively helps to protect the gill vasculature from exposure to high-pressure pulses of blood. Our results prove that the bulbus arteriosus is common to chondrichthyans. In addition, they support the hypothesis that the cardiac outflow tract consisted of a conus arteriosus and a bulbus arteriosus from the beginning of the jawed vertebrate radiation, contributing to our understanding of the morphological changes that have occurred at the arterial pole of the heart in both actinopterygians and sarcopterygians.Proyecto CGL2010-16417/BOS; Fondos FEDE

    Examining Cervical Cancer Screening Utilization Among African Immigrant Women: A Literature Review

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    Background: Globally, 530,000 women per year are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and approximately 275,000 die from the disease. Routine cervical cancer screening may reduce the burden of cervical cancer morbidity and mortality through early detection and improved treatment outcome. Immigrant women in the United States (U.S.) may be disproportionately affected by cervical cancer; however, there is scarce literature addressing cervical cancer screening in African immigrants (AIs) when compared to other immigrant groups. This systematic review evaluates the state of cervical cancer screening research in AIs and identifies current gaps. Materials and methods: Through a comprehensive literature search, we identified 16 studies published between 2005 and 2015 that focused on cervical cancer screening among AIs. Results: From this review, we found a low screening adherence rate among AIs. The common factors influencing cervical cancer screening practices among AIs included immigration status, health care interactions, knowledge deficiency, religiosity and certain personal characteristics. Discussion: A multilevel approach to address the factors influencing screening practices among AIs is essential for improving adherence to screening guidelines. Implementation of grassroots enlightenment and screening programs are warranted in this population to decrease the screening disparity experienced by this burgeoning population. Conclusions: Based on the findings from this review, African Immigrant (AI) women should be targeted for education about the importance of cervical cancer screening to bridge the knowledge gaps and multilevel initiatives could lead to improved access and utilization of screening services among this growing immigrant population

    \u3cem\u3eLas Dos Cosas\u3c/em\u3e versus Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Culturally and Linguistically Exploratory Intervention Study in Hispanic Mothers Living in Kentucky

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    INTRODUCTION: Formula supplementation among infants of breastfeeding Hispanic immigrants is common practice known as las dos cosas. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, and acceptability of a culturally and linguistically diverse intervention to promote exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months. METHODS: A sample of 39 Hispanic pregnant women was recruited and randomly assigned to intervention (n = 20) and control groups (n = 19). The intervention included a peer counselor and professional support, and mothers were followed from pregnancy to 6 months after birth. RESULTS: After the study, women assigned to the intervention group were over three times more likely to EBF their baby through all four postpartum assessed time points (odds ratio = 3.1, 95% confidence interval: 1.1-8.7). DISCUSSION: This culturally and linguistically diverse intervention contributed to increased EBF duration and decreased formula supplementation in Hispanic mothers up to 6 months postpartum

    Attacks and exploits analysis and classification: Case Study - Metasploit Framework

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    La seguridad informática es un área fundamental de la informática que afecta tanto al ámbito público como al privado. Además, dado que la informática forma parte de numerosos contextos, surge la ciberseguridad como una disciplina más general, en la que pueden estar involucrados muchos perfiles profesionales, no sólo informáticos. La gran demanda de profesionales en este sector requiere un esfuerzo de formación de nuevos expertos en la materia, capaces de analizar vulnerabilidades y riesgos y procurar la seguridad en diversos entornos. No sólo perfiles técnicos son necesarios, sino también urge que otros profesionales puedan entender mejor las herramientas que usan los ciberatacantes para, por ejemplo, ayudar a perfilar las características de los individuos detrás del ataque. Una de las herramientas más empleadas hasta la fecha es el framework Metasploit, del que existe numerosa información, incluyendo ejemplos sobre cómo se pueden explotar vulnerabilidades en máquinas diseñadas para practicar (vulnerables por defecto), como Metasploitable2 y Metasploitable3. Sin embargo, no encontramos imágenes gráficas que nos muestren cómo son el procedimiento y seguimiento de las técnicas de explotación utilizadas, ayudándonos a entender de forma clara los diferentes niveles de abstracción que podrían emplearse durante el análisis y explotación de vulnerabilidades. Es decir, con las herramientas actuales somos capaces de obtener una lista de ciertas vulnerabilidades de un sistema y atacarlas, pudiendo observar los resultados de dichos ataques, pero careciendo de una visión gráfica del proceso

    Nutrition Interventions and Self-Management in Patients with Comorbid Cancer and Diabetes: A Narrative Review

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    Diabetes and cancer are two of the most prevalent chronic diseases today. Both of these conditions have implications for metabolism and nutrition management in patients affected. In addition, both of these conditions can be managed or improved via nutrition treatment. What is more difficult is patients who have both conditions as comorbidities. This scenario is common, as cancer increases the risk for diabetes, and vice versa. Additionally, evidence has shown that having both conditions as comorbidities increases the risk of mortality. This narrative review aims to investigate the existing evidence on nutrition management in patients with comorbid cancer and diabetes. Findings indicate that glycemic control is a major outcome of concern, as well as that self-management diabetes behaviors may be decreased in this patient population. Overall, the findings from this review were limited due to a lack of research into this patient population. Future research on glycemic control or diet adherence and cancer outcomes, as well as mental health intervention and outcomes in this patient population are warranted.Master of Public Healt

    Hospital classrooms in the paediatric oncology ward of the Central University Hospital of Asturias: compulsory schooling in adverse conditions

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    [Resumen] Durante las etapas vitales de la infancia y la adolescencia un menor desempeña, entre otros, los roles de hijo y alumno, pero, ¿qué sucede con su desarrollo escolar cuando se ve obligado a ocupar el rol de paciente con cáncer durante un largo periodo de tiempo? En esta investigación, de carácter etnográfico, se pretende estudiar el funcionamiento de las aulas hospitalarias asturianas como espacios educativos paralelos a la escuela ordinaria, y observar la labor e implicación en ellas del personal docente hospitalario. Partiendo de un diseño metodológico cualitativo, echaremos mano de técnicas como la entrevista semi-estructurada, la reflexión intro-retrospectiva y la etnografía digital para ilustrar el Programa de Atención Escolar Hospitalaria y Domiciliaria del Principado de Asturias. Mediante un análisis descriptivo-inductivo-fenomenológico, descubriremos cómo las aulas hospitalarias garantizan la continuidad de la vida escolar del menor enfermo o convaleciente de cáncer, orientándose bajo los valores y principios de la educación inclusiva.[Resumo] Durante as etapas vitais da infancia e da adolescencia un menor desempeña, entre outros, os roles de fillo e alumno, pero, ¿que sucede co seu desenvolvemento escolar cando se ve obrigado a ocupar o rol de paciente con cancro durante un longo período de tempo? Esta investigación, de carácter etnográfico, pretende estudar o funcionamento das aulas hospitalarias asturianas como espazos educativos paralelos á escola ordinaria, e observar a labor e implicación que nelas ten o persoal docente hospitalario. Partindo dun deseño metodolóxico cualitativo, servirémonos de técnicas como a entrevista semi-estruturada, a reflexión intro-retrospectiva e a etnografía dixital para ilustrar o Programa de Atención Escolar e Domiciliaria do Principado de Asturias. Mediante unha análise descritiva-indutiva-fenomenolóxica, descubriremos como as aulas hospitalarias garanten a continuidade da vida escolar do menor enfermo ou convalecente de cancro, orientándose baixo os valores e principios da educación inclusiva.[Abstract] During the vital stages of childhood and adolescence, a minor plays, among others, the roles of child and student, but what happens to their school development when they are forced to occupy the role of cancer patient for a long period of time? This ethnographic research aims to study the functioning of hospital classrooms in Asturias as educational spaces parallel to ordinary schools, and to observe the work and involvement of hospital teaching staff in them. Based on a qualitative methodological design, we will use techniques such as semi-structured interviews, intro-retrospective reflection and digital ethnography to illustrate the Hospital and Home School Care Programme of the Principality of Asturias. Through a descriptive-inductive-phenomenological analysis, we will discover how hospital classrooms guarantee the continuity of school life for children who are ill or convalescing from cancer, guided by the values and principles of inclusive education.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.SOC). Socioloxía. Curso 2021/202