128 research outputs found


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    O ensaio realizado visa a determinação do índice de peróxidos (IP) em amostras de óleo alimentar refinado através do aquecimento das amostras durante 10, 20, 60 minutos. Com os sucessivos aquecimentos é possível avaliar o grau de degradação do produto alimentar pela formação de substâncias oxidantes esperando-se que, consoante o tempo de aquecimento, ocorra um aumento IP. Uma exposição contínua aos radicais livres poderá desencadear alterações a longo prazo no organismo do consumidor


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    A presente pesquisa aborda os impactos gerados na Comunidade de Requenguela, a partir das ações de Educação Ambiental desenvolvidas pelo Projeto de Olho na Água. Os projetos desenvolvidos na comunidade envolvem atividades e práticas sustentáveis, materializando melhorias na qualidade de vida de toda a população, sendo passíveis de serem plantadas nas demais comunidades pesqueiras. O aporte teórico metodológico embasa-se em bibliografias pertinentes, levantamentos de dados secundários e trabalho de campo. Os resultados apontam a importância de inserir práticas vinculadas a educação ambiental, sobretudo em comunidades pesqueiras, haja vista que a EA ressalta a importância da necessidade de preservar o ambiente natural local, nessa primeira análise observa-se que os projetos desenvolvidos apontam impactos positivos

    Moisture content and temperature of storage in peach palm seed conservation

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    ABSTRACT: The peach palm (Bactrisgasipaes) is an important alternative for heart-of-palm extraction, showing precocity, rusticity and high tillering. The seeds of this species are considered recalcitrant making storage for long periods and production of seedlings difficulty. This identified a combination of moisture content of peach palm seeds and temperature during storage for longer seed longevity. Seeds with 35% and 45% of moisture content (wet basis - wb) were storage at 20 °C and 25 ºC during 180 days. The evaluations were carried out every 60 days by the germination test, emergence in sand, shoot length, diameter of stem, shoot dry matter, root dry matter and moisture content. It was observed that seeds with moisture content of 45% wb showed better performance during storage. The storage at 20 ºC provides higher seed quality maintenance. Peach palm seeds maintain their viability for 120 days when stored with moisture content of 45% wb at 20 ºC

    Mothers of dreams: a proposal of reflection and intervention into family relations

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    The present article conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the intersection between the self-knowledge, self-esteem and family relations of women living in the city of Sud Mennucci, in the state of São Paulo, whose children were enrolled during the year 2007 in a municipal entity that provides assistance for children and adolescents, called Sonho Meu (My Dream). Through this project, these women could build a support group in which they strengthened their psychic health and the performance of the social roles of mother, wife, human being and professional. They also learnt some strategies that favored behavior changes. The chosen methodology was diversified in order to meet the group's needs and also those of the professional organization, and was supported by three areas of knowledge: Social Work, Psychology and Pedagogy, concentrated in the Social Assistance and Health Departments of the city of Sud Mennucci. The results were extremely valuable to the family relations of the target audience and also to every professional involved in this project, directly or indirectly. The family is seen as the stem cell of our society, in which the moral values, ethical principles, culture, education and other concepts are transmitted and solidified across generations. But we also know that an entity of such magnitude has some gaps, which were approached in order to be solved, searching for the promotion and quality of the affective family bonds through these women.O presente artigo realiza uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa da estreita intersecção entre autoconhecimento, autoestima e as relações familiares de algumas mulheres residentes na cidade de Sud Mennucci, no estado de São Paulo, cujos filhos estavam matriculados na entidade municipal Casa de Assistência à Criança e ao Adolescente - Sonho Meu - no decorrer de 2007. Além disso, através do referido projeto, estas mulheres tiveram a oportunidade de construir um grupo de apoio, no qual fortaleceram a sua saúde psíquica e o exercício dos papéis sociais de: mãe, esposa, ser humano e profissional. Elas também aprenderam algumas estratégias relevantes à mudança comportamental. A metodologia escolhida foi bastante diversificada para atender às necessidades do grupo participante e de organização profissional, além de contar com o suporte de três áreas de conhecimento: Serviço Social, Psicologia e Pedagogia, condensadas nos departamentos de Assistência Social e de Saúde do referido município. Os resultados atingidos foram de grande valia para as relações familiares do público-alvo e para todos os profissionais envolvidos, quer seja direta ou indiretamente na execução do mesmo. A família é vista como a célula-tronco da nossa sociedade, na qual os valores morais, os princípios éticos, a cultura, a educação e outros conceitos são transmitidos e consolidados ao longo de gerações. Mas sabemos que uma entidade formadora de tamanha magnitude tem algumas lacunas, as quais foram abordadas na expectativa de serem sanadas, buscando a promoção e qualidade dos vínculos afetivos familiares através destas mulheres

    Agro-industrial wastes as alternative substrates for the production of prebiotic with Zymomonas mobilis

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    Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are promising prebiotics in the relevant and increasing market of functional food. However, to achieve a more sustainable process, the industrial production of FOS should use cheap substrates. Zymomonas mobilis (ZM) has great potential for the production of FOS due to the presence of native enzymes (levansucrase) capable of metabolizing sucrose. In addition, ZM can use different carbon sources, such as molasses and sugarcane juice, which make the FOS production process cost-effective. In this study, sugarcane molasses (a potential replacement of sucrose) and corn step liquor (CSL) (a potential replacement of yeast extract (YE)), were used as nutrients for FOS production using ZM in an in vivo bioprocess approach. FOS production process from sucrose was first optimized and 52 g/L of FOS with a yield of 0.16 g/g was obtained. Afterwards, molasses and CSL were used as alternative nutrients. After studying different combinations of CSL and YE, the highest amount of FOS (54 g/L, with a yield of 0.18 g/g) was obtained with 12 g/L of CSL and 8 g/L of YE. In addition, 45 g/L of FOS were produced from molasses containing 200 g/L of sucrose, with a yield of 0.3 g/g. With this approach, it was possible to reduce around 5.5-times the cost associated with the FOS production medium. Moreover, this study proposed a sustainable process for the valorization of agro-industrial wastes contributing to the future Circular (Bio)Economy and the EU Green Deal.Cláudia Amorim, João Rainha, Beatriz B. Cardoso and Daniela Gomes acknowledge their grants (2020.0029.CEECIND, SFRH/BD/138325/2018, SFRH/BD/132324/2017 and SFRH/BD/04433/2020, respectively) from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The study received financial support from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and by LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Administração de medicamentos: conhecimento de enfermeiros do setor de urgência e emergência

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    Administration of medicines is an ally in the health recovery process, especially in the emergency and casualty sector. Since the nurse is the person with most responsibility in this practice and considering that any failing in this activity could have irreversible consequences for the patient, the study seeks to describe the knowledge of the nurses about this issue and to verify aspects of their training in a search for continuous updating and education in the health service.The study is descriptive and exploratory and of a quantitative approach. It was carried out in casualty and emergency units of the Distrito Sanitario Leste de Goiânia, Goiás.37 nurses participated in the study, answering a self-administered questionnaire. A statistical and descriptive analysis was carried out, taking a confidence interval of 95% and factors with significance p < 0,05.The study shows the training of nurses in terms of medicine administration in casualty and emergency units and highlights gaps that need to be remedied by ongoing training.La intervención medicamentosa es una aliada en el proceso de recuperación de la salud, principalmente en el sector de urgencia y emergencia. Al ser el enfermero el principal responsable de esa práctica y considerando que cualquier fallo durante esta actividad puede tener consecuencias irreversibles para el paciente, el estudio objetiva describir el conocimiento de los enfermeros acerca de esta temática y verificar los aspectos de la formación, en busca de actualización y educación continuada en el servicio de salud.Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, de abordaje cuantitativo, realizado en unidades de urgencia y emergencia del Distrito Sanitario Leste de Goiânia, Goiás.Participaron del estudio 37 enfermeros que respondieron a un cuestionario auto-aplicable. Se realizó análisis estadístico y descriptivo, considerando intervalo de 95% de confianza y factores con p < 0,05 significantes.En el estudio, se constata la preparación de los enfermeros en cuanto a la administración de medicamentos en urgencia y emergencia y apunta lagunas que deben ser subsanadas por medio de la educación continuada.A intervenção medicamentosa é uma aliada no processo de recuperação da saúde, principalmente no setor de urgência e emergência. Tendo o enfermeiro como o principal responsável por essa prática e considerando que qualquer falha durante esta atividade pode trazer conseqüências irreversíveis ao paciente, o estudo objetiva descrever o conhecimento dos enfermeiros acerca desta temética e verificar os aspectos da formação, busca de atualização e educação continuada no serviço de saúde. Estudo descritivo, exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em unidades de urgência e emergência do Distrito Sanitário Leste de Goiânia, Goiás. Participaram do estudo 37 enfermeiros que responderam um questionário auto-aplicável. Realizou-se análise estatística e descritiva, considerando intervalo de 95% de confiança e fatores com p < 0,05 significantes. Pelo estudo, constata-se o preparo dos enfermeiros quanto à administração de medicamentos em urgência e emergência e aponta lacunas que devem ser sanadas por meio da educação continuada

    Hepatitis C in Brazil: lessons learned with boceprevir and telaprevir

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    In 2012, the first-generation protease inhibitors telaprevir (TVR) and boceprevir (BOC) were introduced in the Brazilian health system for treatment of chronic hepatitis C, after their approval by the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation (CONITEC). However, these medicines were discontinued in 2015. The short period of use in therapy and their high cost require a discussion about the consequences for patients and for the health system of the early incorporation of new therapies. The article presents a qualitative analysis of the incorporation process of both medications in Brazil and the results of a multicenter study that included patients treated with BOC or TVR between January 2011 and December 2015 in five Brazilian cities. The study included 855 patients (BOC: n=247) and (TVR: n=608). The document analysis showed that CONITEC’s decision to incorporate BOC and TVR was based on results of phase III clinical trials that compared sustained virologic response (SVR) rates of patients treated with BOC and TVR with rates of those that received placebo. However, these studies included a low percentage of cirrhotic patients. The SVR rates observed in this multicenter study were worse than clinical trials pointed out (BOC: 45.6%; TVR: 51.8%), but similar to those achieved with previously adopted therapies. The discontinuation rate due to adverse events was (BOC: 15.4%; TVR: 12.7%). Based on these unsatisfactory results, the study brings a discussion that goes beyond the therapy outcomes, exploring the incorporation of these high-cost medicines and the related decision-making process, contributing to future decisions in medicine policies and in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C