235 research outputs found

    Managing CNS Tumors: The Nanomedicine Approach

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    Albeit the rapidly evolving knowledge about tumor biochemistry enables various new drug molecules to be designed as treatments, malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors remain untreatable due to the failure to expose the entire tumor to such therapeutics at pharmacologically meaningful quantities. Therefore, drug delivery in CNS tumors must be properly addressed, as otherwise, novel therapies will continue to fail. In this regard, nanomedicine poses an appealing platform for efficient drug delivery to the CNS, since it may be targeted to improve the drug availability in the site of action, which would be translated into lower drug doses and fewer side effects. Hence, the accumulation of data about the CNS physiology and their relevant receptors, the widening therapeutic armamentarium of drugs potentially useful in CNS chemotherapy and the alternative routes for administration may envisage nanomedicines as a forthcoming routine approach. Indeed, on the basis of the promising results gathered from preclinical studies of nanomedicine-based therapy both systemically and locally administered, some nanomedicines have already been approved for clinical trials in a variety of CNS tumor conditions to serve as the first steps in the translation of nanotherapy to clinic. Their outcome will steer research directions for further improvements

    Nuevas estrategias en terapia antitumoral basadas en la inducción de la apoptosis

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    According to OMS, in 2030 will be a total of 11.5 million deaths by cancer. A high proportion of these tumors will be resistant to current anticancer agents, and therefore, in the last years an intense investigation has been done to search new targets for antitumor treatment. One of the most interesting targets is the apoptosis mechanism. Apoptosis is produced in physiological conditions as a growth tissue regulator mechanism, in equilibrium with cellular proliferation. Its deregulation could explain the pathogenesis of some malignant tumors.Según la OMS para el año 2030 se producirán un total de 11,5 millones de defunciones por cáncer. Una alta proporción de estos tumores serán resistentes a los agentes antineoplásicos actuales, por ello, en los últimos años se ha realizado una intensa labor investigadora en la búsqueda de nuevas dianas para el tratamiento de tumores. Una de las dianas que está ofreciendo más posibilidades es el mecanismo de la apoptosis. La apoptosis se produce en condiciones fisiológicas como un mecanismo regulador del crecimiento de tejidos, en equilibrio con la proliferación celular. Su desregulación podría ayudar a explicar la patogénesis de algunos tumores malignos

    A year after virtual teaching in higher education: teachers and students’ opinion

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    La necesidad de transformar la docencia presencial a docencia online debido al COVID-19 supuso un reto para docentes y para alumnos. Lo inesperado de la situación hizo que rápidamente se intentaran establecer estrategias de virtualización que no en todos los casos fueron igual de eficaces. Después de un año de docencia online, es interesante analizar la valoración que tanto docentes como estudiantes realizan a todas estas estrategias y conocer su percepción ante esta situación. En este artículo se recoge la valoración de más de 50 alumnos del grado de Farmacia sobre la docencia online teórica, la docencia online práctica y la evaluación online, destacando las ventajas y limitaciones que suponen estos métodos de enseñanza. También se recoge la valoración de docentes que evalúan de forma positiva todo lo aprendido sobre TICs y nuevas plataformas pero que al igual que los alumnos piensan que el entorno no presencial supone una desventaja para la formación de los alumnos en grados con una importante carga de docencia práctica.The COVID -19 pandemic forced to move from face-to-face teaching to completely virtual teaching, which was a great challenge for both teachers and students. The unexpectedness of the situation led to rapid attempts to establish virtualization strategies, which were not always equally effective. After one year of online teaching, it is interesting to analyze the assessment that both teachers and students make of all these strategies and their perception of this situation. This manuscript collects the analysis of more than 50 students of the Pharmacy degree on both, theoretical and practical online lessons and on online exams, highlighting their advantages and limitations. Teacher’s assessment is also included. On the one hand, teachers positively value all that they have learned about information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the developed online teaching platforms. However, they consider that a completely virtual education impairs the learning, especially in practical lessons.Facultad de Informátic

    High-Throughput System for the Early Quantification of Major Architectural Traits in Olive Breeding Trials Using UAV Images and OBIA Techniques

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    The need for the olive farm modernization have encouraged the research of more efficient crop management strategies through cross-breeding programs to release new olive cultivars more suitable for mechanization and use in intensive orchards, with high quality production and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The advancement of breeding programs are hampered by the lack of efficient phenotyping methods to quickly and accurately acquire crop traits such as morphological attributes (tree vigor and vegetative growth habits), which are key to identify desirable genotypes as early as possible. In this context, an UAV-based high-throughput system for olive breeding program applications was developed to extract tree traits in large-scale phenotyping studies under field conditions. The system consisted of UAV-flight configurations, in terms of flight altitude and image overlaps, and a novel, automatic, and accurate object-based image analysis (OBIA) algorithm based on point clouds, which was evaluated in two experimental trials in the framework of a table olive breeding program, with the aim to determine the earliest date for suitable quantifying of tree architectural traits. Two training systems (intensive and hedgerow) were evaluated at two very early stages of tree growth: 15 and 27 months after planting. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were automatically and accurately generated by the algorithm as well as every olive tree identified, independently of the training system and tree age. The architectural traits, specially tree height and crown area, were estimated with high accuracy in the second flight campaign, i.e. 27 months after planting. Differences in the quality of 3D crown reconstruction were found for the growth patterns derived from each training system. These key phenotyping traits could be used in several olive breeding programs, as well as to address some agronomical goals. In addition, this system is cost and time optimized, so that requested architectural traits could be provided in the same day as UAV flights. This high-throughput system may solve the actual bottleneck of plant phenotyping of "linking genotype and phenotype," considered a major challenge for crop research in the 21st century, and bring forward the crucial time of decision making for breeders

    The tale of microencapsulated rifampicin: is it useful for the treatment of periprosthetic joint infection?

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    Purpose Microencapsulation techniques have allowed the addition of rifampicin to bone cement, but its in vivo efficacy has not been proven. The aim of our study is to determine the superiority of cement containing gentamicin and rifampicin microcapsules in the treatment of PJI versus cement exclusively containing gentamicin. Methods An S. aureus PJI was induced in 15 NZW rabbits. A week after inoculation, the first stage of replacement was carried out, and the animals were divided into two groups: group R received a spacer containing gentamicin and rifampicin microcapsules, and group C received a spacer containing gentamicin. Intra-articular release curve of rifampicin and infection and toxicity markers were monitored for four weeks post-operatively, when microbiological analysis was performed. Results The microbiological cultures showed a significantly lower growth of S. aureus in soft tissue (2.3·104 vs 0; p = 0.01) and bone (5.7·102 vs 0; p = 0.03) in the group with rifampicin microcapsules. No differences were found in systemic toxicity markers. Rifampicin release from the cement spacer showed higher concentrations than the staphylococcal MIC throughout the analysis. Conclusion The in vivo analyses demonstrated the superiority of cement containing gentamicin and rifampicin microcapsules versus the isolated use of gentamicin in the treatment of PJI in the rabbit model without serious side effects due to the systemic absorption of rifampicin. Given the increasing incidence of staphylococci-related PJI, the development of new strategies for intra-articular administration of rifampicin for its treatment has a high clinical impact

    Dinamización docente: las tutorías colectivas para optimizar la interacción profesor-alumno

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    Las tutorías colectivas, presenciales y semipresenciales, constituyen un recurso docente muy valioso para optimizar la interacción profesor-alumno. Además fomentan la igualdad e inclusión de los alumnos al realizarse en grupos reducidos

    Matrix tablets based on a novel poly (magnesium acrylate) hydrogel for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential use of a new polymer (PAMgA) in the development sustained release matrix tablets for the treatment of bowel inflammatory diseases. For this purpose, budesonide, a highly lipophilic compound, was used as model drug. Tablets with two reticulation grades of PAMgA (PAMgA 5 and 40) and with 9 mg of budesonide were developed and characterized. All the studies were carried out using biorelevant media (FaSSGF and FaSSIF). Swelling and erosion of PAMgA tablets was influenced by the reticulation grade of the polymer and the biorelevant media assayed, being water uptake higher for PAMgA 40 tablets in intestinal fluid, whereas PAMgA 5 showed more intense erosion in this biorelevant medium. Budesonide was released slowly from PAMgA tablets, both in gastric and intestinal environment, following Super case II transport kinetics (relaxation-controlled delivery), with a lag time of around 1–2 h. When the dissolution medium was changed sequentially throughout the trial, 75% of the budesonide dose was released in a sustained manner between 4 and 20 h of testing from PAMgA tablets, showing a more controlled budesonide release than Entocort® and Budenofalk® (commercially available sustained release formulations of budesonide). In conclusion, PAMgA polymer allows controlling the release of highly lipophilic drugs as budesonide, being an useful excipient for the development of sustained release matrix tablets

    Terminology and classification of miracle slimming diets: A narrative review and new proposals

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    Introduction: In the last years, confusing or misleading use of the term called miracle or magic diets, using to weight loss treatment, has increased, along with several classification of them. Objectives: The purpose of this narrative review is to discuss miracle slimming diets and proposal new term and new classification for these diets. Methods: A narrative review up to September 2021 was carried out in the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Knowledge. Furthermore, this strategy was complemented with a comprehensive search of the 'grey' literature [7] based in four different searching strategies: i) grey literature databases, ii) customized Google search engines, iii) targeted websites, and iv) consultation with contact experts. Results: Our proposal is to use the new concept called hazardous slimming diets defined as diets that propose rapid weight loss (> 1 kg/week), to be performed effortlessly, without the super-vision of a medical/nutritional professional, excessive energy restrictions and/or exclusion from the di-et of food or nutrients for the body. Furthermore, the development of a new algorithm reflected as is possible to classify the diet as non-effective, hazardous and effective diet. Conclusions: Our review could help to classify and develop a new terminology about the miracle slimming diets focusing in the knowledge to guarantee the quality in the treatments for weight loss

    Embolization therapy with microspheres for the treatment of liver cancer: State-of-the-art of clinical translation

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    Embolization with microspheres is a therapeutic strategy based on the selective occlusion of the blood vessels feeding a tumor. This procedure is intraarterially performed in the clinical setting for the treatment of liver cancer. The practice has evolved over the last decade through the incorporation of drug loading ability, biodegradability and imageability with the subsequent added functionality for the physicians and improved clinical outcomes for the patients. This review highlights the evolution of the embolization systems developed through the analysis of the marketed embolic microspheres for the treatment of malignant hepatocellular carcinoma, namely the most predominant form of liver cancer. Embolic microspheres for the distinct modalities of embolization (i.e., bland embolization, chemoembolization and radioembolization) are here comprehensively compiled with emphasis on material characteristics and their impact on microsphere performance. Moreover, the future application of the embolics under clinical investigation is discussed along with the scientific and regulatory challenges ahead in the field