2,948 research outputs found

    El tumor del internista. Reporte de un caso.

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    El hipernefroma, tumor de Grawits o tumor del internista por la variedad de formas clínicas que hoy podemos identificar y la diversidad de diagnósticos diferenciales, representa el 3 % de los cánceres en el adulto y del 90 al 95 % de los tumores malignos renales primarios. Casi siempre el diagnóstico es hecho por el internista. A propósito de un caso atendido en nuestra sala de clínica se realiza la presentación del mismo. Se precisan formas clínicas que deben tenerse en cuenta. A nuestro criterio la presentación de casos despierta el interés por el conocimiento en beneficio de su aplicación en nuestra practica clínica diaria. Se acompaña de las imágenes de la TAC, momento operatorio e informe anatomopatológico.  Palabras claves: hipernefroma, tumores renales, tumor del internista, nefrectomía

    Integrated index to evaluate the conservation status and commercial interest of ornamental fish imported to Costa Rica.

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    Ornamental fish species trading has exponentially increased on global scale, becoming a key driver for economic growth in several countries. Strict regulations have been developed, by governments and international organizations, to reduce and limit negative impacts of legal export/import of exotic species and local biota. However, understanding the local trends becomes fundamental to understand wildlife trade dynamics in specific countries. In order to improve the understanding on wildlife trading dynamics in Costa Rica the Relative Importance Index was adapted to develop an importance index that includes IUCN threat status to better inform the commercial trends based on both frequency, specimen volumes and conservation status for supporting institutional control and management of wildlife trading. The index was tested on sample of formal import request data of ornamental aquatic species provided by national regulatory agencies to assess the accuracy and congruence with traditional indicators. A total of 21264 specimens from 81 species, mostly freshwater fish species were found in the request formats sample. Most requested species were Betta splendens, Carassius auratus, Paracheirodon innesi in congruence with international trading trends. The Conservation - Commercial Importance index identified 10% of the species with high to very high trading importance, while the remaining were classified as low to moderate importance. This study provides a potential tool for improving national trade management and surveillance tools for better understanding of a commonly overlooked segment of biodiversity trading dynamics.El comercio de especies de peces ornamentales ha aumentado exponencialmente a escala mundial, convirtiéndose en un motor clave para el crecimiento económico en varios países. Los gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales han desarrollado regulaciones estrictas para reducir y limitar los impactos negativos de la exportación/importación legal de especies exóticas y biota local. Sin embargo, comprender las tendencias locales se vuelve fundamental para entender la dinámica del comercio de vida silvestre en países específicos. Con el fin de mejorar la comprensión de la dinámica del comercio de vida silvestre en Costa Rica, el Índice de Importancia Relativa fue adaptado para desarrollar un Índice de Valor Relativo de Importancia Comercial que incluye el estado de amenaza de la UICN para informar mejor las tendencias comerciales en función de la frecuencia, los volúmenes de especímenes y el estado de conservación, para apoyar el control institucional y manejo del comercio de vida silvestre. El índice se probó con datos de solicitudes formales de importación de especies acuáticas ornamentales proporcionados por agencias reguladoras nacionales para evaluar la precisión y la congruencia con los indicadores tradicionales. Un total de 21264 especimenes de 81 especies, en su mayoría especies de peces de agua dulce fueron encontrados en la muestra de formatos de solicitud. Las especies más solicitadas fueron Betta splendens, Carassius auratus, Paracheirodon innesi en congruencia con las tendencias del comercio internacional. El índice de Importancia Conservación - Comercial identificó 10% de las especies con una importancia comercial alta a muy alta, mientras que el resto se clasificó como de importancia baja a moderada. Este estudio proporciona una potencial herramienta para mejorar la gestión del comercio nacional y las herramientas de vigilancia para una mejor comprensión de un segmento comúnmente pasado por alto de la dinámica del comercio de la biodiversidad

    El proceso diagnóstico y su enseñanza en la medicina

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    El método clínico constituye una categoría fundamental en las Ciencias Clínicas y suutilización como método de enseñanza en las disciplinas y asignaturas en el cicloclínico de la carrera de Medicina. Contribuye a la sistematización de todas aquellashabilidades que, en forma de sistema, se integran en la ejecución del mismo. Eldesarrollo de estas habilidades es esencial en el proceso de diagnóstico en MedicinaEste artículo tiene como propósito su vinculación a la tarea docente de la DiscusiónDiagnóstica dentro de la Educación en el Trabajo con recursos didácticometodológicoscon fines docentes para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de habilidadesprofesionales del futuro médico.Palabras clave: Enseñanza, aprendizaje, métodos de estudio de la medicina,competencia clínica, proceso diagnóstico

    A model for the biochemical degradation of inosine monophosphate in hake (Merluccius merluccius)

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    7 páginas, 3 tablas, 3 figuras, 1 apéndiceATP-derived products are typically used as early indicators of fish quality loss during storage. In this work, we explore different biochemical routes that are potentially relevant in contributing to nucleotide degradation in hake (Merluccius merluccius). A major motivation of this study is to get more insight on the biochemical degradation mechanisms of nucleotide catabolites in hake muscle at fish storage and transport conditions. This requires the identification of its relevant pathways. To that purpose, different degradation routes proposed in the literature are considered and a mathematical model for the degradation process is derived. First order kinetics are assumed for all the reactions and temperature dependence is taken into account through the Arrhenius equation. Unknown model parameters, namely activation energies and pre-exponential Arrhenius coefficients, are estimated via fitting to experimental data. From the estimation results, relevant routes are identified. The kinetic study is performed on sterile fish juice to avoid coupling with microbial degradation mechanisms or possible interferences of the food matrix that might hide biochemical interactions. The proposed scheme adequately describes biochemical changes in nucleotide catabolites under variable temperature profiles. It also reveals a pathway which at least seems relevant for nucleotide degradation in hakeThe authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects ISFORQUALITY AGL2012-39951-C02-01, PIE 201230E042 and RESISTANCE DPI2014-54085-JIN)Peer reviewe

    A mechanobiological model for tumor spheroid evolution with application to glioblastoma: A continuum multiphysics approach

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    Background: Spheroids are in vitro quasi-spherical structures of cell aggregates, eventually cultured within a hydrogel matrix, that are used, among other applications, as a technological platform to investigate tumor formation and evolution. Several interesting features can be replicated using this methodology, such as cell communication mechanisms, the effect of gradients of nutrients, or the creation of realistic 3D biological structures. The main objective of this work is to link the spheroid evolution with the mechanical activity of cells, coupled with nutrient consumption and the subsequent cell dynamics. Method: We propose a continuum mechanobiological model which accounts for the most relevant phenomena that take place in tumor spheroid evolution under in vitro suspension, namely, nutrient diffusion in the spheroid, kinetics of cellular growth and death, and mechanical interactions among the cells. The model is qualitatively validated, after calibration of the model parameters, versus in vitro experiments of spheroids of different glioblastoma cell lines. Results: Our model is able to explain in a novel way quite different setups, such as spheroid growth (up to six times the initial configuration for U-87 MG cell line) or shrinking (almost half of the initial configuration for U-251 MG cell line); as the result of the mechanical interplay of cells driven by cellular evolution. Conclusions: Glioblastoma tumor spheroid evolution is driven by mechanical interactions of the cell aggregate and the dynamical evolution of the cell population. All this information can be used to further investigate mechanistic effects in the evolution of tumors and their role in cancer disease

    Anti-malarial activity and HS-SPME-GC-MS chemical profiling of Plinia cerrocampanensis leaf essential oil

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    Plinia cerrocampanensis is an endemic plant of Panama. The leaf essential oil of this plant has shown antibacterial activity. However, anti-malarial activity and chemical profiling by HS-SPME-GC-MS of this essential oil have not been reported before. Anti-malarial activity of the essential oil (EO) was evaluated in vitro against chloroquine-sensitive HB3 and chloroquine-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Synergistic effect of chloroquine and the EO on parasite growth was evaluated by calculating the combination index. A methodology involving headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mPlinia cerrocampanensis is an endemic plant of Panama. The leaf essential oil of this plant has shown antibacterial activity. However, anti-malarial activity and chemical profiling by HS-SPME-GC-MS of this essential oil have not been reported before. Anti-malarial activity of the essential oil (EO) was evaluated in vitro against chloroquine-sensitive HB3 and chloroquine-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Synergistic effect of chloroquine and the EO on parasite growth was evaluated by calculating the combination index. A methodology involving headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-

    Anti-malarial activity and HS-SPME-GC-MS chemical profiling of Plinia cerrocampanensis leaf essential oil

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    Plinia cerrocampanensis is an endemic plant of Panama. The leaf essential oil of this plant has shown antibacterial activity. However, anti-malarial activity and chemical profiling by HS-SPME-GC-MS of this essential oil have not been reported before. Anti-malarial activity of the essential oil (EO) was evaluated in vitro against chloroquine-sensitive HB3 and chloroquine-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Synergistic effect of chloroquine and the EO on parasite growth was evaluated by calculating the combination index. A methodology involving headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mPlinia cerrocampanensis is an endemic plant of Panama. The leaf essential oil of this plant has shown antibacterial activity. However, anti-malarial activity and chemical profiling by HS-SPME-GC-MS of this essential oil have not been reported before. Anti-malarial activity of the essential oil (EO) was evaluated in vitro against chloroquine-sensitive HB3 and chloroquine-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Synergistic effect of chloroquine and the EO on parasite growth was evaluated by calculating the combination index. A methodology involving headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-

    Wavelength-switchable L-band fiber laser assisted by random reflectors

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    A wavelength-switchable L-band erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) assisted by an artificially controlled backscattering (ACB) fiber reflector is here presented. This random reflector was inscribed by femtosecond (fs) laser direct writing on the axial axis of a multimode fiber with 50 um core and 125 um cladding with a length of 17 mm. This microstructure was placed inside a surgical syringe to be positioned in the center of a high-precision rotation mount to accurately control its angle of rotation. Only by rotating this mount, three different output spectra were obtained: a single wavelength lasing centered at 1574.75 nm, a dual wavelength lasing centered at 1574.75 nm and 1575.75 nm, and a single wavelength lasing centered at 1575.5 nm. All of them showed an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of around 60 dB when pumped at 300 mW.This work was financed by the program “José Castillejo para estancias de movilidad en el extranjero de jóvenes doctores”, funded by the Ministerio de Universidades of Spain (reference CAS21/00351); the Spanish AEI projects PID2019-107270RB, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER “A way to make Europe”, and projects PDC2021-121172 and TED2021-130378B funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union “Next generation EU”/PTR. Finally, the work was also founded by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain (PhD grant FPU2018/02797)