2,347 research outputs found

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    Non-technological innovation activities mediate the impacts of the intra- and extra-organizational contexts on technological innovation outputs

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    UID/SOC/04647/2013The increasing interest on innovation studies and, particularly, on technological innovation has been attributed to innovation’s social and economic relevance. Still, organizational and marketing innovation activities, which are critical for firms’ economic performance, have been far less studied. This paper will specifically characterize these non-technological innovation processes, their firm and environmental underpinnings, as well as their impacts on technological innovation outputs (i.e., goods and services). For this purpose, it focuses on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services sector in Portugal between 2010 and 2012. This period is characterized by a socio-economic crisis context that is concomitant to decreases in firms’ innovation activities and economic performance. Under this challenging scenario, our data shows that organizational and/or marketing innovation activities mediate the impacts of firms’ 1) assets; 2) research activities and empowerment strategies; and 3) structure and climate of decision-making processes, on technological innovation outputs. This study reveals that decreases in innovative performance during the socio-economic crisis could be attributed not only to unfavourable firm and environmental contexts, but also to the absence of non-technological innovation activities. As such, it is suggested that support of non-technological innovation by firms’ managers and, at a broader level, by public policies is critical for launching of new products and services to the markets.publishersversionpublishe

    Non-technological innovation activities mediate the impacts of the intra- and extra-organizational contexts on technological innovation outputs

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    This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia’s grant SFRH/BPD/77611/2011 to Ana Ferreira; PEst-OE/SADG/UI4067/2013-2014 to CESNOVA. The authors thank Manuel Lisboa for general support and Catarina Vieira and Mariana Pinho for technical assistance. Ana Ferreira is the corresponding author. Please address all correspondence to: Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais CICS.NOVA - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CICS.NOVA.FCSH/UNL), Avenida de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061, Lisboa, PortugalThe increasing interest on innovation studies and, particularly, on technological innovation has been attributed to innovation’s social and economic relevance. Still, organizational and marketing innovation activities, which are critical for firms’ economic performance, have been far less studied. This paper will specifically characterize these non-technological innovation processes, their firm and environmental underpinnings, as well as their impacts on technological innovation outputs (i.e., goods and services). For this purpose, it focuses on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services sector in Portugal between 2010 and 2012. This period is characterized by a socio-economic crisis context that is concomitant to decreases in firms’ innovation activities and economic performance. Under this challenging scenario, our data shows that organizational and/or marketing innovation activities mediate the impacts of firms’ 1) assets; 2) research activities and empowerment strategies; and 3) structure and climate of decision-making processes, on technological innovation outputs. This study reveals that decreases in innovative performance during the socio-economic crisis could be attributed not only to unfavourable firm and environmental contexts, but also to the absence of non-technological innovation activities. As such, it is suggested that support of non-technological innovation by firms’ managers and, at a broader level, by public policies is critical for launching of new products and services to the markets

    Psychological training aplied to a student of public competition exam

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    El objetivo del trabajo es valorar la eficacia de la intervención psicológica en la preparación de un aspirante a oposición (estudio/examen) desde el mismo tratamiento con el que se abordaría un caso de preparación para la competición en deporte (entrenamiento/competición). El sujeto es una joven de 26 años, doctora en psicología, que se presentaba por segunda vez a la oposición PIR, y cuya demanda fue “entrenar habilidades psicológicas que favorecieran el máximo rendimiento en situación de examen”. La intervención tuvo lugar durante las 11 semanas previas al examen, a razón de una sesión semanal. Se realizó una evaluación pre y post intervención, mediante una entrevista cualitativa, y la intervención que constó de tres bloques de trabajo: a) valoración y objetivos; 2) intervención cognitivo-conductual; y 3) rutina competitiva. Los resultados apoyan la obtención de beneficios en cuanto a rendimiento (estado de la opositora en la situación de examen y en la fase final de estudio), y colateralmente pudo recoger un resultado satisfactorio (superación de la oposición).The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of a psychological intervention in the preparation of a candidate for a state exam (study / examination) with the same basis as the preparation of a sport competition (training / competition). The participant is a 26-year-old, doctor in Psychology, who was presented for the second time to the state exam “PIR”, and whose demand was "to train psychological skills that favored the maximum performance under examination." The intervention took place during the 11 weeks prior to the exam, by reason of a weekly session. A pre and post intervention evaluation was carried out, through a qualitative interview. The intervention consisted of three parts: a) assessment and objectives; 2) cognitive-behavioral intervention; and 3) competitive routine. The results suggest the benefits from the intervention (state of the opponent in the examination situation and in the final phase of study) and a satisfactory result can be collected in a satisfactory way (passed the state exam)

    Entrenamiento psicológico deportivo aplicado a una estudiante de oposición

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    El objetivo del trabajo es valorar la eficacia de la intervención psicológica en la preparación de un aspirante a oposición (estudio/examen) desde el mismo tratamiento con el que se abordaría un caso de preparación para la competición en deporte (entrenamiento/competición). El sujeto es una joven de 26 años, doctora en psicología, que se presentaba por segunda vez a la oposición PIR, y cuya demanda fue "entrenar habilidades psicológicas que favorecieran el máximo rendimiento en situación de examen". La intervención tuvo lugar durante las 11 semanas previas al examen, a razón de una sesión semanal. Se realizó una evaluación pre y post intervención, mediante una entrevista cualitativa, y la intervención que constó de tres bloques de trabajo: a) valoración y objetivos; 2) intervención cognitivo-conductual; y 3) rutina competitiva. Los resultados apoyan la obtención de beneficios en cuanto a rendimiento (estado de la opositora en la situación de examen y en la fase final de estudio), y colateralmente pudo recoger un resultado satisfactorio (superación de la oposición).The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of a psychological intervention in the preparation of a candidate for a state exam (study / examination) with the same basis as the preparation of a sport competition (training / competition). The participant is a 26-year-old, doctor in Psychology, who was presented for the second time to the state exam "PIR", and whose demand was "to train psychological skills that favored the maximum performance under examination." The intervention took place during the 11 weeks prior to the exam, by reason of a weekly session. A pre and post intervention evaluation was carried out, through a qualitative interview. The intervention consisted of three parts: a) assessment and objectives; 2) cognitive-behavioral intervention; and 3) competitive routine. The results suggest the benefits from the intervention (state of the opponent in the examination situation and in the final phase of study) and a satisfactory result can be collected in a satisfactory way (passed the state exam)

    Use of HAND terrain descriptor for estimating flood-prone areas in river basins

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    O mapeamento de áreas inundáveis em uma bacia hidrográfica é&nbsp;fundamental para o gerenciamento do risco de inundações, estratégias&nbsp;mitigadoras e sistemas de previsão e alerta, entre outros benefícios.&nbsp;Uma abordagem para esse mapeamento é com base no descritor do&nbsp;terreno HAND (Height Above Nearest Drainage), derivado diretamente do&nbsp;Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE), no qual cada pixel apresenta a diferença&nbsp;de elevação desse ponto em relação ao ponto da rede de drenagem ao qual&nbsp;ele se conecta. Considerando a bacia do rio Mamanguape (3.522,7 km²;&nbsp;Paraíba) como área de estudo, esta pesquisa adotou esse método e&nbsp;verificou sua aplicabilidade quanto a cinco aspectos: consideração de uma&nbsp;área mínima variável espacialmente para denotar o início da drenagem;&nbsp;impacto de considerar o MDE sem depressões; avaliação da condiçãohidrostática; efeito de incorporação de uma rede vetorial existente; análise&nbsp;comparativa à morfologia da bacia em termos do perfil longitudinal&nbsp;dos rios. Os resultados indicaram que adotar um valor uniforme de&nbsp;área mínima de contribuição para início da rede de drenagem é uma&nbsp;simplificação que deveria ser evitada, adotando-se a variação espacial&nbsp;de tal parâmetro, que influi no total e na distribuição espacial das áreas&nbsp;inundadas. Além disso, considerar o MDE sem depressões leva a maiores&nbsp;valores do HAND e menor área inundada (diferença variou de 3% a 99%),&nbsp;comparativamente ao MDE com depressões, embora apenas 3,1% dos&nbsp;pixels representem depressões. É recomendado considerar o MDE sem&nbsp;depressões, ao passo que o pré-processamento por incorporação de rede&nbsp;vetorial (stream burning) gera resultados incoerentes quanto à relação&nbsp;do HAND com o padrão morfológico representado no MDE. Concluiuse,&nbsp;ainda, que a estimativa de áreas inundáveis pelo HAND não garante&nbsp;a condição hidrostática, mas esse desacordo abrange uma região de&nbsp;extensão desprezível para fins práticos.The flood hazard mapping in a river basin is crucial for flooding risk&nbsp;management, mitigation strategies, and flood forecasting and warning&nbsp;systems, among other benefits. One approach for this mapping is&nbsp;based on the HAND (Height Above Nearest Drainage) terrain descriptor,&nbsp;directly derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), in which&nbsp;each pixel represents the elevation difference of this point in relation&nbsp;to the river drainage network to which it is connected. Considering&nbsp;the Mamanguape river basin (3,522.7 km²; state of Paraíba, Brazil)&nbsp;as the study location, the present research applied this method and&nbsp;verified it as for five aspects: consideration of a spatially variable&nbsp;minimum drainage area for denoting the river drainage initiation; the&nbsp;impact of considering a depressionless DEM; evaluation of hydrostatic&nbsp;condition; effect of incorporating an existing river vector network;&nbsp;and comparative analysis of basin morphology regarding longitudinal&nbsp;river profiles. According to the results, adopting a uniform minimum&nbsp;drainage area for the river network initiation is a simplification that&nbsp;should be avoided, using a spatially variable approach, which influences&nbsp;the amount and spatial distribution of flooded areas. Additionally,&nbsp;considering the depressionless DEM leads to higher values of HAND and&nbsp;to a smaller flooded area (difference ranging between 3% and 99%),&nbsp;when compared with the use of DEM with depression, despite 3.1% of&nbsp;the pixels representing depressions. The use of the depressionless DEM&nbsp;is recommended, whereas the DEM pre-processing by incorporating a&nbsp;vector network (stream burning) generates dubious results regarding&nbsp;the relation between HAND and the morphological pattern presented&nbsp;in the DEM. Moreover, the estimation of flooded areas based on HAND&nbsp;does not guarantee the hydrostatic condition, but this disagreement&nbsp;comprises a negligible area for practical purposes

    Modelos sociais de felicidade

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    UID/SOC/04647/2013A literatura existente permite-nos saber que um elevado número de pessoas identifica a felicidade como um objectivo de vida e expressa o desejo de ser feliz, o que só por si revela a sua importância. Mas a felicidade, tal como as outras emoções e sentimentos, reflecte as ideologias culturais, as crenças e normas partilhadas na sociedade e a sua expressão é por isso social e culturalmente determinada. Esta comunicação tem como objectivo a apresentação de resultados relativos à percepção do sentimento de felicidade, tendo em consideração os processos sociais que lhe estão subjacentes, os valores e sentimentos relacionados, bem como os significados que lhe são atribuídos. A maioria dos estudos existentes sobre esta temática centra-se na medição da satisfação com a vida ou bem-estar subjectivos, ou seja, pedindo às pessoas que se auto-classifiquem.publishersversionpublishe

    aplicação ao estudo dos valores e representações sociais

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