218 research outputs found

    Mitigación del cambio climático mediante técnicas de la agricultura ecológica en España

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    El Protocolo de Kyoto establece unos objetivos de control de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que se definen más detalladamente en los acuerdos post-Kyoto de las Conferencias de las Partes (COP). En este contexto, la Comisión Europea pretende incluir el apoyo a las acciones destinadas a controlar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (mitigar) el cambio climático en su estrategia de Desarrollo Rural para el periodo 2008 - 2013. Este estudio tiene como objetivos identificar las prácticas agrarias de la agricultura ecológica que reducen la emisión de gases con efecto invernadero y sugerir instrumentos de política agraria destinados a apoyar los cambios necesarios para lograr dicha reducción. Para ello el estudio desarrolla metodologías de caracterización de prácticas agrarias con potencial de mitigación, de evaluación de los costes de implementación y de análisis de las barreras e incentivos para su implantación. Los resultados sugieren que la agricultura ecológica tiene un potencial de mitigar el cambio climático. El estudio forma parte de un proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea (PICCMAT, 2008) que tiene como objetivo formular recomendaciones sobre la capacidad de la agricultura para mitigar el cambio climático para su incorporación en la Política Agraria Común, focalizados en incentivos articulados a través de las medidas agroambientales o en la obligación de su implementación mediante un sistema de condicionalidad en el que los agricultores reciben la totalidad de sus ayudas solamente si cumplen determinados requisitos medioambientales

    Role of QseG membrane protein in beneficial enterobacterial interactions with plants and Mesorhizobia

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    Homologs of qseG gene (coding for the membrane protein QseG), along with the qseEF genes, are present in many Enterobacteriaceae; however, its role in non-pathogenic strains is still unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the role of QseG protein of a plant-associated enterobacterium in the interactions with its legume host and in the benefits induced by this enterobacterium in the Mesorhizobium–chickpea symbiosis. Here, we showed that QseG of Kosakonia sp. MH5 is involved in the following processes: (i) the evasion of the plant immune system and (ii) the efficient colonization of chickpea root cells. Furthermore, these features are essential for the beneficial effects of this strain on the Mesorhizobium–chickpea symbiosis. This study demonstrates that the role of QseG is transversal to pathogenic and non-pathogenic enterobacteria and is a step forward to better understanding the molecular bases of plant–bacteria interactions established between legume and beneficial endophytic enterobacteria.ME

    La presencia del otro en los procesos de formación humana

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    En este libro se vincula la mirada a la semiótica como alternativa para formar docentes a partir de su propuesta sobre didáctica clínica. Seguidamente, se pueden reconocer los aportes de la lingüística a la educación. Además se enuncia al trabajo autobiográfico como estrategia de la investigación cualitativa y otra, como estrategia de formación humana. Finalmente, se presenta un marco de referencia sobre la virtualidad y sus implicaciones en los procesos de formación

    In vivo study of the bioavailability and metabolic profile of (poly)phenols after sous-vide artichoke consumption

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    Artichokes are a rich source of (poly)phenols, mainly caffeoylquinic acids, but little is known about their bioavailability from this source. This study investigated the absorption, metabolism and excretion of (poly)phenols after sous-vide artichoke consumption (5776 µmol of (poly)phenols) by healthy volunteers. Seventy-six (poly)phenol metabolites were identified by UHPLC-MS/MS using authentic standards, including acyl-quinic acids plus C6–C3, C6–C1, C6–C2, C6–C1–N, C6–C0 metabolites, and their phase-II conjugates. The major metabolites were 3ʹ-methoxy-4ʹ-hydroxycinnamic acid, 3ʹ-methoxycinnamic acid-4ʹ-sulfate, and 4ʹ-hydroxycinnamic acid-3ʹ-sulfate, which appeared early in plasma (Tmax 6 h). The 24 h urinary recovery averaged 8.9% (molar basis) of the (poly)phenols consumed. Hepatic beta-oxidation of 3ʹ,4ʹ-dihydroxycinnamic acid and methylated conjugates occurred, but was limited (<0.04%). 3ʹ-Methylation exceeded 4ʹ-methylation and interindividual variability was high, especially for gut microbial metabolites (up to 168-fold)

    In vivo expansion of a CD9+ decidual-like NK cell subset following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

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    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (autoHSCT) is a treatment option for hematological disorders and pediatric solid tumors. After an autoHSCT, natural killer (NK) cells are the first lymphocyte subset returning to normal levels. To uncover global changes during NK cell reconstitution after autoHSCT, we performed RNA-sequencing on NK cells before and after autoHSCT. Results showed profound changes in the gene expression profile of NK cells immediately after autoHSCT. Several biological processes including cell cycle, DNA replication and the mevalonate pathway were enriched. Significantly, we observed that following autoHSCT, NK cells acquired a decidual-like gene expression profile, including the expression of CD9. By using multiparametric flow cytometry, we confirmed the expansion of NK cells expressing CD9 immediately after autoHSCT, which exhibited higher granzyme B and perforin expression levels than CD9- NK cells. These results provide insights into the physiopathology of NK cells during their reconstitution after autoHSCT.Supported by the following grants: AECC-Spanish Association Against Cancer (PROYE16074- BORR) and Health Department, Basque Government (2021333006). GA-P is the recipient of a predoctoral contract funded by AECC-Spanish Association Against Cancer (PRDVZ21440ASTA). DP-A is a recipient of a fellowship from the AECC-Spanish Association Against Cancer (PPLAB212164POLA), AA-I and GA-P are recipient of a fellowship from the Jesús de Gangoiti Barrera Foundation (FJGB20/007, FJGB21/001 and FJBG21/005). IT is recipient of a predoctoral contract funded by the Department of Education, Basque Government (PRE_2021_2_0215). OZ is the recipient of a postdoctoral contract funded by ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Contratos Sara Borrell 2017 (CD17/00128)’’ and the European Social Fund (ESF)-The ESF invests in your future. FB is an Ikerbasque Research Professor, Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science.S

    Metabolomics profile responses to changing environments in a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm collection

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    Metabolomics is one of the most powerful -omics to assist plant breeding. Despite the recognized genetic diversity in Portuguese common bean germplasm, details on its metabolomics profiles are still missing. Aiming to promote their use and to understand the environment’s effect in bean metabolomics profiles, 107 Portuguese common bean accessions, cropped under contrasting environments, were analyzed using spectrophotometric, untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry approaches. Although genotype was the most relevant factor on bean metabolomics profile, a clear genotype × environment interaction was also detected. Multivariate analysis highlighted, on the heat-stress environment, the existence of higher levels of salicylic acid, and lower levels of triterpene saponins. Three clusters were defined within each environment. White accessions presented the lowest content and the colored ones the highest levels of prenol lipids and flavonoids. Sources of interesting metabolomics profiles are now identified for bean breeding, focusing either on local or on broad adaptation.To FCT, Portugal, in BEGEQA project (PTDC/AGR-TEC/3555/2012), E.M. PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/89287/2012), as well as to R&D unit, UIDB/04551/2020 (GREEN-IT – Bioresources for sustainability) and COST Action FA1403 (STSM-FA1403-290815-063873) for funding. The authors also acknowledge PORTUGAL 2020 to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network, grant number LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125. The project NETDIAMOND (SAICTPAC/0047/2015), financially supported by FEEI (Lisboa 2020 and FCT/POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385), to the iNOVA4Health (UID/Multi/04462/2013), financially supported by FCT and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, as well as to POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029702, funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES

    A new regulatory mechanism of protein phosphatase 2A activity via SET in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive hematologic malignancy. Although novel emerging drugs are available, the overall prognosis remains poor and new therapeutic approaches are required. PP2A phosphatase is a key regulator of cell homeostasis and is recurrently inactivated in AML. The anticancer activity of several PP2A-activating drugs (e.g., FTY720) depends on their interaction with the SET oncoprotein, an endogenous PP2A inhibitor that is overexpressed in 30% of AML cases. Elucidation of SET regulatory mechanisms may therefore provide novel targeted therapies for SET-overexpressing AMLs. Here, we show that upregulation of protein kinase p38 beta is a common event in AML. We provide evidence that p38 beta potentiates SET-mediated PP2A inactivation by two mechanisms: facilitating SET cytoplasmic translocation through CK2 phosphorylation, and directly binding to and stabilizing the SET protein. We demonstrate the importance of this new regulatory mechanism in primary AML cells from patients and in zebrafish xenograft models. Accordingly, combination of the CK2 inhibitor CX-4945, which retains SET in the nucleus, and FTY720, which disrupts the SET-PP2A binding in the cytoplasm, significantly reduces the viability and migration of AML cells. In conclusion, we show that the p38 beta/CK2/SET axis represents a new potential therapeutic pathway in AML patients with SET-dependent PP2A inactivation