956 research outputs found

    An instrument for measuring performance in geometry based on the Van Hiele model

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    [EN] In this paper we present the process of constructing a test for assessing student performance in geometry corresponding to the first year of Secondary Education. The main goal was to detect student errors in the understanding of geometry in order to develop a proposal according to the Van Hiele teaching model, explained in this paper. Our research methodology took into account reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, as well as the construct validity, with the extraction of 13 factors that accounted for a high percentage of variance. This result leads us to conclude that the instrument constructed has the appropriate technical and pedagogical features to be considered an original and significant contribution to the field of geometry teaching. The final version of the test constructed after the extraction of factors is shown in the Appendi

    Communicating Heritage Through Contemporary Art Based on Technologies: a Proposal for the Heritage Sites in the WARMEST project

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    WARMEST MSC-RISE-H2020 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, grant agreement #777981An integrative and innovative communication model to enhance the knowledge, comprehension and delectation of cultural and natural heritage through technology-based contemporary art is described. By relating these two traditionally dissociated fields (heritage and contemporary art), a particular form of dialogue between them occurs and it is transferred to society within an emotional and intellectual discourse away from those merely informative. The heritage sites Alhambra Lions Court in Granada (Spain), Santa Croce's second cloister in Florence (Italy) and Marzamemi underwater Wreck of Church (Italy) are under study in the framework of the European research and knowledge transfer project, WARMEST3. A strategy of communication based on pieces and actions of contemporary art will be proposed to set up a new frame in the diffusion of the cultural and natural legacy. That will encourage its preservation and, at the same time, will set up a new research line around site specific art work related to heritage sites communication.European Commission 77798

    Erreurs algorithmiques. Processus cognitifs et actions éducatives

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    In this paper we define the cognitive space of subtraction and place emphasis on procedural control and on the processes that need to be improved by the educa- tional framework for proper acquisition. We describe the theory behind error acquisi- tion. To do this, we consider the analysis of negative transfer processes induced from the educational context. The analysis is inscribed within the intersection between educational theory and cognitive theories of algorithmic learning.En este trabajo definimos el espacio cognitivo de la sustracción e incidimos en el control del procedimiento y en los procesos que tiene que potenciar el marco educativo para su correcta adquisición. Describimos la teoría que subyace a la adquisición del error. Para ello, tomamos como referencia el análisis de los procesos de transferencia negativa inducidos desde el contexto educativo. El análisis se inscribe en la intersección entre la teoría de la educación y las teorías cognitivas sobre el aprendizaje algorítmico.Dans cet article, on définie l’espace cognitif de la soustraction en mettant l’accent sur le contrôle des mécanismes pour son correcte acquisition et sur les diffé- rents processus devant être mis en place par le cadre éducatif. La théorie sous-jacente à l’acquisition de l’erreur y est décrite. Pour ce faire, on tient compte de l’analyse des processus de transfert négatif induits par le contexte éducatif. L’analyse s’inscrit au point de rencontre de la théorie de l’éducation et des théories cognitives sur l’apprentissage algorithmique

    Academic Performance and ICT. A Study with Educational Websites at the University of Murcia, Spain

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    Se analizan las relaciones entre implicación del alumno en la utilización de webs didácticas de asignatura (a través del número de accesos) y rendimiento académico (calificaciones). Todo ello en 189 alumnos de 3 asignaturas de la Universidad de Murcia. Se comprueba como esa implicación de los estudiantes con la utilización de la web didáctica de su asignatura se relaciona positivamente con sus resultados académicos (analizando los datos tanto con técnicas correlaciónales como con técnica de ANOVA). El resultado supone un paso más allá de la constatación previa existente de la buena acogida que los alumnos hacen de estas herramientas didácticas.Connections between the student's involvement in the usage of teaching webs (via access count) and academic performance (grades) are analyzed in 189 students of 3 subjects at the University of Murcia. It can be observed that involvement of students with the use of teaching webs is positively related to their academic performance (data was analyzed using both correlational and ANOVE techniques). This result is a step beyond the previous acknowledgement of the favorable reception of those didactical tools by the students.Universidad de Murci

    Please, Don’t Shoot the Meta-analysis: A Response to “A Commentary to Toddler Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy by Sánchez-Garcia et al. 2019”

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    [EN] In their letter to the editor, Øien et al. (2019) highlight concerns about conducting a meta-analysis on screening instruments for ASD. They focus on lack of information and heterogeneity among the individual studies pooled in the research by Sánchez-García et al. (2019). The authors do not question the experimental method; even stating that it “provides us with important knowledge of how screening instruments perform across various studies.” Of course, clinical and methodological heterogeneity could cause statistical heterogeneity leading to inaccurate conclusions in a meta-analysis (Higgins and Altman 2008). Although this should not preclude conducting meta-analytic investigation, since understanding the causes of heterogeneity increases its scientific value and the clinical significance of the results (Thompson 1994). Therefore, it is not a threat or concern to synthesize the available evidence (Lijmer et al. 2002). Having said that, the methodological limitations among studies included in a meta-analysis is not specific to ASD screening; yet, there is a large literature about the viability and importance of diagnostic or screening accuracy meta-analyses. Given empirical support in other disorders, it is logical to apply them to a meta-analysis in screening instruments for ASD. There are three specific points that warrant further consideration

    Bioethical perspective of the limitation of therapeutic effort in adult terminal patients. Systematic review

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    Introducción: Ante la capacidad de mantenimiento de las funciones vitales de forma artificial, surgen nuevas preocupaciones éticas en los profesionales sanitarios en relación con la muerte. Se cuestiona desde la ética si el equipo asistencial debe hacer siempre todo lo necesario y posible para impedir la muerte de un paciente.Objetivo: Analizar los aspectos bioéticos de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en pacientes en el final de la vida, fomentar la reflexión y contribuir a mejorar los cuidados en el final de la vida.Método: Se realizó una revisión narrativa e integradora de la literatura científica mediante la búsqueda de publicaciones en metabuscadores y bases de datos de PubMed, SciELO y la revista de Nursing Ethics. Se identificaron 6.325 estudios publicados a partir de 2018 y se incluyeron un total de 9 artículos. Resultados/Discusión: Se describen las dificultades que presentan los profesionales en relación a la toma de decisiones en el final de la vida, la necesidad de mejorar la formación en ética y en aspectos relacionados con pacientes que se encuentran en sus últimos días, los cuidados paliativos y la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico. Solo una minoría de los estudios están enfocados en enfermería.Conclusiones: Las decisiones del profesional están influenciadas por valores, emociones, creencias y experiencias, que unidas a la dificultad que existe en ocasiones para establecer un diagnóstico clínico certero, dificulta las decisiones de limitación de esfuerzo terapéutico. Se hace necesario mejorar la formación en ética y conocimiento de los procesos de final de la vida por parte de los profesionalesIntroduction: Faced with the ability to maintenance vital functions artificially, new ethical concerns arise among health professionals regarding death. It is been questioned from ethics if the care team should always do everything necessary and possible to prevent the death of a patient. Objective: to analyze the bioethical aspects of limiting therapeutic effort in end-of-life patients, encourage reflection and contribute to improving end-of-life care. Method: a narrative and integrative review of the scientific literature was performed by searching for publications in meta-search engines and databases of PubMed, SciELO and the journal of Nursing Ethics. A total of 6,325 studies published since 2018 were identified and a total of 9 articles were included. Results/Discussion: Issues presented by professionals regarding making-decisions at the end of life, the need to improve training in ethics and aspects related to patients in their last days, palliative care and the limitation of therapeutic effort are described. Only a minority of studies are focused on nursing. Conclusions: professional's decisions are influenced by values, emotions, beliefs and experiences, which, together with the difficulty that sometimes exists to establish an accurate clinical diagnosis, makes it difficult to limit therapeutic effort. It is therefore necessary to improve training in ethics and knowledge about end-of-life processes from professionals

    Wastewater Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Process and Their Worldwide Research Trends

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    Background: Water is a scarce resource and is considered a fundamental pillar of sustainable development. The modern development of society requires more and more drinking water. For this cleaner wastewater, treatments are key factors. Among those that exist, advanced oxidation processes are being researched as one of the sustainable solutions. The main objective of this manuscript is to show the scientific advances in this field. Methods: In this paper, a systematic analysis of all the existing scientific works was carried out to verify the evolution of this line of research. Results: It was observed that the three main countries researching this field are China, Spain, and the USA. Regarding the scientific collaboration between countries, three clusters were detected—one of Spain, one of China and the USA, and one of Italy and France. The publications are grouped around three types of water: industrial, urban, and drinking. Regarding the research, 15 clusters identified from the keywords analyzed the advanced oxidation process (alone or combined with biological oxidation) with the type of wastewater and the target pollutant, removal of which is intended. Finally, the most important scientific communities or clusters detected in terms of the number of published articles were those related to the elimination of pollutants of biological origin, such as bacteria, and of industrial nature, such as pesticides or pharmaceutical products

    Toddler Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy

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    [EN] Great efforts focus on early detection of autism spectrum disorder, although some scientists and policy-makers have questioned early universal screening. The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the different screening tools. Several electronic databases were used to identify published studies. A Bayesian model was used to estimate the screening accuracy. The pooled sensitivity was 0.72 (95% CI 0.61-0.81), and the specificity was 0.98 (95% CI 0.97-0.99). Subgroup analyses to remove heterogeneity indicated sensitivity was 0.77 (95% CI 0.69-0.84), and specificity was 0.99 (95% CI 0.97-0.99; SD ≤ 0.01). Level 1 screening tools for ASD showed consistent statistically significant results and therefore are adequate to detect autism at 14-36 months.Fulbright Comisio

    Uso e integración de las tic en el aula y dificultades del profesorado en activo de cara a su integración

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    Resumen:Estudios recientes muestran que las actitudes positivas del profesorado hacia las TIC son un factor de incremento de uso e integración curricular. Sin embargo, existe poca investigación focalizada en la diferencia que existe entre estas actitudes positivas hacia las TIC y el uso efectivo en el aula. En contraste con estos estudios, en este trabajo se exploran las actitudes del profesorado, pero también se indaga sobre el uso real de las mismas en la escuela. Más concretamente, el objetivo es mostrar qué actitudes manifiesta el profesorado hacia las TIC y su uso e integración en el currículum. Se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario con respuestas tipo Likert que constaba de 154 ítems. Se obtuvieron, para su análisis, 288 cuestionarios realizados por docentes de Educación Infantil a Bachillerato activo. Como resultados se constata una actitud positiva hacia la integración de la tecnología en el aula. Sin embargo, también se confirma que su uso curricular es poco frecuente. Lo anterior tiene diferentes implicaciones entre las que destaca el diseño de cursos de formación del profesorado entendidos como conjunto de contenidos vinculados y contextualizados a la escuela y no como un curso de informática con una metodología tradicional. Abstract:Recent studies show that positive attitudes of teachers towards ICT are a factor of increase in use. The objective of this work is to show what kind of attitudes expressed towards ICT non-university teachers and the real integration in the curriculum of ICT. Specifically, the aim is to show teachers ‘attitudes towards ICT and its use and curriculum. A quasi-experimental design was carried out. The survey was used as a technique and as instrument a questionnaire Likert-type of 154 items. 288 questionnaires were obtained for analysis from teachers since kindergarten to high school in active. The results showed a response positive towards the integration of the ICT. However, also confirms that curricular use is rare in the classroom. This has different implications, notably the design of teacher training courses, understood as a set of content-related and contextualized to the school and not as a course in computer science with a traditional methodology