22 research outputs found

    Relación entre la desigualdad económica y desigualdad en el uso del agua

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    En este trabajo se estudia la posible relación entre la desigualdad económica y la desigualdad en el uso del agua mundial. De la misma manera, se estudian los diferentes indicadores existentes para la medición de la desigualdad, además de poner en práctica dos de ellos. Hemos evaluado la desigualdad de dichas variables para un periodo global(1971-2020) y dos subperiodos. Asimismo, hemos evaluado dicha desigualdad entre las regiones del mundo. <br /

    Aspectos relevantes para la intervención y análisis del fenómeno sectario

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado busca aclarar, en primer lugar, la terminología clave en referencia a los fenómenos sectarios, basándonos en las definiciones ofrecidas por profesionales de diferentes ámbitos para comprender la complejidad de la temática; en segundo lugar, en base a las competencias del trabajo social, se brinda una aportación centrada en intervención por parte de un centro de servicios sociales, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias actuales tales como las debilidades, amenazas, fortalezas y oportunidades que se deben contemplar. Por todo ello el documento puede servir de utilidad tanto a aquellas personas que estén interesadas en una primera aproximación a los términos mencionados como a profesionales que deseen diseñar un proyecto de intervención.<br /

    Bloqueo auriculoventricular completo en paciente tratada con rivastigmina transcutánea

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    The use of drugs with the potential of causing multiple side effects and interactions is very common among our ageing and polymedicated population. Rivastigmine, used for dementia, can produce various adverse reactions, including severe cardiac arrhythmias due to reduced acetylcholine metabolism. These can be antagonized with atropine but sometimes pacemaker implantation may become necessary due to the long duration of the drug's effect. Therefore, before prescribing acetylcholine inhibitors, it is essential to rule out pre-existing cardiac conduction disorders in the patient and, in the event of any rhythm or cardiac conduction disorders, perform an electrocardiogram, and assess the risk/benefit of the treatment.Usar fármacos con múltiples efectos secundarios e interacciones medicamentosas posibles es muy común en nuestra sociedad envejecida y polimedicada. Esto pasa con la rivastigmina, utilizada como tratamiento de la demencia. Entre sus posibles efectos secundarios encontramos alteraciones graves del ritmo cardíaco. El antídoto es la atropina, pero ocasionalmente los efectos son persistentes y el paciente precisa de la implantación de un marcapasos. Por ello, preventivamente, antes de iniciar un tratamiento con este tipo de fármacos, es imprescindible realizar un electrocardiograma al paciente y en caso de existir trastornos del ritmo o de la conducción, valorar el riesgo beneficio del mismo

    The ALMA-CRISTAL survey: Widespread dust-obscured star formation in typical star-forming galaxies at z=4-6

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    We present the morphological parameters and global properties of dust-obscured star formation in typical star-forming galaxies at z=4-6. Among 26 galaxies composed of 20 galaxies observed by the Cycle-8 ALMA Large Program, CRISTAL, and six galaxies from archival data, we have individually detected rest-frame 158μ\mum dust continuum emission from 19 galaxies, nine of which are reported for the first time. The derived far-infrared luminosities are in the range log10LIR[L]=\log_{10} L_{\rm IR}\,[L_{\odot}]=10.9-12.4, an order of magnitude lower than previously detected massive dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). The average relationship between the fraction of dust-obscured star formation (fobsf_{\rm obs}) and the stellar mass is consistent with previous results at z=4-6 in a mass range of log10M[M]\log_{10} M_{\ast}\,[M_{\odot}]\sim9.5-11.0 and show potential evolution from z=6-9. The individual fobsf_{\rm obs} exhibits a significant diversity, and it shows a correlation with the spatial offset between the dust and the UV continuum, suggesting the inhomogeneous dust reddening may cause the source-to-source scatter in fobsf_{\rm obs}. The effective radii of the dust emission are on average \sim1.5 kpc and are 2\sim2 times more extended than the rest-frame UV. The infrared surface densities of these galaxies (ΣIR2.0×1010Lkpc2\Sigma_{\rm IR}\sim2.0\times10^{10}\,L_{\odot}\,{\rm kpc}^{-2}) are one order of magnitude lower than those of DSFGs that host compact central starbursts. On the basis of the comparable contribution of dust-obscured and dust-unobscured star formation along with their similar spatial extent, we suggest that typical star-forming galaxies at z=4-6 form stars throughout the entirety of their disks

    Decline in age at menarche among Spanish women born from 1925 to 1962

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the timing of reproductive events varies across populations, a downward trend in age at menarche has nevertheless been reported in most of the developed world over the past century. Given the impact of change in age at menarche on health conditions, this study sought to examine secular trends in age at menarche among women living in Navarre (Northern Spain) who participated in a population-based breast cancer screening programme.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was based on 110545 women born from 1925 to 1962. Trends were tested using a linear regression model, in which year of birth was entered continuously as the predictor and age at menarche (years) as the response variable, using size of town and region of birth as covariates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among women born in Navarre between 1925 and 1962, age at menarche declined steadily from an average of 13.72 years in the 1925-1929 birth-cohorts to 12.83 years in the 1958-1962 birth-cohorts. Controlling for size of town or city of birth, age at menarche declined by an average of 0.132 years every 5 years over the period 1925-1962. This decline was greater in women born in rural versus urban settings. Trends were also different among regions of birth.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report a population-based study showing a downward trend in age of onset of menarche among Spanish women born in the period 1925-1962, something that is more pronounced among women born in rural settings and varies geographically.</p

    Estudio del comportamiento en la mar de un aerogenerador offshore

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    Estudio del comportamiento en la mar de un aerogenerador offshore

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    Identification of diagnostic maneuvers positive for arterial compression in symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals who engage in regular weight training

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    BACKGROUND: Arterial compression syndromes can be identified in asymptomatic individuals using specific diagnostic maneuvers involving palpation of peripheral pulses. OBJECTIVE: To identify diagnostic maneuvers positive for extrinsic compression in the upper and lower limbs of people who exercise regularly. METHODS: The sample consisted of people over 18 years old who had been attending a gym for a minimum of 1 hour per week and for at least 1 month. A data collection instrument comprising 20 questions was administered to the study participants, covering personal characteristics, the types of exercises engaged in and possible symptoms. The Adson, Hyperabduction and Costoclavicular maneuvers and also tests to reveal popliteal artery entrapment were performed. Data from the questionnaires and the maneuver results were analyzed using SPSS v.20.0. RESULTS: The study enrolled 202 volunteers who attended the gyms investigated, comprising 98 women and 104 men aged 18 to 63 (mean of 27 years). One hundred and seventy (84.2%) subjects were asymptomatic and 32 (15.8%) people reported some type of discomfort such as pain, paresthesia or a cool sensation. Ninety of the 202 individuals analyzed (44.6%) exhibited at least one positive maneuver. Total numbers of compressions per subject were as follows: two people (1%) had four positive maneuvers; 19 (9.4%) had three positive maneuvers; 31 (15.3%) had two positive maneuvers, 38 (18.8%) exhibited one positive maneuver and 112 (55 4%) people were positive for none of the maneuvers. The hyperabduction maneuver was the most prevalent maneuver. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic maneuvers positive for extrinsic arterial compression were identified in 44.6% of the asymptomatic individuals analyzed