1,214 research outputs found

    The rock carvings of Bouça da Cova da Moura (Ardegães, Maia, Northern Portugal) in the context of Late Prehistory in the Leça basin

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    Este texto pretende dar a conhecer o conjunto de gravuras rupestres da Bouça da Cova da Moura. A análise efetuada ao conjunto de signos permitiu denotar, a presença de composições gráficas pertencentes à tradição artística que se convencionou denominar de arte atlântica, representações de cariz mais esquemático e motivos de época histórica. Na envolvência dos afloramentos gravados descobriram-se monumentos megalíticos, áreas de dispersão de materiais cerâmicos datáveis do Calcolítico, uma ocupação da Idade do Bronze, além de materiais dispersos deste período genérico, relevantes para a análise da biografia deste lugar numa pequena escala de análise. A inserção deste locus numa escala mais ampla de análise, ou seja, os Montes do Leandro, pequeno contraforte da serra do Bougado, permite admitir que este complexo de gravuras rupestres faria parte de um vasto território de ampla significação simbólica durante a Pré-história Recente. Neste sentido as diferentes materialidades seriam, resultado de um processo aditivo que resulta da frequência do planalto, da sua da reutilização e reinterpretação, num templo cíclico.The aim of this paper is to offer an overview of the rock art assemblage at Bouça da Cova da Moura in its local and regional contexts. The site is located in Ardegães, parish of Águas Santas, municipality of Maia, district of Porto, in north-western Portugal. Fieldwork carried out in the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, resulted in the discovery of new carved surfaces in the place where the well-known ‘pedra partida de Ardegães’ had been found; it was not only possible to unveil aspects related to its topographical context but also to discover other materialities which are spatially related to the rock carvings. Stylistic analysis undertaken to the set of carvings allow us to consider that we are beyond an assemblage which is partly constituted of rock art compositions belonging to the prehistoric art tradition conventionally called atlantic art, there is one schematic human figure and other motifs that belong to historical periods. In the vicinities of the carved outcrops there are megalithic monuments dated to the Neolithic, scatters of pottery fragments probably dated to the Copper Age, evidence for a Bronze Age occupation site, as well as clusters of surface finds from the same period. Overall, the field data recovered so far is extremely relevant for the analysis of the biography of this place at a small scale of analysis. The integration of this locus in a wider spatial scale, i.e. in the plateau that cuts across the territory in the north-south direction linking it to the Bougado hills, allow us to admit that this rock art complex would be part of a vast territory of symbolic significance in Late Prehistory. Thus, the distinct archaeological remains may be the materialisation of the importance of this geomorphological unit in the cognitive map and ideological universe of the prehistoric communities who dwelled, over a long period of time, along the middle basin of the River Neiva. These different materialities would result from a process of addition in the occupation of the plateau, of its reuse and reinterpretation in a cyclical time.Este texto insere-se no projeto Bronze Age Landscapes in the west of Iberian Peninsula / Paisagens da Idade do Bronze no ocidente peninsular (SFRH/BSAB/ 986/10) apoiado e financiado pela FCT no âmbito de uma Bolsa de Licença Sabática.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Latin America

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    The PLATINO and PREPOCOL population-based studies documented the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in several Latin American (Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Montevideo, Santiago and Caracas) and Colombian (Medellin, Bogota, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga and Cali) cities. COPD ranged between 6.2 and 19.6% in individuals ≥40 years of age, with substantial rates of underdiagnosis (up to 89%) but also overdiagnosis, mostly due to the lack of spirometric confirmation. The main risk factor was tobacco smoking, but male gender and age were also associated with COPD. COPD in never smokers represented about one third of the cases and was associated with previous history of tuberculosis or a diagnosis of asthma. COPD associated with biomass smoke exposure was a common clinical phenotype in Latin America, found as a risk factor in PREPOCOL and other observational studies in the region. Smoking has been decreasing in Latin America and efforts have been made to implement cleaner biomass stoves. Unfortunately, treatment of COPD in Latin America remains highly variable with low rates of smoking cessation counselling, low use of inhaled bronchodilators and influenza vaccination. A primary-care approach to COPD, particularly in the form of integrated programs is lacking but would be critical to improving rates of diagnosis and treatment of COPD

    Prevalência e fatores de risco para tabagismo em adolescentes

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    OBJECTIVE: Tobacco smoking is one of the main causes of preventable disease and premature disability. Th estudy was aimed at measuring smoking prevalence and related risk factors among adolescents. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out in a representative sample of 1,187 adolescents aged 10 to 19 years living in the urban area of Pelotas, southern Brazil. All adolescents were interviewed separately using a confidential coded questionnaire. Kaplan-Meier test was performed for survival curve analysis. RESULTS: The overall smoking prevalence rate in the sample was 12.1% (95% CI 10.3%-14%). Boys and girls had similar prevalence rates. The following were the risk factors for smoking found in the multivariate logistic regression analysis: older age (OR=28.7; 95% CI 11.5-71.4), older smoking siblings (OR=2.4; 95% CI 1.5-3.8), three or more smoking friends (OR=17.5; 95% CI 8.8-34.8) and low schooling (OR=3.5; 95% CI 1.5-8.0). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of smoking among adolescents in the city of Pelotas was high. Campaigns against tobacco use should be aimed at the community and families, targeting adolescents. The government must adopt legal actions in order to prevent adolescents to have access to to smoking.OBJETIVO: O tabagismo é uma das principais causas de enfermidades evitáveis e incapacidades prematuras. Nesse sentido, realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de medir a prevalência e estudar fatores de risco associados ao tabagismo nos adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A partir de um delineamento transversal de base populacional, estudou-se uma amostra representativa de 1.187 adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos, da zona urbana de Pelotas, sul do Brasil. Todos os adolescentes da amostra, de cada domicílio, foram entrevistados por meio de questionário pré-codificado, individual e confidencial. Utilizou-se o teste de Kaplan-Meier para análise da curva de sobrevida. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tabagismo na amostra foi de 12,1% (IC95% 10,3%-14%). As prevalências foram similares para os sexos femininos e masculinos. Os fatores de risco para tabagismo na análise multivariada, por regressão logística, foram: maior idade, odds ratio (OR) de 28,7 (11,5-71,4), irmãos mais velhos fumantes, OR de 2,4 (1,5-3,8), três ou mais amigos fumantes, OR de 17,5 (8,8-34,8) e baixa escolaridade OR de 3,5 (1,5-8,0). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de tabagismo na adolescência mostrou-se alta, na cidade de Pelotas. Campanhas antitabágicas devem ser direcionadas à comunidade e à família tendo o adolescente como alvo. Medidas legais adotadas pelo governo são importantes para impedir o acesso dos adolescentes ao cigarro

    What is the effect of size on the use of the EFQM excellence model?

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    Purpose By contrasting a contingency with a universal approach to business excellence models (BEMs), the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of size on the use of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model by organizations that were officially “Recognized for Excellence” in Spain. It considers the potential differences between large organizations and SMEs on the level of adoption of EFQM criteria and on the impact that enablers-criteria may have on key performance measures. Design/methodology/approach This study uses actual sub-criteria and criteria scores attained by organizations in their assessment for EFQM recognition. Scores of a population of 216 organizations are analyzed via analysis of variance, factor and structural equations models. Findings Although there are some criteria in the EFQM model that appear to be universally adopted irrespective of size, the empirical analyses indicate that size may shape the adoption of other criteria and the impact that enablers can have on results, thus supporting a contingency perspective. Moreover, the findings call for the revision of the relationships embedded in the EFQM model. Originality/value In contrast to most previous research, which relied on surveys of managers’ perceptions, this study uses the actual scores achieved by organizations in their assessment for EFQM recognition. It addresses the effect of size on the whole model, which so far has been neglected in the literature. All in all this study contributes to the literature on contingency approaches to best practices, and more specifically to BEMs. To the practitioner, it provides guidelines for addressing perceived performance gaps in their pursuit of recognition for excellence

    PUFFIN: A Path-Unifying Feed-Forward Interfaced Network for Vapor Pressure Prediction

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    Accurately predicting vapor pressure is vital for various industrial and environmental applications. However, obtaining accurate measurements for all compounds of interest is not possible due to the resource and labor intensity of experiments. The demand for resources and labor further multiplies when a temperature-dependent relationship for predicting vapor pressure is desired. In this paper, we propose PUFFIN (Path-Unifying Feed-Forward Interfaced Network), a machine learning framework that combines transfer learning with a new inductive bias node inspired by domain knowledge (the Antoine equation) to improve vapor pressure prediction. By leveraging inductive bias and transfer learning using graph embeddings, PUFFIN outperforms alternative strategies that do not use inductive bias or that use generic descriptors of compounds. The framework's incorporation of domain-specific knowledge to overcome the limitation of poor data availability shows its potential for broader applications in chemical compound analysis, including the prediction of other physicochemical properties. Importantly, our proposed machine learning framework is partially interpretable, because the inductive Antoine node yields network-derived Antoine equation coefficients. It would then be possible to directly incorporate the obtained analytical expression in process design software for better prediction and control of processes occurring in industry and the environment

    Prevalência de atividade física em adolescentes e fatores associados

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and identify correlates of physical activity among adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional study nested within a cohort of 4,325 subjects from the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, aged 14-15 years in 2008. Physical activity was analyzed using three different approaches: (1) prevalence of any leisure-time physical activity; (2) prevalence of any active commuting to school; and (3) prevalence of engaging in at least 300 minutes per week of both (1) and (2) combined. Independent variables included sociodemographic, behavioral, social, and biological characteristics, and number of different leisure-time physical activites practiced. Statistical analyses were carried out using Poisson regression. RESULTS: The proportion of adolescents involved in any type of leisure-time physical activity was 75.6%, while 73.4% displayed some form of active commuting to school. Prevalence of total physical activity score (>; 300 min/week) was 48.2%, being greater among boys (62.6%) than among girls (34.5%). Furthermore, prevalence increased along with the number of physical activity modalities practiced (pOBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de actividad física entre adolescentes y identificar los factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal anidado en una cohorte con 4.325 individuos de 14-15 años en Pelota, Sur de Brasil, en 2008. La actividad física fue analizada por medio de tres diferentes abordajes: 1) prevalencia de alguna actividad física de ocio; 2) prevalencia de algún traslado activo para la escuela; 3) prevalencia de compromiso de por lo menos 300 minutos por semana en la combinación de ambos (1 y 2). Variables independientes incluyeron características demográficas, socioeconómicas, comportamentales, sociales y biológicas y número de actividades físicas practicadas en el tiempo de ocio. Los análisis estadísticos fueron hechos por la regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: La proporción de adolescentes envueltos en alguna actividad física de ocio fue 75,6% mientras que 73,4% presentaron alguna forma de traslado activo para la escuela. La prevalencia de actividad física total (escore ³ 300 min/sem) fue 48,2% siendo mayor para los niños (62,6%) que para las niñas (34,5%). Además, la prevalencia aumentó de acuerdo con el número de actividades físicas practicadas (pOBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de atividade física entre adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal aninhado em uma coorte com 4.325 indivíduos de 14-15 anos em Pelotas, RS, em 2008. A atividade física foi analisada por meio de três diferentes abordagens: 1) prevalência de alguma atividade física de lazer; 2) prevalência de algum deslocamento ativo para a escola; 3) prevalência de engajamento em pelo menos 300 minutos por semana da combinação de ambos (1 e 2). Variáveis independentes incluíram características demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais, sociais e biológicas e número de atividades físicas praticadas no tempo de lazer. As análises estatísticas foram feitas pela regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A proporção de adolescentes envolvidos em alguma atividade física de lazer foi 75,6%, enquanto 73,4% apresentou alguma forma de deslocamento ativo para a escola. A prevalência de atividade física total (escore >; 300 min/sem) foi 48,2%, sendo maior para os meninos (62,6%) do que para as meninas (34,5%). Além disso, a prevalência aumentou de acordo com o número de atividades físicas praticadas (p < 0,001). Os fatores associados à maior prática de atividade física (lazer + deslocamento) nos níveis recomendados foram: cor de pele não-branca, ter repetido de ano na escola e jogar videogame. As variáveis menor nível socioeconômico, maior tempo de uso de computador e atividade física dos pais estiveram associadas ao desfecho apenas entre as meninas. CONCLUSÕES: Menos da metade dos adolescentes atingiu as recomendações para a prática de atividade física, e essa proporção tende a diminuir entre os sujeitos de maior nível socioeconômico. Os fatores associados diferiram entre lazer e deslocamento. Engajamento em uma ampla variedade de atividades físicas deve ser encorajado desde a infância

    Respiratory symptoms (COPD Assessment Test and modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scores) and GOLD-ABCD COPD classification: the LASSYC study

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Symptoms; COPDEnfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica; Síntomas; EPOCMalaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica; Símptomes; MPOCObjective To assess the frequency and severity of 24-hour respiratory symptoms according to COPD GOLD-ABCD classification (2017-version), the distribution of the patients with COPD into GOLD categories using mMRC (≥2) or CAT (≥10) scores, and agreement between these cut-off points. Methods In this cross-sectional study (LASSYC study), 24-hour day respiratory symptoms were assessed by the Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in COPD (E-RS) questionnaire, Nighttime Symptoms of COPD Instrument (NiSCI), Early Morning Symptoms of COPD Instrument (EMSCI), CAT and mMRC scores. Results Among the 734 patients with COPD, 61% were male, age 69.6±8.7 years, FEV1% post-BD 49.1±17.5%, mMRC 1.8±1.0 and CAT 15.3±.8.1. By mMRC 33.7% were group-A, 29.2% group-B, 10.2% group-C and 26.9% group-D. By CAT 22.3% were group-A, 41% group-B, 4.8% group-C and 31.9% group-D. Using the mMRC the severity of E-RS, NiSCI and EMSCI scores increased from group A to D. Using the CAT, the groups B and D had the higher scores. Agreement between mMRC and CAT was 89.5% (Kappa statistics=75.7%). For mMRC score of 2, CAT score of ≥11 showed the maximum Youden’s index (1.34). For mMRC score of 1, CAT score of ≥9 and ≥10 showed the maximum Youden’s index (1.48). Conclusion GOLD COPD classification by CAT seems to better discriminate 24-hour symptoms. Results do not support the equivalent use of CAT≥10 and mMRC≥2 for assessing symptoms.This observational study was funded by AstraZeneca Latin America. The funder had no input into the study design, analysis, or interpretation of the results

    Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada em adultos: estudo de base populacional, Pelotas, RS

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea and their factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample comprising 3,136 adults (>;20 years) living in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2005. A questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and anthropometric variables and outcomes. Crude and adjusted statistical analysis using Fisher exact test and chi-square test for linear trend and a multivariate analysis through Poisson regression model were carried out, respectively. RESULTS: The prevalence of habitual snoring was 50.5% (95% CI: 48.1;52.8) and obstructive sleep apnea was 9.9% (95% CI: 8.7;11.2). After adjustment, the risk of habitual snoring was greater in males (prevalence ratio [PR]=1.25, 95% CI: 1.16;1.34), elderly people (PR=1.62, 95% CI: 1.46;1.80), current smokers (PR=1.15, 95% CI: 1.07;1.25), alcohol users (PR=1.17, 95% CI: 1.03;1.31) and obese people (PR=1.71, 95% CI: 1.55;1.88). The risk of obstructive sleep apnea was greater in males (PR=2.05, 95% CI: 1.67;2.52), elderly people (PR=2.23, 95% CI: 1.64;3.03), current smokers (PR=1.60, 95% CI: 1.25;2.05) and obese people (PR=2.61, 95% CI: 1.97;3.47). CONCLUSIONS: In the studied population, habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea were common symptoms. Well-known risk factors such as male gender and age between 40 and 60 years are not modifiable. However, smoking, alcohol use and obesity need to be identified and treated in general population.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 3.136 adultos, com 20 anos ou mais, residentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, em 2005. Informações sobre os desfechos e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e antropométricas foram coletadas por meio de questionário. A análise estatística bruta e ajustada foi realizada utilizando-se teste exato de Fisher ou qui-quadrado de tendência linear e regressão de Poisson, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada de ronco habitual foi de 50,5% (IC 95%: 48,1;52,8) e de apnéia obstrutiva de 9,9% (IC 95%: 8,7;11,2). Na análise ajustada, o relato de ronco foi maior nos homens (Razão de Prevalências - RP=1,25; IC 95%: 1,16;1,34), nos idosos (RP=1,62; IC 95%: 1,46;1,80), nos tabagistas (RP=1,15; IC 95%: 1,07;1,25), nos alcoolistas (RP=1,17; IC 95%: 1,03;1,31) e nos obesos (RP 1,71, IC95% 1,55;1,88). O relato de apnéia obstrutiva foi maior nos homens (RP=2,05; IC 95%: 1,67;2,52), nos idosos (RP=2,23; IC 95%: 1,64;3,03), nos tabagistas (RP=1,60; IC 95%: 1,25;2,05) e nos obesos (RP=2,61; IC 95%: 1,97;3,47). CONCLUSÕES: Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva foram sintomas comuns na população estudada. Fatores de risco conhecidos como sexo masculino e idade entre quarta e quinta décadas de vida não são modificáveis. Entretanto, tabagismo, alcoolismo e obesidade também associados aos desfechos, devem ser identificados e tratados na população geral

    Adverse childhood experiences:Prevalence and related factors in adolescents of a Brazilian birth cohort

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    AbstractAdverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can affect people's health and wellbeing not only at the time the ACE is experienced, but also later in life. The majority of studies on ACEs are carried out in high-income countries and little is known about its prevalence in low and middle-income countries. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ACEs, associations between ACEs and sociodemographic factors, and the interrelationship between types of ACEs in adolescents of a Brazilian birth cohort. Data from 3,951 adolescents (78.4% of the original cohort) from the 1993 Pelotas Cohort were analyzed. Seven types of ACEs were assessed in those up to 18 years old: physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, domestic violence, parental separation and parental death. The most common ACE was parental separation (42%), followed by emotional neglect (19.7%) and domestic violence (10.3%). Approximately 85% of the adolescents experienced at least one ACE, and females reported a higher number of adversities. Several socioeconomic, demographic and family-related characteristics were associated with the occurrence of ACEs, e.g. non-white skin color, low family income, low maternal schooling, absence of mother's partner, maternal smoking, and poor maternal mental health. A strong interrelationship was observed among the ACEs, indicating clustering of risk. These aspects should be considered by health and social care professionals in the prevention and identification of childhood adversities