129 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to consider national identity as a form of collective self-awareness and an important element of the general and humanistic education, in the educational reform based on the standards of the Bologna Process. This consideration starts from the Bologna Declaration which states that the educational reform will respect different cultures, languages and national educational systems. The question arises whether this is truly possible, knowing that the causes of this reform concept are related to the adjustment of education to the neoliberal development strategies in the world, and to the processes of globalization and European integration. Education is subjugated to the market needs and educational institutions are required to subject themselves to strict rationalization and narrow specialist professionalization. Thus, teaching is separated from the process of education and the field of culture; it diverges from the humanistic values and contents, which are crucial for the development of the individual and collective identity and the progressive role culture has in society. This paper illustrates the level of presence of relevant content in the reformed curricula of the faculties of teacher education in Belgrade and Zagreb.Predmet ovog rada je razmatranje nacionalnog identiteta, kao oblika kolektivne samosvijesti i bitnog činioca općeg i humanističkog odgoja i obrazovanja, u reformi obrazovanja prema standardima Bolonjskog procesa. Pri tome se polazi od Bolonjske deklaracije gdje je ukazano da će se u reformi obrazovanja poštovati različite kulture, jezici i nacionalni obrazovni sistemi. Koliko je to zaista moguće kada je poznato da su uzroci ovog koncepta reforme vezani za prilagođavanje obrazovanja neoliberalnoj strategiji razvoja u svijetu, procesima globalizacije i eurointegracijskih procesa. Obrazovanje se podređuje tržištu, a od obrazovnih ustanova se zahtijeva stroga racionalizacija i usko specijalistička profesionalizacija. Time se obrazovanje razdvaja od procesa odgoja i svijeta kulture, ono se rastaje od humanističkih vrijednosti i sadržaja koji su odlučujući za razvoj individualnih i kolektivnih identiteta i progresivnu ulogu kulture u društvu. U funkciji ovog rada, ilustrativno se ukazuje na zastupljenost relevantnih sadržaja u reformiranim studijskim programima učiteljskih fakulteta u Beogradu i Zagrebu

    Акватични коридори биљних инвазија у Србији

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    Имајући у виду значај површинских вода у продору и ширењу страних инвазивних врста, циљеви овог рада били су да се представи актуелно стање присуства и дистрибуције акватичних инвазивних биљних врста у површинским копненим водама, анализира степен инвазије рипаријалних зона на подручју Србије, одреди везаност анализираних инвазивних врста за поједине типове станишта у рипаријалу река и канала и анализира утицај различитих станишних и антропогених фактора на присуство и абунданцу 26 одабраних инвазивних таксона. Теренска истраживања вршена су у периоду од 2013. до 2016. године. За потребе овог рада анализирано је 250 локалитета, од чега 217 у рипаријалу 39 река и 33 у рипаријалу шест деоница канала хидросистема Дунав-Тиса-Дунав. Уз податке о бројности и покровности заступљених биљних врста, сакупљани су и подаци о типу станишта (у складу са EUNIS класификацијом), релевантним физичким и хидроморфолошким карактеристикама истраживаних водотокова и доминантним антропогеним утицајима на истраживаном локалитету (у складу са стандардним протоколом RHS методе). Статистичка обрада података вршена је у софтверу CANOCO 5.0, применом анализе главних компоненти (РСА), канонијскe коресподентнe анализе (CCA) и анализе редундантности (RDA). На територији Србије забележено је присуство осам акватичних инвазивних биљних врстаПрема броју налаза истичу се врсте Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides и Elodea nuttallii. Примарно су заступљене у текућим, у односу на стајаће воде, при чему се мрежа канала ХС ДТД и речни токови који припадају сливу Дунава могу сматрати основним акватичним коридорима њиховог ширења. Од 26 таксона инвазивних биљака чије је присуство праћено и анализирано у рипаријалним подручјима, таксони са највећим бројем налаза су Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum, Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia и Echinochloa crus-galli. Речни сливови Дунава, Јужне Мораве, Западне Мораве и Тимока истичу се по заступљености истраживаних таксона. На основу података о дистрибуцији, бројности и покровности анализираних таксона сливови Дунава, Колубаре и Западне Мораве издвојили су се као коридори ширења највећег броја истраживаних таксона. Четири типа станишта издвојила су се према заступљености инвазивних биљних врста. Таксони који су забележени у највећем броју типова станишта су: Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli и Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum. Као резултат нумеричких анализа издвојени су физички и хидроморфолошки параметри истраживаних водотокова и доминантни антропогени утицаји који на истраживаном локалитетима утичу на присуство и абунданцу анализираних таксона. У условима глобалних климатских промена може се очекивати да ће се у наредном периоду под снажним притиском ширења и доминације инвазивних врста наћи сливови Саве, Велике Мораве и Јужне Мораве. У рипаријалним областима на југозападу наше земље (долине Лима, Ибра и њихових притока) као и рипаријалним зонама планинских и високопланинских области такође је очекивано да ће доћи до повећања броја присутних инвазивних врста и њиховог даљег ширења

    Ekstrakcija, karakterizacija, biološka aktivnost i potencijalna primena fenolnih jedinjenja iz plodova i lišća biljnih vrsta familija Rosacae, Cornacae i Grossulariaceae

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    In this doctoral dissertation we optimization conventional and ultrasonic exstraction techniques in with the aim of obtaining biologically active phenolic compounds from the berries and leaves of plants families Rosaceae, Cornaceae and Grossulariacae. Phenolic content of the obtained extracts were subjected to UV-Vis and HPLC analyzes. The significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activity was confirmed. In terms of their possible practical applications performed most active inclusion complexation of phenolic compounds in extracts type cyclodextrin. Characterization of the obtained inclusion complexes were determined by the method of spectral analysis (FT-IR, NMR, XRD). Based on these results it can be concluded that fruits and leaves of plants families Rosaceae, Cornaceae and Grossulariaceae can find great application in the food and cosmetics industries as well as in pharmacy

    The role of riparian areas in alien plant invasions

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    Biološke invazije predstavljaju jednu od odlika koje karakterišu Antropocen. Invazivne vrste uzrokuju niz problema i rezultuju velikim ekonomskim gubicima na globalnom nivou, čiji se dalji rast očekuje i u budućnosti. Riparijalne (priobalne) zone, kao kritične tranzicione oblasti, uprkos tome što pružaju niz ekosistemskih usluga, nalaze se pod uticajem brojnih antropogenih pritisaka, što ih čini posebno podložnim prodoru invazivnih biljaka. Na području Evrope, upravo se riparijalne zone smatraju jednim od najinvazibilnijih tipova staništa. Kao žarišta biljnih invazija, riparijalne zone takođe imaju važnu ulogu i u procesu daljeg širenja invazivnih biljaka u obližnje terestrične ekosisteme. Različiti tipovi narušavanja, prirodni (poplave) i veštački (npr. hidromorfološke modifikacije), uz snažan pritisak propagula kome su ove oblasti izložene, povećavaju invazibilnost ovih oblasti. Imajući u vidu njihov ekološki značaj i podložnost prodoru invazivnih vrsta, zaštita i oporavak riparijalnih zona je od posebnog značaja u svetlu klimatskih promena. Kako bi se očuvale i povratile ekosistemske usluge i biodiverzitet riparijalnih oblasti, neophodno je sprovoditi kontrolu stranih invazivnih biljaka. Uspeh mera oporavka i aktivnosti kontrole invazivnih vrsta zavisi od niza činilaca, poput vremena introdukcije invazivnih vrsta i posledica njihovog prisustva u tom periodu. Takođe, različiti faktori životne sredine i faktori koji utiču na uspeh procesa invazije moraju se uzeti u obzir, jer bi mogli narušiti proces oporavka (obnavljanja) datog ekosistema. Na kraju, uspešnost procesa oporavka ekosistema, zavisi i od uključivanja svih zainteresovanihstrana i njihovog razumevanja značaja sprečavanja prodora i rešavanja problema invazivnih biljaka

    Analysis of the weed flora of the anthropogenically modified shorelines of the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal system

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    Agricultural intensification has, over the last two centuries, led to an overall reduction in biodiversity and ecosystem funcionality of riparian areas in Europe. Knowing that such frequent and far-reaching anthropogenic disturbances affect native plant diversity and given the geographical position of the Danube-Tisa-Danube (DTD) canal system in the Vojvodina Province, as the main agricultural area of Serbia, the aim of this research was to analyze the weed flora along the shorelines of the DTD canals. Field studies were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at 33 field sites distributed along the six main canals of the DTD system. A total of 188 plant taxa, belonging to 137 genera and 48 families were recorded. The biological spectrum of the weed flora was shown to be of a hemicryptophyto-therophyte character, with 37% of hemicryptophytes and 30% of therophytes recorded. Phytogeographical analysis has highlighted a clear dominance of Eurasian species (44%), while high proportions of adventive and cosmopolitan species recorded are consistent with strong anthropogenic pressures characteristic of the shorelines of the DTD canal system. Among the adventive areal type, 19 species which are considered as invasive for the territory of Serbia have also been documented

    Promene u zastupljenosti i pokrovnosti invazivnih korovskih vrsta na području Pančevačkog rita tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda

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    The number of invasive species is increasing worldwide, and certain habitats, such as ruderal areas, are especially susceptible to invasion, highlighting the practical importance of ruderal flora and vegetation research. The aim of this research was to analyze ruderal flora of the Pančevački rit area, after a ten-year period, in order to ascertain the emergence of new and spread dynamics of already present invasive species. Field research was carried out in the area of Glogonjski rit, Padinska Skela and Kovilovo, followed by a comparison of the data gathered with the results of the previous research, done during the 1999-2002 period. The results confirmed the presence of potentially, sporadically and highly invasive plants in the area studied. The increase in the number of records was registered for the species: Amorpha fruticosa, Amaranthus retroflexus, Cuscutta sp., Echinocystis lobata and Veronica persica. The results have also shown changes in the cover of species A. fruticosa, A. retroflexus and Sorghum halepense. A presence of two so far, on this area, unregistered invasive species: Ailanthus altissima and Eleusine indica, was also confirmed.Broj invazivnih vrsta je u porastu širom sveta, a pojedini tipovi staništa, poput ruderalnih, su posebno podložni invaziji, dajući veliki praktični značaj istraživanjima ruderalne flore i vegetacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je analiza ruderalne flore na području Pančevačkog rita, po isteku perioda od 10 godina, kako bi se utvrdila pojava novih i dinamika širenja postojećih invazivnih vrsta. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su na lokalitetima Glogonjski rit, Padinska Skela i Kovilovo, uz poređenje dobijenih podataka sa rezultatima prethodnih istraživanja iz perioda 1999-2002. godine. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju prisustvo potencijalno, sporadično i jako invazivnih biljnih vrsta na istraživanom području. Povećanje broja nalaza zabeleženo je kod vrsta: Amorpha fruticosa, Amaranthus retroflexus, Cuscutta sp., Echinocystis lobata i Veronica persica. Rezultati su pokazali i promene u pokrovnosti kod vrsta: A. fruticosa, A. retroflexus i Sorghum halepense. Takođe, tokom istraživanja zabeleženo je prisustvo dve do sada, na ovim tačkama, nezabeležene invazivne vrste: Ailanthus altissima i Eleusine indica

    Phytogeographical analysis of the Vršac vineyards (Serbia) weed flora

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    Application of various agrotechnical measures is the key factor defining the composition of the vineyard weed flora. Vineyard weed communities are highly diverse, due to specific environmental characteristics and frequent disturbances of these agroecosystems. Bearing all this in mind and due to a limited number of studies of the vineyard weed flora in Serbia, the aim of this research was to assess the phytogeographical characteristics of the vineyard weed flora in the Vršac vineyards. Field research encompassed the entire vegetation season (March- November) in 2016 and was performed at three localities within the area of the Vršac vineyards. Floristic analysis was done at 60 fixed 1 m2 plots (48 between-row and 12 in-row plots). Phytogeographical analysis has determined that 97 weed species which were recorded belong to eight areal types. Weed species predominately belonged to the Eurasian areal type, with 49 recorded species (51%). Results have shown the presence of 14 species of cosmopolitan distribution, while the Pontic-Mediterranean areal type was represented by 10 weed species (10%). This transitional areal type was represented by four areal groups, of which the Pontic-CentralAsian-Submediterranean group was the most numerous. Of the plants typical for the Pannonian region of Serbia, i.e. the steppe species, belonging to the Pontic-SouthSiberian areal type, only two weed species (Asperugo procumbens and Senecio vernalis) were recorded. Allochthonous species (adventive areal type) were represented by eight weed species, with species originating from North America (Amaranthus retroflexus, Erigeron annuus, E. canadensis, Panicum capillare and Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum) being dominant

    Working Group “Yellow”. Environmental pollution monitoring and adverse effects of chemicals used in food production (FoCUS – Food Chemicals Used Safely)

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    This project addresses the need to assess the environmental and health risks of chemicals used in food production, since their release into the environment may lead to different ecological effects. The occurrence and effects of selected chemicals on wildlife and humans will be addressed to provide data sets, which are necessary for scientifically-based risk assessment. Special emphasis will be put on the combined effects of environmentally relevant mixtures. A combination of state-of-the-art methods will be applied to predict synergistic and/or additive effects of combined exposure. Development and implementation of new technologies for waste treatment and re-use of food industry by-products by converting them into value-added items will also be a significant task

    Reke Srbije kao putevi invazije - istočni koridor invazije Reynoutria spp.

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    Increasing levels of invasion worldwide have been the source of concern for scientists, due to significant costs and efforts required for managing them. The knowledge of invasion pathways, both those of initial introduction and subsequent spread, is of key importance, since further increase in the number of pathways and vectors of invasion is predicted for the 21st century. At regional scales habitat type has proven to be a reliable predictor of the level of invasion, as certain habitat types (i.e. frequently disturbed, under strong anthropogenic influence) is characterized by high invasion levels. Riparian habitats, as hotspots of alien species diversity and primary sources of their spread, represent some of the most important invasion corridors, where water acts as an effective dispersal mechanism. Some invasive plant species, like Reynoutria spp. show a strong tendency to invade riparian habitats. Preliminary findings of field surveys aimed to assess the level of riparian invasion by Reynoutria spp. in Serbia suggest that some river basins are significantly affected by the presence of these invasive species. Bearing in mind the principal means of their propagation, further spread of Reynoutria spp. along the rivers in Serbia is to be expected over the following years.Stepen invazija koji je u porastu širom sveta zabrinjava naučnike, zbog značajnih troškova i napora koji su neophodni u njihovom kontrolisanju. Poznavanje puteva invazije, kako početnog unosa tako i naknadnog širenja vrsta, od ključnog je značaja, jer je u 21. veku prognoziran dalji porast broja puteva i vektora invazije. Na regionalnom nivou tip staništa se pokazao kao pouzdani pokazatelj nivoa invazije, jer određene tipove staništa (često remećena, pod snažnim antropogenim uticajem) karakteriše visok nivo invazije. Riparijalna staništa, kao centri diverziteta alohtonih vrsta i primarni izvor njihovog širenja, predstavljaju neke od najznačajnijih koridora invazije, u kojima voda deluje kao uspešan mehanizam disperzije. Neke invazivne vrste biljaka, poput Reynoutria spp. pokazuju snažnu tendenciju ka invaziji riparijalnih staništa. Preliminarni rezultati terenskih istraživanja koji su za cilj imali procenu nivoa invazije riparijalnih staništa vrstama roda Reynoutria u Srbiji ukazuju na to da su slivovi nekih reka pod značajnim uticajem prisustva ovih invazivnih vrsta. Imajući u vidu osnovni vid njihove propagacije, dalje širenje Reynoutria spp. duž reka u Srbiji može se očekivati tokom narednih godina

    Impact of alterations in X-linked IRAK1gene and miR-146a on susceptibility and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a heterogeneous multisystem autoimmune disease with unknown etiology. Numerous studies have indicated that the disease heterogeneity implies various genetic abnormalities. Considering that SSc is characterized by a strong sex bias and that the position of IRAK1 gene is on the X chromosome, we assume that variations in IRAK1 gene could explain female predominance of SSc. It was previously described that miR-146a has a role in 'fine-tuning' regulation of the TLR/NF-kB signaling pathway through down-regulation of IRAK1 gene. The aim of the present study was to analyze both variants and expression level of IRAK1 and miR-146a genes in terms of susceptibility to SSc and clinical presentation of SSc patients. We analyzed variants IRAK1 rs3027898 C gt A and miR-146a rs2910164 C gt G in 102 SSc patients and 66 healthy subjects. Genotyping was performed by Sanger sequencing. Expression level of IRAK1 mRNA and miR-146a in PBMCs was performed in subset of 50 patients and 13 healthy controls by RT-qPCR. Our results showed that there was no association between IRAK1 rs3027898 and the risk of SSc in women. However, the analysis of genotype distribution of the mir-146a rs2910164 C gt G variant indicated that CC genotype shows strong association with lung fibrosis and active form of the disease. When expression level of IRAK1 gene was analyzed, we detected significant downregulation of IRAK1 mRNA in SSc patients compared to controls, as well as in male compared to female patients, in patients with ACAS autoantibodies and in patients with severe skin involvement. Regarding the expression level of miR-146a, we have found significantly reduced expression in SSc patients, in patients with skin involvement and in male SSc patients. The results from this study indicate that expression of IRAK1 gene could explain phenotypic heterogeneity of SSc and may be involved in the pathogenesis of SSc due to its differential expression in certain subgroups. Our results also suggested that miR-146a rs2910164 CC genotype may be predisposing factor for development lung fibrosis and more progressive form of SSc. Results from relative expression analysis of miR-146a demonstrated that changes in the level of this miRNA may have an impact on development and clinical course of SSc.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Vreca, M., Andjelkovic, M., Tosic, N., Zekovic, A., Damjanov, N., Pavlovic, S., & Spasovski, V. (2018). Impact of alterations in X-linked IRAK1gene and miR-146a on susceptibility and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic sclerosis. Immunology Letters, 204, 1–8. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imlet.2018.10.002