62 research outputs found

    Current Psychological Perceptions Of Clothing As A Form Of Communication In The Business Environment

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    Mickie Bhatia: Embryonic stem cells come of age

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    Mickie Bhatia wants to tap into the therapeutic potential of human stem cells, and he's finding ways to overcome the obstacles that stand in his way

    Tree defence and bark beetles in a drying world: carbon partitioning, functioning and modelling.

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    Drought has promoted large-scale, insect-induced tree mortality in recent years, with severe consequences for ecosystem function, atmospheric processes, sustainable resources and global biogeochemical cycles. However, the physiological linkages among drought, tree defences, and insect outbreaks are still uncertain, hindering our ability to accurately predict tree mortality under on-going climate change. Here we propose an interdisciplinary research agenda for addressing these crucial knowledge gaps. Our framework includes field manipulations, laboratory experiments, and modelling of insect and vegetation dynamics, and focuses on how drought affects interactions between conifer trees and bark beetles. We build upon existing theory and examine several key assumptions: (1) there is a trade-off in tree carbon investment between primary and secondary metabolites (e.g. growth vs defence); (2) secondary metabolites are one of the main component of tree defence against bark beetles and associated microbes; and (3) implementing conifer-bark beetle interactions in current models improves predictions of forest disturbance in a changing climate. Our framework provides guidance for addressing a major shortcoming in current implementations of large-scale vegetation models, the under-representation of insect-induced tree mortality

    BII-Implementation: The causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in a rapidly changing world

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    The proposed Biology Integration Institute will bring together two major research institutions in the Upper Midwest—the University of Minnesota (UMN) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)—to investigate the causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in a rapidly changing world—from genes and molecules within cells and tissues to communities, ecosystems, landscapes and the biosphere. The Institute focuses on plant biodiversity, defined broadly to encompass the heterogeneity within life that occurs from the smallest to the largest biological scales. A premise of the Institute is that life is envisioned as occurring at different scales nested within several contrasting conceptions of biological hierarchies, defined by the separate but related fields of physiology, evolutionary biology and ecology. The Institute will emphasize the use of ‘spectral biology’—detection of biological properties based on the interaction of light energy with matter—and process-oriented predictive models to investigate the processes by which biological components at one scale give rise to emergent properties at higher scales. Through an iterative process that harnesses cutting edge technologies to observe a suite of carefully designed empirical systems—including the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and some of the world’s longest running and state-of-the-art global change experiments—the Institute will advance biological understanding and theory of the causes and consequences of changes in biodiversity and at the interface of plant physiology, ecology and evolution. INTELLECTUAL MERIT The Institute brings together a diverse, gender-balanced and highly productive team with significant leadership experience that spans biological disciplines and career stages and is poised to integrate biology in new ways. Together, the team will harness the potential of spectral biology, experiments, observations and synthetic modeling in a manner never before possible to transform understanding of how variation within and among biological scales drives plant and ecosystem responses to global change over diurnal, seasonal and millennial time scales. In doing so, it will use and advance state-of-the-art theory. The institute team posits that the designed projects will unearth transformative understanding and biological rules at each of the various scales that will enable an unprecedented capacity to discern the linkages between physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes in relation to the multi-dimensional nature of biodiversity in this time of massive planetary change. A strength of the proposed Institute is that it leverages prior federal investments in research and formalizes partnerships with foreign institutions heavily invested in related biodiversity research. Most of the planned projects leverage existing research initiatives, infrastructure, working groups, experiments, training programs, and public outreach infrastructure, all of which are already highly synergistic and collaborative, and will bring together members of the overall research and training team. BROADER IMPACTS A central goal of the proposed Institute is to train the next generation of diverse integrative biologists. Post-doctoral, graduate student and undergraduate trainees, recruited from non-traditional and underrepresented groups, including through formal engagement with Native American communities, will receive a range of mentoring and training opportunities. Annual summer training workshops will be offered at UMN and UW as well as training experiences with the Global Change and Biodiversity Research Priority Program (URPP-GCB) at the University of Zurich (UZH) and through the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO). The Institute will engage diverse K-12 audiences, the general public and Native American communities through Market Science modules, Minute Earth videos, a museum exhibit and public engagement and educational activities through the Bell Museum of Natural History, the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (CCESR) and the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Association


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    Ozone plays a crucial role in the chemistry of the tropical atmospheric boundary layer. In the rainforest, ozone sources and sinks are complex due to numerous chemical reactions and surface deposition. Turbulent transport controls the vertical distribution of ozone. A field study in the Amazonia, near Manaus, Brazil during 2014 shows different shapes of ozone profiles as a response to changes in air turbulence during night-to-day and day-to-night transitions. During the night-to-day transition following sunrise ozone levels increase within the canopy due to photochemical production and increased vertical mixing. The vertical transport of ozone to the lower layers of the canopy is enhanced after the thermal inversion in the canopy disappears. At night, the ozone deposition to the ground and the foliage in the lower canopy is strong. After midnight, the lower canopy is devoid of ozone. Relatively high gradients of ozone levels within the forest during the nighttime also result from the decoupling between the in- and above-canopy environment that limits the forest-atmosphere ozone exchange. Processes responsible for the vertical distribution ozone are necessary to estimate the oxidation of the plant-emitted gases whose reaction products are aerosol precursors.O ozônio desempenha um papel fundamental na química da camada-limite atmosférica tropical. Sobre uma floresta tropical, as fontes e sumidouros de ozônio são complexas, devido a numerosas reações químicas e à deposição seca e úmida na superfície. O transporte turbulento controla a distribuição vertical de ozônio. Um estudo de campo na Amazônia, nas proximidades de Manaus, Brasil, durante 2014, revelou diferentes formas para o perfil de ozônio dependendo da turbulência atmosférica durante as transições noite-dia e dia-noite.  Após o nascer do sol, os resultados mostram que durante a transição noite-dia os níveis de ozônio aumentam no dossel devido à produção fotoquímica. O transporte vertical de ozônio para os níveis mais baixos do dossel é intensificado depois que a inversão térmica dentro do dossel desaparece.  Durante a noite, o sumidouro de ozônio no solo é forte, em comparação com a deposição nas folhas. Após a meia-noite, a parte mais baixa do dossel não contém mais ozônio, e como resultado os perfis de ozônio deixam de se modificar durante várias horas.  Gradientes relativamente fortes de ozônio dentro da floresta durante o período noturno também aparecem como resultado do desacoplamento entre o dossel e a atmosfera acima da copa. Isso limita as trocas de ozônio entre a floresta e a atmosfera acima. Dado que o ozônio reage com compostos orgânicos emitidos pela vegetação, e que os produtos dessas reações podem se condensar, o resultado final é a produção de aerossóis: desta forma, a distribuição vertical de ozônio é um indicador importante de quais reações são possíveis, e em particular do potencial de produção de aerossóis
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