70 research outputs found

    Enabling Vaccine Delivery Platforms and Adjuvants for Malaria

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    Enabling vaccine delivery platforms and adjuvants with promising attributes for malaria vaccine development are reviewed within the framework of accessibility, efficacy, clinical status, cost, and cold-chain considerations. An emphasis is placed on commercially available platforms and adjuvants including virus-like particle, nanoparticle, microneedle, and mRNA vaccine delivery platforms as well as lipid vesicle, microparticle, and emulsion-based adjuvants. Strategies for addressing complications of vaccine delivery in endemic regions due to concatenate vaccination and infection, and parasite immune avoidance mechanisms are presented. Additionally, recent findings regarding how malaria infection triggers inflammatory pathways and T cell exhaustion along with negative impacts to the development of effective memory responses are described in a context relevant to vaccine development

    Semicontinuous Bioreactor Production of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase in Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures.

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    An active and tetrameric form of recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), a large and complex human enzyme, was produced via semicontinuous operation in a transgenic rice cell suspension culture. After transformation of rice callus and screening of transformants, the cultures were scaled up from culture flask to a lab scale bioreactor. The bioreactor was operated through two phases each of growth and expression. The cells were able to produce BChE during both expression phases, with a maximum yield of 1.6 mg BChE/L of culture during the second expression phase. Cells successfully regrew during a 5-day growth phase. A combination of activity assays and Western blot analysis indicated production of an active and fully assembled tetramer of BChE

    A novel plant cell culture platform for semicontinous production of recombinant proteins: Butyrylcholinesterase as a case study

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    In this paper we describe a novel biomanufacturing production platform that utilizes transgenic rice cell suspension cultures for efficient semicontinuous cell culture (SCC) production of recombinant proteins. The production platform utilizes a metabolically regulated promoter, a secretion signal peptide that enables secretion out of the cell for ease of recovery/purification, coupled with an efficient semicontinuous operational strategy that allows independent optimization of growth and production phases. In addition, long term operation (up several months1) is possible by maintaining viable biomass within the bioreactor, thereby reducing the need for long seed trains, as well as minimizing turn-around time, CIP and SIP operations, chemicals and energy. This platform offers a number of advantages over traditional methods for production of recombinant therapeutic proteins that use E. coli, yeast or mammalian cell cultures, while still retaining the ability to meet cGMP regulatory requirements under well-controlled, reproducible production conditions. Traditional methods for production of biologics use genetically modified E. coli, yeast, insect or mammalian cell cultures in bioreactor systems. For applications where a human therapeutic protein (monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, bioscavengers, replacement biologics) produced under strict cGMP conditions are required, plant cell cultures offer a number of advantages over currently used bioreactor-based systems, including low risk of contamination by mammalian viruses, blood-borne pathogens, prions or bacterial endotoxins or mycoplasma, the ability to perform complex glycosylation, ease of culturing compared with other higher eukaryotic hosts, the ability to target the product to the extracellular medium, and the ability to grow in simple, low cost, chemically defined and animal component-free medium. In this paper we describe the specific characteristics of the rice cell suspension culture that make them particularly useful for continuous operation and superior to other hosts including their slow death rates, growth in small aggregates, limited secretome, and robustness under culture conditions. In addition, the regulatory pathway for plant-based recombinant biologics for human therapeutic use has now been established. ElelysoTM, produced in carrot cell suspension in batch culture by Protalix Biotherapeutics and Pfizer, Inc. for treatment of Gaucher disease was approved by the FDA in May 20122, 3. The transgenic rice cell culture system is operated in a cyclical, semicontinuous operation as shown in Figure 1. Note that gravity sedimentation within the bioreactor can be used to separate the plant cell aggregates from the liquid phase in Steps 3 and 6, and that the product collected in Step 6 can be purified either using a batch downstream strategy or collected to feed a continuous downstream process. Results will be presented for semicontinuous production of butyrylcholinesterase, a bioscavenger for organophosphorus nerve agents such as sarin, using the metabolically regulated transgenic rice cell culture in 5 L bioreactors

    Pre-Erythrocytic Vaccine Candidates in Malaria

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    A vaccine providing sterile immunity against malaria has been shown to be possible with antigens from the pre-erythrocytic stages of malaria. Therefore, it is reasonable to focus vaccine development efforts on the pre-erythrocytic stages, consisting of both sporozoites and liver stage parasites, where it is expected that sterile immunity against the parasite can be elicited to block the development of blood stage infection, clinical disease, and resulting parasite transmission. Accordingly, we will review the preclinical and clinical studies of malaria pre-erythrocytic efforts as well as highlight the advances, trends, and roadblocks encountered in these efforts

    A malaria vaccine candidate based on an epitope of the Plasmodium falciparum RH5 protein

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    BACKGROUND: The Plasmodium falciparum protein RH5 is an adhesin molecule essential for parasite invasion of erythrocytes. Recent studies show that anti-PfRH5 sera have potent invasion-inhibiting activities, supporting the idea that the PfRH5 antigen could form the basis of a vaccine. Therefore, epitopes recognized by neutralizing anti-PfRH5 antibodies could themselves be effective vaccine immunogens if presented in a sufficiently immunogenic fashion. However, the exact regions within PfRH5 that are targets of this invasion-inhibitory activity have yet to be identified. METHODS: A battery of anti-RH5 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were produced and screened for their potency by inhibition of invasion assays in vitro. Using an anti-RH5 mAb that completely inhibited invasion as the selecting mAb, affinity-selection using random sequence peptide libraries displayed on virus-like particles of bacteriophage MS2 (MS2 VLPs) was performed. VLPs were sequenced to identify the specific peptide epitopes they encoded and used to raise specific antisera that was in turn tested for inhibition of invasion. RESULTS: Three anti-RH5 monoclonals (0.1 mg/mL) were able to inhibit invasion in vitro by >95%. Affinity-selection with one of these mAbs yielded a VLP which yielded a peptide whose sequence is identical to a portion of PfRH5 itself. The VLP displaying the peptide binds strongly to the antibody, and in immunized animals elicits an anti-PfRH5 antibody response. The resulting antisera against the specific VLP inhibit parasite invasion of erythrocytes more than 90% in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Here, data is presented from an anti-PfRH5 mAb that completely inhibits erythrocyte invasion by parasites in vitro, one of the few anti-malarial monoclonal antibodies reported to date that completely inhibits invasion with such potency, adding to other studies that highlight the potential of PfRH5 as a vaccine antigen. The specific neutralization sensitive epitope within RH5 has been identified, and antibodies against this epitope also elicit high anti-invasion activity, suggesting this epitope could form the basis of an effective vaccine against malaria

    86-km optical link with a resolution of 2.10-18 for RF frequency transfer

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    RF frequency transfer over an urban 86 km fibre has been demonstrated with a resolution of 2.10-18 at one day measuring time using an optical compensator. This result is obtained with a reference carrier frequency of 1 GHz, and a rapid scrambling of the polarisation state of the input light in order to reduce the sensitivity to the polarisation mode dispersion in the fibre. The limitation due to the fibre chromatic dispersion associated with the laser frequency fluctuations is highlighted and analyzed. A preliminary test of an extended compensated link over 186 km using optical amplifiers gives a resolution below 10-17 at 1 day

    Identification and immune assessment of T cell epitopes in five Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigens to facilitate vaccine candidate selection and optimization

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    The hurdles to effective blood stage malaria vaccine design include immune evasion tactics used by the parasite such as redundant invasion pathways and antigen variation among circulating parasite strains. While blood stage malaria vaccine development primarily focuses on eliciting optimal humoral responses capable of blocking erythrocyte invasion, clinically-tested Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) vaccines have not elicited sterile protection, in part due to the dramatically high levels of antibody needed. Recent development efforts with non-redundant, conserved blood stage antigens suggest both high antibody titer and rapid antibody binding kinetics are important efficacy factors. Based on the central role of helper CD4 T cells in development of strong, protective immune responses, we systematically analyzed the class II epitope content in five leading Pf blood stage antigens (RH5, CyRPA, RIPR, AMA1 and EBA175) using in silico, in vitro, and ex vivo methodologies. We employed in silico T cell epitope analysis to enable identification of 67 HLA-restricted class II epitope clusters predicted to bind a panel of nine HLA-DRB1 alleles. We assessed a subset of these for HLA-DRB1 allele binding in vitro, to verify the in silico predictions. All clusters assessed (40 clusters represented by 46 peptides) bound at least two HLA-DR alleles in vitro. The overall epitope prediction to in vitro HLA-DRB1 allele binding accuracy was 71%. Utilizing the set of RH5 class II epitope clusters (10 clusters represented by 12 peptides), we assessed stimulation of T cells collected from HLA-matched RH5 vaccinees using an IFN-γ T cell recall assay. All clusters demonstrated positive recall responses, with the highest responses – by percentage of responders and response magnitude – associated with clusters located in the N-terminal region of RH5. Finally, a statistically significant correlation between in silico epitope predictions and ex vivo IFN-γ recall response was found when accounting for HLA-DR matches between the epitope predictions and donor HLA phenotypes. This is the first comprehensive analysis of class II epitope content in RH5, CyRPA, RIPR, AMA1 and EBA175 accompanied by in vitro HLA binding validation for all five proteins and ex vivo T cell response confirmation for RH5

    RH5.1-CyRPA-Ripr antigen combination vaccine shows little improvement over RH5.1 in a preclinical setting

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    Background: RH5 is the leading vaccine candidate for the Plasmodium falciparum blood stage and has shown impact on parasite growth in the blood in a human clinical trial. RH5 binds to Ripr and CyRPA at the apical end of the invasive merozoite form, and this complex, designated RCR, is essential for entry into human erythrocytes. RH5 has advanced to human clinical trials, and the impact on parasite growth in the blood was encouraging but modest. This study assessed the potential of a protein-in-adjuvant blood stage malaria vaccine based on a combination of RH5, Ripr and CyRPA to provide improved neutralizing activity against P. falciparum in vitro. Methods: Mice were immunized with the individual RCR antigens to down select the best performing adjuvant formulation and rats were immunized with the individual RCR antigens to select the correct antigen dose. A second cohort of rats were immunized with single, double and triple antigen combinations to assess immunogenicity and parasite neutralizing activity in growth inhibition assays. Results: The DPX® platform was identified as the best performing formulation in potentiating P. falciparum inhibitory antibody responses to these antigens. The three antigens derived from RH5, Ripr and CyRPA proteins formulated with DPX induced highly inhibitory parasite neutralising antibodies. Notably, RH5 either as a single antigen or in combination with Ripr and/or CyRPA, induced inhibitory antibodies that outperformed CyRPA, Ripr. Conclusion: An RCR combination vaccine may not induce substantially improved protective immunity as compared with RH5 as a single immunogen in a clinical setting and leaves the development pathway open for other antigens to be combined with RH5 as a next generation malaria vaccine

    Typha (Cattail) Invasion in North American Wetlands: Biology, Regional Problems, Impacts, Ecosystem Services, and Management

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    Typha is an iconic wetland plant found worldwide. Hybridization and anthropogenic disturbances have resulted in large increases in Typha abundance in wetland ecosystems throughout North America at a cost to native floral and faunal biodiversity. As demonstrated by three regional case studies, Typha is capable of rapidly colonizing habitats and forming monodominant vegetation stands due to traits such as robust size, rapid growth rate, and rhizomatic expansion. Increased nutrient inputs into wetlands and altered hydrologic regimes are among the principal anthropogenic drivers of Typha invasion. Typha is associated with a wide range of negative ecological impacts to wetland and agricultural systems, but also is linked with a variety of ecosystem services such as bioremediation and provisioning of biomass, as well as an assortment of traditional cultural uses. Numerous physical, chemical, and hydrologic control methods are used to manage invasive Typha, but results are inconsistent and multiple methods and repeated treatments often are required. While this review focuses on invasive Typha in North America, the literature cited comes from research on Typha and other invasive species from around the world. As such, many of the underlying concepts in this review are relevant to invasive species in other wetland ecosystems worldwide