82 research outputs found

    LÌreres vurdering av personlige lønnstillegg

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    1. Mitt bidrag til forskningsfeltet I denne masteroppgaven vil jeg finne noe ut om dynamikken som finnes mellom den yrte accountabilityen preget av New Public Management uttrykt ved lokal lønn og reaksjonene i en eksisterende skolekultur. Særlig fokuserer jeg på rektors muligheter til å utforme styringsmekanismer og de menneskelige reaksjonene. 2. Forskningsspørsmål Det vide området jeg ville finne noe meir ut av har jeg formulert til følgende problem: Hvordan oppfatter tre informanter i en videregåene skole i Oslo intensjonen med tildelig av personlige lønnstillegg som insentiv i skolen sett i lys av teori om ansvarliggjøring? Jeg snevrer inn problemområdet ved å studere følgende forskningsspørsmål Hvordan opplever informantene at det har blitt innført personlig lønnstillegg/ prosedyren for eksempel? Hvordan opplever informantene at innføringen av personlige lønnstillegg har endret/forbedret skolen/elevene/lærerne evt. ledelsen? Hvordan opplever informantene at personlige lønnstillegg har ført til at ledelsen utfører skoleledelse annerledes? Hvordan opplever informantene at personlige lønnstillegg motiverer til større innsats i lærerjobben? Hvordan opplever informantene at personlige lønnstillegg eventuelt endrer skolen til å innrette seg som et marked? På grunnlag av empirien vil jeg drøfte mulige spenninger mellom bestående skolekultur og ansvarliggjøringskulturen med utgangspunkt i forskjellige teorier om insitament som motivasjon og økt innsats. 3. Teori I denne masteroppgaven benytter jeg meg av to teorier som er motstridende. Den ene Lazear (2003) er ytre insentivmotivert og den andre Kuvaas (2008) er indre og HMR – motivert. Jeg bruker også Olsen (2005) som sier noe om balansen mellom ytterpunkter. I tillegg kommer jeg inn på ledelse som en relasjon, makt og tillit (Sørhaug, 1996). 4. Case Jeg intervjuer to lærere og rektor på en videregående skole i Oslo. Alle har jobbet på skolen i mer enn fem år og må forholde seg til lokal lønn i en ansvarliggjøringskultur. I tillegg benytter jeg meg av et intervju med HR – direktør i Skoleetaten og avtale mellom Etaten og organisasjonene (Dokument 25) som sekundærdata. Intervjuene ble fortatt i september 2012 og øvrig datainnsamling har foregått helt opp til oktober 2013.. 5 Metode Jeg har laget et kvalitativt, semistrukturert intervju. Intervjuet er et dybdeintervju, og jeg har gjort søk i dokument samt analysert både deskriptivt og teoretisk. 6. Funn og konklusjon Jeg fant ulike reaksjoner på tildeling av lokal lønn hos mine informanter. «Gro» ønsker ikke dette mens Tone mener at det kan hjelpe til at lærerne generelt får bedre lønn. Rektor konkluderer med at det totalt ikkje hjelper til å forbedre skolens resultater. Det er en viss spenning mellom den ytre accountabilityen fra Etaten og den kulturen mine informanter beskriver på denne skolen. Ingen av informantene mente at systemet med lokal lønn var med på å forbedre skolens totale måloppnåelse. De to lærerinformantene opplevde at prosedyrene rundt tildelingen av personlig lønn var for dårlige. En av informantene var veldig klare på at tildeling av lokal lønn skapte uhygge og frustrasjon. I drøftingen ser jeg at det er stor diversitet mellom informantene. Det er ingen av de tre som kan falle helt inn under de to hovedteoriene, men jeg finner at rektors relasjonsbevissthet er viktig for denne skolen. På denne skolen benytter rektor seg av et handlingsrom slik at accountabilitypresset ikke er for sterkt følt. Likevel er rektor lojal og gjennomfører påbudet om å tildele lokal lønn til sine lærere. I Osloskolen er det mange tester som lærerne vurderes ut fra. Det er usikkert om noen lærere forbereder sine elever til å bli flinke bare på testene (lønnen kan avhenge av resultatet), eller om de underviser i hele læreplanens krav. Mot slutten av oppgaven har jeg problematisert kvalitetssikringen rundt motivasjonsundersøkelser

    Bronchoscopy using a head-mounted mixed reality device—a phantom study and a first in-patient user experience

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    Background: Bronchoscopy for peripheral lung lesions may involve image sources such as computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, radial endobronchial ultrasound (R-EBUS), and virtual/electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy. Our objective was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing these multiple monitors with a head-mounted display (HMD), always providing relevant image data in the line of sight of the bronchoscopist.Methods: A total of 17 pulmonologists wearing a HMD (Microsoft® HoloLens 2) performed bronchoscopy with electromagnetic navigation in a lung phantom. The bronchoscopists first conducted an endobronchial inspection and navigation to the target, followed by an endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy. The HMD experience was evaluated using a questionnaire. Finally, the HMD was used in bronchoscopy inspection and electromagnetic navigation of two patients presenting with hemoptysis.Results: In the phantom study, the perceived quality of video and ultrasound images was assessed using a visual analog scale, with 100% representing optimal image quality. The score for video quality was 58% (95% confidence interval [CI] 48%–68%) and for ultrasound image quality, the score was 43% (95% CI 30%–56%). Contrast, color rendering, and resolution were all considered suboptimal. Despite adjusting the brightness settings, video image rendering was considered too dark. Navigation to the target for biopsy sampling was accomplished by all participants, with no significant difference in procedure time between experienced and less experienced bronchoscopists. The overall system latency for the image stream was 0.33–0.35 s. Fifteen of the pulmonologists would consider using HoloLens for navigation in the periphery, and two would not consider using HoloLens in bronchoscopy at all. In the human study, bronchoscopy inspection was feasible for both patients.Conclusion: Bronchoscopy using an HMD was feasible in a lung phantom and in two patients. Video and ultrasound image quality was considered inferior to that of video monitors. HoloLens 2 was suboptimal for airway and mucosa inspection but may be adequate for virtual bronchoscopy navigation

    Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in freshwater fish in Fennoscandia (1965-2015)

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    Source at http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2467116Mercury (Hg) emissions to the atmosphere cause elevated Hg levels in fish, even in many remote regions of the world. Here we present an extensive database of more than 50 000 measurements of Hg in fish, including 2 775 individual water bodies in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russian part of Kola Peninsula) sampled between 1965 and 2015. The data have been analysed for spatial patterns and temporal trends, on raw and weight-adjusted data. The database presents a useful reference for assessment of impacts of environmental policy on Hg in freshwater fish (i.e. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and The Minamata Convention on Mercury)

    Accuracy of electromagnetic tracking with a prototype field generator in an interventional OR setting

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    Purpose: The authors have studied the accuracy and robustness of a prototype electromagnetic window field generator (WFG) in an interventional radiology suite with a robotic C-arm. The overall purpose is the development of guidance systems combining real-time imaging with tracking of flexible instruments for bronchoscopy, laparoscopic ultrasound, endoluminal surgery, endovascular therapy, and spinal surgery. Methods: The WFG has a torus shape, which facilitates x-ray imaging through its centre. The authors compared the performance of the WFG to that of a standard field generator (SFG) under the influence of the C-arm. Both accuracy and robustness measurements were performed with the C-arm in different positions and poses. Results: The system was deemed robust for both field generators, but the accuracy was notably influenced as the C-arm was moved into the electromagnetic field. The SFG provided a smaller root-mean-square position error but was more influenced by the C-arm than the WFG. The WFG also produced smaller maximum and variance of the error. Conclusions: Electromagnetic (EM) tracking with the new WFG during C-arm based fluoroscopy guidance seems to be a step forward, and with a correction scheme implemented it should be feasible

    Associations between treatment goals, patient characteristics, and outcome measures for patients with musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapy practice

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    Background Goal setting is linked to person-centred care and is a core component in physiotherapy, but the associations between goal classes, patient characteristics and outcome measures for musculoskeletal disorders has not been investigated. The study’s purpose was to examine 1) how goals used in clinical practice for patients with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are distributed in classes based on ICF, 2) if goal classes were associated with patient characteristics and 3) whether goal classes were associated with treatment outcome. Methods Data analysis from a longitudinal observational study (N = 2591). Goals were classified in symptom, function/structure, activity/participation and non-classifiable. Associations between patient characteristics and goal classes were examined using x2 and one-way ANOVA. Association between goal classes and outcomes were examined using multiple logistic and linear regression models. Outcomes are reported at 3 months or end of treatment if prior to 3 months. Results There was a high variability in goals used for patients with MSD. 17% had symptom goals, 32.3% function/structure, 43.4% activity/participation and 7.4% non-classifiable goals. We found significant associations between goal classes and age, gender, severity, region of pain/diagnosis and emotional distress (all p < .001). Activity/participation goals were associated with better outcomes on GPE (OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.23–2.66). Non-classifiable goal was associated with poorer outcomes on pain intensity (B .87, 95% CI .32–1.43). Conclusion There is an association between goal classes and patient characteristics. Including activity/participation in the main goal was associated with better outcomes for GPE and having a non-classifiable goal was associated with poorer outcomes for pain intensity. Trial registration The project is approved by the Regional committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway (REC no. 2013/2030). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03626389

    Associations between treatment goals, patient characteristics, and outcome measures for patients with musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapy practice

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    Sammendrag Background Goal setting is linked to person-centred care and is a core component in physiotherapy, but the associations between goal classes, patient characteristics and outcome measures for musculoskeletal disorders has not been investigated. The study’s purpose was to examine 1) how goals used in clinical practice for patients with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are distributed in classes based on ICF, 2) if goal classes were associated with patient characteristics and 3) whether goal classes were associated with treatment outcome. Methods Data analysis from a longitudinal observational study (N = 2591). Goals were classified in symptom, function/structure, activity/participation and non-classifiable. Associations between patient characteristics and goal classes were examined using x2 and one-way ANOVA. Association between goal classes and outcomes were examined using multiple logistic and linear regression models. Outcomes are reported at 3 months or end of treatment if prior to 3 months. Results There was a high variability in goals used for patients with MSD. 17% had symptom goals, 32.3% function/structure, 43.4% activity/participation and 7.4% non-classifiable goals. We found significant associations between goal classes and age, gender, severity, region of pain/diagnosis and emotional distress (all p < .001). Activity/participation goals were associated with better outcomes on GPE (OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.23–2.66). Non-classifiable goal was associated with poorer outcomes on pain intensity (B .87, 95% CI .32–1.43). Conclusion There is an association between goal classes and patient characteristics. Including activity/participation in the main goal was associated with better outcomes for GPE and having a non-classifiable goal was associated with poorer outcomes for pain intensity. Trial registration The project is approved by the Regional committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway (REC no. 2013/2030). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03626389
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