177 research outputs found

    Ovarian Dynamic in Ongole Grade Cattle After GnRH Injection in Ovsynch Protocol Based on Progesterone Device

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    PO cattle have weaknesses to show clear estrus signs which cause difficulty in artificial insemination implementation. The present study was designed to obtain ovarian dynamic as effect of GnRH injection in ovsynch protocol based on progesterone intravaginal device. Heifers (18) and cows (n= 12) were allocated to one of three groups. Cuemate-PGF2α (CP) group inserted with a Cuemate on day 0-7 and injected with prostaglandin on day 7. Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (CPG) group was treated as CP group with the addition of GnRH injection on day 9. GnRH-Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (GCPG) group was treated as CPG group with addition of GnRH injection on day 0. Ultrasonography was performed on days 0-3, day 7 until ovulation and 7 days after ovulation. Percentage of ovulation synchronization increased significantly (P<0.01) between CP, CPG, and GCPG, respectively, both in heifers (16%, 50%, and 85%, respectively) and cows (0%, 60%, and 100%, respectively), on day 11. Preovulatory follicle diameters between CP, CPG, and GCPG treatments were not different significantly both in heifers (11.9±0.5, 11.9±0.5, and 12.1±0.6 mm, respectively) and cows (11.7±0.4, 11.8±0.7, and 11.1±0.6 mm, respectively). This study concluded that GCPG protocol increased the synchrony of ovulation rate both in cows and heifers, without affecting the follicle preovulatory and CL diameters

    Sonographic Appearance of Abdominal Wall at the Left Flank of Laparotomy Incision Site in Ettawah Grade Does

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    The aim of this study was to describe the sonographic appearance of abdominal wall at the left flank of laparotomy incision site in 11 mated Ettawah grade does. Brightness-mode ultrasound examination by using transducer with frequency of 5.0-6.0 MHz was conducted to grouping the does based on their pregnancy statuses. The incision site of the abdominal wall at left flank laparotomy was transcutaneous-scanned as long as 8 cm vertically. The sonographic appearance of the laparotomy wall thickness showed that in all groups of does were similar and not different statistically. The thickness of oblique external and oblique internal abdominal muscles increased in the pregnant does as compared to non-pregnant does (P<0.05)


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    This study aimed to determine ultrasound of uterine involution and postpartum ovarian dynamics on Ongole Crossbreed Heifer (PO) associated with postpartum estrus signs. This study used 6 PO cows which were divided into primiparous group and pluripara group. The observation of uterine involution and ovarian dynamics was started from the first day postpartum using ultrasonography (USG) with a linear probe rectally, while the reproductive organs images were recorded every 2 days. The results showed that the time needed for all reproductive organs of 3 primiparous groups to complete the uterine involution after parturition was 37.33±1.15 days when the diameter of the vagina, cervix uterine, corpus uterine, left cornua, and right cornua uterine were 3.14±0.00 cm, 2.86±0.00 cm, 3.20±0.06 cm, 4.66±0.01 cm, and 4.66±0.01 cm, respectively. The time needed for all reproductive organs of 3 pluripara groups to complete uterine involution postpartum was 38.67±1.15 days with the diameter of the vagina, cervix uterine, corpus uterine, left cornua, and right cornua uterine 3.18±0.00 cm, 2.70±0.02 cm, 3.08±0.02 cm, 4.42±0.01 cm, and 4.42±0.01 cm, respectively. The average times of the first and second ovulation of primiparous cattle were 27.67±1.15 and 47.67±1.15 days postpartum, whereas in pluripara group was 28.33±1.15 and 48.33±1.15 days postpartum. At first ovulation all cows were not accompanied by signs of estrus, while at the second ovulation 2 primiparous cows and 1 pluripara cow showed less obvious signs of estrus, 1 primiparous cow and 1 pluripara cow showed signs of medium estrus, and 1 pluripara cow showed clear estrus signs


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    This study aimed to determine the pregnancy percentage of Ongole (PO) breed cattle by estrus synchronization and ovulation synchronization. This study used 22 cattle that were divided into three groups: Estrus synchronized cattle (K1, n= 5); ovulation synchronized heifers using ovsynch (K2, n= 6); and ovulation synchronized cow using ovsynch (K3, n= 11). Parameters measured were diameter of corpus luteum (CL) in estrus synchronization, follicular diameter upon synchronization and artificial insemination (AI), and percentage of pregnant cattle. Data obtained were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Duncan test. Results showed no significant differences (P0.05) of CL diameter at the time of estrus synchronization in all groups of cattle with an average of 16.63±3.79 mm. The CL diameter at the time of estrus synchronization was not significantly different among groups, with an average of 8.80 ± 2.07 mm. Diameter of follicles during ovulation synchronization was also not significantly different among groups. The average diameter of follicles was 9.01±2.05 mm. Diameter of follicles at the time of estrus and ovulation synchronization was not significantly different among groups with an average diameter of follicles of 10.94±2.10 mm. The pregnancy percentage of K1, K2, and K3 were 60%, 16%, and 36%, respectively. There was no correlation between the diameters of follicles during estrus with the pregnancy percentage. Estrus synchronization produced higher pregnancy rate than ovulation synchronization in cow or heifers


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    AbstractEfforts to improve the quality of human resources in companies need to be done well, directed, and planned. One of the companies that made efforts to improve the human resources of its employees is PT Ekajaya Motor Malang, in this case the company provides an opportunity for employees to take part in work education and training, so that the company can compete healthily with other companies, bearing in mind the tight competition between companies . After the work education and training is finished, the company and the employee enter into a work agreement, provided that employees may not resign before the employment agreement period ends. But in general, every work agreement often arises with problems for one of the parties who did not implement the provisions stated in the contents of the agreement. As is the case at PT Ekajaya Motor Malang, in this case the employee commits a violation by resigning before the employment contract agreement period expires, which can be categorized as the employee has defaulted on the employment agreement.The problems that arise are 1.) how the settlement efforts made by PT Ekajaya Motor Malang of employees who default on the work agreement. 2.) what are the legal consequences for employees who have defaulted on the work agreement.This research is an empirical juridical research, which is descriptive in nature, the type of data used in this study are secondary data and primary data. The research location is PT Ekajaya Motor Malang which is located on Jl. Raya Belung RT.01 RW.02, Poncokusumo, Malang Regency. Data collection techniques are using interview techniques, observation, and literature study. The collected data is then processed and analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods.From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that, 1.) the company is warning employees who have defaulted by inviting relevant parties to discuss with the company in order to resolve the problem so that resigning by means of consultation is not found a way out and employees are still found insisted on resigning from the company. Then the company will approve it, it's just that the salary deducted by 25% (twenty-five percent) after the first month will become the company's property. 2.) the company PT Ekajaya Motor Malang never brought this problem before the court because in addition to requiring administrative costs to the court of course there will be additional costs during the trial process, which is less effective in resolving this problem. The company prefers to resolve the family / mediation process.Keywords: Wanprestatie, Employment Contract Agreement.AbstrakUpaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia pada perusahaan perlu dilakukan secara baik, terarah, dan terencana. Salah satu perusahaan yang melakukan upaya peningkatan sumber daya manusia karyawannya adalah PT Ekajaya Motor Malang, dalam hal ini perusahaan memberi kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja, sehingga perusahaan dapat bersaing secara sehat dengan perusahaan lain, mengingat ke depan persaingan antar perusahaan semakin ketat. Setelah pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja selesai, perusahaan dan karyawan melakukan perjanjian kerja, dengan ketentuan bahwa karyawan tidak boleh mengundurkan diri sebelum masa perjanjian kerja berakhir. Namun pada umumnya setiap perjanjian kerja kerap timbul permasalahan terhadap salah satu pihak yang tidak melaksanakan ketentuan yang telah dinyatakan di dalam isi perjanjian. Seperti halnya yang terjadi di PT Ekajaya Motor Malang, dalam hal ini karyawan melakukan pelanggaran dengan cara mengundurkan diri sebelum masa perjanjian kontrak kerja berakhir, yang mana dapat dikategorikan karyawan tersebut telah wanprestasi atas perjanjian kerja. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah 1.) bagaimana upaya penyelesaian yang dilakukan PT Ekajaya Motor Malang terhadap karyawan yang melakukan wanprestasi atas perjanjian kerja. 2.) apa akibat hukum terhadap karyawan yang telah melakukan wanprestasi atas perjanjian kerja.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis empiris, yang bersifat deskriptif,jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Lokasi penelitian di PT Ekajaya Motor Malang yang bertempat di Jl. Raya Belung RT.01 RW.02, Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa, 1.) pihak perusahaan melakukan peringatan kepada karyawan yang telah wanprestasi dengan cara mengajak para pihak terkait untuk mendiskusikan dengan pihak perusahaan guna menyelesaikan permasalahan sehingga mengundurkan diri dengan cara musyawarah tersebut tidak ditemukan jalan keluarnya dan karyawan masih bersikukuh ingin mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan. Maka pihak perusahaan akan menyetujuinya, hanya saja uang gaji yang dipotong 25% (dua puluh lima per seratus) setelah bulan pertama akan jadi hak milik perusahaan. 2.) pihak perusahaan PT Ekajaya Motor Malang tidak pernah membawa masalah ini ke muka pengadilan karena selain membutuhkan biaya administrasi ke pengadilan tentunya akan ada biaya tambahan selama proses pengadilan berlangsung, yang mana itu kurang efektif untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Pihak perusahaan lebih memilih menyelesaikan secara kekeluargaan/mediasi.Kata kunci: Wanprestasi, Perjanjian Kontrak Kerja


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    This study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of mares’ GTCT in Indonesia. Ultrasound examination of ovaries were performed on mares in Java and Madura Island of Indonesia. Thirteen mares had been affected by GTCT from 2913 number of examinations. The prevalence rate of GTCT during year 2006 and 2007 were 4.71% and 5.56%, respectively followed by a decrease in prevalence rate of GTCT during 2008-2014. The reproductive cycle in a mare with GTCT had returned to normal 6 months after ovariectomy

    Kemampuan Awal, Minat Olahraga, Dan Prestasi Belajar Olahraga

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    : Entry Behavior, Interest, and Achievement in Sports Science. The purpose of the study was to find correlations between entry behavior and interest in sports science, and achievement in sports sci­ence. The population of the study was the students of FIK Unesa. There were 140 students as a sample. The Pearson\u27s Product Moment and Multiple Correlation were applied to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) there was correlation between entry behavior and achievement in sport science;(2) there was correlation between interest in sports science, and (3); achievement in sports science can be predicted from entry behavior and interest in sports science


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    Abstrak Banyaknya ajang dan klub futsal yang semakin berkembang di Indonesia. Secara tidak langsung memacu serta mendorong masyarakat Indonesia untuk berfikir dan focus terhadap perkembangan Futsal. Keseriusan ini harus didasarkan dengan kematangan manajemen yang kuat dan terorganisir. Hal inilah yang mendorong Asosiasi Futsal Kota Surabaya untuk membentuk organisasi terstruktur dan terprogram sehingga dapat memiliki kesetaraan di bidang Futsal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif artinya bahwa penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menguraikan suatu situasi yang bersifat faktual secara sistematis dan akurat. Subjek penelitian ini adalah para peserta Liga Futsal Asosiasi Futsal Kota Surabaya yang berjumlah 30 orang. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut terdapat hasil berupa point (1-5) yang kemudian diterjemahkan kepada bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan yaitu Manajemen penyelenggaraan yang diadakan oleh Asosiasi Futsal Kota Surabaya dinyatakan “Baik” yaitu persentase dengan nilai 71.6%. Terdapat 10 aspek pernyataan yang diajukan kepada 30 responden tersebut. Kata Kunci :Profil, Manajemen penyelenggaraan, Liga Futsal Asosiasi Futsal Kota Surabay


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    There are still some companies that do not apply ERP with company/organizational processing. ERP implementation is very important for companies, therefore it is necessary to find the right vendor to be applied to the company. So this research is needed to find out which vendors are most widely used in global business. The method used in this research is to find data in the literature and related journals. This research results in an ERP vendor that relatively dominates the market is SAP


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    PROFIL KETERAMPILAN TEKNIK DASAR RENANG KELOMPOK UMUR III DI KLUB RENANG MILLENNIUM AQUATIC SURABAYA Ifma Ramadhanti S1 Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga , Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected]. Dr. Amrozi Khamidi. M.Pd Dosen S1 Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstrak Latar belakang pada penelitian ini ialah dapat mengakumulasi tingkat keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh atlet, berupa teknik dasar renang gaya dada, bebas, punggung, dan kupu-kupu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui profil keterampilan teknik dasar renang kelompok umur III. Metode penelitian yang dipakai peneliti adalah kuantitatif deskriptif yaitu pendekatan untuk melakukan penelitian ini dan penggunaan norma tes dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui hasil keterampilan atlet renang. Tes keterampilan meliputi tahap posisi tubuh, tahap gerakan kaki, tahap gerakan tangan, tahap gerakan pengambilan nafas, dan tahap koordinasi gerakan renang. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa profil keterampilan teknik dasar atlet renang kelompok umur III di klub renang Millennium Aquatic Surabaya memeroleh kriteria “sesuai” dari rekap data skor penilaian yang diisi oleh tiga penilai. Analisa hasil perolehan skor yaitu 4,4 untuk gaya dada, 4,6 untuk gaya bebas, 4,4 untuk gaya punggung, dan 4,3 untuk gaya kupu-kupu. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat diketahui bahwa profil keterampilan teknik dasar renang gaya dada, bebas, punggung, dan kupu-kupu pada atlet kelompok umur III di klub renang Millennium Aquatic Surabaya memeroleh hasil kriteria sesuai bedasarkan norma tes yang telah diisi oleh penilai. Kata kunci : teknik dasar, norma tes, renang. Abstract This research is to be able to accumulate the level of skills possessed by athletes in the form of basic techniques of breakstroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly swimming. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of basic swimming skills in the age group III. Descriptive quantitative is an approach to conduct this research and the use of test norms in this research is ecpected to be able to know the result of swimming athlete skills. The sekills test includes the stage of body position, leg movements, hand movements, breathing movement, and the phase of coordinating swimming movements. From the result of the research conducted it can be seen that the profile of basic technicall skills of age III swimming athlets at the Millennium Aquatic Surabaya swimming club obtained “suitable” criteria from the recapitulation of the assessment score filled out by three assessors. Analysis of the results of the acquisition of score is 4.4 for breastroke, 4.6 for freestyle, 4.4 for backstroke, and 4.3 for the butterfly style. The conclusion of this study is that it can be seen that the profile of the basic technique skills of breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly style in athletes in the age group III at the Millennium Aquatic Surabaya swimming club obtained the results of the criteria according to the norms that have been filled by the assessors. Keywords : basic techniques, test norms, swimming